Mammary adenocarcinoma
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Adenocarcinoma of the mammary gland is a malignant neoplasm. It can develop on the background of cells of glandular epithelium. Most patients do not even realize that breast cancer can be diverse and include several species. Cancer is caused by a malignant tumor that develops against a backdrop of changes in epithelial tissue. Depending on the degeneration of this tissue, neoplasms are classified.
Causes of the adenocarcinomas of mammary glands
This pathology can appear for a number of main reasons. It's just that nothing happens, there is always a certain annoying factor. So, an important role is played by aggravating heredity and genetic predisposition. There is a special gene that can increase the likelihood of developing breast cancer.
An important role is played by the violation of the content of the woman's hormones in the body. First of all, it concerns the sex hormones. Often affects all traumatizations of the breast. Late childbirth can make a negative contribution to this process. It's about the first birth. Negative effects of early puberty, as well as the difficult establishment of the menstrual cycle. Infertility often causes cancer in women.
Lead to the neoplasm is menopause at the age of over 50 years. An increased dose of hormonal drugs may also provoke the problem. Lead to malignant tumors and benign neoplasms. The danger is and mastopathy. Tumors of other organs during metastasis can lead to the development of breast cancer.
Even smoking and alcohol abuse can lead to the appearance of a tumor. Because these "components" often lead to the concentration of a large number of carcinogenic substances. Improper nutrition with a high content of dyes, preservatives and fats entails a similar problem.
To date, there are many factors that can lead to the launch of the mechanism of carcinogenesis. These can be substances or environmental factors. Chemical carcinogens include various aromatic hydrocarbons, aflocastins and others. All of them are able to react with the DNA of the cells and thus lead to various malignant formations.
As for carcinogens of physical nature, they are diverse. It can be radiation, radioactivity. All of them provoke the development of tumors. There are also biological factors. In this case, we are talking about viruses that carry specific oncogenes. They lead to the modification of genetic material.
A special role is given to hormonal factors that can lead to tissue degeneration. They include even some types of sex hormones. Particularly sensitive to their effects are ovarian, breast and prostate cancer.
Genetic factors include diseases that can lead to the appearance of a tumor. They actively influence the cells and thereby violate their structure and functions. A damaged cell acquires a pronounced potential for malignancy. If the carcinogen has a re-influence, then it leads to serious violations. So, the cell can not normally divide, grow and differentiate. As a result, a number of her normal abilities disappear. Tumor cells have one feature, they are able to quickly divide and thereby cause a nonspecific structure. As soon as differentiation decreases, uncontrolled division increases. Ultimately, in addition to a malignant tumor, metastases appear. Metastasis is carried out exclusively by lymphogenous or hematogenous. Malignant cells spread throughout the body to various organs.
Symptoms of the adenocarcinomas of mammary glands
You can see the presence of the problem only visually. Pain syndrome, as a rule, no. They appear exclusively in the last stages. Thus, a woman may notice a thickening of the breast tissue upon examination. Her nipple retracts, which should immediately alert her.
The mammary gland under the influence of the tumor is able to change its shape. Under the armpits, under the collarbone and above it, you can see the presence of lymph nodes. From the nipples, a liquid is released, which carries a different character. It can be blood, pus or mucus.
A specific area of the breast, directly affected, can change its color. The woman's chest changes her level. So, one breast can be lower or higher than the other. Clearly visible swelling. All these symptoms should make a woman seek help from a mammologist.
Low-grade adenocarcinoma
Adenocarcinoma is one of the malignant neoplasms. A low-differentiated stage is characterized by a low development of cells. They are configured exclusively for nutrient intake. Their "duties" do not include any functions that perform healthy tissues. It is possible to detect glandular epithelium in any organs. This allows the disease to be localized anywhere.
This type of neoplasm is a malignant neoplasm that develops from the glandular epithelium. A low degree is characterized by rapid growth of the tumor and is the most aggressive.
The question about the forecast in this case remains quite serious. It all depends on how quickly a person turned for help. It is necessary to understand that the lower the level of the development of the disease, the more complex its course and the more favorable the forecast.
Highly differentiated adenocarcinoma
This form refers to the number of malignant pathologies. With respect to a low-grade adenocarcinoma, this type is characterized by a low polymorphism index at the cellular level. Affected cells are practically no different from healthy cells. Noticing changes is not easy. The main feature is the increase in the nuclei of the affected cells, they become long and change in size. Perhaps this is the only way to suspect a person's tumor.
Diagnosing an unfavorable forecast is difficult. All is facilitated by the fact that the neoplasm has a favorable prognosis and passes easily. Effective treatment will eliminate the problem and allow the patient to live full life. The best prognosis is observed when pathology is detected in the early stages. Another feature of this form is the lack of metastasis. It happens, but very rarely. Therefore, the risk of complications decreases at times.
Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma
This form is somewhat similar in its course and development to a highly differentiated adenocarcinoma. Its main feature is the appearance of cells in which the pathology itself develops. There is a large degree of polymorphism of their changes. This type of tumor differs from its predecessor in that the cell division on the affected area occurs at an increased rate. A considerable number of cells participate in mitosis.
Pathology is represented by a tumor, with a rather severe course. The risk of complications is large enough. This species is able to spread metastases that can expand the lesion and through the lymph to penetrate further into the body.
Lymphatic metastasis occurs in almost every 10th case of the disease. Treatment entirely depends on the age of the patient, as well as on the characteristics of the course of the disease itself. At the age of 30, metastases are not observed.
First signs
Symptomatology may differ depending on the form of the disease. After all, there are several phases of the development of pathology. Despite this, there are common signs that need to be addressed. Upon examination, a woman can detect seals in her chest, is of any size. Most often, the tumor is localized under the nipple, as well as on any other part. The affected breast is mutated, the skin on it becomes wrinkled, the density changes, the shade becomes yellowish, blue or red. On the surface, ulceration can be noticed.
On examination, you can see the discrepancy of the contours. So, the mammary glands can be at different levels, become convex or vice versa. In the underarm area, enlarged lymph nodes are clearly palpable. Pathology is characterized by the development of small balls, of varying consistency. When probed, they are painful. It should be noted that the pain manifests itself at later stages of development.
When examining the nipple may appear allocation. In the norm they should not be. The exception is the period before birth and lactation. Pathology can form under the influence of inflammatory diseases, so they need to be eliminated in a timely manner. In some cases adenocarcinoma occurs without any manifestations. Recognize it can be exclusively through ultrasound. Therefore, a doctor's visit and examination should be systematic.
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ICD-10 code
The international classification includes all existing diseases and pathologies. Thus, the heading C76-C80 contains in its composition all malignant neoplasms, which are characterized by inaccurate localization. For an accurate determination of the functional activity of the tumor, it is worthwhile to resort to an additional class IV code.
In order to identify the histological type of neoplasm, a special nomenclature of the morphology of the neoplasms was presented. To characterize the pathology it is necessary to take into account its shape and flow.
Thus, the code for μb 10 includes a malignant disease of the breast and codes it with the number C50. Nipple and areola. C50.1 The central part of the breast. C50.2 Upper inner quadrant. C50.3 Inside-inner quadrant. C50.4 The upper quadrant. C50.5 Lower unrounded quadrant. C50.6 Axillary region. C50.8 Distribute to more than one of the above areas. C50.9 Localization, unspecified. D05.0 Lobular carcinoma in situ. D05.1 In-flow carcinoma in situ.
The difference between severe mammary dysplasia and adenocarcinoma
Severe dysplasia is a precancerous condition. This is a congenital pathology, which, due to certain circumstances, begins to progress. Over time, the problem takes a heavy course and becomes a cancerous growth. The severe stage is stage III dysplasia. This condition is characterized by the capture of 2/3 epithelial cells.
In the multilayered epithelium, foci of growth arise, which have a heterogeneous structure. Proliferation completely detects the entire cell. In the layers of glandular epithelium, the severity of the pathology is determined by the structural features of the tumors themselves. The glands have a chaotic arrangement and are capable of having a branched character.
In most cases, dysplasia takes a malignant form. The causes of this phenomenon are not known to this day. Dysplasia is one of the dangerous pathologies that can easily become malignant. The catalyst is not known. Timely contact with a doctor will help to solve the problem at an early stage to eliminate it.
Adenocarcinoma is initially a malignant tumor. It is not benign. Perhaps, this is one of the most important differences between dysplasia and adenocarcinoma. This pathology affects almost every 13 women. Cancer is able to give metastases and thereby aggravate the situation.
Complications and consequences
As is known, the tumor is eliminated exclusively by an operative route. For better effectiveness, chemotherapy is also used. It is able to damage and eliminate the affected cells. After all, they are especially dangerous because of their rapid growth and division. These cells include: cells of mucous membranes, reproductive system, hair follicles and bone marrow. Chemotherapy actively destroys them, as a result, which causes a number of consequences.
From the gastrointestinal tract can be observed nausea, vomiting, often worsens appetite, and also there is stomatitis. The bone marrow suffers, anemia, fatigue, fatigue and total apathy develop. There is a possibility of bleeding. From the side of the hair follicles, their loss is observed, and as a result, complete alopecia of a person.
Treatment leads to a decrease in immunity, which allows many infections to enter the body. Are capable to break bodies of the most various systems. It can be the kidneys, the nervous system and the bladder. After the end of the chemotherapy, most of the side effects disappear. If serious damage has occurred, the symptomatology may persist from one to several years.
The main complication of the neoplasm is metastasis. It occurs on the lymphatic and blood vessels. Lymphogenous metastases can appear in regional lymph nodes. These include the anterior sternum, armpits, a place above and below the collarbone.
As for hematogenous metastases, they can be recognized only in the areas of bones, lungs, kidneys and liver. For breast cancer is characterized by the presence of latent or dormant metastases. They can manifest themselves after 7-10 years, even after surgical removal of the tumor. This leads to a new education and requires no less rapid elimination of the problem. That's why after the operation a person is put on the register and for several years watching his condition. After all, if there was no relapse, and the tumor did not return, you can breathe a sigh of relief.
Diagnostics of the adenocarcinomas of mammary glands
First of all, the doctor examines the patient. During this process the breast is studied, any changes in it are fixed. This measure will identify the problem at an early stage. If the doctor has suspicions, an additional set of diagnostic measures is prescribed.
Widely used ultrasound. This is the safest and cheapest way to inspect. It should be held regularly, preferably once a year. This will allow to detect the problem at a previous stage and begin its quick elimination.
Mammography is one of the most common methods of breast examination. The main task of the method is to identify the tumor. The essence of the method is to obtain a picture with high clarity, which allows you to see all the structures of the affected organ. To date, mammography is divided into several methods: X-ray, magnetic resonance, computer tomography.
Biopsy is a fence of the affected tissue, more precisely a small part of it. If the tumor is located quite deep, the doctor must use a special needle.
Often appoint a histological and cytological study. This allows you to view the affected area under a microscope and thoroughly examine the nipple or print of the ulcer. This procedure will help in the detection of a malignant cell.
CT and MRI are widely used. They are accurate methods and allow to obtain a sufficient amount of information about the patient's condition, as well as to reveal metastases. The set of diagnostic procedures can vary among themselves depending on what symptomatology is observed in the patient.
After the patient consult a doctor with a certain symptomatology, he needs to pass special tests to confirm his condition. So, it is simply impossible to determine the presence of oncology for blood analysis. After all, a new type of this type is not specific. Therefore, in this case, there are clinical and biochemical studies.
General blood analysis. It allows you to identify oncology due to the number of leukocytes. They can be either high or low. Attention is drawn to the shift of the leukocyte formula to the left. For this low level of hemoglobin is responsible. Constantly high ESR indicates the presence of a tumor, especially if no symptoms are observed.
General urine analysis. In the presence of a tumor, it is very informative. Biochemical blood analysis allows you to determine the state of the urinary system, liver and protein metabolism. All changes can tell a doctor about a person's condition.
The analysis of blood in the presence of a tumor allows to fully study the hemostasis system. Due to the fact that a certain amount of tumor cells are released into the blood, it becomes possible to detect coagulability of the blood.
Oncomarkers. They represent an immunological diagnosis of neoplasms. Due to this method, it is possible to isolate tumor antigens or oncomarkers. They help determine the stage of the tumor, as well as prevent the development of relapse.
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Instrumental diagnostics
This type of diagnosis includes methods based on human research through special devices. The most commonly used mammography. It is a special kind of radiography, which allows to determine the presence of a tumor. Thanks to it you can take two pictures, in a horizontal and vertical projection. During this process, the breast is placed between two special plates. Mammography allows you to see dead cells that have been impregnated with calcium salts.
Ultrasound. This method is considered one of the most effective and safe. He does not irradiate a person and thus carries no danger. Mammography, in turn, is associated with the proportion of radiation. On ultrasound, infiltrative cancer can be seen. However, this procedure is recommended only for women at a young age.
CT and MRI. These techniques are widely used in case of suspected presence of metastases in adjacent tissues and organs. They will allow you to determine the severity of the situation and the depth of distribution.
Cytological picture
Diagnostic puncture should be performed exclusively by the attending physician or specialist in this field. A detailed study yields the discharge from the nipple, then the zone around it, as well as the tissue. Particular attention is paid to bloody and sucric discharges. Scraping is carried out after the surface of the affected area has been removed pussy masses and crusts.
The main principles of cytological diagnosis is the difference in the composition of the cells in the normal state, and in the presence of pathology. This includes the evaluation of cells. The main task of cytological research is the formulation of an accurate diagnosis. This technique is based on a detailed study of the cell, its nucleus.
The cytological method allows one to study the therapeutic pathomorphosis, while not injuring the patient at all. The use of this study allows us to clarify the nature of the tumor and the degree of its development. And this is all done before the operation. These factors are among the most important. They allow a qualitative operation.
Differential diagnosis
First of all, an anamnesis is collected. The doctor listens to the patient's complaints, writes down the symptoms. In addition, a personal or family anamnesis is performed. It is necessary to know whether there have been such cases in someone in the family. After all, this kind of education can be a hereditary predisposition. There are certain people who are at risk.
Palpation. The mammary gland should be probed for the presence of formations in it. This will allow the doctor to give a lot of useful information about the presence, size and structure of the tumor itself. Initially, it is worth examining a healthy chest, so go to the affected.
In addition, an overall blood, urine, and biochemical blood test is submitted. A biopsy is performed. All this will allow us to identify changes in the body and, as a consequence, confirm the diagnosis and prescribe a qualitative treatment. Differential diagnosis is closely related to instrumental methods of investigation.
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Treatment of the adenocarcinomas of mammary glands
To date, doctors have been using many methods to fight a malignant tumor. Often they are combined in order to achieve maximum effect.
- Surgical removal. This method is the most popular and effective. It is used practically at all stages. A large role is played by the size of the neoplasm.
- Lamectomy. Due to this method, removal occurs within a healthy tissue. This allows you to keep the mammary gland and not to remove it. And there is a chance to maintain a good cosmetic effect.
- Mastectomy. This method involves removing not only the entire breast, but also surrounding nodes and tissues. If necessary, plastic surgery can also be performed immediately. This will restore the chest.
- Radiation therapy. The method belongs to the number of modern technologies. It allows you to conduct an accurate irradiation of the tumor and at the same time to minimize harm to a person. As a result of this impact, the growth decreases in size, thus making removal much more convenient. Often this method is used together with surgical removal.
- Chemotherapy treatment. It involves the use of special drugs that act properly on tumor cells and allow them to be completely removed. This method reduces the likelihood of metastasis.
- Hormonal therapy. This method is good and effective. It is actively used when there are sex hormones in the cells of the tumor.
To eliminate the tumor, medicines are being actively used. So, certain means are actively used in chemotherapy, as well as hormonal drugs. During chemotherapy, Alkeran, Methotrexate and Ftoruracil Teva are used. As a hormonal drug use Zoladex, Honvan and Microfolin forte.
- Alkeran. Dosage is assigned individually. The duration of administration depends on the person's condition. The dose can vary from 8 to 30 mg per square meter. Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the main component. Side effects: nausea, vomiting, fatigue, drowsiness, pneumonia, allergic reactions.
- Methotrexate. It is used as an independent tool, and in combination with others. Dosage is assigned individually. Usually it does not exceed 200-500 mg. Everything depends on the stage of the neoplasm and its course. Contraindications: hypersensitivity, pregnancy, lactation, renal and hepatic insufficiency. Side effects: anemia, cystitis, excessive lacrimation, conjunctivitis.
- Fluorouracil Teva. It is recommended to administer it daily for 4 weeks at 500 mg per square meter. Further treatment is discussed with the attending physician and depends on the patient's condition. Contraindications: cancer of the intestine, penis, neck, head, stomach, esophagus. Side effects: leukopenia, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, allergic reactions, heart attack, asthenia.
- Zoladex. Adults take one capsule of the drug every 28 days. The duration of treatment does not exceed six months. Contraindications: hypersensitivity, pregnancy, lactation and children's age. Side effects: hot flushes, increased sweating, arthralgia, ovarian cyst.
- Honvan. The initial dose of the drug is 150 ml. In some cases, it reaches 1200 mg per day. The duration of administration is 10 days. This is an individual process that requires strict adherence to certain rules. Contraindications: hypersensitivity. Side effects: tenderness of the mammary glands, intestinal colic, flatulence, nausea, vomiting.
- Microfolin forte. The agent is applied to 0.02-0.1 mg per day. The dosage depends on the person's condition. It is impossible to take the medicine on your own. Contraindications: pregnancy, hypersensitivity, endometriosis. Side effects: soreness, hepatitis, nausea, vomiting.
Alternative treatment
Alternative medicine is used exclusively in combination with other drugs. It is impossible to remove the problem only thanks to herbs. It is necessary to use a whole complex of different methods. Below, the main ways to combat breast cancer through alternative medicine will be presented.
- Recipe 1. To prepare an effective remedy you will have to take a bedstraw clinger. Take 4 tablespoons of this ingredient and pour 500 ml of boiling water. After that the agent should be infused for 2-3 hours. Use the drug 4 times a day before eating, in small sips.
- Recipe 2. Watermelon is actively used in malignant tumors on the mammary glands. It is necessary to take the roots of the plant and make a paste from them. It is applied to the affected areas.
- Recipe 3. Yellow jelly leaves. Mix 10 grams of the plant with 200 ml of vodka. Insist all this for several hours. Take it 3 times a day for a tablespoon.
Herbal Treatment
This method of eliminating the problem is possible only together with other options. It is not necessary to independently use alternative recipes. They should be used together with other methods to achieve maximum effect.
- Recipe 1. The marsh swallow is taken in the amount of one tablespoon. All this is poured into a glass of boiling water. Then the agent is allowed to brew. Use it in the form of a compress, apply at night. Use until the swelling dissolves.
- Recipe 2. The medicine shaker + flax seeds are taken in the amount of one tablespoon. All this is poured 300 ml of boiling water. After that, the agent should be boiled for 10 minutes. Take it should be one tablespoon 5 times a day.
- Recipe 3. Oregano. It is necessary to take 3 tablespoons of this product and pour them with 500 ml of liquid, after which boil for 2-3 minutes on the fire. It is necessary to insist the remedy for 12 hours. Take 50-100 ml of the drug 4 times a day. The duration of treatment does not exceed a month.
Homeopathic remedies are widely used to eliminate malignant neoplasms. There are several basic recommendations regarding their admission. So, to use them it is necessary from the moment of revealing a pathology and before its complete disappearance. It is important to maintain the mental state of the victim. During the biopsy, the appearance of a hematoma should be prevented. Homeopathic remedies can quickly heal wounds after surgery.
When radiation therapy should avoid skin redness. It is important to fight the tides in time, and also to remove joint pain. Reception of homeopathic remedies is most important for chemotherapy. This will avoid most unpleasant symptoms. In this case we are talking about nausea, headache, fatigue.
Most often, certain homeopathic remedies are used. These include Arnica Mountain 30, Nuks Vomiku, Autumnal Autumn 15, Medulos 4, Toxilentron 15 and Sepia 15. Data on dosage and recommendations for admission can be obtained from a homeopathic physician.
Operative treatment
Adenocarcinoma can be removed only surgically. So, when performing mastectomy by the Halstead method, it is necessary to completely remove the mammary gland, together with the pectoral muscles. To date, such an operation is not carried out. In fact she strongly cripples.
Paeit-Dyson mastectomy. This is the most common method. Thanks to it you can keep both pectoral muscles, it will allow to restore the mammary gland in the future. The technique allows to reduce traumatism, and also promotes rapid healing.
Mastectomy for Madden. This method allows you to save most of the breast and is the most sparing. Surgeons often resort to this method.
A mastectomy that allows to keep the skin is the most suitable. Especially if in the future the patient plans to restore the mammary gland. This technique is the removal of the area of the areola and nipple. This will in the future create a satisfactory form of the breast.
Subcutaneous mastectomy allows to preserve the nipple-areolar complex. Moreover, in the future full reconstruction is possible, both with own tissues, and with the help of an implant.
The type of surgical intervention is determined by the doctor, depending on the condition of the patient, as well as the stage of development of the cancerous tumor.
More information of the treatment
Prevention depends entirely on how quickly the anxiety symptoms were detected. There are not so few diseases that have a similar pattern of manifestations, as in adenocarcinoma. Therefore, if you have any suspicions, you should immediately seek help from a medical institution. If, as a result of diagnosis, adenocarcinoma is detected, immediate treatment should be started.
Cancer can be successfully eliminated. Especially if they were identified in the early stages. Immediate treatment will quickly get rid of the problem and live a full life again.
The best prevention of cancers is regular examinations. Not every woman is able to recognize the problem on her own. Therefore, it is necessary to visit a mammologist as often as possible. The main preventive method is to observe the correct diet, lifestyle, and maintaining the body mass index. Naturally, it is necessary to exclude bad habits. During the time it is necessary to eliminate the problems with the reproductive system, because they are capable of provoking a malignant neoplasm of the breast.
The forecast is influenced by many factors. One of the main is invasiveness of the tumor. Simply put, the ability to quickly give metastases and thereby worsen the condition. In this case, the forecast is less favorable. If the pathology is not rectified in time, the problem can spread to neighboring organs and lymph nodes. When the tumor is diagnosed on time and the treatment is started, the prognosis is favorable.
A positive result is possible in the absence of metastases, as well as if the tumor does not grow into the tissue. If the neoplasm is highly differentiated, then the probability of a favorable prognosis is high.
Treatment of pathology mainly involves the removal of the affected area by surgery. Normally, healthy tissues are also affected, in order to avoid the spread of the tumor to them. Together with the surgical method, radiation, hormonal and chemotherapy are used. This allows you to increase the chance of recovery and completely get rid of the problem.