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Eye drops from eye tearing: for children, adults and the elderly
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Eye drops from tearing are powerful tools in the fight against unpleasant symptoms. Only here it is not advisable to appoint them yourself, it is necessary to entrust the decision of this question to the treating doctor.
Below we will speak directly about the eye drops and those positive and negative actions that they have on people.
Indications of the eye drops from tear
What are the indications for the use of drops from tear and what are they generally needed for? In general, the name immediately makes it clear what, in fact, the essence of the matter. Drops are necessary in order to save a person from unnecessary tear. And it is able to arise because of inflammation or external pathogens. Even a strong wind can provoke tear. How to get rid of this? Naturally, in this case special drops come to the rescue. What are they for?
It should be understood that there are drops from inflammation, from certain diseases and just from tearing. And many of them influence, only on a certain problem or work in a complex. In general, what are the indications for taking these drops? Naturally, it is worth considering this issue from the point of view of a certain phenomenon. So, take them people who suffer from tearing eyes. And despite the fact that it is a question of some disease or just the influence of the same wind. Only before taking the medicine should consult a doctor. Because eye drops from tearing can not only help, but also cause some harm.
Release form
Do you know what form of release this medication is? Of course, everything depends directly on a particular medicine. So, basically the eye drops are released only in vials. After all, the process of treatment takes place in such a way that the medicine must be buried in the eyes. Naturally, there are tablets against tearing, but all the same are effective, yet drops. So, they are released in vials, with a different dosage.
It is necessary to give an example of a specific medicine. So, one of the most effective means is Okomistin. As a rule, it is produced in vials, 10 ml each. The bottle itself is made of polymer materials. In addition, it is equipped with a nozzle with a dropper. How is this preparation packaged? Often this is one bottle, which is in a cardboard box. In one package can not be just a few bottles. But, again, a lot depends on a particular drug. In general, the eye drops from tear release in a standard form.
What is the pharmacodynamics of drops from tearing? An example should be given of a certain preparation. So what can we say about Okomistin? This drug is antiseptic and is used exclusively topically. It is widely used in ophthalmic practice. What is in the composition of this drug? As a rule, this is a number of active substances, which have a positive effect. So, it's benzyldimethyl. It is an active substance, but only superficial. It actively works in good correlation with gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. In addition, it is quite resistant to antibiotic therapy.
What is so effective this drug? It has an anti-inflammatory effect and relieves a person's condition. Redness disappears and the eye and tear. Moreover, the drug is also used to combat viral herpes, as well as fungi and chlamydia. These drops have a wide range of actions and do not specialize only on one particular problem. Therefore, getting eye drops from tearing it is still necessary to consult a doctor.
What is the pharmacokinetics of drops from tearing? As noted above, it is worth considering this issue from the point of view of a particular drug. So, okostistin is a powerful antiseptic drug. He is capable not only of ridding himself of tearing, but also of relieving a number of other problems. So, he removes all the prerequisites of herpes, and also relieves a person of various fungal diseases.
The most effective is directly benzyldimethyl. It has a positive effect on gram-positive bacteria. What is so effective in this drug? It helps to reduce the resistance of microorganisms to any antibiotic. When this drug is taken place, but the active ingredient promotes absorption into the systemic bloodstream. In general, eye drops from tearing at this level are quite effective. Only now they need to be taken under the supervision of the attending physician. Thus, you can achieve a good result. After all, there may be some problems. Especially if a person is allergic to some of the active ingredients of the drug.
Dosing and administration
To avoid any side effects, it is worth to study the way of application and the dose of drugs. This question will also be considered on a concrete example. Thus, Okomistin, as a rule, is applied only locally. This solution should be instilled in the eyes, but at the same time observe the rules of personal hygiene. I mean hands before the procedure should be washed. How to take this medicine correctly? Everything depends on the problem itself and its seriousness. So, in order to remove the inflammatory processes, it is enough to drip 1-2 drops in each eye 4-6 times a day. As a rule, this is applied until a full recovery is achieved.
If it is a question of usual preventive measures, then you need to act somewhat differently. Drips 1-2 drops in the eye three times a day. Use the drug should not more than 3 days. This will be enough to achieve a certain result. If it is a question of thermal or chemical burns, then the remedy is applied every 5-10 minutes for 2 hours. Then it is desirable to start taking the drug in the form of ordinary baths. In any case, eye drops from tearing can improve a person's condition. Undoubtedly, if he does not have any allergic reactions to the active components.
Names of drops from tear
What is worth paying attention to when reviewing the names of drops from tearing? Of course, there are a lot of drugs for today. But after all, you only need to test their effectiveness on your own experience. Not all of them are able to provide the most facilitating action. Therefore, choosing a remedy for tearing, it is still worth leaving this issue to the treating doctor.
So, what are the names, and what is worth paying attention to? One of the most effective means is Okomistin, he is relieved after the first admission. Its effectiveness lies in the presence of active components in its composition. In addition, this drug has a wide range of actions and is aimed at eliminating not only tearing.
Other drops from eye tearing for adults and the elderly:
From the group of antibiotics:
- Tobramycin (tobrebs).
- Maxitrol.
- Levomycetin.
- Ciprofloxacin.
- Levofloxacin (Oftavix, Signethsef).
- Ofloxacin (Levoksimed, Oftakwix).
- Sulfacyl-sodium (Albucid).
- Zinc sulphate.
- Okomistin.
- Ophthalmic.
Antiallergic drugs:
- Lecrolin.
- Allergodyl.
- Alomide.
- Zaditen.
- Ketotifen.
- Lastachat.
- Olodrops.
- Opatadine.
- Pallas.
- Cromohexal.
- Hydrocortisone, Dexamethasone or Fluoretrolone.
Vasodilating drops:
- Vizin.
- Okumil.
- Vizimetin.
- Taufon.
In pediatric practice, under the mandatory supervision of a doctor for the treatment of tearing, the following drops may be used in children:
- Okomistin.
- Oftakwix.
- Ophthalmodec.
- Floxal.
- Torbeks.
There are a lot of medicines, but choosing the one that will help is not so simple. It is necessary to pay attention to how the human body reacts to those or other active components that make up each substance. Therefore, eye drops from tearing pick up only the attending physician.
Use of the eye drops from tear during pregnancy
What about the use of drops from tearing during pregnancy? As in all cases, consultation of the attending physician is necessary. Naturally, the drug is not capable of adversely affecting the body of the mother or the child. But, despite this, it is forbidden to take the medicine uncontrollably. Particular care should be taken in the first trimester of pregnancy. During this period, any drug can have a negative effect on the body of both mother and child. After all, at this stage there is a risk of causing some harm. Therefore, the question of the use of any drug should be discussed with the attending physician. In general, the medicine is used place, so it does not penetrate the body.
But this is simply generalized information. Each drug has a number of its contraindications, including pregnancy and lactation. After all, some active ingredients are still able to penetrate the baby through breast milk. In general, to take eye drops from tearing yourself is prohibited.
Are there any specific contraindications to the use of drops from tearing and what to do in this case? Naturally, the main contraindications have always been and there is an allergy. And it can manifest itself as a medicine in general, and on certain its components. That's why it's forbidden to prescribe treatment yourself. After all, the body can react somewhat ambiguously and lead to a number of problems.
Eye drops from tearing can not be applied to pregnant and lactating mothers. But in general, only the attending physician and individually take care of this question. In addition, the medication should not be used when it comes to pediatric practice. It is also necessary to refrain from the management of unsafe mechanisms during the administration of drugs. After all, they are still able to dispel the attention of a person, which can lead to a number of harmful consequences. It is advisable to wait at least 30 minutes after the drug has been used. This is the time it takes for the medicine to be installed in the conjunctival sac. It is necessary to understand that every remedy has its own contraindications, therefore it is impossible to accept them independently.
Side effects of the eye drops from tear
Can there be side effects of drops from tearing? Of course, any tool can adversely affect the human body? But what can we say specifically about these drugs? Strangely enough, but drops from tearing are carried by people quite well. No side effects were observed. But still, despite this, take the medicine yourself is prohibited. After all, in some cases, all the first symptoms of an allergy were manifested. Naturally, the body can respond to interference from active components that are in the composition of each remedy. So, can, such symptoms as an itch, irritation and an aggravation of a situation will show itself.
The fact is that if a person experiences allergic reactions, then most likely tear will intensify. Therefore, before taking any remedy, you need to consult a competent specialist. Eye drops from tearing can still have some detrimental effect on the body. Sometimes after instillation of eye drops, there is hyperemia of the eye. So take any funds with caution. It is important because even in the instruction to look, and do not raise the dose yourself.
Can an overdose occur when using such drugs? To date, there was no information that patients had an overdose from taking these medications. Therefore, they can be taken safely, but only after the approval of the attending physician. If the drug is accidentally taken orally, immediately wash the stomach. After all, it can negatively affect the human body. No more reports of an overdose were received. And in general, nothing will happen if you take the medicine strictly in the order that is described in the instruction itself.
Change the dose is entitled only to the attending physician, independent intervention is capable of harming the body. In case of appearance of unknown symptoms, you should stop taking the medication and seek help from a doctor. After all, an individually selected drug can not only cause an overdose, but also the development of various side effects. Often, it is about inflammation, redness and increased tear. So, choosing eye drops from tearing to do this is necessary competently.
Interactions with other drugs
Is it possible to combine such drugs with others or else the interaction of drops from tearing with other drugs. Most of these drugs can increase the effectiveness of any antimicrobial agents. Therefore, they can be used with such medicines, this can be more useful.
If you simultaneously use the drug against tearing with other similar means, then you should exercise some caution. The fact is that they can freely reinforce each other's actions. Therefore, applying the funds should be observed a certain interval, it is desirable that it was not less than 15 minutes. Thus, to achieve the maximum effect will be quite simple. Naturally, it is forbidden to use several drugs at once, for this you should take the help of a doctor.
It should be understood that all eye drops from tear can freely be divided into several categories. Simply put, some are aimed at combating a specific problem, while others have a broad effect and simultaneously struggle with many problems. This is the difference between medicines, only that one should understand the fact that each of them has its own active component, thanks to which the human condition improves.
Storage conditions
Is it worth keeping certain conditions for storing drops from tearing? Certainly, in order that any tool does not lose its useful qualities, it must be stored correctly. And it's also worth taking care of the surrounding people and taking the drops away, especially if there are small children in the house. But this is only the smallest nuance, now as far as the core.
To ensure that the product is not spoiled and thus does not harm the human body, it is worth keeping it in a warm and dry place. Dampness and direct sunlight adversely affect any medicine. If a strange sediment appeared in the vial, it is better not to take this medicine. It's not enough that it can be, most likely, the basic conditions of storage were violated. Typically, the optimum storage temperature should not exceed 25 degrees Celsius.
If you comply with all the conditions described above, then the medicine will serve a long time. This expression is understood as the time that is allocated to each drug. Thus, eyedrops from tearing will never do harm if they are correctly stored and taken.
Shelf life
Should I pay attention to the shelf life of the drug? There is an opinion that if the package is intact and there are no obvious damages, then the medicine can be taken at the end of the expiry date. All this is not clear prejudice, it is impossible to do so. Naturally, this is not always possible to do harm, but it can not go about the benefits of speech either.
The medicine can only help for a certain time. It also implies the expiry date. As a rule, eye drops from tear are stored no more than 2-5 years. It all depends on the particular drug and the conditions that were observed. After the expiration date, the medicine should be disposed of, it does not have any useful properties. But you need to pay attention to the fact that an open vial can not be stored for such a long time. As a rule, it is desirable to use it in a month after the opening. No, he will not harm anybody, he will not be any good from such a means. Therefore, it is still worth observing some rules regarding storage. Thus, eye drops from tearing have a positive effect, but only with proper administration.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Eye drops from eye tearing: for children, adults and the elderly" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.