

Diseases of the lungs, bronchi and pleura (pulmonology)

Necrotizing paraproctitis

The isolation of necrotic paraproctitis in a separate group is due to both the vastness and severity of infection by the infectious process of fatty tissue, muscles and fascia in the rectum and perineum, and the peculiarities of treatment. Disease necrotizing paraproctitis is characterized by rapid generalization of infection, the development of multi-organ dysfunction and requires the implementation of necrectomy and intensive care.


Hypoxia is an oxygen deficiency, a condition that occurs when the body's oxygen supply is insufficient or when it is disrupted in the process of biological oxidation, accompanies many pathological conditions, being a component of their pathogenesis and clinically manifested by a hypoxic syndrome based on hypoxemia.

Tracheitis treatment

Treatment of tracheitis depends on the cause of this inflammatory disease and on the general health of the patient. The trachea is a kind of tube that continues the larynx, which connects to the bronchi.

Lung damage

Lesions of the lungs should be diagnosed by physicians of any specialty, although the specifying diagnosis is carried out by therapists, pulmonologists and thoracic surgeons. The most common lung injury is inflammatory diseases: bronchitis and pneumonia, but it is necessary to clarify the concepts.

Mendelssohn syndrome

Mendelssohn's syndrome is the aspiration of chemically aggressive substrate with subsequent burn and the development of hyperergic respiratory tract reaction. The development of a chemical burn of the mucosa of the respiratory tract can be caused by the action of acidic, enzyme-rich gastric juice.

Acute severe asthma

Acute severe asthma is a severe bronchospasm in a patient with a history of asthma. What causes acute asthma? Asthma in history with emergency hospitalizations in the past. Respiratory tract infections. Trigger factors, such as stress, cold, exercise, smoking, allergen. Premature or newborns with low weight.

The use of plasmapheresis in the complex therapy of idiopathic fibrosing alveolitis

Idiopathic fibrosing alveolitis (EIA) is one of the most common and, at the same time, poorly studied diseases from the group of interstitial lung diseases.

Videotoracoscopy in the surgical treatment of pleural empyema

The empyema of the pleura in most cases is a complication of inflammatory and purulent-destructive lung diseases, injuries and surgical interventions on the thoracic organs and is the most complicated section in thoracic surgery.

Peculiarities of pneumonia in pregnancy

One of the priorities in the development of national health is the provision of safe motherhood and childhood. This issue is extremely relevant due to the decrease in the population of healthy parturient women, which leads to an increase in perinatal pathology.

Clinical significance of endothelial dysfunction in children with relapsing obstructive bronchitis and bronchial asthma

Bronchial asthma (BA) is one of the most common childhood diseases. Epidemiological studies in recent years show that 5 to 10% of children suffer from this disease, and this indicator increases every year.


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