

Gynecological diseases (gynecology)

Sexually transmitted diseases

Diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases includes both express methods acquired in screening and classical (culture and virological) used for the final diagnosis.

Pyoinflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs

The Geneva International Statistical Classification of Diseases, Trauma and Causes of Death (WHO, 1980) has the following nosological forms of inflammatory diseases of the internal genitalia.

Hyperplastic processes of the endometrium

Hyperplastic processes of the endometrium (GPE) - pathological diffuse or focal proliferation (thickening) of the glandular and stromal component of the uterine mucosa with a predominant lesion of glandular structures.

Uterine bleeding of the puberty period

Uterine bleeding of the pubertal period (MKPP) is a pathological bleeding caused by abnormalities of endometrial rejection in adolescent girls with impaired cyclic production of sex steroid hormones from the moment of the first menstruation to 18 years.

Premature puberty

Premature puberty (PPP) is a disorder of the development of the girl, manifested by one or all of the signs of puberty at the age of 2.5 or more standard deviations (2.5 SD or σ) below the average age of their appearance in the healthy children's population.

Mastopathy of mammary glands

Mastopathy is one of the most common diseases in women: in the population, the incidence is 30-43%, and among women with various gynecological diseases, reaches 58%. The frequency of mastopathy reaches a maximum of 45 years.

Born submucosal node

Located under the mucous membrane of the uterus myomatous nodes in 1-1.5% of cases tend to be expelled by the uterus. This condition is called the "nascent node" and can be accompanied by a clinical picture of the "acute abdomen", sharp cramping pains in the lower abdomen, bleeding.

Dysfunction of the uterine myoma

This condition is due more often to mechanical factors: compression, torsion, etc., as well as the peculiarities of the blood supply to the fibromatous node.

Torsion of the leg of the tumor of the ovary

Torsion of the anatomical and / or surgical leg of the ovarian tumor (with a twisting in these formations include the uterine tube, more rarely - epiploon, intestinal loops) is accompanied by the development of acute disruption of the nutrition of the tumor and the rapid development of necrotic processes.

Pioalpinx and tubo-ovarian abscess

Pioalpinx is an accumulation of pus in the fallopipe with salpingitis. Tuboovarial abscess is a cavity in the area of the fallopian tube and ovary, containing pus and delimited from surrounding tissues by a pyogenic membrane.


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