Focal formation of the mammary gland
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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The woman's health is in her hands. As much as possible this concerns neoplasms that can arise and develop in her breast. Focal breast formation a woman can detect and independently, making a regular inspection of her mammary glands, but only an expert is able to correctly differentiate the disease.
In most cases, it still turns out to be a benign tumor.
Causes of the focal breast formation
The main reason for the appearance of any new lesions of the breast is considered by physicians to be changes affecting the hormonal background in the woman's body. The causes of focal formation of the breast can be expressed as follows:
- Increased production of estrogens. There is a violation of the hormonal balance, in which an excess of one hormone inhibits the synthesis and work of other hormones.
- The failure of this equilibrium can result in the use of hormonal contraceptives, without preliminary analysis of the individual hormonal background in the patient.
- Some doctors believe that by themselves contraceptives do not significantly affect the hormonal state of the female body. But their long-term continuous use (more than five years) increases the likelihood of the formation and progression of both benign and malignant neoplasms in the mammary gland to a woman.
- Ovarian dysfunction is a serious disorder of the woman's reproductive system.
- An impetus to pathological formations may be hormone replacement therapy, appointed, often by a gynecologist, to women in premenopausal and menopausal periods. There are not rare cases when, against the background of taking such medications, a woman triggers a mechanism that triggers the formation of new tissue cells.
- Endometritis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the inner part of the uterus.
- The impetus for such a pathology may be the psychoemotional state of the fair sex, since this indicator actively influences the stability of the hormonal background. Some women can visually feel that after another quarrel or stressful stress, her breasts swell.
- Not the last place for the emergence and formation of focal education of the breast takes and nutrition, which directly affects the metabolic processes in the body. Overeating and overweight are particularly negative for the normal course of metabolic processes. Even a few extra pounds is enough to affect the work and condition of the breast. After all, fat cells contain estrogens.
- Diseases of the thyroid gland, of an infectious and inflammatory nature.
- Salpingitis - inflammation of the fallopian tube.
- Other pathologies of the uterus and appendages.
- Abortion or surgery affecting the pelvic organs. These medical manipulations are a strong hormonal stress for the female body.
- Provoke a similar pathology is capable of osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine.
- Some medical workers believe that the cause of focal formation of the breast can be a violation of the gallbladder and biliary tract.
Moreover, there is a rather unpleasant tendency, if a woman already has a neoplasm in another organ, then the probability of the appearance of focal formation of the mammary gland increases substantially.
Symptoms of the focal breast formation
If the tumor has a small size, then physically a woman can not feel it. Such pathology can be recognized only with the next independent examination by a woman of her mammary glands or by a specialist on routine or preventive examination. As the focal formation of the mammary gland progresses, its dimensions continue to increase, and the process itself becomes more active. Gradually this disease begins to manifest itself and at the physical level, bringing a woman at first a small discomfort, and then a deterioration in her health.
Against the background of a progressive disease, there may be such symptoms of focal breast formation:
- There is a pain symptomatology, which, as the pathology develops, increases its intensity. Pain in the location of the tumor is localized.
- At palpation it is possible to feel the compressed painful knot.
- When raising or lowering the hand, a woman can observe a change in the relief of the chest. The surface becomes bumpy.
- There is a feeling of "chest bursting".
- Some of the above neoplasms can activate their manifestations only in the period of menstruation. While the rest manifest themselves regardless of the phase of the menstrual cycle.
- A woman can feel a burning sensation in her chest.
- On the skin of the breast, which is affected by a progressive neoplasm, there may appear hyperemia (redness), which gradually acquires a cyanotic shade as the pathological neoplasm grows.
- With a similar pathology from the nipple can be observed as a transparent, slightly whitish discharge, and with blood veins. This fact indicates that the disease affected the ducts.
- Sufficiently large sizes of focal formation of the mammary gland can significantly deform the affected chest.
- The growth of education weakens the body, so if an infection also joins the tumor, such a tandem is capable of provoking the formation of abscesses, which, if there is an outlet to the ducts, show their presence by purulent discharge from the nipple.
- If the purulent process joins in, the temperature characteristics of the patient's body can be reflected on the thermometer by high enough numbers, the mammary glands turn red, the lymph nodes clearly appear on the background of the body, especially in the axillary region, around the neck or in the inguinal fold. It is worth noting that unlike infectious lymphatic damage, this kind of pathological effect can cause painful sensations.
Where does it hurt?
Focal formation of the right mammary gland
Most of the tumors found in the breast have a focal (nodular) characteristic and a benign focus. Focal education of the right breast is a neoplasm, which differs from healthy body tissues with a higher density. Nodules, mainly, form in certain places of the mammary gland and can be a monocapsular or conglomerate of several neoplasms. In this case, the dimensional parameters can vary quite a lot.
In most of the diagnosed methods, the focal formation of the right breast is benign in nature, in which the tumor does not disrupt the functional integrity of the adjacent organs and does not expand with metastases. The only thing is, if its size is sufficiently large, the tumor can press on adjacent tissues, interfering with their normal functioning.
There are several varieties of focal lesions of the mammary gland of benign morphology:
- Mastopathy is a generalizing term for the pathological condition of the mammary glands, accompanied by the appearance of seals and cysts of various sizes and shapes. This disease does not pose a threat to the life of a woman, but there is a fairly high probability of transformation of such formations into malignant tumors.
- Breast cyst is a pathological neoplasm, which is a capsule of compacted glandular tissue filled with a liquid or viscous substance. The primary location of the localization is the milk ducts. There can be both single tumors and multiple (polycystic).
- Fibroadenoma is a tumor (a well-delineated seal) that occurs from the glandular or fibrous tissues of the mammary gland, mainly having a lobed structure. This pathology is also represented by its differentiation by species: the leaf-like form, which in almost all cases degenerates into cancer, and ordinary, remaining unchanged, not transforming into cancerous tumors.
- Lipoma is a tumor formed from body fat cells. It grows in layers of subcutaneous connective tissue and can penetrate deep into between the vascular bundles and muscle tissues. The lipoma is diagnosed quite rarely and it is practically asymptomatic, but it has one unpleasant feature, not being recognized in the early stages of development, this tumor risks transforming into a fast flowing sarcoma.
If in the diagnosis of the patient next to the name of the tumor is the term "avascular neoplasm" - this indicates that the formation does not have capillaries supplying it with blood, hence the growth rate of such pathology is low.
Rarely, but still focal lesions of the right breast of a malignant nature are diagnosed. They also have their own species.
- Breast cancer can be diagnosed - a malignant tumor of glandular tissue, characterized by quite aggressive growth and the ability to actively metastasize.
- Lymphoma is an oncological disease of lymphatic tissue that affects the lymphatic system. It is characterized by an increase in lymph nodes and / or damage to various internal organs in which uncontrolled accumulation of "tumor" lymphocytes occurs.
- Sarcoma is a cancerous development that develops from a connective, soft or supporting tissue. The growth rate of such tumors and metastases is quite high, which is fraught with a high percentage of deaths.
Proceeding from the above, it can be concluded that if a woman during palpation has found a seal in her breast, it is worthwhile, without delay, to seek medical advice from a mammologist. Only a specialist is able to establish the correct diagnosis and give the recommendations necessary for a diagnosed disease, since even the most, at first glance, harmless formation, can turn out to be of a malignant nature. Delay with differentiation of pathology and treatment, with a severe diagnosis, can cost a woman's life.
Focal education of the left breast
There are no significant differences in genesis and pathogenesis between neoplasms affecting the left or right mammary gland. Therefore, the focal formation of the left breast is the same variety as described above for pathological changes characteristic of the right breast of a woman's breast.
The term focal formation of the left breast shows the limited locality of the neoplasm. They can be differentiated as mono-tumors, but can be a collection of several formations of different sizes. Depending on the diagnosed disease and the morphological affiliation of the cells, the neoplasm may be a densified tumor with somewhat blurred contours, or it may be a clearly defined contour of the capsule, with a liquid or viscous filling.
Recognize the neoplasm of a woman is capable and independently, regularly feeling in front of the mirror their mammary glands. Recognize these sites can be a gynecologist or mammologist in the next preventive examination. But to put the correct diagnosis and appoint an adequate therapy is capable only of a specialist.
If a woman has felt a bundle in her breast, do not panic and run for help to grandmothers and quacks, placing all the hopes on the prescriptions of alternative medicine. This is not only wrong, but also dangerous. If a woman's tumor is not benign but of a malignant nature, then precious time during which this problem could be effectively stopped, and the body is protected from more serious complications can be missed. Doctors know a lot of cases when after "people's treatment" a woman turned to a graduate specialist, but the medicine was already powerless than either, to help her. At best, the patient was deprived of the breast, which the doctor had to resect, and at worst - life.
Diagnostics of the focal breast formation
If a woman feels unwell, gropes for herself, or the pathology was detected by the doctor at the reception, already at the first examination the experienced mammologist is able to accurately assume the structure of the tumor.
Further diagnosis of focal breast formation puts everything in its place, stating the correct diagnosis. For this, the doctor conducts:
- Palpation of mammary glands.
- General blood analysis.
- The study of plasma on the level and composition of hormones.
- Ultrasound examination of the breast is the most informative method of examining the mammary glands of a woman. Mostly it is prescribed to patients who are not yet 35 years old. For a given age, ultrasound is considered the most accurate survey technique. If a woman is in reproductive age, then a similar study should be conducted from the fifth to the twelfth day of the menstrual cycle. If there is no menstruation, then the time of the screening procedure is insignificant.
- Mammography is a kind of X-ray method with a lower radiation load. It succumbs to older women, and only with clinical necessity, an additional ultrasound examination is prescribed. The mammogram shows the average and large formations, the smaller ones recognize the ultrasound. It gives information on the number of tumors and their shape.
- If the situation is severe, the mammalian doctor can prescribe to his patient and the passage of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI, MRT, MRI). This procedure is considered quite informative and safe, although to this day the influence of magnetic fields on the human body has not been fully studied. Based on these facts, it is worthwhile clearly understanding the obvious need to conduct this study before agreeing to its passage.
- If there is even the slightest suspicion of the cancerous nature of the tumor, the doctor can direct a woman to a biopsy - an examination of the cellular structures of pathologically altered human tissues, in order to identify cell mutations and diagnose cancer. If the histology shows a large number of epithelial cells or aspirate (biopsy taken cellular material) has a brown or brown tint - this significantly increases the suspicion of the presence of cancer cells in the breast tissue.
- If necessary, study nearby lymph nodes.
- Doppler sonography is an ultrasound study that allows you to determine the violations in the bloodstream and the patient's blood vessels.
- Chromoductography - X-ray examination of the mammary glands of a patient, using a contrast medium.
What do need to examine?
Who to contact?
Treatment of the focal breast formation
First of all, the treatment of focal breast formation largely depends on the specifically diagnosed disease and the type of differentiated cells. When the cancer character of the disease with a minor metastasis and a benign tumor of considerable size, the doctor will most likely stop at one of the methods of surgical intervention.
At a clinical opportunity, the mammalian physician goes to an organ-preserving operation, excising only the neoplasm with an insignificant part of the healthy tissues adjacent to it. But if at preservation of a breast there is at least the slightest probability of relapses, especially if it is malignant cells, then a total mastectomy is performed - complete excision of the affected breast.
Then, if necessary, the doctor can introduce chemotherapy or laser therapy into the treatment plan.
If there is no such need, the woman is prescribed conservative treatment.
Conservative treatment of focal breast formation
The basic, in the treatment of focal formation of the breast, are hormonal drugs. Based on the results of the tests, the mammalian doctor may ascribe:
Capsules Andriol (Andriol), the main component of which is the hormone androgen, which has the properties of male hormones. The drug is administered orally immediately after eating with a sufficient amount of liquid. The starting dosage is from 0.12 to 0.16 g daily, divided into two doses. If an odd number of capsules is prescribed, a large dose is taken in the morning. Duration of admission from two to four weeks (at the discretion of the attending physician), after which the dosage is reduced and is from 0.04 to 0.12 g per day.
Contraindication to the use of this drug is breast carcinoma or suspected of its presence, as well as individual intolerance of the drug.
If the blood test shows an increased activity of estrogens, then the doctor usually ascribes anti-estrogens, which are designed to at least partially block their action. So medicines can be prescribed: zemid, cytofen, tamaksin, tamoxifen, tamoplex, tamoxifer citrate, zitazonium, valo-index, phareston, tamofen, toremifene, nolvadex or noltam. Tamoxifen is administered orally in the form of tablets. Mostly the drug is attributed to the patient in an amount of 20 - 40 mg, taken one to two times throughout the day. For one course of treatment, usually between 2.4 and 9.6 g of the drug. The duration of therapy is one to two months after the regression of the disease.
It is not recommended to prescribe this drug during pregnancy.
With its lack of a woman's progesterone (female sex hormone), its synthetic analogs can be assigned. It can be dydrogesterone or djufaston.
Dufaston neutralizes the activity of estrogen, reducing its ability in the cyclicity of tissue changes in the mammary glands. The recommended dosage of the drug hormone is one tablet (or 10 mg of active ingredient), administered once a day. This drug is taken by the patient within 14 days of several subsequent menstrual cycles.
Often a woman needs to use preparations of the prolactin group, for example, parlodel, ranolin, abergin, bromocriptine, which is responsible for prolactin - a hormone that takes part in milk production by the mammary glands. This drug (bromocriptine) is administered on three tablets (corresponding to 7.5 mg of the drug) throughout the day. This dosage is maintained for the first three days. After that, the dosage is reduced to one or two tablets (corresponding to 2.5 to 5 mg of the drug). After two to three weeks, the amount of the drug administered is again adjusted and amounts to one tablet (2.5 mg) once a day. The general course of therapy can last from six to eight months.
Contraindications include individual intolerance to the components of the drug, hypotension, severe cardiac pathology, gastrointestinal tract disorders, a problem in the patient with peripheral vessels, the first trimester of pregnancy.
To reduce stress in a woman who also has a negative impact on the hormonal background of a person, the protocol for the treatment of focal education of the breast often enough and introduce sedatives. It can be a tablet or a tincture of a valerian root or motherwort, as well as other medications with sedative characteristics, for example, new-passit.
Sedative drug novo-passit is taken by the patient for 5 mg of the drug, three times during the day. In the case of clinical necessity, the single amount of the drug administered can be increased to 10 ml. If the patient has some degree of inhibition, the dosage taken can be spread: in the morning - 2.5 ml, for lunch - 2.5 ml, and at bedtime - 5 ml.
It is not recommended to prescribe this drug to patients who have a history of muscle weakness or have individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
If the source of the pathology is the thyroid gland, iodine preparations are mandatory, since this element normalizes its function. After all, the thyroid gland is responsible for the balance of hormones in the body of a woman, so a sufficient amount of iodine becomes a reliable barrier to the birth and development of tumors.
Iodomarine - an iodine-containing drug is prescribed in a daily dosage of 300 to 500 mg. The duration of the treatment course is from six months to a year.
It is not recommended to take the drug if the patient suffers from hyperthyroidism, intolerance to iodine preparations, thyroid adenoma of toxic genesis, herpetiform dermatitis of Dühring.
To stop the possible inflammatory process, which takes place in the female body, anti-inflammatory and enzyme drugs are introduced into the protocol of therapy. For example, mulsal or lidase.
A medicinal product with enzymatic activity, lidase is introduced into the patient's body under the skin or intramuscularly. The contents of the vial are mixed with 1 ml of sodium chloride (isotonic solution) or the same amount of 0.5% solution of novocaine. Injections are given every day or every other day. The average course of treatment is six to fifteen injections. Lidase drug is contraindicated in diagnosing malignant neoplasms in a woman's body. Vitamin complexes, which should support the body and enhance its protective functions, will not be superfluous.
To date, even before the end, all the reasons for the triggering of a mechanism that triggers the pathological process of nucleation and development of neoplasms are unknown. Proceeding from this, prophylaxis of focal formation of the breast can be only advisory. But these recommendations, if not completely protect against the disease, at least significantly reduce the likelihood of this pathology or allow it to be seized in the early stages of development, when coping with the disease will be much easier, and the consequences of therapy and complications are less damaging to the body.
- Each woman can independently identify dense nodes in a timely manner. She regularly, preferably once a month, should examine and probate herself in front of the mirror. Do this in the first half of the menstrual cycle.
- It is desirable to give birth to your first child up to 30 years.
- Do not abuse the methods of hormonal contraception.
- It is necessary to abandon bad habits.
- Lead a healthy lifestyle.
- Minimize abortion and "cleansing".
- After the baby was born, it is necessary to breastfeed. And it is desirable to do this for at least a year.
- Very dosage and accurately take medicines based on hormonal components. If there is a need to undergo a course of hormone therapy, it is necessary to undergo radiological monitoring every six months. Ultrasound examination in this case is powerless, since such changes may not yet be visible on the screen.
- More to be in the open air, away from harmful industries.
- It is desirable for every woman to give birth to at least one child. In nulliparous women and women who gave birth late, the risk of this pathology significantly increases.
- Balance your diet. In the diet of a woman should be present more vegetables and fruits and less "harmful" food.
- Avoid stressful situations.
- Do not overwork the body: neither physical nor psychological.
- Do not ignore regular preventive examinations with a doctor, especially for women with a hereditary burden.
As soon as the girl has reached sexual maturity, the mother should teach her this simple rules. This approach to her health will allow her to protect her body from many problems.
The answer to this question depends, first of all, on the nature of the diagnosed disease and the morphology of the cell that participates in the "construction" of the neoplasm. If the tumor is benign and timely and adequate treatment is carried out, then the prognosis of focal breast formation is quite favorable. With a scrupulous approach of a woman to the recommendations of a doctor - mammologist, her further life is fully capable of passing at a high quality level.
If the disease is started, then no complications and losses can not be avoided. The prognosis of focal breast formation is less encouraging if it is represented by cancer cells and was diagnosed late enough when metastasis captured significant areas of the human body. In this situation, it is not necessary to talk about a favorable outcome. There are cases when even an experienced specialist is not able to help the patient. And as a result - the death of a woman.
Today's difficult ecological situation and the rhythm of life in which we live provoke a woman's development of multiple diseases. One of the most unpleasant and dangerous is the focal formation of the mammary gland. But our destiny and health, first of all, is in our hands. In connection with the above, every woman or girl must come to a conclusion that the more attentive they are to their body and body, the more they have the chances to get out of the struggle for their health by the winners!