

Diseases of the nervous system (neurology)

Sensorimotor aphasia

Acquired speech disorder, in which there is a violation or loss of the ability to perceive, understand and use speech as a means of communication, is defined in clinical neurology as receptive-expressive or sensorimotor aphasia.

Pinching of the radial nerve of the right, left hand

Compression or pinching of the radial nerve - one of the three nerves of the brachial plexus that provide motor and sensory function of the hands - leads to the development of compression neuropathies, including tunnel syndromes

Cryptococcal meningitis

Cryptococcal meningitis develops when the encapsulated yeast Cryptococcus neoformans, which belongs to human opportunistic pathogens, is affected.

Aplasia of the corpus callosum

A malformation in the form of a complete or almost complete absence of adhesion of nerve fibers connecting the hemispheres of the brain is defined as aplasia of the corpus callosum, which is synonymous with its agenesis, that is, its lack of development during development.


Disorder of the functions of the olfactory system, which manifests itself in the fact that ordinary smells seem unpleasant and even disgusting to a person, is defined as parosmia, troposmia or cacosmia (literally from Greek - a bad smell).


The term "meningism" is a syndrome that occurs in some common infectious pathologies under the influence of irritation of the meninges. Meningism is characterized by such signs as headache, stiffness of the cervical muscles, an increase in intracranial pressure against the background of an unchanged composition of cerebrospinal fluid.

Idiopathic generalized and focal epilepsy

A systematic review and meta-analysis of studies worldwide showed that the point prevalence of active epilepsy was 6.38 per 1000 people, and the lifetime prevalence was 7.6 per 1000 people.

Causalgia: what is this disease?

The list of definitions can be continued, but here is a special medical term - causalgia - which means severe prolonged pains of a burning character.


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