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Is it possible and which is better honey for colds?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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A universal medicine and a natural energy is honey. With a cold, it is used for her first symptoms. Consider the most popular recipes based on it.
The medicinal properties of the beekeeping product have proved themselves not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology, dieticians, and the benefits are recognized by official medicine. On its basis, drugs are produced, used for dozens of different diseases.
The natural remedy contains many trace elements: vitamins, minerals, simple and complex carbohydrates. The complex composition has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, tonic and restorative effects on the body. In addition to catarrhal diseases, honey is effective in such pathologies:
- Disorders of the central nervous system.
- Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
- Dental diseases.
- Ophthalmic disorders.
- Gynecological diseases.
- Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
The natural remedy removes constipation and cleanses the liver, destroys pathogens. When used in cosmetology, it strengthens the hair and improves the skin condition.
There are many types of bee products used for colds. All of them have a powerful therapeutic effect. The most popular varieties:
- Lime - has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and expectorant effect. Used for bronchitis, laryngitis and angina.
- Acacia - has a strengthening effect on the body.
- Mustard - promotes the removal of toxic substances from the body, improves the functioning of the respiratory system and kidneys. Has diuretic properties.
- May - effective for all signs of flu and colds.
Natural sweetness differs not only in collection time and composition, but also in color: transparent, white, amber, dark brown, yellow. Daily use of 1-2 teaspoons helps to strengthen the body, cleanses the blood, restores strength and energy.
Can honey be taken with a cold?
Honey and products based on it are widely used in many diseases, including colds. The therapeutic effect of natural remedy is explained by its unique composition: phytoncides and flavonoids, retinol, free amino acids, cholines, organic acids, tocopherol and other components.
This composition is especially effective for colds, as it has a positive effect on the body:
- Bactericidal.
- Anti-inflammatory.
- Enhances metabolism.
- Promotes the release of harmful substances.
- Tones up.
- Strengthens the immune system.
- Sedentary action.
- It envelops the mucous membrane of the throat, protecting against mechanical damage.
- Normalizes the work of the digestive tract.
- Replenishes the energy reserves.
The use of honey for colds effectively stops the inflammatory processes in the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs and prevents the development of pathogens. It can be used both for treatment and prevention of infectious pathologies.
Treatment of cold with honey
A unique remedy with a pleasant taste, aroma and a set of beneficial properties is honey. It is used for many diseases, but is especially popular with seasonal ARVI and ARI. Treatment of colds with honey is explained by its medicinal properties:
- Destroys the pathogens that cause the development of the disease.
- It improves metabolic processes in the body.
- Promotes the restoration of damaged tissues.
- Cures the inflammatory process.
- It causes profuse sweating to remove harmful substances from the body.
- Softens the mucous membranes with cough, reduces perspiration and sore throat.
- Strengthens and enhances the protective properties of the immune system.
Natural medicine tones up and has a resolving effect. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. To improve the therapeutic properties, it is combined with other medicinal products. Before the treatment, you should make sure that there is no allergic reaction to the beekeeping product.
Benefits of honey for colds
According to studies, the benefits of honey for colds are based on its rich composition. It destroys pathogens and stops the development of the inflammatory process.
Healing properties:
- Strengthens immunity.
- Protects the body from viruses and infections.
- Promotes early recovery after severe illnesses and physical exertion.
But do not forget that in addition to benefits, a natural remedy can cause harm. It can not be heated above 40 ° C degrees, because at this temperature all medicinal properties come to naught. Prolonged and excessive consumption of delicacies is dangerous excess weight, caries and even diabetes mellitus. The product is contraindicated in people with allergic reactions, as there is a risk of anaphylactic shock, skin rashes and other unpleasant symptoms.
What honey is better for a cold?
Healing properties are available for all types of honey, but for the common cold, the following are considered to be the most effective:
- Acacia - derived from acacia flowers, is distinguished by a unique composition with a low acid content. Antibacterial action effectively destroys pathogens. The main advantage is that it does not contain pollen, which is an allergen.
- Lime - the most fragrant and delicious product of beekeeping. It has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and diaphoretic effects. Strengthens and positively affects all organs and tissues.
- Buckwheat - has a rich vitamin composition. It destroys bacteria and increases the protective properties of the immune system. Has a pronounced diuretic effect that promotes the excretion of microbes from the body.
- Flower - can consist of nectar from one plant or several. During the catarrhal disease fights headaches, saturates the body with useful substances and strengthens the immune system.
- With propolis - it has antibacterial, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, stimulating and immuno-controlling properties.
- Raspberry is an easily digestible product with a pronounced therapeutic effect on the respiratory system. Useful in the treatment and prevention of colds.
Based on the above described characteristics of honey products, you can choose the most suitable variant of delicious treatment.
Hot honey for colds
Very often there is an opinion that honey can not be heated or poured with boiling water. Because of this, it loses its useful properties and secretes carcinogenic substance oxymethylfurfural, which is dangerous for the body. But despite this, many lovers of natural medicine do not stop using hot honey for colds.
Useful facts:
- During heating, oxymethylfurfural is released, which is a carcinogen and is practically not excreted from the body. This substance adversely affects the central nervous system and increases the risk of malignant diseases.
- Oxymethylfurfural is a part of all confectionery and sweets, which are heated during cooking. The highest level of this substance is observed in soluble coffee and sweet carbonated water.
- The permissible daily norm of hydroxymethylfurfural is 2 mg / kg body weight. When the honey is heated, about 25 mg of a dangerous carcinogen is released per 1 kg of the product.
- When heated to 45 ° C, enzymes are destroyed and the useful properties of the product are lost. If the temperature of heating is higher than 60-80 ° C, then honey becomes carcinogenic. That is why it is not recommended to add directly to tea, boiled milk and other hot drinks.
- Long thermal effects impair the properties of the product, so you should be careful when storing it. The ideal place for storage will be a refrigerator or a dark cool pantry with a temperature of no more than 20 ° C. If the sweetness needs to be melt, then it is better to do this with a water bath with a water temperature of no higher than 40 ° C.
There is an alternative opinion that when heated, the beekeeping product becomes even more useful. Some scientists believe, then under thermal action, mobile metal ions are released that activate biological catalysts in the body. Thanks to this, cells begin to function better and fight infectious agents. Warm up honey or not, it's up to you. But in any case, do not give up the natural medicine.
Lime honey for colds
One of the most popular and demanded products of beekeeping is linden honey. With a cold, it is valued not only for its taste qualities, but also for its pronounced antibacterial effect. It is useful for coughing and viral lesions, since it has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.
Natural medicine refers to light varieties. When crystallized, it becomes almost white. It includes such substances as:
- Vitamins of group B (B1-B6).
- Tocopherol.
- Ascorbic acid.
- Biotin.
- Glucose and fructose.
- Pollen (amino acids, protein).
- Organic and inorganic acids.
- More than 40 micro and macro elements.
Consists of 80% of dry matter, the basis of which is fructose and glucose, the remaining 20% is water. Such a composition has a beneficial effect on the body and the digestive system. Normalizes the hormonal background and metabolic processes, maintains the beauty and health of the skin.
The therapeutic effect of linden honey for colds is based on its properties:
- Anti-inflammatory.
- Expectorant.
- Cholagogue.
- Soothing.
- Diuretic and laxative.
The natural remedy is effective for bronchitis asthma, laryngitis and angina. It is used not only for colds, but also for violations of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and gallbladder, cardiovascular system. It improves overall health, eliminates headaches, runny nose and fever, improves sleep and calms the nervous system.
Cold Recipes:
- Two tablespoons of lime product dissolve in a glass of warm milk and take before bedtime to persistent improvement in well-being.
- Take in equal proportions freshly squeezed horseradish juice and honey. Stir well and take on a tablespoon before going to bed.
- Mix in equal proportions the root of the althaea, the oregano and the leaves of the mother-and-stepmother. Grind vegetable raw materials and pour 500 ml of boiling water. The product should be infused for 1-2 hours, then it should be filtered and mixed with 50 g of honey until it dissolves completely. Drink take ½ cup 3-4 times a day.
- Mix the same number of berries and dried raspberry flowers. Pour 250 ml of steep boiling water and insist for 15-20 minutes. Strain, add a spoonful of honey and take a glass 3-4 times a day.
In addition to useful properties, the linden bee product has certain contraindications. Because it contains pollen, it is prohibited for patients with allergic reactions to bee products. The ban applies to patients with diabetes mellitus. With special caution, it is prescribed for severe heart failure, pulmonary hemorrhage and for the treatment of patients of childhood.
Buckwheat honey for colds
A delicious and healthy product from the flowers of buckwheat is a buckwheat honey. With a cold, it is used quite often, because it has useful properties and speeds up the healing process. Natural medicine is made from nectar of plant pollen, which is rich in vitamins, enzymes, proteins and essential amino acids. The finished raw material has a dark color, which distinguishes it from other varieties.
The composition of the natural remedy includes more than 400 different components. The most famous:
- Protein compounds.
- Sucrose, glucose, fructose.
- Amino acids.
- Different enzymes.
- Organic and inorganic acids.
- Vitamins: C, B1-B6, H, E, PP.
- Minerals.
The buckwheat has a pleasant aroma and a tart taste that creates a perspiration in the throat and leaves a aftertaste.
Useful properties in the treatment of colds:
- Adjusts the work of the body.
- Cures inflammation.
- Increases the protective properties of the immune system.
- Maintains energy balance.
- It treats diseases of the heart, stomach and eyes.
- Eliminates the damage to the respiratory system.
- Otolaryngological diseases.
Honey satiates the body with vitamins and minerals, normalizes blood pressure, removes parasites and has an antidepressant effect.
For the treatment and prevention of infectious and inflammatory diseases , such recipes are recommended :
- Mix 100 g of honey with 50 g of lemon juice. Eat 2 tablespoons of the mixture every two hours for 3-5 days.
- Pour 500 ml of boiling water 100 g of rowan berries. After two hours, strain. Take the drink in equal portions 3-4 times a day, adding a glass of 1 spoonful of honey.
- Chop the bulb and apple until it is mushy. Add 2 tablespoons of sweets and mix. Take 1 teaspoonful after each meal.
- Mix two teaspoons of the product with ½ teaspoon of cinnamon. Take the mixture 20 minutes before eating, washing with warm water.
- Take in equal amounts of honey and fresh grated ginger. Add to the mixture 3-4 drops of Echinacea tincture mix well. Take ½ teaspoon 20 minutes before meals throughout the day.
Buckwheat product is contraindicated for individual intolerance of its components and a tendency to allergic reactions. It is not recommended for patients with diabetes mellitus and overweight. It is not used to treat children under two years of age due to the inability of their digestive system to digest enzymes and harmful bacteria.
Indications Honey for colds
The medicinal properties of bee products are very popular both in folk and traditional medicine. Wide indications for the use of natural medicine are based on its unique composition and beneficial properties for the body.
Pharmacological properties:
- Antibacterial.
- Antiseptic.
- Toning.
- Restorative.
- Stimulating regeneration processes.
- Normalization of the metabolism of matter.
- Antimicrobial.
The product of beekeeping has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora, regulates the intensity of gastric juice secretion, improves memory and vision. Increases the body's resistance to harmful compounds and toxins, has a rejuvenating effect.
Indications for the use of honey for colds and more serious lesions of the respiratory system, can quickly eliminate the disorder with minimal complications for the body. Its natural components remove the inflammatory process and activate the processes of regeneration of damaged tissues, fill the deficiency of biologically active substances in the body.
Natural delicacy is a high-energy source of nutrition, so it is irreplaceable for diseases that occur with impaired appetite and in the treatment of children. Nutrition is effective not only in the treatment, but also in the prevention of various disorders. In combination with other medicinal components it gives good results in the therapy of bronchitis, tuberculosis, pleurisy and with general weakening of the body.
Biochemical processes and physiological reactions that occur with the drug after ingestion determine its effectiveness. Pharmacodynamics of honey is based on its composition: carbohydrates, fructose, glucose, a complex of vitamins and minerals.
The product of beekeeping contains biogenic stimulants, that is substances that increase vitality. The natural delicacy is saturated with enzymes, which activate metabolic processes in the body. Its medicinal properties significantly increase in combination with other natural and plant substances.
The processes of absorption, distribution and excretion of medicinal substances from the body are pharmacokinetics. Such features of the beekeeping product are not sufficiently studied.
The pronounced therapeutic effect develops within a short period of time. This is due to the action of the biologically active components of the natural medicine.
Dosing and administration
In order for the treatment to be effective, you should know how to take honey for colds, so that it speeds up recovery and does not cause side reactions. The dosage and method of use depends entirely on what ingredients were used together with natural sweetness. The optimal and useful daily dose for the body is 100 g for adults and 50 g for children.
The product should be consumed before meals, washed down with warm tea, water or milk. Duration of treatment takes from 3 to 7 days, and in particularly severe cases, several weeks. The medicine is best taken before bedtime, as it perfectly relaxes and helps to fall asleep.
Sweet panacea is especially effective for colds. The most effective recipes are:
- Lightly warm a glass of warm milk and add a spoonful of sweetness to it. Take before bedtime. Such a medicine helps to relax, improves sleep and minimizes the signs of a cold.
- A couple of teaspoons of honey mixed with ½ sliced in small cubes of lemon. Thoroughly mix everything and take a teaspoon 3-4 times a day, washing down with warm tea.
- One small onion grate and wring out. Mix the onion juice with 1-2 teaspoons of the bee product and mix. This recipe can be used only in the absence of toxicosis, gastrointestinal diseases and heartburn.
- Mix a couple of spoons of sweetness with the same amount of aloe juice. Take the spoon 2-3 times a day.
When carrying out folk treatment, you can consume no more than 100 grams of honey per day. Exceeding the recommended dosage is dangerous by the development of adverse reactions and overdose symptoms. The bee product is forbidden to heat and add to hot drinks, as this reduces its medicinal properties. Sweetness is contraindicated in the presence of allergic reactions, acute gastrointestinal diseases and pathologies on the part of the cardiovascular system.
Honey for colds for children
Very often colds affect children of childhood. Propensity to viral and infectious pathologies is associated with the weak immune system of babies. Honey for children colds is the most safe and at the same time effective.
Popular medicinal recipes:
- 200 g of any honey, combine with 10 g of vanilla sugar and 100 g of butter. Thoroughly mix everything and take 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day before meals. The medicine can be stored in the refrigerator.
- Spoon a teaspoon of honey with a raw egg and drink before going to bed. Treatment must be repeated until well-being is improved.
- Mix a teaspoon of natural product with 3-5 drops of fir or sea-buckthorn oil. It is taken until the condition is relieved.
- Lightly warm a glass of fresh milk. Add to it 1 chicken egg and a spoonful of honey. Mix everything well and take ½ cup before a night's rest.
Before the honey therapy should be made sure that the child is not allergic to bee products. Above mentioned means are forbidden for children under 3 years old.
Use Honey for colds during pregnancy
During the period of gestation, the female body is particularly susceptible to various diseases. For treatment use the safest drugs with a mild effect. Most medications are contraindicated for expectant mothers. But honey is a natural remedy with a lot of useful properties.
Drug action of the beekeeping product during pregnancy:
- Safe treatment of ARVI, sore throat and coughing attacks.
- Reducing the tension of smooth muscles and decreasing the uterine tone.
- Improve blood circulation.
- Honey injections in the generic process stimulate labor and restore the labor of the mother.
- In the early stages, the product minimizes symptoms of toxicosis.
- It prevents the development of anemia and supplies the body with useful substances.
- Improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Antipyretic and diaphoretic action.
Honey refers not only to food, but to fairly effective medicines. Like any medicine, it has contraindications for use:
- Hypersensitivity to bee products.
- Intolerance to plant pollen.
- Patients younger than 3 years.
- Progressive diseases of the pancreas and gastrointestinal tract.
- Exudative diathesis and other dermatological pathologies.
- Severe diseases of the cardiovascular system.
With special care, natural sweetness should be taken during pregnancy, with metabolic disorders, diabetes, infectious lesions of the skin, mucous membranes and lymph nodes.
Side effects Honey for colds
In most cases, honey is well tolerated by the body. Side effects on the natural remedy arise when the rules for its application are not observed. Patients encounter such reactions:
- Severe itching.
- Allergic rashes on the body.
- Anaphylactic reactions.
- Disorders from the gastrointestinal tract.
- Sharp increase in pressure.
- Headaches and dizziness.
- Nausea and vomiting.
- Violations of the stool.
To eliminate the above reactions, you should stop taking the medicine and perform symptomatic therapy.
Non-compliance with the dosage of honey can cause symptoms of intoxication and allergic reactions. Most often, an overdose manifests itself by such signs:
- Increased body temperature.
- Nausea and vomiting.
- Headaches and dizziness.
- Muscle and joint pain.
- General weakness and fainting.
- Noticeable dilatation of pupils.
In most cases, the symptoms of an overdose persist for several days, causing digestive disorders and general weakness. Symptomatic therapy allows you to normalize a painful condition.
To improve well-being, emergency treatment should be carried out. It is necessary to wash the stomach, take laxatives and adsorbents. To stop the allergic reaction shows the use of antihistamines. After the normalization of a painful condition, it is recommended to eat salty or sour food.
Interactions with other drugs
The uniqueness of honey lies in the fact that it interacts well with other herbal preparations. The natural remedy is quickly absorbed by the body and enhances the activity of other medicinal components.
In this case, the product of beekeeping is undesirable to combine with pharmaceutical medications. This is associated with a high risk of adverse reactions. Also during treatment, it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol.
Storage conditions
In order that honey does not lose its medicinal properties, it is necessary to observe the conditions of its storage.
- The product should be kept in a glass or aluminum clean container with a tight-fitting lid. It can not be stored in a metal container, as it reacts with such material and can cause serious poisoning.
- The ideal place for storage is a dark, dry and cool room. The optimum temperature is from 0 to 20 ° C. Storage at minus temperature leads to the destruction of useful substances, a change in color and aroma. If you keep the sweetness in a room with suspended humidity, the fermentation process begins.
- The natural remedy should be kept away from odorous substances, as it quickly absorbs odors.
In addition to the above recommendations, candied honey can be heated only in a water bath at a water temperature of not more than 40 ° C. Higher temperatures result in the loss of all useful properties. With all the storage conditions, sweetness can be used for 1-3 years.
Shelf life
Useful properties of the bee product depend not only on its composition, but also on compliance with storage rules and shelf life. If the sweetness of keeping the house in a tightly closed container, then it is useful for 2-3 years.
There are factors that affect the storage period: temperatures above 20 ° C and humidity over 75%, exposure to direct sunlight and storage in open containers. The shelf life is also affected by the chemical composition. The more honey in a sweet substance, the less its suitability.
Honey for colds on reviews of patients, is considered one of the most effective and at the same time delicious medical products. The beekeeping product effectively fights against inflammatory processes in the body, supplying it with useful substances, vitamins and minerals. In order for the treatment to be not only effective, but also safe, one should follow the prescriptions of therapy clearly.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Is it possible and which is better honey for colds?" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.