Warts are caused by the human papilloma virus. At present, no less than 60 types of the human papilloma virus have been isolated. None of them is strictly specific for a particular type of wart.
Herpetic lesions of the skin include simple bladder and shingles. A simple bubble lichen is caused by a herpes simplex virus type I or II, characterized by severe dermatoneurotropic symptoms. Infection with type I virus usually occurs in early childhood (the possibility of intrauterine penetration of the virus into the body is allowed)
Ring-shaped granuloma is a benign, chronic idiopathic condition characterized by the presence of papules and nodules that, as a result of peripheral growth, form rings around normal or slightly atrophic skin.
Rossolimo-Melkerson-Rosenthal syndrome is a chronically relapsing dermatosis of unclear etiology. In its development, importance is attached to genetic factors, functional disorders of the nervous system such as angioneurosis, infectious and allergic mechanisms.
Berylliosis is a systemic occupational disease with primary respiratory damage, which is based on the formation of typical immune granulomas from the introduction of metals.
The granuloma of a foreign body is caused by both endogenous and exogenous factors. Endogenous include keratin, sebum, urate, cholesterol and its crystals, etc .; to exogenous - ink, used for tattooing, paraffin, oils, silicone, etc.
At the heart of granulomatous inflammation are immune disorders - mainly by the type of delayed-type hypersensitivity, allergic and cytotoxic reactions.
Lishar sclerosing and atrophic (syn: teardrop scleroderma, white spot disease, white lychen Tsumbusha). The question of the independence of this disease has not yet been resolved.
Scleroderma is a systemic disease of connective tissue of unexplained etiology, which is based on the progressive disorganization of collagen. The process consists of several links: mucoid swelling, fibrinoid alteration, cellular reactions and sclerosis.