

Gynecological diseases (gynecology)

Piocolpos: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Incomplete doubling of the uterus with the presence of an additional closed vagina is accompanied by a one-sided delay in menstrual blood. A characteristic sign of the disease is the presence of persistent algomenorrhea.

Festering vaginal cysts: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Vaginal cysts are derived from the remains of the gartner's passage (embryonic ureter), lined with cylindrical (ciliated or cubic) or multilayered flat epithelium.

Bartholin gland abscess

Bartholin's abscess is divided into two forms - true and false. The cause of the development of this disease are pyogenic cocci.

Purulent gynecological diseases

Inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, constituting 60-65% among outpatients and up to 30% among inpatients, are one of the main medical problems and have a significant impact on the health of millions of women of childbearing age.

Septic shock in gynecology

One of the most serious complications of purulent-septic processes of any localization is septic (or bacterial-toxic) shock. Septic shock is a special reaction of the body, manifested in the development of severe systemic disorders associated with a violation of adequate tissue perfusion, which comes in response to the introduction of microorganisms or their toxins.

Inflammation of the uterine appendages (salpingoophoritis)

Salpingoophoritis - inflammation of the uterine appendages - is most common among inflammatory diseases of the internal genital organs (70%). The relative scarcity of isolated forms of inflammation of the uterine appendages (salpingitis and especially oophoritis) is explained by anatomical proximity and generality in blood and lymph circulation.

Acute inflammatory diseases of the internal genital organs

Inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs (uterus, appendages, peritoneum) are the most common gynecological diseases. Over half of the women seeking help in the women's consultation suffer from inflammation of the internal genitalia, and about 50% of them require inpatient treatment.

DIC-Syndrome in Gynecology

The syndrome of disseminated intravascular coagulation in gynecological practice is most often met with hemorrhagic shock caused by various causes, bacterial-toxic shock as a complication of criminal abortion; frozen pregnancy, transfusion of incompatible blood.

Hemorrhagic shock

The development of shock is usually caused by hemorrhages exceeding 1000 ml, that is, a loss of more than 20% of the BCC or 15 ml of blood per 1 kg of body weight. Continuing bleeding, in which blood loss exceeds 1500 ml (more than 30% BCC), is considered massive and poses an immediate threat to the life of a woman.

Cardiovascular and cervical

Neck and pterygo-cervical pregnancy is a relatively rare complication of pregnancy, which is a distal option for ectopic (ectopic) pregnancy.


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