
Information about doctor

The doctor Ezekiel Shotland specializes in urology, adrology, sexopathology, oncourology, uroprosthetics. He gained such extensive knowledge thanks to his graduation from the Medical Faculty of the University "Technion", internship in leading US clinics, extensive work experience (over 45 years) in urologic surgery and therapy, management of the Carmel sexual bladder treatment clinic in Haifa, Center for the treatment of sexual disorders.

In addition, he provides expert conclusions of the state of the urinary tract, necessary for presentation to insurance companies, courts, etc.

The doctor is Shotland involved in a real breakthrough in medicine - the development of revolutionary innovations of creating three-dimensional models of human organs using 3D-bioprinting. Thus, the bladder has already been transplanted, at this stage efforts are focused on kidney transplantation. These technologies are designed to save lives for people with fatal diseases, victims of accidents, catastrophes, wars.

He speaks two languages: Hebrew and English.

Education and work experience

  • Faculty of Medicine, Technion University, Haifa, Israel
  • Specialization in Urology and Male Sexual Dysfunction, Houston, TX, USA
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