


, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Hemofer has anti-anemia properties.


Indications Gemofera

It is used for therapy in such diseases:

  • anemia, which has a posthemorrhagic character (after childbirth or surgery, and also with bleeding profuse type);
  • iron deficiency anemia;
  • lack of iron inside the body.

To prevent the development of anemia, the medication is used:

  • in pregnant women or lactating women ;
  • in children and adolescents during the period of intensive growth;
  • for newborns born as a result of multiple pregnancies;
  • for premature babies;
  • for adults who are vegetarians or blood donors.

trusted-source[2], [3],

Release form

The release is made in drops, inside the bottles, having a volume of 10 or 30 ml.

Also sold as a dragee (325 mg), 30 pieces inside the package.


The anti-anemia drug contains iron (2-valent salt) and is used for therapy in conditions where the body lacks an element of Fe. Iron is a constituent element of myoglobin with hemoglobin, as well as enzymes; this is an important participant in the processes of tissue respiration. Some of the substance entering the body is consumed in the binding of iron-containing compounds, and the residue is deposited inside the spleen with the liver. The daily requirement of the body for iron production is 3 mg.

Hemofer helps to fill the lack of iron and promotes the binding of hemoglobin. In case of anemia, the therapeutic effect of drugs develops after 10 days of use, and the stock of necessary iron is restored after 3 months of constant intake.



Absorption of the substance is carried out inside the small intestine (most of it inside the 12-finger). The amount of absorption is determined by the degree of iron deficiency - absorption increases with an increase in deficiency of the element. With a strong lack of it, the absorption is 10-30% (with normal values of up to 15%). In the course of stabilization of these values, the amount of assimilated iron inside the digestive tract decreases.

In addition, absorption is determined by the valence of iron, as well as the pH of the gastric juice. Fe2 + substances are easily absorbed inside the small intestine. The drug penetrates into the hemoglobin, getting inside the bone marrow.

trusted-source[5], [6], [7], [8]

Dosing and administration

Drops are consumed orally, between meals, diluted with juice or plain water. If the patient has negative symptoms, you should start taking the medicine after eating. The daily portion is allowed to be divided into several uses. Dosages are calculated according to this scheme: a child should take 3 mg / kg per day, and an adult - 0.2 g. At that, 1 ml of the drug contains 44 mg of iron, and 1 drop contains 1.6 mg of iron.

To treat anemia, you need to take the medicine for a long time - within 3-5 months. With severe form of iron deficiency, the normalization of hemoglobin occurs after 2-3 months. But at the same time to restore the reserves of this element, you need to use the medication for a few more months (preventive servings are used).

Serving size for children and adults:

  • preterm infants are prescribed to take the 1st drop per day.
  • Infants up to 12 months of age receive 10-19 drops;
  • children aged 1-12 years - use of 28 drops per day;
  • to an adult - the use of 55 drops, twice a day.

When prophylaxis, you need to use half the dosage.

A drug can stain tooth enamel; To prevent such a violation, you should use drops through a straw.

Dragee is used on an empty stomach either between meals. Also allowed to use immediately after eating. To prevent the development of the disease, adolescents from 12 years and adults are required to eat once a day for a single pellet. For the treatment of anemia - 1 dragee twice a day.

The therapy continues within 0.5-5 months.

It should be noted that both forms of drug production can stain the stool in a darker shade.



Among the contraindications:

  • the presence of intolerance with respect to the elements of the therapeutic agent;
  • hemosiderosis or -chromatosis;
  • anemia with hemolytic or aplastic form;
  • disorder of iron assimilation;
  • Dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, interfering with the absorption of iron.

Caution is necessary when used in people with ulcerative form of colitis, ulcer or enteritis.


Side effects Gemofera

The use of a medicament may cause some side effects:

  • headaches with dizziness;
  • Pressing sensation in the retrosternal region;
  • abdominal pain, nausea, a feeling of heaviness in the epigastrium, constipation or stool;
  • allergy manifestations;
  • feeling of malaise or weakness and facial congestion.



When poisoning is observed vomiting, increased heart rate, diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, collapse, increased capillary permeability and increased blood pressure.

When intoxication very large portions of drugs develops diarrhea with blood, bleeding and intestinal perforation can occur.

Therapy begins with the procedure of gastric lavage and prescribing to the victim laxatives. After that, deferoxamine is used, which has the ability to synthesize iron.

trusted-source[11], [12],

Interactions with other drugs

Antacids slightly weaken the absorption of iron.

Food products (especially dairy products, eggs and milk) weaken the absorption of Hemofer. In this case, vitamin C on the contrary increases the degree of absorption of drugs.

The medication weakens the therapeutic properties of levodopa, tetracyclines, quinolones, and in addition penicillin, levothyroxine, methyldopa, zinc salts and sulfasalazine.

Chloramphenicol, tetracyclines, colloidal bismuth citrate, and in addition pancreatin, cholestyramine and colestipol reduce the medicinal effects of hemopoiesis. Similar properties have tocopherol.

It is required to abandon the combination of the drug with the substance of allopurinol.

trusted-source[13], [14]

Storage conditions

The hemofer should be kept at temperature values within the limits of 15-25 ° C.


Shelf life

Hemoprotein in drops can be applied within 24 months after the release of the therapeutic agent. Shelf life is 36 months.



Analogues of the drug are the preparations Aktiferrin, Ferronat, Tardiferon and Iron Fumarate with Totem and Sorbifer Durules, and in addition Ferro-Folgamma, Ferrogradumet and Ferroplex.

trusted-source[15], [16], [17]


Hemofer (iron sulfate) has higher absorption values than gluconate or iron fumarate. Based on reports in medical forums, many patients used this medication, mostly pregnant women and those with anemia of iron deficiency. Usually, therapy began with oral administration of drugs, but occasionally (in cases of absorption disorders, poor tolerance or conditions after a previous resection in the small intestine), it was prescribed as an IV injection.

An adult can use the drug in droplets and in dragees, but for a child it is prescribed exclusively in drops. During therapy in children, after 1.5-2.5 months, the hemoglobin parameters stabilized.

During anemia, the duration of the treatment cycle was 1.5 months in an easy form, with a moderate form - 2 months, and at a severe stage - 2.5 months. Half dosages were recommended to patients for prevention, which usually lasts 4-6 weeks. The effectiveness of therapy was noted after the lapse of 7-10 days: in the reviews it is indicated that the hyperhidrosis, fatigue and weakness, as well as dizziness disappeared.

But also it should be noted that many patients refused to use drugs because of the development of negative symptoms. After taking the medication, irritation of the gastric mucosa developed (inside the stomach the substance is dissolved) and intestinal mucosa (absorption is carried out here). Many patients complained of stomach pain, nausea and stool disorders.

To minimize the development of negative reactions in the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to start therapy with a quarter of the required portion, and then gradually, to bring to the application of the full dosage (for 7 days). To reduce the irritating effect of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to use the medicine after eating.


To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Gemofer" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.

Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.

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