

Gynecological diseases (gynecology)

Metaplasia of the cervix

This pathology is frequent in women after 50 years, although it happens even earlier. But not all women have the concept of what is at issue, in the case of establishing this diagnosis.

Pseudo-erosion of cervix uteri

Pseudo-erosion of the cervix is a violation of the skin, which can later develop into real erosion.

Obstruction of the fallopian tubes

Obstruction of the fallopian tubes is a serious disease that develops due to the presence of foreign cells inside the fallopian tubes.

Condylomata of the cervix

Condyloma of the cervix is one of the most common viral lesions of the female genital organs.

Cervical prolapse

To make the right decision about the treatment methods, the treating physician needs to have a complete picture of the pathological process, as well as to know the causes of cervical prolapse.

Artificial insemination (insemination)

Artificial insemination (insemination) is the introduction of alien genetic material in the form of sperm in the genital tract of a woman for the purpose of her pregnancy.

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

In the treatment of infertile marriage, in recent years, the method of extracorporeal fertilization (IVF) - the fertilization of oocytes outside the body, cultivating them with the subsequent insertion of crushing embryos into the uterine cavity, is becoming increasingly widespread.

Gonadotropic insufficiency

Gonadotropic insufficiency is a form of anovulatory infertility, characterized by injuries in the central parts of the reproductive system, leading to a decrease in the secretion of gonadotropic hormones.

Endocrine infertility

Anovulatory (endocrine) infertility - a violation of the reproductive function of a woman, caused by the lack of normal folliculogenesis in the ovaries and ovulation.

Cervical bend

It is not rare that a woman, when planning a pregnancy, encounters such a disease as the cervix of the cervix.


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