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Avertal is a medicine that belongs to the NSAID group.
Indications Aertal
The medication is indicated for the treatment of pain sensations and the decrease in the intensity of inflammation in patients with rheumatic processes in soft tissues or lumbago, and also with pleural circulation periarthritis.
In addition, Avertal is used to eliminate toothaches and as part of the symptomatic treatment of patients who have osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis or Bechterew's disease.
Release form
Produced in the form of tablets. One blister contains 10 tablets. In one package 2 or 6 blister plates.
The active substance of the drug is aceclofenac, which inhibits the activity of the enzyme cyclooxygenase. As a result, the processes of synthesis of cytokines that provoke inflammation are slowing down (among them prostaglandins I2, as well as conventional PG). The drug has analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties.
High activity of the action of aceclofenac inside the tissues of PNS, as well as soft tissues allows the medicine to eliminate strong pain sensations, and besides to weaken the swelling and stiffness of joints arising in the morning in patients suffering from rheumatic pathologies.
After ingestion, the medicine is quickly absorbed from the digestive tract. Peak concentration within the plasma active substance reaches 1.5-3 hours after drug use.
Aceclofenac binds effectively to plasma proteins (mostly albumins). High levels of the substance are also observed inside the synovial fluid. The process of metabolism is only a small part of the drug.
The excretion of the active component is mainly carried out through the kidneys (both under the guise of decay products and unchanged). The half-life is 4 hours.
Dosing and administration
The medication is taken orally - swallow the tablet completely, without chewing or grinding, while washing with water. The duration of the treatment course, as well as the size of the dosage is prescribed by the attending doctor - they are individual for all individual cases.
Often for adults, the dosage is 1 tablet twice a day.
Use Aertal during pregnancy
The medicine can not be administered to pregnant women.
If you need to apply Avertal during breastfeeding, you should first consult with your doctor about the cessation of feeding.
Among the contraindications:
- individual intolerance of the active substance of the drug, as well as other NSAIDs;
- the patient has ulcers of gastrointestinal mucosa (at the stage of exacerbation), bleeding in the intestine or stomach (or suspected of it), disorders in the work of the kidney or liver, as well as problems with the processes of blood clotting and hematopoiesis;
- period after the surgery for coronary artery bypass grafting, and in addition for the treatment of patients suffering from hyperkalemia;
- children and adolescents aged less than 18 years.
The medicine is prescribed with care to patients with renal / hepatic pathologies or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the anamnesis, and in addition to people with high blood pressure, bronchial asthma, IHD, low level of bcc, diseases caused by Helicobacter pylori, as well as somatic pathologies in severe form.
Along with this, it is necessary to carefully prescribe medication to patients with circulatory disorders in the brain, a violation of the lipid metabolism balance, diabetes mellitus, and in addition to the elderly and those who consume alcohol and smoke.
Side effects Aertal
Due to the use of drugs in patients, the following adverse reactions can develop:
- organs of the digestive tract and liver: vomiting along with nausea, upset of the chair and pain in the epigastrium. In addition, digestive disorders, spasms in the smooth muscles of the intestines, impaired appetite, and an increase in liver transaminase activity. Also on the mucous organs of the gastrointestinal tract can appear ulcers and erosion, can develop pancreatitis, stomatitis or hepatitis, and in addition to this bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract;
- organs of PNS and CNS: headaches or dizziness, wakefulness / sleep disorders, high excitability, memory impairment, development of seizures, emotional weakness, and tremor of limbs. Single meningitis was observed in an aseptic form;
- sensory organs: problems with hearing or sight, the appearance of noise in the ears, and in addition, a disorder of taste buds;
- organs of the urinary system: the appearance of blood in the urine or swelling, the development of albuminuria, tubulointerstitial nephritis or kidney failure;
- organs of the cardiovascular and hematopoietic system: disorders in the rhythm of the heartbeat, an increase in the indices of AD, IHD, congestive heart failure, thrombocyto- or leukopenia, the development of agranulocytosis or anemia (among the forms - aplastic and hemolytic);
- allergies: rashes on the skin, itching, development of urticaria, erythroderma, eczema or vasculitis. In addition, spasms of the bronchi, malignant erythema multiforme and toxic epidermal necrolysis. Angioneurotic edema or anaphylaxis may also develop.
Due to the use of drugs in large doses, dizziness with headaches, vomiting along with nausea, pain in the abdomen, as well as hyperventilation combined with increased convulsive readiness may be observed.
To eliminate these manifestations, there is no specific antidote. In such cases, gastric lavage, use of enterosorbents, and symptomatic treatment are required. The procedures of forced diuresis and hemodialysis will not give an effect.
Interactions with other drugs
The compound with phenytoin, digoxin, and also lithium drugs can increase their plasma concentrations.
The drug weakens the effectiveness of antihypertensive and diuretics.
The combination of Aertal with potassium drugs and potassium-sparing diuretics can cause the development of hypercaluria or hyperkalemia.
Aertal enhances the ulcerogenic properties of other NSAIDs, as well as SCS.
Combination of medication with selective blockers of reverse serotonin capture increases the risk of bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.
The simultaneous use of Airtal and cyclosporine increases the nephrotoxic properties of the latter.
The drug can provoke a change in blood sugar, which will require correction of the dosage of antidiabetic drugs in patients with diabetes mellitus.
Aertal increases the methotrexate concentration in plasma, so it is necessary to observe the interval between the use of these drugs (minimum 24 hours).
Aspirin in conjunction with Avertal reduces the concentration of the active substance of the latter in the plasma.
Combination of the drug with anticoagulants, as well as antiaggregants increases the risk of bleeding.
Shelf life
Avertal is allowed to be used within 4 years from the date of manufacture of the medicinal product.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Aertal" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.