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Drops from constipation for adults and the elderly
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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When there are problems with the stool and the delay of defecation begins, you first need to find out what caused this reaction.
Often, the causes of disruption of the intestine are inflammation or infection of this body, and in addition - poor physical activity, sedentary lifestyle, improper diet, as well as diet. Constipation can also occur due to emotional and psychological problems - strong feelings, stress. In such cases, drops can help with constipation.
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Indications for use
Laxative drugs promote the activation of peristalsis, as well as accelerate the process of excretion of feces from the body. All preparations of this group can be divided according to their origin into synthetic as well as vegetable ones.
In pharmacy chains, you can find different forms of drug release - there are drops from constipation, and in addition to them, tablets, herbal preparations, tinctures, etc.
Laxative drugs can be divided into several separate groups by the mechanism of their effects:
- Improving secretion and slowing down the absorption of water in the large intestine.
- Increasing volumes of the intestine.
- Simplifying the process of moving stool mass through the large intestine.
- Medicines that have a combined effect.
Indications for the use of laxatives:
- constipation, which appeared due to hypotension / atony of the intestine (often observed in bedridden patients, during lactation, postpartum and postoperative periods, in the elderly);
- constipation due to taking medication;
- constipation, which appear due to intestinal dysbiosis.
Dibrolaks, Evacuol, Bisacodyl, Senadexin, and Elimin - these drugs are part of the group of irritants. These laxatives irritate the receptors in the colon, activating the intestinal peristalsis and thus stimulating the process of its emptying. These laxatives are not used, but they do not have healing properties either - they are suitable only for single use.
The active component of drops from the constipation of Guttalax is sodium picosulfate (this element is part of the triarylmethane group). This element is split, being in the intestine, and after that begins to exert an active effect on its mucous surface, while stimulating peristalsis. This allows you to accumulate in the large intestine water-electrolyte reserve, which causes stimulation of the defecation process, as well as softening of stool.
After entering the body of sodium picosulfate reaches the large intestine. The drug has a weak absorption, because of which its enterohepatic circulation is excluded. Sodium picosulphate is cleaved, forming an active metabolite (bis (p-hydroxyphenyl) -pyridyl-2-methane). The therapeutic effect of the drug begins soon after the metabolite is released, and depends on the speed of this process. Usually it takes 6-12 hours. Only a small part of the medicine gets into the circulatory system.
Naming a drop from constipation
When constipation does not occur due to any serious illness, you can get rid of it without additional treatment, through only a laxative drug.
Guttalax is considered one of the most effective drugs used in the treatment of constipation.
The main active element of the drug - triarylmethane - causes a laxative effect, acting in the large intestine. Guttalax is in the form of drops. After taking the drug, the effect begins 6 to 12 hours later.
Among the main functions of Slabilen - treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, which are accompanied by weak peristalsis and low intestinal tone. In addition, this synthetic drug eliminates the problem of delayed bowel movements with inflammation of the rectum, anal fissures, hemorrhoids.
Ogarkov drops from constipation
This remedy is made from medicinal herbs. Ogarkov's drops from constipation contribute to the elimination of spasms, stool stabilization, activate intestinal peristalsis. In addition, they prevent the development of fermentation processes, as well as rotting in the body, and in addition eliminate the bad breath.
Vegetative elements of the drug complement each other, while increasing the effect of the drug. That is why these drops from constipation have not only a laxative effect, but also antispasmodic and antimicrobial, and in addition prevent inflammation. The medicine positively influences the activity and condition of the digestive system.
Active components of the drug:
- Extracts from dry hips, senna, and also licorice;
- Extract of the nettle leaves;
- Aloe Vera gel.
Additional elements: sodium benzoate, aspavit, citric acid, and also water.
Drops and other drugs for constipation in the elderly
According to statistics, it was found that about 60% of elderly people suffer from constipation.
Among the most common drops from constipation for the elderly are the following medications:
- Guttalax - this drug is used most often, since it is completely safe and does not cause adverse reactions;
- Regulax is a medicine consisting of natural elements. It effectively relieves chronic constipation;
- Forlax is a fairly effective drug, but it is recommended that elderly people consult a therapist before taking it;
- Prelax - it acts gently, so it is suitable for people of age. This drug normalizes the work of the intestines and stabilizes the digestion of food, and improves the process of its digestion.
Because most laxative drugs have side effects, you should consult your doctor before using them.
The main characteristics of drops from constipation will be considered using the example of Guttalax.
Method of administration and dose of a drop of constipation
Without medical appointment Guttalax is allowed to take in this dosage: children 10+ years, and also adults - 10-20 drops. Children aged 4-10 years - not more than 5-10 drops. It is best to take the medicine before going to bed.
Reception Slabilena occurs 1 time / day before bedtime. Adults prescribe 10-20 drops of medication (if the constipation is stable, you can drink a single dose of 30 drops). Children aged 4+ are allowed to take 5-8 drops (if necessary, the dose can be increased to 15 drops), and you can add the medicine directly into the food or drink. If the drug has not been prescribed by a doctor, it can be taken for a maximum of 10 days.
Adults can take Ogarkov Drops at a dosage of 30 drops three times a day during the meal. Since the sediment may appear in the vial, shake before use.
Use of a drop of constipation during pregnancy
In pregnancy, you can not use drugs that increase intestinal motility, due to the fact that it can lead to miscarriage or premature birth.
Contraindications for use
Take laxatives should not be with hemorrhoids, intestinal inflammations or cracks in the anus.
Stimulants of intestinal peristalsis - salt medicines - can not be taken by small children, because the components of the drug partially penetrate into the blood, which can lead to serious systemic disorders. Also, children have a chance of developing a dehydration process.
Side effects
Among the side effects of prolonged intake of laxatives without the appointment of a doctor is atony of the intestine (it ceases to work independently). Drops from constipation negatively affect the intestinal mucosa along with its filter membranes, so they should not be taken more than 2 weeks.
Degenerative processes may develop in the nerve tissues of the intestine.
Some laxatives can cause weakness, nausea and uncontrolled defecation. They also increase the likelihood of developing bowel cancer.
An overdose of laxatives can cause diarrhea, secondary hyperaldosteronism, pain in the abdomen, and urolithiasis. In addition, renal tubules may be damaged, metabolic alkalosis may occur.
Overdose Guttalaksom fraught with dehydration, a drop in blood pressure, the appearance of seizures, a violation of the balance of electrolytes and water. In some cases, an overdose of the intestinal musculature may undergo ischemia.
Interactions with other drugs
When used together with antibiotics, the laxative effect of Guttalax decreases. In combination with diuretics / glucocorticosteroids, this drug (in a high dosage) can cause abnormal electrolyte balance.
When treating with cardiac glycosides, it is only possible to take Slabilen in the dosages the doctor should choose. If the intake of this laxative is combined with the use of diuretics and glucocorticosteroids, ion balance may develop.
Storage conditions
- Guttalax should not be frozen. The drug is stored at a temperature of no more than 30 ° C in a place that is closed from small children and exposed to sunlight.
- Slabilen can be stored at a maximum temperature of 20 ° C in a dry, dark place.
- Ogarkov drops are kept at a temperature of no more than 25 ° C. The vial or bottle with medicine should be started to keep in a refrigeration cabinet.
Shelf life
Drops from Constipation Guttalax and Slabilen have a 3-year shelf life.
Ogarkov's drops can be used for 2 years.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Drops from constipation for adults and the elderly" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.