

Gynecological diseases (gynecology)

Aplasia of the vagina

For the first time this anomaly was revealed by the German scientist Meyer, supplemented the diagnosis of Rokitansky and Muller, discovering in parallel with this vice the absence of the uterus.

Moderate cervical dysplasia: degrees and how to treat

Moderate dysplasia of the cervix refers to a variety of intraepithelial neoplasia. This is a very common gynecological disease, which is characterized by the appearance of atypical cells in the deep cellular structures of the uterine neck.

Brown discharge instead of monthly

Among seemingly innocuous causes of such secretions, gynecologists call the state of strong physical and nervous exhaustion of the female body, which negatively affects the functioning of the reproductive system.

Aplasia of the uterus

The spread of this pathology is broader than it seems at first glance, so you need to know the main symptoms and manifestations of the disease.

Dotting instead of menstruation: brown, black, pink, as a sign of pregnancy

It is not often that women treat these symptoms, because "there are good months", but do not treat this issue in this way.


This condition develops for many reasons, but in most cases is a consequence of an invasive intervention.

Scanty allocation instead of monthly

To every girl or woman, the first days of the menstrual cycle bring a lot of uncomfortable moments, even if they are quite favorable. The greatest concern and anxiety is caused by smearing discharge from the vagina in the initial phase of menstruation.

Abundant first months

Abundant first months are a problem not only for adult women, but also for young girls, which makes you worry about your health and overall well-being. Diagnosis of this state is not difficult, but the establishment of a cause is sometimes a difficult task, albeit necessary. It is necessary to determine the genesis of such a pathology, and only then talk about treatment.

Crown of the vulva

This problem concerns mainly postmenopausal women, which is associated with the peculiarities of hormonal regulation, but also happens in women of young age.

Spikes in the small pelvis

The course of the adhesive process in the small pelvis can be of varying degrees, from asymptomatic to severe clinical picture, which requires correct diagnosis and correction of this process.


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