

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels (cardiology)

Pericardial cyst

The pericardial cyst is seen as a benign formation with thin walls. It can be recognized by the formation of a round and irregular shape, of different diameters. 

Moderate and diffuse changes in myocardium of metabolic type ventricles

The first and most important method of examining the work of the heart is an electrocardiogram. This simple at first glance survey provides complete information about the electrical conduction of the heart muscle, which in turn indicates the state of metabolism in its cells - cardiomyocytes. 

Diastolic arterial hypertension

Arterial pressure is defined as the force with which the blood flow affects the walls of the arteries. The unit of its measurement is millimeters of mercury, in short, mm Hg. Art. 

Open oval window in newborn children and adolescents

Quite often diagnosed pathology is an open oval window in a newborn. The cardiovascular system of the child is very weak, but his vital activity requires her to work hard.

Open oval window in the heart: the more dangerous, the signs, the diagnosis, the treatment

The gap in the wall between the right and left atrium is an open oval window of the heart. Consider the causes and pathogenesis of this phenomenon, methods of treatment and prevention.

Diagnosis and treatment of blood pressure jumps

Jumps of blood pressure - one of the most urgent problems of modern medicine. If before this pathology mainly elderly people were exposed, today young people, and even teenagers, small children suffer from this problem. 

Arterial pressure jumps in children and adolescents

In the practice of treating childhood diseases, pressure spikes often occur. The pressure can vary in both directions: both in the direction of hypotension, and in the direction of hypertension. Accordingly, there is either a sharp drop in blood pressure, or a sharp increase in blood pressure. 

Causes and symptoms of sudden changes in blood pressure

Today, an increasing number of people, including young people, are concerned about blood pressure jumps. They can bring people discomfort, pain, loss of efficiency, and can pass almost asymptomatically.

Microinfarction in women and men, transferred on legs: how to determine the consequences

The diagnosis of a microinfarction seems to many patients to be very comforting and reassuring, if only because the size of the lesion, in their opinion, is insignificant, microscopic. However, in practice it turns out that everything is so simple. 

Aneurysm of the aorta of the abdominal cavity: causes, signs, diagnosis, stenting

Since the aorta is one of the main vital vessels, such changes in it can cost the patient not only health, but also life.


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