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Ibuprofen effectively fights with pains of a different nature. This is a broad-spectrum drug. He is able to eliminate not only pain syndromes, but also inflammatory processes in the body. To date, such manifestations are quite common. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to deal with the unpleasant consequences of any disease.
Indications Ibuprofen
Indications for use Ibuprofen - extensive. So, the remedy helps to eliminate rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and gout.
Ibuprofen is widely used in the treatment of neurological abnormalities. Use the remedy for myalgia, bursitis of varying complexity and radiculitis. It can eliminate inflammation of soft tissues and the musculoskeletal system.
In the complex therapy, Ibuprofen is used to combat adnexitis and proctitis. A similar effect has a remedy for diseases of the ENT organs. As an auxiliary component, it is used for headache and toothache. It is advisable to use the remedy after consultation with the attending physician. After all, it can be prescribed as an independent medicine, and auxiliary medicine. A huge plus of this remedy is that it not only eliminates pain syndromes, but also inflammatory processes. Ibuprofen has established itself as a positive "helper" in the fight against bad health.
Release form
The form of release can vary from 10 to 100 tablets in one package. Basically, this is 100 capsules of 200 mg. All tablets are covered with a special coating, which makes it easier to swallow them. The shade can vary from light pink to pink. The tablet is round, biconvex, two layers are visible on the cross section. This is the main core, which has a white hue and the shell itself, the color of which varies from light pink to pink.
As auxiliary components are: potato starch 38 mg, magnesium stearate 2 mg, silicon dioxide colloid (aerosil) 3.35 mg, vanillin 1.5 μg, beeswax 20 μg, gelatin food 320 μg, dye azorubin 8.5 μg, magnesium hydroxycarbonate 39.57 mg, flour .
As mentioned above, the package can be from 10 to 100 tablets. In the standard, this is 10, 20 and 100 capsules. Accordingly, 1, 2 or 5 blisters. Everything is in a cardboard box. There is no other form of output. The number of tablets a person chooses based on their own needs. Ibuprofen is indeed a powerful remedy, which has a powerful effect almost immediately after application.
Pharmacodynamics Ibuprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. It is able to have analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory action. That is why it is widely used in many fields of medicine.
The agent may not selectively block COX1 and COX2. The mechanism of action is to inhibit the synthesis of prostaglandins. They are mediators of pain, inflammation and hyperthermia. They are found in virtually all tissues and organs. Due to its rich composition, the product is capable of blocking negative processes and alleviating the human condition.
A positive effect is achieved through the interaction of all substances in a single tablet. Relief comes almost immediately after taking. But much depends on the state of the person and the problem that needs to be eliminated. In general, Ibuprofen has a powerful influence on the mediators of pain and actively blocks them.
The pharmacokinetics of ibuprofen are high and rapid absorption. The agent is almost completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. The maximum concentration of the drug in the blood plasma is reached in 1-2 hours after administration. The connection with proteins does not exceed 90%. The elimination half-life is 2 hours.
The agent slowly penetrates into the joint cavity and lingers in the synovial tissue. This process is characterized by an increased concentration of the drug, several times more than in the blood plasma. After absorption, almost 60% of the pharmacologically inactive R-form is gradually transformed into an active S-form. There is a metabolism.
The remedy is completely excreted by the kidneys. In the unchanged form, no more than 1% leaves. To a lesser extent, this refers to excretion together with bile. The medication does not stay long in the body. It performs its main function and is actively deduced from it. Experiencing about the impact on any organs is not worth it, but all the same, the risk of negative consequences is always preserved. Ibuprofen should be taken with caution.
Dosing and administration
The mode of administration and dose depend on the condition of the person and the problem that requires elimination. So, with rheumatoid arthritis, you should consume 800 mg of the drug (4 tablets) 3 times a day. This is enough to make a person feel relieved.
With osteoarthritis and ankylosing spondylitis, the medication is used 400-600 mg (2-3 tablets) 3-4 times a day. With juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, 30-40 mg per kg of body weight is sufficient. But in this case, the remedy is used once a day.
In soft tissue injuries, sprains are usually prescribed for 600 mg (3 tablets) 2-3 times a day. If a person is suffering from painful syndrome, it is sufficient to take 400 mg (2 tablets) medication 3 times a day. The maximum daily dose should not be more than 12 tablets per day. Naturally, the dosage is selected by the attending physician, depending on the problem that the person has. Therefore, self-medication is highly discouraged. Ibuprofen has not a small list of possible side effects on the human body.
Use Ibuprofen during pregnancy
The use of ibuprofen during pregnancy is prohibited. This drug is able to influence not only the mother's body, but also the developing fetus. Therefore, it should not be used. Naturally, there are cases when it is impossible to dispense with medication. This decision is made exclusively by the attending physician. It is always necessary to draw a parallel between the positive effect for the mother, with a negative impact on the baby's body. You can take medication only if the first criterion is significantly higher than the latter.
In the first trimester, the use of any medication should be carried out under the supervision of the attending physician. In general, during this period, the use of drugs is prohibited. There is a high risk of harm to the developing organism. Possible pathologies, and even miscarriage. All this testifies that independent treatment can cause irreparable harm. Ibuprofen during pregnancy and during lactation is used exclusively under the supervision of a specialist.
Contraindications for the use of Ibuprofen are quite extensive. So, the drug can not be used in any case if a person has hypersensitivity to its main components. This can lead to the development of a serious allergic reaction.
You can not use the medicine for erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract in the phase of exacerbation. It can cause serious damage to the body. People who have hemopoiesis should also stop taking the medicine.
A special risk persists in people with ulcerative colitis and diseases of the optic nerve. With severe violations of kidney or liver function, it is necessary to give up the medication without fail. Naturally, children under 6 years of age are strictly prohibited from taking the medication. This is a strong medication that can not only benefit, but also cause serious harm. All the rest, you can use Ibuprofen, but without consulting a specialist, you should not do this. The risk of self-harming the body is always at a high level.
Side effects Ibuprofen
Side effects of ibuprofen show themselves in many organs and systems. So, basically it's nausea, constipation, heartburn, diarrhea, headache, insomnia and allergic reactions. This is a "standard" set of negative reactions from the body. But there are other, extremely interesting cases.
From the gastrointestinal tract, the following abnormalities can occur: NSAID-gastropathy, decreased appetite, diarrhea, flatulence, constipation, nausea, vomiting, heartburn. In some cases, all this is complicated by perforation and bleeding. It is not excluded irritation or dryness in the oral cavity, unpleasant pain.
In sensory organs, there may be hearing impairment, ringing or noise in the ears, optic nerve damage, scotoma, conjunctival edema, allergic genesis.
The central and peripheral nervous system responds to the effect of the medication with headache, insomnia, nervousness, psychomotor agitation, aseptic meningitis, drowsiness and depression.
Cardiovascular system: tachycardia, increased blood pressure, heart failure. Urinary system: allergic nephritis, polyuria, cystitis and acute renal failure.
Allergic reactions are also possible. They are manifested by the presence of skin rash, itching, anaphylactoid reactions, anaphylactic shock, fever, eosinophilia, allergic rhinitis.
Organs of hematopoiesis: anemia, agranopolitoz and leukopenia. It is not excluded increased sweating. At a high level is the risk of ulcers of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. If side effects occur, Ibuprofen is discontinued.
Overdose while taking medication is not excluded. It arises mainly because of exceeding the permissible dose of use. Many people, trying to eliminate an unpleasant pain syndrome or speed up treatment, take the medicine in a higher dosage. All this leads to negative actions on the part of the body.
So, pain in the abdomen, vomiting, nausea, retardation of reaction, headache, depression, tinnitus, acute renal failure, tachycardia, atrial fibrillation and even complete respiratory arrest may occur. The negative consequences are quite impressive. This once again underscores the fact that self-treatment of Ibuprofen can cause serious harm to the body.
To eliminate unpleasant symptoms it is necessary to resort to a number of necessary actions. First of all, a person is washed with a stomach. But this is only relevant in the first hour after taking the drug. Then, activated charcoal is prescribed, with the calculation of one tablet per kilogram of weight. Such an effect can significantly reduce absorption. Alkaline drink, forced diuresis and symptomatic therapy will be helpful.
Interactions with other drugs
Interactions Ibuprofen with other drugs is carried out with extreme caution. Thus, together with acetylsalicylic acid and other NSAIDs, it is not worth taking medication. The agent is able to reduce the anti-inflammatory and antiaggregant effect of acid. This can lead to an increased incidence of acute coronary insufficiency in patients who receive low doses of acetylsalicylic acid as antiplatelet agents.
When used with anticoagulant and thrombolytic drugs, there is a risk of bleeding. Simultaneous application together with serotonin reuptake inhibitors increases the likelihood of serious gastrointestinal bleeding.
Gold preparations increase the influence of Ibuprofen on the synthesis of prostaglandins in the kidneys, which is manifested by increased nephrotoxicity. Drugs that block tubular secretion, can reduce the excretion and increase the plasma concentration of the main drug.
Inhibitors of microsomal oxidation significantly reduce the risk of hepatotoxic action. The hypotensive activity of vasodilators, natriuretic and diuretic activity in furosemide and hydrochlorothiazide decreases. Increased concentration in the blood of digoxin, lithium preparations, methotrexate. Caffeine enhances the analgesic effect of Ibuprofen.
Storage conditions
The storage conditions of Ibuprofen include several basic rules. Special attention has always been paid to the storage, accounting and dispensing of medicines. The correct content of Ibuprofen is based on the rational organization of storage, the regular consideration of the shelf life.
It is important to always maintain the optimum temperature. In this case, it should not exceed 25 degrees. Humidity, protection from light play a significant role. Do not expose the medicament to direct sunlight or excessive moisture. This will lead to the fact that the medicine will be spoiled.
It is necessary to understand that violation of the rules of storage can not only reduce the effectiveness of actions, but also harm the human body. Long-term drug content is not always acceptable. Thus, over time, its pharmacological activity changes. Naturally, children should never be admitted to a medication. You can take it from 6 years, and then, on a special low dose. Self-use can lead to serious negative reactions from the body. Therefore, it is necessary to store Ibuprofen away from unwanted influences and children's curiosity.
Shelf life
Shelf life of the drug is 3 years. Use it after the specified time is in no case impossible. The fact is that over time pharmacological actions are actively changing. In the best case, this will not give any result, at worst will cause serious damage to the body.
Storage of the drug plays a huge role. It is desirable that this is a warm, dry place, without direct sunlight entering it. Naturally, humidity and high temperature are prohibited. Do not allow children to take medicine, they can do themselves harm.
Pay attention to the external data of the drug. Color, smell and taste should not change. If such changes exist, the tool can no longer be used. Most likely, the basic rules of storage were violated, and the medicine was rendered unusable. Store Ibuprofen in its original packaging. Do not put it in the refrigerator, this drug does not require special conditions.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Ibuprofen" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.