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Phytolysin in pregnancy: what you need to know about this drug?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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According to widely disseminated information, if the diuretic drug phytolysin is used in full accordance with the indications of doctors and in the prescribed dosage, the question "can phytolysin be produced during pregnancy?" Should not arise. Moreover, many assure that phytolysin during pregnancy is harmless both for the future mother and for the fetus - in fact this drug is of plant origin.
Nevertheless, the use of this drug by women during the period of bearing a child causes rather contradictory opinions ...
Is it possible to have phytolysin during pregnancy?
Phytolysinum (Phytolysinum) - a combined drug based on medicinal plants - is used as a diuretic (diuretic) remedy. Also declared its anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect. This medication is intended for patients with urological diagnosis of nephrolithiasis (nephrolithiasis), urolithiasis (urolithiasis), as well as urinary tract infections accompanying the presence of urinary stones (stones). However, there is no indication "for the treatment of cystitis" in the manual. But it is recommended that pregnant women take it with inflammation of the bladder.
By the way, the instruction of phytolysin during pregnancy describes the use of this drug as follows: "There is no data on the safety of the drug during pregnancy and lactation. If it is necessary to use the drug, lactating women should stop breastfeeding. " Among the side effects of the drug indicated a possible aversion to its taste with the occurrence of nausea, as well as allergic reactions to individual ingredients.
Paste phytolysin in pregnancy: formulation
If phytolysin is recommended for solving problems with the bladder, then all the same - before you find out what the price of phytolysin is in pregnancy - it is worth asking what is included in its composition.
And it includes extracts of the following plants: parsley (root), wheatgrass (rhizome), horsetail (grass), birch (leaves), birdwort (herb), onion husk, fenugreek (seeds), goldenrod (grass), lovage (root). And also essential oils - sage, mint, pine and orange.
So, let's start with our usual parsley. And in the greenery, and at its root a lot of substances useful for the body, which both improve digestion, and lower blood pressure, and the heart rate decreases. Parsley is also famous for its diuretic and laxative effects. However, its root is used to normalize the menstrual cycle, since the essential oils of this plant stimulate uterine contraction. Therefore, to use the root of parsley during pregnancy is contraindicated. However, you can still say that phytolysin in the early stages of pregnancy is not dangerous.
The composition of phytolysin is a remarkable herbal medicine birdworm (sporich). Due to the high content of silicon, this herb is used for uterine bleeding and uterine fibroids, and it also helps to reduce uterine muscles after childbirth. Parallel with this sporich has diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties and can reduce the deposition of salts in the urinary tract. But it can not be used if a person has varicose veins, thrombophlebitis or an acute illness of the kidneys and urinary tract, let alone the pregnant women. You are still interested in how to take phytolysin during pregnancy?
Powerful plant diuretic - grass horsetail - also has many valuable substances for health. Especially there are a lot of saponins and sitosterol in it. Sitosterol suppresses the absorption of cholesterol from the digestive tract. In addition, this hormone-like substance acts on the principle of estrogen and can increase the production of female hormones. And since the question of the effect of sitosterol on the embryo and fetus has not been studied enough, its entry into the body during pregnancy and lactation should be avoided.
Phytolysin or kanefron during pregnancy: which is better?
The preparation phytolysin has a "close relative" - kanefron, in the production of which medicinal plants are also used: lover, gold-bearer, dog rose and rosemary. According to one information, kanefron is used in case of infectious inflammatory processes in the urinary system (with cystitis and pyelonephritis), and treatment with this drug must necessarily be accompanied by the consumption of a large amount of fluid. Other sources say that kanefron can be prescribed for swelling, as it helps to remove fluid from the body due to the diuretic effect (but it does not violate the water-salt balance). Also, it can be prescribed to pregnant women who suffer from swelling in late pregnancy ...
Let's try to decide what is better - phytolysin or kanefron during pregnancy. Information about the lover was given above. The main value of rosemary is its essential oil, but the manufacturer uses powder from its dry leaves. Although in them there is camphene, L-camphor and close to ordinary camphor borneol. And, as you know, camphor penetrates well into breast milk and through the placental barrier, therefore, "the use of camphor during lactation and during pregnancy should be carried out with caution, strictly according to the indications given by the appointment of a doctor."
Just a few words worth mentioning about the auxiliary substances in the composition of kanefron. Silicon dioxide colloid (or pyrogenic silicon dioxide) can cause dyspepsia, lactose monohydrate (milk sugar) - an allergy. Remains adsorbent povidone (aka polyvinylpyrrolidone or food additive E-1201), which increases the solubility of drugs and is considered harmless. But this substance has side effects in the form of increased heart rate (tachycardia), lowering blood pressure and allergic reactions.
According to the official Kanefron instructions, "the use of the drug during pregnancy and during breastfeeding is possible only according to the doctor's prescription, in strict accordance with the recommendations for use and after the assessment by the attending physician of the risk-benefit ratio." And this formulation is treated as a permit for the use of this drug in the treatment of pregnant women.
Risk to benefit ratio
In the composition of the phytolysin paste recommended for pregnancy, there is also a drug lover. Infusion of roots of this famous plant is recommended for the treatment of impotence and in painful periods. Medicinal products containing a lovage extract contribute to the inflow of blood to the pelvic organs, and this is a contraindication for its use in the treatment of expectant mothers.
Fenugreek seeds are also used in the described preparation. These seeds contain steroid saponins and phytosterols, which stimulate appetite, have anabolic effect (accelerate the synthesis of proteins, promote muscle growth), as well as sedative (calming) effect on the central nervous system ... And why should you violate the process of protein metabolism if all metabolic processes in the body of a pregnant woman are naturally regulated and directed to the formation of a future child?
The presence among the components of phytolysin extract of goldenrod (golden rod) is entirely justified. All parts of this ubiquitously growing perennial are used as a diuretic, astringent, diaphoretic and antiseptic remedy from China to Britain. Especially widely it is used by urologists of European countries. And domestic herbalists consider this plant "moderately poisonous", requiring careful dosage. Therefore, do not recommend taking it with exacerbations of kidney pathologies and pregnancy.
In addition, the goldenrod contains coumarins, which refer to anticoagulants of indirect action, that is, they disrupt the formation of prothrombin in the liver, which participates in the process of blood coagulation.
The only plant that does not have contraindications is the rhizome of wheat grass (yes, that weed!). The pearl contains essential oil, inositol, mucus, inulin, saponin, carotene and even ascorbic acid. Decoctions of rhizome rootgrass are used as a diuretic, expectorant, anti-inflammatory, choleretic and wound-healing remedy. For example, French doctors recommend their patients to take juice from stems and leaves of wheat grass for cholelithiasis.
And, finally, about the essential oil of mint, which is contained in phytolysin. Almost three quarters of the composition of peppermint oil is menthol, which has vasodilator, spasmolytic and sedative effects. Therefore, during pregnancy, its use is not recommended.
Reviews of phytolysin during pregnancy
On the websites of the relevant subjects, reviews about phytolysin during pregnancy can be found: they say, packs last for a week - and everything passes. Or "Thank you doctor who prescribed this paste for me". In some articles, it is casually mentioned that "women who use them note a high therapeutic effect, although many of them also complain that this medication does not help from edemas."
But the doctors themselves, who recommend phytolysin during pregnancy, because it removes excess fluid from the body (that is, should reduce swelling), could not be found. As well as information about the pharmacodynamics of phytolysin. But it is the data on the biochemical effects and physiological effects of the medication that could give a clear and clear answer to the question: is phytolysin available during pregnancy?
Do not forget that the use of any medications prescribed during pregnancy should be approached carefully, carefully weighing the ratio of benefit and risk. And to get rid of puffiness all pregnant women suffering from swelling, you can advise a very effective, safe and delicious way. And this method is cranberry! This berry rich in vitamins can be consumed (80-100 g per day) with sugar or honey. And you can prepare cranberry mors: a tablespoon of cranberries mixed with a dessert spoon of sugar, crush and pour a glass of warm boiled water. A couple cups of cranberry juice a day - and no phytolysin during pregnancy will not be needed.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Phytolysin in pregnancy: what you need to know about this drug?" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.