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Aquadetrine vitamin d3
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Aquadetrim vitamin d3 - a medicine containing calciferol, as well as its analogues.
Indications Aquadetrim vitamin d3
Applies to such violations:
- prevention of rickets ;
- prevention of a lack of cholecalciferol in people from the high-risk category who do not have impairment of absorption processes;
- prevention of rickets in newborns born prematurely;
- preventing the deficiency of cholecalciferol in malabsorption;
- therapy for osteomalacia or rickets;
- maintenance therapy for osteoporosis;
- for treatment of hypoparathyroidism.
Release form
The release is realized in an aqueous solution for ingestion, in flacons with a capacity of 10 ml. Inside a separate box there is one such glass bottle.
Cholecalciferol is an active anti-cancer factor. The main and most important function of calciferol is the stabilization of metabolic processes of phosphates with calcium, due to which the growth and mineralization of the skeleton proceeds correctly.
Cholecalciferol is a natural form of calciferol, produced by the human and animal body. In comparison with ergocalciferol, its activity is higher - by 25%.
The substance is required for the stable operation of parathyroid glands, kidneys and intestines with the bone system. It is important in the processes of absorption of phosphates with calcium from the intestine, with the movement of mineral salts and bone calcification. In addition, it stabilizes the process of excretion of phosphates and calcium through the kidneys.
The number of calcium ions affects many of the biochemical processes necessary for the body that support the muscle tone of the musculature of the skeleton, are participants in the transmission of neural impulses and affect blood turnover. Also cholecalciferol is a participant in the activity of the immune system, and besides it affects the production of lymphokines.
Deficiency of cholecalciferol in consumed food and deterioration of its absorption, and besides this, lack of calcium and lack of exposure to sunlight at the stage of accelerated child growth cause rickets. In adults, osteomalacia develops, and in pregnant women, there are signs of tetany. Also, due to such abnormalities observed in the mother during pregnancy, infants do not subsequently develop tooth enamel.
Women at the stage of menopause, often suffering from osteoporosis due to hormonal failures, are required to increase the portion of cholecalciferol.
An aqueous solution of cholecalciferol has a higher absorption than an oil solution. It should be borne in mind that in preterm infants, insufficient formation and passage of bile within the intestine is noted, because of which the absorption of vitamin substances in oily solutions is disrupted.
When ingested, the active element is suctioned, entering the small intestine.
Distribution processes.
The medication passes into the mother's milk and through the placenta.
Exchange processes.
Metabolism of the drug occurs inside the kidneys with the liver, where it is transformed into an active decay product - the calcitriol substance, which is synthesized with carrier proteins and moves to the target organs (bones with intestines and kidneys). The half-life within the blood is several days (with kidney pathologies it can increase).
Excreted with feces and urine.
Cholecalciferol begins to affect the metabolism of calcium with phosphorus after 6 hours after drug use.
48 hours after the use of cholecalciferol, there is a significant increase in its indices inside the blood serum.
Dosing and administration
The medication is used orally.
To prevent the development of rickets, and in order to prevent the development of a deficiency of cholecalciferol in people from high-risk groups who do not have absorption disorders, one drop of medicine per day (about 500 IU of cholecalciferol) should be used.
Supportive therapy for osteoporosis involves taking 2 drops of LS per day (approximately 1000 IU cholecalciferol).
To prevent rickets in newborns born prematurely, the size of portions should be selected by the doctor. Usually, a total intake of a dose of 2 drops per day (approximately 1000 IU of cholecalciferol) is recommended.
When preventing the development of a deficiency of cholecalciferol due to malabsorption, the dosage is selected by the attending physician. Often the size of the total recommended dose is 6-10 drops of medicine per day (approximately 3000-5000 IU of cholecalciferol).
Therapy for osteomalacia or rickets: the dose is selected separately for each patient, taking into account the severity of the disease and its course. The total daily intake with a deficiency of cholecalciferol (in children or infants) is approximately 2-10 drops (approximately 1000-5000 IU of cholecalciferol).
Treatment for hypoparathyroidism presupposes the selection of a portion taking into account the calcium indices inside the blood serum - often it is 20-40 drops per day (approximately 10,000-20,000 IU cholecalciferol). With a higher requirement for cholecalciferol, it is allowed to increase the portion of the drug.
With prolonged treatment using Aquadetrim, it is necessary to constantly monitor the values of calcium inside the urine with blood serum. If necessary, the dosage is adjusted, taking into account the serum calcium values.
Duration and scheme of use.
For children, the drug is used to prevent rickets - it is taken from the 14th day of life and until the end of the first 12 months. At the 2nd year of life, the development of the need to continue taking drugs, especially in winter, is possible.
A small child drops are added to milk, plain water or baby food (a teaspoon is required). When adding a substance to a plate or a bottle with a baby formula, you need to make sure that the child has completely eaten everything, otherwise it will not be possible to guarantee the use of the whole portion of the drug. Add the medicine to the food before you start taking it.
A child older and an adult should take a drop by mixing them in a spoon with some liquid.
The duration of the treatment cycle depends on the degree of intensity of the pathology and its course, and the doctor should select it. When osteomalacia or rickets, provoked by a deficiency of cholecalciferol, therapy lasts 12 months.
If a patient takes more than 1000 IU of cholecalciferol per day or continuous use of drugs, serum calcium values should be monitored.
Use Aquadetrim vitamin d3 during pregnancy
When lactating, as well as pregnancy, the body of a woman should receive a sufficient amount of calciferol. It is necessary to control the process of its receipt.
For a day you need to take no more than 500 IU of calciferol. There is no data on the development of risks with the use of vitamin within the specified dosage. It is necessary to avoid prolonged overdose with calciferol, because this can cause the appearance of hypercalcemia, which leads to the occurrence of anomalies in the mental and physical development of the fetus, aortic stenosis and retinopathy in the child.
To prescribe Aquadetrim vitamin D3 during pregnancy is allowed only with strict indications, with the exact observance of all recommendations regarding the dosage portion.
Calciferol with its breakdown products passes into the mother's milk. There is no information on a possible overdose.
The main contraindications:
- the presence of intolerance against medicinal components;
- hypervitaminosis type D;
- hypercalcemia or hypercalciuria;
- pulmonary sarcoidosis;
- failure of renal activity;
- tuberculosis or nephrolithiasis;
- Albright's disease (the body's need for calciferol may be lower than with normal vitamin tolerance).
The use of calciferol can provoke intoxication. To facilitate the monitoring of its indicators should take vitamin in other forms of release.
You can not prescribe a medicine for people with a rare form of fructoemia of a hereditary nature, as well as with malabsorption of glucose-galactose or sucrose-isomaltose.
Side effects Aquadetrim vitamin d3
The use of the drug may trigger the development of such side effects:
- violations of the CAS: increased values of blood pressure or arrhythmia;
- disorders of the digestive function: nausea, constipation, swelling, diarrhea and vomiting, and in addition abdominal pain, loss of appetite, dyspeptic symptoms and dryness of the oral mucosa;
- problems with the work of the National Assembly: a feeling of drowsiness, depression, mental disorder, headaches;
- disorders affecting the urinary system: increased values of calcium inside urine or blood, polyuria, urolithiasis and tissue calcification, as well as uremia;
- lesions of the epidermis: symptoms of intolerance, including itching, hives and rashes;
- disorders of the musculoskeletal system: weakness in the muscles, arthralgia or myalgia;
- problems affecting the visual organs: photosensitivity or conjunctivitis;
- metabolic disorders: weight loss, hypercholesterolemia, hyperhidrosis, as well as pancreatitis;
- disorders associated with the hepatobiliary system: increased activity of aminotransferase;
- mental disorders: weakening of libido;
- Other: the emergence of hyperthermia or rhinorrhea.
Because of the benzyl alcohol contained in the drug (ratio 15 mg / ml), anaphylactoid signs may appear.
Cholecalciferol stabilizes metabolic processes of phosphates with calcium, and poisoning leads to the appearance of hypercalciuria or hypercalcemia, and in addition to bone damage, development of renal calcifications and disturbances in CCC work. The development of hypercalcemia begins with the use of a substance of 50000-100000 IU per day.
Intoxication can lead to the appearance of such negative symptoms: loss of appetite, photosensitivity, muscle weakness, vomiting, a feeling of drowsiness, pancreatitis, nausea and constipation. In addition, polyuria, rhinorrhoea, polydipsia with hyperthermia and conjunctivitis appears, libido is weakened, hypercholesterolemia, uremia or cardiac arrhythmias occur, the level of blood pressure and transaminase activity increases. Often there are disorders such as headaches, muscle or joint pain, and weight loss. Developmental disorders of renal activity, accompanied by albuminuria, polyuria and erythrocyte, and besides nicturia, loss of potassium, a moderate increase in blood pressure and hypostenuria.
In severe poisoning, corneal opacity may occur, and in addition, rarely, the swelling of the papilla in the optic nerve region or the inflammation of the iris, sometimes reaching the cataract.
Possible the formation of kidney stones and liming in areas of soft tissues (heart, blood vessels and the epidermis with the lungs). Occasionally, cholestatic jaundice is noted.
At a poisoning it is necessary to treat a hypercalcemia. First you need to cancel the use of drugs, and then, taking into account the intensity of hypercalcemia, a diet is prescribed with the use of a small amount of calcium or completely without it. In addition, you should consume a lot of fluid, take calcitonin with GCS, and also introduce furosemide to induce forced diuresis.
With healthy kidney function, calcium values can be reduced by introducing the infused NaCl solution (24 to 3 liters of substance needed) in combination with furosemide. Sometimes sodium B is used (at a rate of 15 mg / kg / h) together with constant monitoring of ECG and calcium values. When treating oligoanuria, a hemodialysis session is necessary.
The medicine does not have an antidote.
Interactions with other drugs
Anticonvulsants (eg, phenobarbital with phenytoin) and rifampicin weaken the absorption of Aquadetrim.
When combining the drug with thiazides, the likelihood of hypercalcemia increases.
Combined use together with SG can increase their toxic properties (because of this the probability of occurrence of cardiac arrhythmias increases).
The combination of a drug with aluminum-or magnesium-containing antacids can lead to the development of toxic effects of aluminum on bones, as well as hypermagnesia in people with a deficiency of renal function.
Ketoconazole is able to weaken the catabolism and biosynthesis of cholecalciferol.
A combination of cholecalciferol with metabolic products or calciphylol analogs is acceptable only as an exception and only if serum calcium is monitored (because the likelihood of toxic symptoms increases).
Combination with medicines that contain a large amount of phosphorus or calcium leads to an increased likelihood of hyperphosphataemia.
Calciferol is able to act as an antagonist of drugs that are used for hypercalcemia (among them etidronate, calcitonin and pamidronate).
Simultaneous reception with medications that reduce weight (eg orlistat) and cholesterol can lead to a decrease in absorption of calciferol and other vitamins of fat-soluble nature.
Shelf life
Aquadetrim vitamin d3 is allowed to be applied within 36 months from the date of manufacture of the therapeutic agent. An open, tightly corked vial has a shelf life of 0.5 years.
Application for children
The medicine can be administered to infants from the 14th day of life.
The analogues of the medication are the medicines Vigantol, Alfa-d3, Videin and Alfafracal with Alfaforcal plus, and besides it Plivitis, Tridevita, Ideos with Tachistin, Ergocalciferol and Forcal, together with Forcal plus.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Aquadetrine vitamin d3" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.