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Eye drops from red eyes
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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If a person has a reddening of the sclera for a long time, they talk about a "red eye syndrome". But the given symptom can not be called a disease, it's just an indicator that there is a source of irritation in the body that provokes such a manifestation. And it can be of different genesis. Therefore, choosing the eye drops from the reddening of the eyes, it is first necessary to establish a provocateur of such a reaction. Only then can we talk about effective treatment.
Indications for eye drops from redness of eyes
Before deciding on a medication, it is worth knowing that they are divided into those that can reduce the intensity of symptoms, facilitating the physical well-being of the patient - these are vasoconstrictive and analgesic drugs, as well as medicines that work to eliminate the underlying cause of the pathological manifestation: antibacterial and antiviral preparations.
Starting from the reasons that cause the symptom of interest, we also obtain indications for the use of eye drops from the reddening of the eyes.
- Prevention of various diseases, as well as the removal of the increased strain received by the eye throughout the day. It can concern such professions as a jeweler, a PC user, an OTC worker, a welder and others. In this case, vitamins are prescribed in the form of drops or drops for tired eyes.
- Inflammatory process.
- Mechanical damage to the cornea or sclera.
- Infectious or viral disease.
- Swelling and bruising of the eye.
- Hyperemia of the conjunctiva caused by physical and chemical effects: cosmetics, smoke, contact lens wear, chlorinated water, dust or harsh light.
- Barley.
- Allergic reaction of the body to an external or internal stimulus.
- High blood pressure.
Solutions used to relieve ocular redness are divided into two classes: aimed at stopping the visual symptom and those that are designed to act directly on the cause of the pathology. Hence the different pharmacodynamics of eye drops from the reddening of the eyes.
To the group of drugs that eliminate the manifestation, include alpha-adrenomimetics. These drugs do not contain substances that can be called drugs. The principle of their action is the ability to act on the vascular system of the eye, leading the capillaries to constriction, the sclera, and the neighboring areas, receive less blood, which makes it possible to remove puffiness and reduce, and subsequently completely eliminate, hyperemia. The α-adrenergic receptors of the sympathetic nervous system are stimulated. At the same time, there is no significant effect on β-adrenoceptors.
Usually the reaction of the body to the drug begins to manifest itself after a minute after taking. The therapeutic effect lasts for four to eight hours.
Drops of this group include tetrisolin, vizin, naphazoline, octylium, oxymetazoline, and okumel.
Reddening of the surface of the eye, often becomes a consequence of diseases caused by the attack of pathogenic flora, of various genesis: infection, aggressive viruses, pathogenic strains of bacteria. In this case, taking the drugs of the first group will help to remove the symptoms, while they veil the problem itself, which will only exacerbate the situation. When diagnosing the inflammatory process, doctors recommend the use of antibiotics, which have a wide range of effects.
The mechanism of operation of the active substance of these drugs is the ability to combine with the 50S-unit of ribosomes in the genetic structure of the bacterium, as well as the ability to slow or completely block the synthesis of bacterial protein. In this case, the sensitivity to the drugs shows a variety of strains. Suffice it to mention the most common: Escherichia coli, Treponema spp., Streptococcus spp., Neisseria spp., Shigella spp., Proteus spp., Chlamydia trachomatis and Ricketsia spp.
Usually, the resistance of microorganisms to the preparations of this group accessory is produced for a sufficiently long time.
To drugs of this category of a wide range of effects can be attributed: aminoglycosides, macrolides, levomycetin, tetracycline.
To drugs with a narrower focus, but no less effective include: floxal, albucid, normax, sodium sulfacil, tobrex, offtakex, cipromed.
Pharmacological market is able to offer and medicines of special antiviral action. Such medicines, for example, show the best result in the treatment of conjunctivitis: actipol, ophthalmoferon, tebrofen, otan, interferon.
If the cause of inflammation is not infection, it is sufficient to use nonsteroidal solutions. In this case, such drops as diclofenac are quite suitable. To him, as an auxiliary therapy, local antiseptics are prescribed. It can be furatsilin, zinc sulfate or lapis (silver nitrate).
If the redness of the eye surface is caused by an allergic reaction of the patient's body to a certain stimulus, the specialist prescribes the drug from the combined group. The composition of the solution necessarily includes an antihistamine component. Such drugs not only contribute to the narrowing of the capillary system, but also have an anti-inflammatory effect, which prevents swelling and the formation of a hematoma.
The most popular solutions of antihistamine action, used in the form of drops in the eyes: opatanol, lecrolin, spersallerg, cromohexal, allergothal, allergodil.
In the case of diagnosing severe allergies, you must appoint very strong anti-allergens, which are based on glucocorticosteroid hormones. But monotherapy in this situation is ineffective, and against the background of taking such local action drugs as garazone, prednisolone, betamethasone, antihistamine preparations of internal use are also prescribed.
Preparations from the first group, such as tetrisolin having a local action, are not practically absorbed by the body, so there is no need to derive it or its metabolites.
The pharmacokinetics of eye drops from reddening of the eyes belonging to the group of antibiotics have not been investigated because of their low systemic binding (absorption).
Dosing and Administration
Drugs for the treatment of redness of the eyeball protein are too many to unambiguously describe the way of application and dose, but some options for using drugs to voice can still be.
The medicinal solution is buried in the eye area on the sclera. Usually one is prescribed - two drops on the eyeball of the affected organ of vision. The procedure is repeated two to three times throughout the day - this is enough to get the necessary therapeutic effect.
Most drug solutions also have limitations on the duration of administration. Mostly, such drugs are not allowed to use more than four to five days in a row.
Some general recommendations and directions:
Pharmacological companies produce modern products in very convenient packaging, which does not require additional funds for use. In most cases, the packaging of preparations is a bottle and a pipette - two in one. Therefore, when the instillation procedure is being performed, care must be taken that the spout of the vial does not touch the surface of the sclera.
If the patient uses lenses, then after instillation it is necessary to withstand at least a quarter of an hour, only after this lens can be returned to the place.
There have been isolated cases when instillation of eye drops leads to the dilatation of the pupil, which resulted in the appearance of a "veil" in the eyes. In this situation, it is necessary to refuse or temporarily limit the management of vehicles or dangerous mechanisms that require clear vision and attention.
Use during pregnancy
Large-scale studies on the effects of pharmacological drugs on the body of a woman and her fetus during the period of gestation were not conducted. Therefore, the use of eye drops due to reddening of the eyes during pregnancy and during breastfeeding is possible only at the urging of the attending physician, when the real therapeutic benefit for a woman visibly outweighs the possibility of a complication that an embryo or an already born baby can receive. In this case, the drug is taken under the constant supervision of a doctor.
Contraindications for use
Any pharmacological agent is, first of all, a set of chemical compounds that affect the patient's body. In nature, there simply are no chemical compounds that are directed only to pathological processes. In parallel with the "positive work", the drug has an effect on other organs and systems, not always causing positive dynamics. There are also contraindications to the use of eye drops from the reddening of the eyes. There are not many of them, but they need to be known.
- Increased sensitivity of the patient's body to one or several components of the composition.
- Closed-angle glaucoma (high intraocular pressure).
- Endothelial-epithelial dystrophy of the cornea.
- Pregnancy and lactation.
- The child's age is up to two years, and some drugs also have more strict age limits.
With special care, it is worthwhile to prescribe drops in the eye, if there is a history of the patient:
- Severe form of one of the cardiovascular pathologies:
- Arterial hypertension.
- Aneurysm - a pathological change in the structure of the walls of the cerebral vessel.
- Cardiac ischemia.
- Violation of the heart rate.
- Diabetes.
- Hyperthyroidism - pathological changes affecting the thyroid gland.
- Pheochromocytoma - the existence of a benign or malignant neoplasm in the adrenal region.
- If the patient in parallel takes drugs that have the ability to influence the growth of blood pressure. For example, MAO inhibitors.
Side effects
The organism of people is similar and at the same time is individual, it reacts with different sensitivity to a particular drug. Therefore, any medication is fully capable, with equal dosage, for one patient to cause side effects of eye drops from redness of the eyes, and other such manifestations will be bypassed.
How can the patient respond to the medication? Due to the local action of eye drops from the reddening of the eyes, the main negative reaction is in the area of the organs of vision.
The patient can sense and observe:
- Feeling of burning, itching and tingling.
- Extended pupil.
- Hyperemia.
- Appearance of pain symptoms.
- Shroud on the eyes.
- Irritation of the conjunctiva.
- Increased tear.
- Skin rashes.
Very rarely, but there may be disruptions in the digestive system: pain manifestations in the epigastric region, as well as nausea. There can be a headache, sleep disturbances, emotional instability.
In case of occurrence of at least one of the above manifestations, it is necessary to inform your doctor about this. As a result of the examination, he will decide whether to change the dosage or change the medication.
There are conditions under which it is not recommended to prescribe a particular drug, but if there are no contraindications, then it is necessary to follow very carefully the recommendations of the attending physician or the instructions offered to any medication.
If you deviate from the recommended dosage, you may get an overdose of active active substance, which will not fail to be expressed by complications or concomitant pathological symptoms.
In connection with the local application of eye drops due to reddening of the eye, as well as due to the fact that the absorption of the drug does not practically occur, the risk of such manifestation is minimal, but it is still worth negotiating. It should be noted that this symptomatology is more possible if drops for any reason have got into the patient, then the probability of occurrence of negative phenomena substantially increases.
You can observe:
- Enlarged pupil.
- Convulsive reaction of the nervous system.
- Manifestations of fever.
- Nausea.
- The nasolabial triangle begins to give off with cyanosis - manifestations of cyanosis, resulting from the high content of reduced hemoglobin in the blood.
- Tachycardia and heart rhythm disturbance.
- Arterial hypertension.
In very rare cases, it is possible to stop the heart, a malfunction in the work of the respiratory system, up to the pulmonary edema and coma.
Interactions with other drugs
To date, the interaction of eye drops from the reddening of the eyes with other drugs has not been thoroughly studied. Therefore, with any combination of them, you must be attentive to the emerging symptoms. If there are side effects, immediately notify your doctor.
Storage conditions
Considered drugs should be kept in a room where the temperature indicators do not exceed 25 degrees above zero. The drug should not be stored in a place accessible to young children. In this case, the conditions for storing eye drops from the reddening of the eyes provide a place not accessible to penetration of direct sunlight.
Shelf life
An open medication should be used within four weeks after opening the vial. In this case, the shelf life of the product is three years and is reflected on the product packaging. After the end of the use on the package, the drug is not strongly recommended.
Vision is one of the six senses given to us by nature. And if there are problems with it - it must be solved immediately. If the white of the eye is flushed, it is better to seek the advice of a specialist who will help to establish the cause of the pathology correctly and prescribe eye drops from the reddening of the eyes of that group of drugs that can bring the necessary, positive result.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Eye drops from red eyes" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.