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Gaviskon forte peppermint suspension
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Gaviscon forte mint suspension is an excellent remedy for heartburn. To date, this problem is common.
Wrong food, snacks on the move, predisposition and other small things can cause the development of unpleasant burning.
Get rid of this can be through the use of special drugs.
Indications Gaviscon forte peppermint suspension
The main indications for the use of Gaviscon forte mint suspension are to increase the acidity of gastric juice. Apply the remedy for symptomatic treatment of dyspepsia.
Gastroesophageal reflux is also removed with this medication. Often people after eating feel the heaviness in the stomach. With this symptom, Gaviscon will help. This phenomenon is especially common among pregnant women, because the fruit presses on the stomach, thereby exacerbating the condition.
Heartburn, sour eructations and pulling in the side require immediate administration of the drug. Thanks to its active ingredients, the drug clears away unpleasant symptoms in a matter of minutes. This medicine belongs to the group of high-speed ones. Do not need to wait for relief for a certain time, basically it comes right away.
Today, the drug takes a leading position due to its effectiveness and availability. Gaviscon forte mint suspension is an excellent remedy for controlling acidity.
Release form
Form release of the drug is a suspension. It is located inside the vial, in its consistence resembles a viscous remedy, which can be a white or light brown hue. Has a means of smelling mint, which makes it more pleasant to use.
The preparation contains 10 ml of sodium alginate 1 g of potassium bicarbonate 200 mg. The main auxiliary substances are carbomer, purified water, sodium saccharin hydroxide and others.
Use the tool in this form is much more convenient. Due to the specific form of release and the content of active components, relief occurs in a matter of minutes. The main thing is to take it in strict accordance with the instructions. After all, otherwise there is a risk of deterioration. It is recommended to take the drug with the permission of the doctor, so that later there are no problems, especially in pregnant women. Gaviscon forte mint suspension is an excellent remedy that fights the consequences of increased acidity.
Pharmacodynamics of the drug means that it belongs to the number of antacid medicines. After the agent is used, its active substances begin to interact with the contents of the stomach.
During this process, the alginate gel is formed. It is he who prevents the formation or removal of gastroesophageal reflux. Therefore, in some cases, the medication is taken as a preventative.
With regurgitation, the resulting gel is more likely than the contents of the stomach to enter the esophagus. It is in this place that the irritation of the mucous membrane decreases and the person feels relieved.
The faster the tool is used, the sooner disappeared unpleasant symptoms. The main thing is not to delay with this process. After all, in very serious cases, the increased acidity alone does not pass. To do this, take a special sedative. Gaviscon forte mint suspension is what is needed to improve the condition.
Pharmacokinetics of the drug confirms the fact that the mechanism of action of the drug in no way depends on absorption in the systemic bloodstream. The active substances of the medicine penetrate into the esophagus, relieve irritation in it and in a few minutes make it possible to feel relief.
It is enough for a person to take the suspension once to make sure of the positive dynamics. But if the situation is complicated, then the medication is used more than once. This moment is discussed with the attending physician.
The active components of the drug are not deposited in the body and are completely excreted together with urine and feces. This happens within a few hours. It is important not to increase the dose independently and not to start taking the drug. For this you need a doctor's consultation.
Pharmaconjecretics of the drug have not been studied properly. The only thing that is known is the fact that the medicine does not cause serious side effects and is suitable for many people. Gaviscon forte mint suspension is a universal remedy in the fight against heartburn.
Dosing and administration
Dosing and Administration The Gaviscon forte mint suspension depends on individual manifestations. So, children older than 12 years and adults need to take 5-10 ml of the drug after eating. It is advisable to repeat the procedure before going to bed.
The maximum dose per day is 40 ml. It can not be exceeded, such an effect on the body can negatively affect some of its functions. Especially if a person suffers from kidney problems.
If the patient uses the sachets, then before opening them, it is worthwhile to stretch the contents well. After that it is mixed and taken inside. Elderly people do not need to increase the dose. It is prescribed once and taken in such volume throughout the course of recovery.
In severe cases, the dose increases, but it is done according to the doctor's recommendations. Independently influence can lead to serious problems. Despite the fact that the drug does not contain strong substances, side effects should not be ruled out. Gaviscon forte mint suspension is taken daily in individual quantities.
Use Gaviscon forte peppermint suspension during pregnancy
Using Gaviscon forte mint suspension during pregnancy is possible. But before you start using it, it is worth consulting with your doctor. After all, there are different situations, and organisms are all individual.
During the period of breastfeeding, the remedy is also allowed. It does not penetrate the baby through the milk and therefore carries no danger. But if a young mother has impaired renal function, then the drug should not be used. In this case, it should be taken into account that one dose of the suspension in 10 ml contains in its composition 106 mg of sodium. This can negatively affect the functions of the kidneys and aggravate the current situation.
Perhaps, this is one of the few drugs that can be used during pregnancy and lactation. But, in spite of this, the first trimester of pregnancy still makes a special danger. In this period it is desirable to give up any medications. Among them is Gaviscon forte peppermint suspension.
Contraindications to the use of Gaviscon forte mint suspension are available, but they are not significant. Naturally, it is impossible to take the drug to people with hypersensitivity. This can lead to allergic reactions. And they can be very serious.
Despite the positive composition, it is impossible to use the medicine for children under the age of 6 years. During this period, the baby's body is vulnerable. It is only beginning to be fully formed and this process should not be intervened. Even a small dose of the active substance of the drug can be harmful. Therefore, it is worth consulting with a doctor and finding an alternative solution to the problem.
There are no other contraindications to taking the drug. The main thing to consider the presence of hypersensitivity and not give the baby these pills. In this case, no problems are frightening. Gaviscon forte mint suspension is a harmless agent with an increased effect, which can be purchased at a reasonable price.
Side effects Gaviscon forte peppermint suspension
Side effects of Gaviscon forte mint suspension were not found. In rare cases, there was an allergic reaction. But it was of a moderate nature and there could be no harm to the organism.
The organs and systems respond adequately to the administration of this remedy. No side effects were observed. Naturally, it is worthwhile to understand that each individual has an individual organism. Therefore, it is not necessary to exclude the appearance of headache, nausea, or other manifestations.
As a rule, the use of the drug in a certain dosage can not lead to any problems. But, despite this, it is worthwhile to take into account some peculiarities. The main thing is not to use the remedy in the presence of any deviations. In this case, there are problems with kidneys, hypersensitivity and childhood. If you disobey this rule, then you can get side effects. Gaviscon forte mint suspension has a positive effect if taken correctly.
Overdosage Gaviscon forte mint suspension is possible in case of self-increasing dose. Basically, everything manifests itself in the form of bloating. In this case, symptomatic therapy is necessary.
You need to know certain features of the drug. In 10 ml of the remedy there are 106 mg of sodium and 78 mg of potassium. These figures should be taken into account for those people who follow a diet with a limited salt content. This is usually done with congestive heart failure, as well as with kidney disorders. Simultaneous administration of the drug can cause the development of hyperkalemia.
It should be taken into account that in 10 ml of the suspension there is also 200 mg of calcium carbonate. This drug should be taken with caution in people with nephrocalcinosis and hypercalcemia. The risk group includes people with recurrent formations of kidney stones, which contain potassium.
If improvement is not observed one week after the beginning of taking the drug, you need to consult a doctor. The use of the device is not capable of affecting the driving of vehicles and the management of heavy machinery. Therefore use Gaviscon forte mint suspension is completely possible.
Interactions with other drugs
Interactions with other drugs have not been identified, but this does not mean that the drug can be freely taken with other drugs. The fact is that this rule rather refers to drugs with a similar effect.
At the same time, several drugs that reduce acidity are prohibited. Such an influence can negatively affect the body as a whole. Many people do not take this fact into account. After all, the main task for them is to quickly improve their health. Therefore, people do not think that such influence can seriously harm.
Active components of this substance can enhance the effects of others and thereby lead to an overdose of the body. In this case, it is impossible to do without washing the stomach. If a person believes that taking several medications at the same time will help correct the situation in a short time, he is mistaken. Do this in any case impossible. After all, even harmless Gaviscon forte mint suspension can cause harm.
Storage conditions
The storage conditions of Gaviscon forte mint suspension consist in observing the temperature regime. The acceptable figure varies between 15-30 degrees. Any changes can spoil the product. After all, this is not an ordinary tablet, but a suspension that requires special conditions.
Do not freeze the medication and store it in the refrigerator. After defrosting, take the remedy is not recommended. After the package has been opened, the suspension can be stored for no more than 3 months under certain conditions. The main thing is that the drug is hermetically packed. Do not expose moisture to direct sunlight.
Do not leave the product in an open state, without tightening it. This will significantly spoil the drug. Do not allow the reception of the product by children, so the suspension should be reliably hidden from them. Observing these conditions, you can use the drug for a long time. Gaviscon forte mint suspension is an excellent tool that allows you to reduce acidity in a matter of minutes.
Shelf life
Shelf life of the drug is 3 years, but this criterion can be influenced by negative factors. So, if the drug was opened, then you can store it in this form for no more than 3 months. Otherwise, there will be no active components in it anymore. Moreover, the drug can deteriorate, which will negatively affect the gastrointestinal tract.
A special role is played by certain storage conditions. It is necessary to try to observe them, so that the drug could last for 3 years. To do this, you need to prepare a dry, warm place, which can not penetrate direct sunlight. The presence of moisture is excluded by itself.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Gaviskon forte peppermint suspension" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.