

Diseases of the lungs, bronchi and pleura (pulmonology)

Breast Cancer

Breast cancer - tumors of the thoracic part of the body, associated with various causes, localized mainly in the mediastinum, esophagus, lungs, much less often - in the heart.

Psychosocial rehabilitation of patients with pneumoconiosis at an outpatient stage of treatment

General requirements for the organization of psychosocial rehabilitation of patients with pneumoconiosis at the stage of outpatient treatment are formulated.

Treatment of bronchitis

Treatment of bronchitis should begin when the first signs of the disease, after a visit to the doctor. With proper diagnosis and correct treatment, this ailment is cured quite quickly.


Inflammation of the lungs (synonym: pneumonia) is an inflammatory process of the lung tissue that affects the entire respiratory system. As shown by statistics, a considerable number of people who do not have the necessary knowledge share the concepts of "pneumonia" and "pneumonia", whereas, in fact, they mean the same disease.

Tumors of the chest wall

Primary tumors of the thoracic wall account for 5% of all tumors of the chest and 1-2% of all primary tumors. Almost half of the cases are benign tumors, the most common of which are osteochondrosis, chondroma and fibrotic dysplasia.

Bronchial carcinoids

Bronchial carcinoids are rare, slowly growing neuroendocrine tumors emerging from the bronchial mucosa that develop in patients 40-60 years of age.

Lungs' cancer

Lung cancer is a malignant lung tumor, usually classified as small cell or non-small cell cancer. Smoking cigarettes is a major risk factor for most tumor variants.

Obstructive nocturnal apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea (sleep apnea) includes episodes of partial and / or complete closure of the upper respiratory tract during sleep, leading to a cessation of breathing lasting more than 10 seconds. Symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea include a feeling of fatigue, snoring, re-awakening, morning headache and excessive daytime sleepiness. The diagnosis is based on a history of sleep, physical examination and polysomnography.

Central night apnea

Central nocturnal sleep apnea (sleep apnea) is a heterogeneous group of states characterized by changes in the respiratory center or a decrease in the ability to breathe without the development of airway obstruction; most of these conditions cause asymptomatic changes in the structure of breathing during sleep.


Pneumothorax - the presence of air in the pleural cavity, which leads to partial or complete collapse of the lung. Pneumothorax can develop spontaneously or against the background of existing lung diseases, injuries or medical procedures. Diagnosis of pneumothorax is based on data from physical examination and radiography of chest organs.


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