Effective treatment of chronic cystitis in women, men, children
Last reviewed: 28.11.2021
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The problem is that the true cause of prolonged inflammation of the bladder often remains unclear, which makes it difficult to treat chronic cystitis. But in most cases the same medicines are used as in its acute form: antibiotics, vitamins (regular complex), if necessary - antispasmodics and analgesics.
Is it possible and how to cure chronic cystitis?
With the bacterial etiology of the disease, chronic cystitis is treated with antibiotics. The most appropriate is the use of fluoroquinolone antibiotics (Norfloxacin or Ofloxacin), antibiotic-quinolones (Palina), as well as cephalosporins (Cefalexin, Ceforal, etc.).
Antibiotic with a strong uroseptic effect Norfloxacin, Norbaktin or Nolitsin in chronic cystitis (these are synonyms) are taken orally twice a day for 0.4 g (before or after meals). The course of treatment lasts two weeks, but can be prolonged with a decrease in the daily dose to 0.2 g. The drug is not used in pediatrics and treatment of pregnant and lactating women. Possible side effects in the form of intestinal disorders, headaches and seizures.
Fluoroquinolones of the third generation are used - Levofloxacin (other trade names - Leflobact, Flexid, Eleflox) - inside 250 mg once or twice a day (also within two weeks).
Antibiotic Fosfomycin and its synonyms - Fosmicin, Urophosfabol or Monural for chronic cystitis are used during its exacerbation, a single dose provides the therapeutic effect of phosphomycin during the day.
Penicillin Amoxiclav in chronic cystitis is not a drug of choice (for example, enterobacteria are resistant to it). Read more - Antibiotics for cystitis
The quinolone derivative Nitroxoline in chronic cystitis has a bactericidal and antifungal effect, concentrating in the urine. Recommended dosage - during the day 4 times to 0.1 (at meal time). After two weeks of application, a break of the same duration is done. Nitroxoline is not prescribed for kidney or liver failure, during pregnancy and lactation.
Drugs Nitrofurantoin, Nitrofural, Furadonin, or Furamag in chronic cystitis are considered less effective, in addition, prolonged use of nitrofurans causes severe side effects on the bronchi and lungs and negatively affects the kidneys.
Experts recommend another bacteriostatic antimicrobial agent Trimethoprim (Trimopan, Ipral), intended for the treatment of urological infections (contraindicated in pregnancy).
Details of which tablets from chronic cystitis are most often used, in the material - Tablets from cystitis
Many urologists prescribe Phytolysin in chronic cystitis or in many ways a similar remedy Kanefron in chronic cystitis. A detailed description of these diuretics and their components of plant origin you will find in a separate article - Phytolysin in pregnancy: what you need to know about this drug
Phytopreparation of Indian production Cyston in chronic cystitis can be used as an additional - diuretic and anti-inflammatory drugs. But the main indication for its use is the excretion of oxalate and phosphate stones from the kidneys and bladder.
At an exacerbation it is recommended to use antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and anesthetic candles at a chronic cystitis, which exactly - in the publication Suppository from a cystitis
If repeated analyzes show bacteriuria, the administration of liquid medications is prescribed with the help of a catheter directly into the bladder - instillation with chronic cystitis. For these procedures, solutions of silver nitrate, Furacilin, Pentosan, Hydrocortisone, and sea buckthorn oil are used; in severe cases - Dioxydin or Dimexide with heparin.
How is the physiotherapy treated? - Physiotherapy with cystitis
In rare cases, when long-term antibiotic therapy does not yield the desired results and does not improve the patient's condition, surgical treatment of chronic cystitis is performed.
Basically, this is an operative intervention to stop urine reflux, as well as endoscopic transurethral resection of damaged (morphologically altered) tissue in granular and polyposic forms of the disease.
Homeopathic remedies recommended (not by urologists, namely homeopaths) with chronic inflammation of the bladder and urinary tract:
- granules (daily dose - three pieces) Cantharis 4C, Terebenthina 30C, Staphysagria 5C, Mercurius corrsivus 5C;
- drops (for internal use, 20-40 drops twice a day) Fraxinus excelsior buds, Plantago major, Orthosiphon stamineus, Vaccinium myrtillus;
- solutions for insertion into the bladder - Berberris, Chimaphila, Solidago virga, Uva ursi, Aletris farinosa, Formica rufa, Sepia, Papeira brava, Populus tremula, Sabal serrulata.
How to treat chronic cystitis at home?
Immediately discard the advertising phrase "how to cure chronic cystitis forever by alternative means", because almost everything that suggests to gullible citizens has no relation to medicine ...
Moderate heat to the area of the bladder always helps to remove its painful spasms and reduce the frequency of urination. But this is a temporary measure, and you need to take prescribed urological tablets.
And herbal treatment is an auxiliary tool to reduce the symptoms of the disease. Taking decoctions of leaves of bearberry or cowberry; grass horsetail, plauna or knotweed; the roots of the stalk or dill seed, in the first place, you increase the diuresis (the amount of urine allocated). For an inflamed bladder, this is useful in itself, and flavonoids, terpenes, quartzets, organic acids and essential oils contained in medicinal plants have an anti-inflammatory effect.
Help to reduce irritation of the bladder mucosa proper nutrition and diet in chronic cystitis. Start by giving up carbonated drinks, coffee and chocolate, sour and spicy foods, and also alcohol. More useful information - Diet for cystitis