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Balsams and creams from psoriasis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Psoriatic skin lesions are caused by hyperproliferation of skin cells in its individual areas. Currently, the causes of the disease remain in the field of assumptions. There are many ways to combat this disease, but the problem of treatment is still not solved.
Balms and creams from psoriasis are used for local treatment of rashes, prevention of relapses and lengthening of the periods of remission, elimination of lesions of the skin surface, its overdrying and irritations.
The effectiveness of these funds in uncomplicated forms of the disease is quite high.
Strictly speaking, these funds are not medicinal products, those who decide to use them are responsible for the consequences of their application.
Release form
Psoriasis is a serious disease and will get rid of its manifestations is not easy. Not all manufacturers specify in the instructions on the need to comply with a certain diet, and this is mandatory. Users also have a mixed opinion about the drugs. However, before using hormone therapy, you can try to eliminate the symptoms of the disease more sparing methods.
Crimean balm for psoriasis
This is a Russian-made facility, the main active component of which is naphthalan oil (naphthalene) from Azerbaijan. In addition to naphthalan, it contains petrolatum, refined soybean oil, tea tree oil, potato starch, chamomile extract, garlic fresh, clove cologne and distilled water.
Naphthalan oil has long been used to treat skin diseases, including psoriasis. The therapeutic effectiveness of her becomes noticeable quickly enough. Naftalanotherapy is considered one of the most effective methods of treatment.
Pharmacodynamics of naphthalan is based on a high (≈70%) content of naphthenic hydrocarbons in it, which are close in effect to hormonal preparations, however, do not have their undesirable influence on the body and are not addictive.
Naftalan stops the inflammation and itching, which causes the regressive stage of the disease and the disappearance of the symptoms of exacerbation quite quickly. Promotes the correction of immunity, while in the blood there is a decrease in immunoglobulins. Expands blood vessels, activates metabolic processes, normalizes the nutrition of skin cells and the distribution of intra-epidermal macrophages.
Naftalanotherapy with psoriasis helps restore normal innervation of the skin.
Balm is applied to psoriatic plaques every day from morning and night to a layer of more than two millimeters, with psoriasis of the scalp - after removing the hair, apply on the skin, lightly rubbing. The lubricated areas are wrapped with food film. Rinse with warm water and baby soap before changing the dressing.
At the beginning of treatment, itching may intensify, which must be endured without combing the itching areas. When redness and active exfoliation begin in the application areas of the balm - do not tear off the seated crusts.
As the application thickens the affected skin, the itching recedes. Redness can be observed for about two to five weeks, then the skin becomes light. Then only pigmented or depigmented spots remain on the site of psoriatic eruptions.
The balm is still applied twice a day until the stains disappear completely.
Compulsory precautions:
- do not consume whole milk; eggs; citrus; products containing cocoa; honey;
- limited consumption of sour, fatty and spicy, red vegetables and fruits, onions and garlic (having completed treatment, adhere to these restrictions);
- complete refusal from alcohol, tobacco products, sunbathing and solarium;
- to observe a mode of a dream.
Interaction with medicinal and vitamin preparations, vaccinations can have a negative impact on the healing process.
It is not necessary to combine this treatment with physiotherapeutic, phytotherapeutic and other methods of healing. The manufacturer insists on monotherapy.
The shelf life of the Crimean balm from psoriasis is one year.
Cream-balm Folk healer from psoriasis
Phytotherapeutic agent for combating squamish and other skin problems consists of: extracts from medicinal plants, sea-buckthorn and juniper oil, tar of birch, natural ceresin, paraffin, perfume oil.
Pharmacodynamics of the drug is determined by the properties of plant components. The combination of succession, celandine and lovage is well absorbed in psoriatic plaques and softens the cheshuyki depriving. The root of the bear's ear, calendula flowers and natural birch tar contribute to the non-traumatic purification from the horny skin particles, showing antiseptic properties and inhibiting the inflammatory process. Juniper, aloe and sea buckthorn oil promote the regeneration of skin cells, restoring its elasticity and natural color.
It is applied after a warm shower daily, the minimum number of procedures is one. Apply the balm to the lesions and wait until it absorbs completely into the skin.
After about 7-10 days, the scales begin to flake off, and a healthy skin appears.
The manufacturer does not warn about the consequences of overdose and interaction with other drugs.
Oriental preparations for fighting psoriasis
Eastern medicine offers for the purification of the skin from psoriatic plaques preparations based on natural components, which reduces the risk of negative consequences from their use.
For example, the Chinese ointment "Li Kang" for the treatment of psoriasis, produced in China (Anhui Province), according to traditional Chinese medicine.
It consists of Japanese stypho-llobium, Japanese roqueburgh, extract from mint essential oil, acetic acid, Amur cork tree, additional components.
Penetrating into the layers of the skin, it acts bactericidal and bacteriostatically, eliminates all kinds of pathogenic microorganisms. Regenerates and heals damaged skin.
Twice or thrice a day to spread psoriatic plaques, gently rubbing. With caution apply with rash with pus.
There are no data on overdose and interaction with other drugs.
Chinese ecological cream for the prevention and treatment of psoriasis "Bamboo Salt and Tiger Grass"
This cream is made according to ancient Chinese recipes, it includes herbs, which treat tigers from wounds inflicted on them. The cream contains: bamboo salt, Chinese rose, root of the whip, Asiatic fungus, various-leaf grapes, Amur cork tree, forsythia, dandelion.
For the production of bamboo salt, a hollow bamboo stem is filled with sea salt and burned at the stake with pine cones. It turns out a mixture of bamboo ash and salt, saturated with microelements and possesses wound healing, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, normalizing metabolic processes in skin cells, moisturizing the skin, restoring its protective functions.
This cream eliminates itching, peeling, relieves the affected area of the lesion, restores the skin. It is completely absorbed by the skin, does not leave a greasy sheen on it, it is suitable for all skin types, does not contain flavors and dyes, is applied to an unlimited surface of the body. This tool has speed and protective properties.
Contraindicated in children aged 0-2 years.
Method of application: Apply to cleansed skin daily for two to three times with soft circular motions until absolutely absorbed by the surface of the skin.
Duration of use - until the therapeutic effect is achieved.
For the prevention of exacerbations, the duration of application is a week.
Side effects from the application - occasionally there may be a burning sensation in the areas of application.
Keep two years, observing the temperature regime up to 20 ° C, protect from children.
An antipsyriatic gel is used as a monopreparation, and in combination with other drugs.
In its composition - only natural components, do not contain dyes, flavors, preservatives. The active ingredients of the gel: silver ions - provide antiseptic effect; mint extract - soothing, cooling, softening effect; the fruits of the turn are antibacterial and antipruritic; mushroom veselka - decongestant; vitamins, minerals, oils - normalize blood circulation, relieve inflammation. The action of the cream starts the processes of self-healing of the skin surface. It is applied on all smooth and hairy areas, quickly absorbed by the skin, does not leave greasy marks.
Nano-gel contributes to the normalization of the process of vital activity of keratinocytes, preventing its acceleration.
The manufacturer claims absolute safety of this product for pregnant and lactating women, children.
Nano-gel is applied to a thin layer of a skin washed with warm water, it is allowed to soak it in the open air for a quarter of an hour. The procedure is carried out twice a day.
The product has a fine texture and is quickly absorbed by the skin, there is no need to remove its residues.
You can combine with the use of other medicines. Biocompatibility is achieved with the help of a special nano-technology for the production of gel - the active substances of the preparation are encapsulated in liposomes commensurate with the cells.
Turkish Super psoriasis cream from psoriasis
This cream deeply penetrates into the layers of the skin, it moistens well and evenly, prevents overdrying, removes the feeling of discomfort. Has a dark brown color and a characteristic smell, because in its composition - naphthalene and tar (birch).
Pharmacodynamics cream is determined by its components. Basis of the cream are petrolatum and lanolin, which it provides disinfectant, softening, nutritional and restoring properties. Purified solidol, accelerating the process of getting rid of psoriatic scales, regenerates damaged skin, reduces irritation. Sea-buckthorn oil is a source of vitamins and microelements, stops the development of inflammation, accelerates the healing and regeneration of skin cells. Birch tar is an intensive remedy for inflammation, overdrying, burning and soreness, prevents secondary infection, eliminates nervousness and irritability of the patient, and helps to fall asleep. Sulfur - the regulator of metabolic processes in skin cells, increases its protective properties. Naftalan - effectively supports skin health, participates in all processes of its regeneration. Extracts of licorice, sage, eucalyptus and alternatives - strong means against inflammation, allergy, infection, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, heal, nourish, maintain normal cellular metabolism, contain a lot of vitamins and trace elements. Mint oil - soothes, cools, prevents itching, tones up, maintains a balance of water.
According to dermatologists and patients, the effectiveness of the cream is very high; less than a week after the beginning of treatment, the plaques cease to itch and flake off, the feeling of tightness of the skin and marked inflammation disappear; less than two weeks noticeably decreases the number of plaques, and the remaining - almost indistinguishable on healthy skin; by the end of the third week signs of exacerbation pass, and by the end of the month the skin becomes clean and supple.
Contraindicated in the age of 0-6 years.
The method of applying the cream depends on the severity of the disease, with severe and complicated forms of the disease, it can be used in conjunction with drug therapy.
Patients with very dry skin and strong peeling apply the cream 2-3 times a day. It is desirable to conduct the procedure by taking a shower and drying the treatment area. Treating the affected areas of the skin with cream, it is recommended to cover them with wax paper, which should be fixed with a plaster. If possible, simply put a tubular bandage on the treated surfaces. The dressings are left for several hours. The sweat or condensate released in this case does not affect the effectiveness of the cream.
When the main symptoms pass: peeling, itching, dryness, the number of treatments can be reduced to one per day.
Combined use of Super psoric cream with other drugs, which are prescribed for the treatment of scaly lichen, is quite acceptable.
Cream for psoriasis Skin-cap
The active ingredient of the cream is zinc pyrithionate. It has bacteriostatic and fungistatic action, is maximally active in relation to Pity-rosporum, which cause inflammation and overproduction of keratinocytes. Zinc pyrithionate selectively suppresses anomalously accelerated multiplication of cells, without affecting these processes in areas of healthy skin. The cream contains a surfactant methyl-ethyl sulfate, which functions as a conductor of the active substance deep into the epidermis. Skin-Cream cream moisturizes the skin and helps to keep moisture in its cells.
Method of application: spread a thin layer of psoriatic plaques twice or thrice a day.
The duration of therapy is approximately five weeks, the course is repeated with relapses of the disease.
Regular therapy with cream Skin-cap for two years significantly increases the duration of remission periods with a gradual decrease in the manifestation of symptoms of the disease.
Interaction with drugs that contain glucocorticosteroids is not recommended.
Use of the balms of psoriasis during pregnancy
The manufacturer of balms from psoriasis, basically, does not specify in the instruction about an interdiction for use during pregnancy and in the period of feeding by a breast, however, it is desirable to receive consultation of the expert before the beginning of application of balm.
Contraindications to use - intolerance to any ingredient in balsam. To determine the individual reaction to any drug, you can pre-test it - apply it on a small surface of the skin (for example, on the inside of the forearm) and check it after 24 hours. If there are no rashes, itching or other manifestations of irritation, you can use a balm or cream.
Side effects of the balms of psoriasis
Side effects and results of an overdose of balms are not described.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Balsams and creams from psoriasis" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.