Diet for cystitis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Cystitis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the mucous tissues of the bladder, in which the patient is suffering pains in the lower abdomen, false urges to urinate, rezi during and after urination. With cystitis, various types of treatment are recommended: medicinal, physiotherapy (laser therapy, electrophoresis), electrostimulation, surgical treatment and diet. One of the factors that provoke the disease is eating certain foods. Therefore, a diet with cystitis can remove one of the root causes of the disease and improve the patient's condition.
Treatment of cystitis with diet
The main goal of the special diet is to remove the irritation of the mucous membrane of the bladder and to introduce into the diet of the diet light foods that contribute to the purification of the body. Also, great importance is attached to the diuretic effect of the diet, since with the use of a large amount of fluid the bladder is washed from the infection, which contributes to the speedy recovery of the patient.
With a mild degree of disease, treatment of cystitis with a diet is one of the important factors in the recovery of the patient. This diet, which will be described below, must be adhered to not only during the period of acute cystitis or recurrence of the chronic form of the disease, but also for a long time. Since a special diet contributes to the restoration of the body's struggle with the pathogens of the disease and restore the functions of the bladder.
The main principles of a cystitis diet:
- Diuretic character.
- Low-salt diet.
- Food that excludes spicy food.
- Low protein food.
- A diet that excludes fats.
- Nutrition without the use of sugars and its substitutes.
- A diet that promotes the prevention of constipation.
- Food that excludes heavy food processing, such as frying, and salting and canning.
Diet for cystitis and pyelonephritis
Pyelonephritis is the most common kidney disease in all age categories. The disease is caused by bacteria and manifests itself in inflammation of the renal pelvis, calyx and renal parenchyma. Most often, women suffer from pyelonephritis - six times more than men. This is due to the specific structure of the female body.
Nutrition with a simultaneous disease of cystitis and pyelonephritis is as follows. The main goal of health food is to increase the outflow of urine from these organs, which will wash the kidneys and bladder from infections. This goal is achieved by including in the diet of the patient the alkaline products, salted foods, foods with a minimum content of proteins and fats and liquids. Food should be taken at least four times a day and eat in small portions.
Diet for cystitis and pyelonephritis is predominantly dairy, in which proteins, fats and carbohydrates are optimally combined. Products that can be used in these diseases:
- Varied fresh vegetables in large quantities.
- Brewed beetroot.
- Fruits that grow in the area.
- Fermented milk products - kefir, ryazhenka, yogurt, natural yoghurt.
- Kashi.
- Vegetable soups, not cooked on broth.
- Boiled meat and fish.
From the diet of patients, the following foods should be excluded:
- Smoked, pickled and salted foods.
- Spicy dishes and seasonings, spicy spices, including onions, parsley, garlic, horseradish.
- Cakes, pastries and other pastries.
- Sweets, including chocolate and sweets.
- Fatty and salty cheeses.
- Coffee, cocoa and strong tea.
To increase the outflow of urine, special measures should be taken:
- Drink plenty of fluids, at least two liters a day
- Regularly take a weak green tea - up to three to five glasses a day.
- As often as possible to eat vegetables, fruits and berries with a high content of liquid - cucumbers, watermelons, melons, as well as cranberries, cranberries, strawberries and celery.
- Drink a special infusion, which is prepared as follows. The leaves of strawberries, black currants and birches are taken in equal parts and mixed. Then 1 tablespoon of the mixture is poured with 1 glass of boiling water. After that, the dishes should be carefully closed, left for an hour and then filtered with infusion. It is recommended to use an infusion of half a glass three times a day for half an hour before meals. The course of treatment with infusion is 2-3 months.
- Sokoterapiya - eating freshly squeezed juices. The procedure should begin when the first signs of an ailment appear. Treatment with juices gives not only a diuretic, but also a powerful healing effect. In the early days you need to take a small amount of juice, then increase the intake of up to one glass a day.
The saturation of the organism of the patient with vitamins plays a big role in the recovery. It is recommended to take vitamin teas, which are prepared as follows:
- Seabuckthorn and strawberry leaves are taken in equal parts and mixed. 1 tbsp. L. Mixture is poured 1 st. Boiling water, it is insisted for half an hour, and then filtered. Take infusion of one glass for 30 minutes before eating two or three times a day. The course of treatment is one to two months.
- The fruits of dog rose, mountain ash, black currant, sea-buckthorn, red mountain ash and leaves of wild strawberry in equal parts are taken. The mixture must be crushed, and then take two tablespoons of the mixture, put in a thermos bottle and pour 300 ml of boiling water. The medicinal drink should be allowed to infuse for 6-8 hours, and then strain and squeeze the thick. Take half a cup a day 30 minutes before meals twice a day. The course of treatment is one to two months.
In acute cystitis
Acute cystitis is a purulent-inflammatory process of the mucous tissue of the bladder, in which there is a burning or burning sensation during urination. The urge to empty the bladder is felt often, but it is carried out in small portions. Also, the patient is concerned about pain or discomfort in the lower abdomen, accompanied in some cases by fever to 37-37.5 degrees. Symptoms of the disease manifest themselves within 6 or 7 days, and then go to a decline.
Diet in acute cystitis is aimed at washing the urinary tract in order to excrete pathogens of the disease. Also one of the main tasks of the diet is to prevent irritation of the mucous tissue of the wall of the bladder. When stabilizing the patient's condition, the following dietary regimen is recommended:
- The use of a large amount of liquid, more than one and a half - two liters a day. If the body temperature starts to rise, then you need to increase the daily volume of liquid to 2.5 liters. Water should be drunk mineral, but only chloride-calcium. It is very good to take in this period fruit compotes, especially cranberry or cowberry mors. Also suitable vegetable and fruit juices (except for tomato) - pumpkin juice, for example, has a diuretic effect.
- With acute cystitis, you need to take infusions of herbs that "wash" the urinary tract well. These are various renal teas, which include bearberry, corn stigmas, field horsetail, cranberry leaf. The aforementioned herbs have an anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect.
- It is necessary to introduce into the diet foods that have a diuretic effect. This fresh vegetables - cucumbers, carrots, spinach, zucchini; fruits - grapes, pomegranate; melons and melons.
- In acute cystitis, it is recommended to eat one tablespoon of honey to relieve inflammation.
- It is necessary at the time of treatment to exclude foods containing a large amount of calcium - milk, cheese, cottage cheese, yogurts.
- At the beginning of the manifestation of the symptoms of the disease, it is recommended that fish and meat be disused. Then, when the condition improves, you can enter into the daily diet sour-milk products, unsalted cheese and cottage cheese, and in the future - meat and fish.
Diet for chronic cystitis
Chronic cystitis includes a number of chronic manifestations, in which there may be an acute inflammatory phase (acute cystitis). Among the symptoms of this disease are also discomfort, heaviness and pain in the bladder, frequent urge to urinate, rezi when emptying the bladder. Sometimes there is blood in the urine. With chronic cystitis, the wall of the bladder is completely inflamed, becomes edematous and small sores appear on it.
Diet for chronic cystitis is also aimed at providing an antimicrobial and diuretic effect. Experts advise to adhere to the following recommendations:
- Daily consumption of fruits and vegetables. Useful vegetables, fruits and melons include pumpkin, asparagus, cucumber, celery, parsley, grapes, pears, and melon.
- Drink freshly prepared fruit juices, compotes and fruit drinks, without the addition of sugar.
- To use infusions and broths of herbs; treatment is recommended for courses.
- The amount of liquid per day should be at least two liters.
- To consume a large amount of fiber, because it is necessary to avoid the prevention of constipation. Since violations of the gastrointestinal tract lead to the absorption of toxic substances into the blood, which provokes irritation of the mucous membrane of the bladder when they are removed from the body. The fiber that the body needs is carrots, fresh cabbage and so on; in bran and whole grain cereals.
- In a daily diet of patients with chronic cystitis should include a handful of pine nuts and 1 tablespoon of olive oil.
It is necessary to exclude from use the following food products:
- Canned, salted, fried dishes, as well as various pickles and broths.
- Spicy spices and condiments.
- Vegetables that promote irritation of the mucous surface of the bladder - onion, garlic, horseradish, radish, celery, cauliflower, sorrel, radish, tomatoes, green salad.
- It is necessary to abandon the use of sour fruits and berries.
Diet for cystitis in children
Cystitis is a fairly common childhood disease. Moreover, in girls, cystitis occurs 5-6 times more often than in boys, which is due to the structure of their urinary tract. The main cause of childhood cystitis is infection in the bladder. The main symptoms of cystitis in children - pain in the lower abdomen, stinging during urination, blurred urine, fever, a general malaise.
The diet for cystitis in children is made up of the following foods:
- Sour-milk products (unsweetened yoghurts, kefir, fermented baked milk).
- Kashi.
- Fruits and vegetables.
- Low-fat meat.
- We recommend an abundant drink - fruit juices, especially cranberry and cowberry; fruit drinks and compotes without sugar; still mineral water.
- Decoctions of medicinal herbs. Three types of broth are recommended:
- decoction of flax seeds, pumpkins and hemp, linden and chamomile flowers, blackberry leaves, St. John's wort, Ledum marsh;
- decoction of yarrow, licorice root, birch leaves, dill seeds;
- broth from motherwort, chamomile, melissa, hops, turns, valerian, shamrock water.
When cystitis in children are excluded from the diet of a sick child:
- Spicy and salty foods and products.
- Fried and fatty dishes.
- All sorts of sweets - chocolate, sweets, cakes and pastries cakes.
It is clear that children can not do without sweet. If a child has a great need for sweet dishes, you can eat small amounts of honey, jam, marmalade and marshmallows.
Diet with radiation cystitis
Radiation cystitis is a complication caused by radiation therapy in case of cancer of the pelvic organs. Irradiation, which has an ionizing character, causes changes in the vessels of the bladder and damages the cells of its mucosa. The consequences of these disorders lead to a deterioration in the supply of mucous tissue, which provokes the appearance of various kinds of sores on it.
The diet for radiation cystitis includes the following foods and beverages:
- Kidney tea, which was mentioned above.
- A large number of freshly prepared vegetable juices.
- Cranberry juice, which can only be sweetened with fresh apple juice. It is known that with cystitis it is necessary to take about 500 grams of vitamin C daily, but only natural, as it has a pronounced anti-infective effect. Cranberry juice in excess contains this vitamin, which makes it extremely useful in the treatment of radiation cystitis. Cranberry juice also has other advantages: the taste of juice with astringent notes helps to eliminate various inflammatory processes in the body. Substances that enter into the cranberry juice, can change the composition of urine, which makes it unsuitable for the life of disease-causing bacteria. There is another useful property of cranberry juice: it contains a component that helps protect the urethra from the penetration of harmful microorganisms.
- Abundant drink: warm non-acidic compote without sugar, mineral water.
- Wild berries: cranberries, blueberries, cloudberries.
- Water melons, melons, fresh vegetables and fruits.
- Dairy products.
With radiation cystitis, the following foods should be excluded from the diet:
- Salt.
- Concentrated proteins - meat, fish, cheese, cottage cheese, beans.
- Peeled starches - peeled potatoes, baked goods from flour of the highest grade.
- Artificial sugar - sweets and other sweets; sweet drinks; carbonated drinks).
- Oily and spicy dishes, sauces, condiments; smoked products.
- Vegetables that promote irritation of the urinary tract along with the bladder - radish, onions, horseradish, garlic, spinach, sorrel, radish, and the like.
- Strong meat, fish and mushroom broths.
- Beer and other alcohol.
- Canned food and pickles.
Diet for cystitis in men
In men, inflammation of the bladder provokes the infection that has penetrated into it. The list of pathogenic bacteria is large - it is the E. Coli, Proteus, Staphylococcus, Gonococcus, Pathogenic fungi, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Chlamydia. In almost 100 percent of cases, the pathogen falls into the bladder from nearby inflammatory organs due to the blood flow. Such diseases as prostatitis, urethritis, chronic pyelonephritis, kidney tuberculosis and others are capable of causing inflammatory changes in the mucosa of the bladder.
Therefore, a diet for cystitis in men should be gentle. It should not only facilitate the relief of the patient's condition with cystitis, but also reduce the inflammatory processes in the organ that provoked the appearance of the disease.
The diet for men with cystitis is as follows:
- Abundant drink - up to two and a half liters per day.
- The use of products that have a diuretic effect - watermelons, cucumbers, pumpkin, melons, cranberries.
- Eat cereal products, bran and bread from whole grains.
- Dairy products.
Under the ban are:
- Alcoholic beverages.
- Salty, spicy, fatty, fried foods and fast foods.
- Sour fruits and berries (except cranberry).
Diet for cystitis and urethritis
Urethritis is an inflammatory disease of the urinary canal, which has two subspecies: infectious forms and non-infectious ones. Urethritis is accompanied by the following symptoms - pain, pain or burning sensation when urinating, especially at the very beginning; mucous discharge from the urethra of blue-green color with an unpleasant odor.
Cystitis and urethritis are interrelated diseases, so they can occur simultaneously. For example, inflammation of the bladder can promote penetration of the infection into the urethra and cause inflammation in the urethra. Also, infection of the urinary canals can stimulate the development of cystitis.
Diet with simultaneous cystitis and urethritis should be diuretic and antiseptic, which is aimed at the destruction of pathogenic bacteria in the body. Flushing of the inflamed organs with a large amount of liquid helps to relieve the inflammation of irritated mucous tissues of the bladder and urethra.
One of the important tasks of proper nutrition is to alleviate the burden on the kidneys, which is achieved through the selection of medicinal foods. The basis of the diet of patients with cystitis is a natural food that excludes GMO, dyes and preservatives in its composition. All the recommendations given for acute and chronic cystitis are suitable for the simultaneous treatment of cystitis and urethritis.
Diet for women with cystitis
In women, cystitis occurs six times more often than men, and at any age. This is due to the specific structure of the female genitourinary system. The urethra in women is wider than in men, so the infection falls more easily with the bladder. Also, the causes of cystitis can be:
- Subcooling.
- Continuous work in a sitting position (for example, at the computer), which leads to stagnant phenomena in the pelvic organs.
- Prolonged constipation that occurs at short intervals.
- Abuse of spicy, salty and fried foods.
- Non-compliance with the drinking regime, the lack of food in the diet of a large amount of liquid.
The diet for cystitis in women contains all those recommendations that were given in the occurrence of cystitis in men, as well as in the section on diets in the acute and chronic form of the disease. You can add a few recommendations that are well suited for healing a woman's body from ailment:
- It is necessary to drink clean, filtered water. During periods of exacerbation of the disease, switch to the consumption of chloride-calcium mineral water without gas.
- The daily diet should necessarily include vegetable soup or borsch, cooked without the help of meat, mushroom and fish broths.
- Take every day curative decoctions of herbs that contribute to the cessation of inflammation, as well as infusions that have a diuretic effect.
- Introduce a large number of vegetables and fruits.
- Use in the diet of porridge, bran and bread from wholemeal flour.
What is the diet for cystitis?
We summarize all the above recommendations for patients with cystitis and answer the question: "What is the diet for cystitis?"
- The diet, which helps with cystitis, is diuretic and anti-inflammatory in nature with a lot of liquid.
- Food should be natural, excluding the ingestion of sick products containing GMOs, dyes and preservatives in the diet.
- Nutrition for cystitis contains a small amount of salt; in some cases, it is completely excluded from the patient's diet.
- Food should in most cases be freshly prepared.
- Preference is given to boiled, stewed or steamed food.
- It is necessary to exclude heavy food from the diet. In the morning, you need to eat more calorie foods, and in the second - less calories.
- It is useful to use sour-milk food.
- With cystitis, acute and acidic foods, as well as pickles and marinades, are banned.
- Diet in cystitis eliminates the consumption of foods containing sugar and its substitutes.
- For a diet with cystitis, a diet containing a small amount of protein products is characteristic.
Menu diet for cystitis
With the above recommendations, you can make a daily menu of the patient. Such a diet should be adhered to within a year after the last exacerbation of the disease. From the above dishes you can choose those that you want to eat during the day, thus you can diversify a fairly strict diet menu for cystitis.
Breakfast - porridge, vegetables for a couple, vegetable purees, unsalted cheese. Sometimes you can pamper yourself with soft-boiled eggs or an omelette. You can eat kefir, fermented baked milk or natural yoghurt, cottage cheese. For breakfast, not good tea or freshly prepared juice.
Lunch - the first dishes: vegetable soups, borsch, beetroots, cabbage soup, cereal soups. The second dishes - steam cutlets from low-fat meat, meatballs, boiled meat or fish; baked or stewed vegetables; porridge; fresh vegetables. For dessert you can eat sweet fruit or drink with mousse, compotes, sweet fresh juices, jelly without sugar.
Afternoon snack - baked potatoes with butter, kefir, and for dessert - fruit.
Dinner - curd casseroles, pancakes made from coarse flour, vinaigrettes, salads, cereals, pasta from unpeeled flour (sometimes it is possible to cook macaroni with unsalted cheese), freshly squeezed juices.
Diet recipes for cystitis
Of course, it is difficult to instantly switch to a dietary diet that is recommended for cystitis. Especially, if unhealthy food was common, containing a large number of fried, spicy, salty, sweet and flour dishes. In order to help patients with cystitis, concerned with the restoration of their health, we will list a few recipes for simple dishes, which are very simple to prepare.
- Squash patties.
Ingredients: 1 medium zucchini, 1 egg egg white, tablespoon wholemeal flour, a little salt.
Preparation: Squash should be washed, peeled and rubbed on a coarse grater. To the grated zucchini add salt, flour and egg white, and then mix everything. The container for the steamer should be oiled with vegetable oil. And then hands to form cutlets of small size and spread them into shape at some distance from each other. It takes 15 minutes to prepare the dish.
- Poultry chopped steamed meat.
Ingredients: 1 kg turkey fillet, several slices of wholemeal bread without crust, half a glass of water, a small amount of salt, a coarse flour for breading.
Preparation: Bread should be soaked in water. Then wash the turkey fillet and drain it. After that, skip the bread through the meat grinder for the first time, and the second time add bread to it and again twist it. Further mincemeat should be slightly salted, if necessary add a few spoons of boiling water and carefully knead. In a flat plate you need to sift about half a glass of flour, then a tablespoon you need to dial turkey ground meat and place on a plate with flour. You can sprinkle flour on top, and then form small cutlets. After this, put the cutlets in a steamer and cook for 40 minutes to 1 hour.
- Dietary porridge from the pumpkin.
Ingredients: pumpkin, a little butter and honey if desired.
Preparation: pumpkin should be washed and peeled. Pumpkin pulp is cut into small cubes in size, laid out in a saucepan and poured with water to cover the cubes a little. Then you need to boil the pumpkin until done, about 20 minutes. The finished product should be kneaded with a fork, crème fraîche for mashed potatoes, chopped with a mixer or blender. If desired, you can add a little butter and honey.
- Dietary buckwheat soup.
Ingredients: 2 liters of water requires 2 potatoes, 1 small carrot, half a cup of buckwheat, a spoon of vegetable oil. Salt is added in small amounts.
Preparation: Buckwheat should be washed and poured with cold water. Then add to the groats rubbed on a coarse grated carrot and diced potatoes. Put the soup on fire and bring to a boil. When the water boils, you need to reduce the heat to a minimum and cook buckwheat and vegetables under the lid until ready. For this, you need to try the potato with a fork, and if it is easily pierced, the soup is ready. At the end of cooking it can be slightly salted and add one tablespoon of olive or other vegetable oil.
Dietary nutrition is not so monotonous, than it is customary to think about. Recipes for cooking cystitis include soups and vegetable purees, casseroles and steam cutlets, salads and cereals. If desired, you can make a strict menu of meals varied and indulge yourself with permitted delicacies.
Diet for cystitis is a necessary remedy when a disease occurs. Of course, serious dietary restrictions will be required, as well as exclusion from the diet of favorite foods that are harmful to health. But such a measure must be accepted, since therapeutic nutrition plays an important role in the treatment and prevention of cystitis.
What can you eat with cystitis?
So, summarize the above recommendations and answer the common question of patients: "What can you eat with cystitis?". Here is a list of foods that can be consumed with cystitis:
- Fresh vegetables in large quantities, especially diuretics - cucumbers, carrots, celery, zucchini, pumpkin and so on.
- Non-acidic fruits that grow in this region are sweet apples, pears, grapes. The exception is garnet, since the action of its juice has an anti-inflammatory effect in cystitis.
- Melon plants and melon.
- Berries are cranberries, cranberries, cloudberries, blueberries.
- Kasha from whole grains, bran and a small amount of bread from wholemeal flour.
- Sour-milk products - natural yogurt, fermented milk, kefir, yogurt; sometimes - unsalted cheese.
- Vegetable vegetarian soups.
- Low-fat varieties of meat and fish.
- Olive oil - one tablespoon per day.
- Pine nuts - the daily dose is about one handful.
- Sometimes you can eat a few eggs.
- Honey, which you can eat in small quantities, if you really wanted a sweet.
When cystitis is recommended to drink cranberry and cowberry fruit juice without sugar, fruit compotes, infusions of diuretic herbs and fruits, kidney teas, freshly prepared juices, weak green tea, chloride-calcium mineral water without gas and filtered water.
What you can not eat with cystitis?
People who suffer from this ailment are often asked the following question: "What can not be eaten with cystitis?". There is a list of foods and drinks that need to be completely excluded from the patients' diet.
It is necessary to remove from use:
- Salty, spicy food, fried food and smoked meat.
- Sour and canned food, pickles and marinades, as well as those types of products that were made with the help of dyes and preservatives.
- Coffee, tea, sweet fizzy drinks.
- Food, as well as medicines and vitamin complexes, which include sugar and saccharin.
- Spicy foods and spices - pepper and other condiments, onions, garlic, horseradish, radish, sorrel, parsley, radish and others.
- Baking and pasta, that is, products made from refined flour.
- Alcohol, beer and energy drinks.
- Chocolate and cocoa.
- Tomatoes and products that contain tomatoes.
- Milk, sour cream, cheese and sweet yogurt.
- Oranges, lemons and other citrus fruits, as well as juices made from them.
- Vinegar, soy sauce and mayonnaise.
- Nuts and raisins.
- Bananas, sour apples and sour apple juice, cherries, peaches, plums, avocados.
- Fatty meat, fish and fat.
- Foods containing GMOs.