

Diseases of the nervous system (neurology)

A pinched nerve in the scapula

Back pain is an extremely common phenomenon that periodically bothers 85% of the world's population. Unpleasant sensations are not always caused by any pathology and can appear as a result of unfortunate movement or prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position.

Cavernoma of the brain

Abnormal brain vessel masses belong to cerebrovascular diseases, and one of them is cerebral cavernoma.

Diffuse brain changes in a child

Diffuse changes in the brain affecting its bioelectrical conductivity can be detected at any age. However, the reasons causing them may differ slightly.

Diffuse brain changes: what does it mean?

Both local and diffuse changes in the cerebral cortex, significantly affect a person's well-being and cognitive abilities

Transverse septal cyst of the brain

Anomalous cerebral masses of a benign nature - congenital or acquired - include the cyst of the transparent septum of the brain.

Chronic meningitis

Chronic meningitis is an inflammatory disease that, unlike the acute form, develops gradually over several weeks (sometimes more than one month).


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