Fibrous mastopathy of mammary glands
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Fibrous mastopathy of the mammary glands is a pathological condition in which there is an unnatural proliferation of the connective tissue of the glands with the dominance of the fibrous structure. To diseases of the mammary gland should be taken very seriously, as any process of this localization can serve as an impetus to the development of more dangerous pathologies for health and life, in particular, to the appearance of malignant formations. In order to prevent the onset of the disease and, moreover, complications, it is necessary to know as much information as possible about mastopathy.
Causes of the fibrotic mastopathy of mammary glands
The main causes of fibrotic mastopathy of the mammary glands are the failure of hormone production, the lack of progesterone and the increased production of estrogens in the female body.
Hormonal balance is an important component of a woman's physical and reproductive health. Disorders of it can occur due to many factors:
- artificial termination of pregnancy (when hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman have already begun, the glandular tissues of the mammary glands are in preparation for an important mission - the feeding of a child, the compulsory suppression of such a process with a high probability leads to the development of mastopathy;
- pathology of the reproductive system (inflammatory processes in the genital area, especially chronic and infectious etiology);
- prolonged absence of sexual contacts;
- disorders of menstrual function (in normal course of the cycle, there is usually a decrease or increase in the level of certain hormones depending on the phase, menstruation disorders are usually associated with a mismatch in the amount of hormones given a cycle period);
- any endocrine pathology (dysfunction of the thyroid gland, the presence of diabetes, obesity) can affect the hormone-sensitive organs, such as the mammary glands;
- the natural destiny of a woman - the birth of children - favorably affects the natural hormonal background; long absence of pregnancies, sexual life, compulsory cessation of breastfeeding of a child adversely affects the condition of the mammary glands;
- often recurring stressful situations also lead to hormonal imbalance and can provoke the development of mastopathy;
- bad habits (cigarettes, alcohol) are not conducive to normal hormonal function;
- abuse of the solarium and sunburn, especially sunbathing topless;
- hereditary factor.
Symptoms of the fibrotic mastopathy of mammary glands
Fibrous mastopathy is a pathological condition that sooner or later occurs in almost every second woman. The initial signs of the disease are not very pronounced and are often ignored by the patients. Such manifestations can be:
- breast tenderness during the luteal phase and during menstruation;
- poured breast condition, marked increase in volume;
- a feeling of discomfort and pressure in the area of the mammary glands.
A pronounced premenstrual syndrome should also alert a woman, as this can signal the presence of certain hormonal problems.
With the progression of the process, there are more vivid symptoms of fibrous mastopathy of the mammary glands:
- significant unceasing tenderness of the breasts, or one of them, and the pain no longer depends on the period of the menstrual cycle;
- In the chest there are painful seals, unpleasant sensations are amplified by palpation of the glands;
- there may be the appearance of serous secretion from the nipple.
When these symptoms are detected, it is necessary to immediately see a gynecologist or mammalogist.
Where does it hurt?
Fibrous-cystic mastopathy of mammary glands
Fibrous-cystic mastopathy of the mammary glands is characterized by excessive proliferation of the lobule tissues and the formation of seals that have clear boundaries within the glandular lobule. This form of breast disease is most common in middle-aged women, can manifest itself on one or two glands simultaneously.
Due to the hormonal disorder, the periodicity of the change in the physiology of the gland tissues is disrupted, which favors the development of the fibrocystic form of the disease. The disease can occur against the background of violations of the processes of ovulation, menstruation and reproductive function.
The fibrocystic nature of the pathology is manifested by the formation in the glandular organ of tumor-like formations of various diameters from 0.2 to several centimeters, located locally or distantly from each other. These educations are not soldered to surrounding tissues, have some mobility during palpation. There is no increase in peripheral lymph nodes.
With the end of menstruation, cystic formations usually do not disappear, eventually increasing in size and giving more and more discomfort. These manifestations must necessarily be differentiated from oncological diseases.
Diffuse fibrotic mastopathy of mammary glands
Diffuse fibrous mastopathy of the mammary glands is determined by fibrosis of the epithelial tissues of the organ and the formation of single or multiple intracanal cystic tumors, more often in old age. Sometimes it is possible to observe various manifestations of proliferation and dysplasia of the lobular structure of the mammary glands, the phenomenon of connective tissue fibrosis (the formation of seals with the development of scar tissue changes).
Diffuse form of the disease is characterized by severe soreness when feeling the glands. Palpatorially, you can identify signs of diffuse tissue tightening, the presence of small cystic formations of round or oblong form, elastic consistency. Such cysts can practically disappear after the end of menstruation, with the beginning of the cycle appearing again. There is a constant discomfort, independent of the periodicity of the cycle, as well as symptoms such as a feeling of fullness of the mammary glands, the presence of a uniform compaction of tissues, palpation feels uniform oblong formations.
Diagnostics of the fibrotic mastopathy of mammary glands
Diagnosis of fibrotic mastopathy of mammary glands begins with visual examination, palpation examination. If necessary, mammography, ultrasound, puncture biopsy of fibromatous nodes, cytology of the material taken.
Visual inspection is more appropriate in the first phase of the cycle after the termination of menstrual flow, since the second phase, burdened with premenstrual syndrome, can provoke erroneous symptoms.
External examination includes an assessment of the symmetry of the contour of organs, uniformity of the skin. Visual examination is conducted in different angles in the patient's reclining and standing position. Attention should be paid to the condition of the peripheral lymph nodes.
The ultrasonic method of investigation is sufficiently informative concerning the tissue structure of the mammary glands, which allows to determine the nature of the formations, their size and location, and also provides the possibility of simultaneous examination and nearby lymph nodes.
The mammographic method is the reception of a chest x-ray taken from different angles.
The method is quite effective, but it has a number of contraindications to use: it is pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding, as well as the young age of the subject. Mammography is not recommended to be performed more often than once every two years.
The diagnosis of fibrotic mastopathy should be performed only on the basis of a comprehensive examination of the patient.
What do need to examine?
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Treatment of the fibrotic mastopathy of mammary glands
Treatment of fibrous mastopathy of the mammary glands is usually performed on an outpatient basis under the supervision of a doctor, therapeutic methods are prescribed taking into account the patient's age, hormonal status and the degree of the disease development.
The intake of hormonal drugs is possible to stabilize the level of hormones in the body. Such drugs are prescribed after the necessary tests for the content in the blood of progesterone, estradiol, prolactin in a particular period of the menstrual cycle:
- Gel liniment, progestogen has progesterone in its composition, is applied topically (on the skin of the mammary glands);
- lyvial - a means of hormone replacement therapy, used at the onset of menopause;
- morning, djufaston - natural and synthetic analogues of progesterone;
- tamoxifen - a strong antiestrogen, is used in the treatment of cystic, fibrotic and other formations, including in oncology.
General strengthening therapy is aimed at increasing the body's immune defenses. For these purposes, the reception of complex preparations containing vitamins and microelements is shown.
In the presence of a psychological factor of development, mastopathy resorts to the appointment of sedatives and tonic agents (preparations of motherwort, valerian, hops).
Uncomplicated forms of the disease are effectively cured by the appointment of phytopreparations (phytolone, clamina, mastodinone).
In cases where conservative treatment does not bring a positive result, the removal of fibrotic nodes is performed promptly.
A good support in the treatment of fibrotic mastopathy is alternative medicine:
- effectively applying fresh cabbage leaves or burdock leaves (shining side inwards) to the affected breast, promotes resorption of formations;
- lubrication of mammary glands with burdock oil (1 part of ground root of burdock mixed with 3 parts of olive oil, insist in heat for 10 days, then strain and store in refrigerator);
- tea from hemlock - drink constantly until the symptoms disappear;
- infusion of equal parts of peppermint, dill seeds, chamomile flowers and valerian root into a glass of boiling water, take half a glass three times a day.
Treatment of mastopathy also involves the appointment of a certain diet with the restriction of coffee drinks, chocolate and spicy seasonings, welcome a large amount of liquid in the form of herbal teas and mineral non-carbonated water.
More information of the treatment
Prevention of fibrotic mastopathy of the mammary glands is the best way to avoid an unpleasant disease. It includes maintaining a healthy, full-fledged sex life, maintaining psychological balance, timely treatment of pathological processes in the reproductive system.
A woman should take full responsibility for the possible consequences of forcible termination of pregnancy, as well as avoid any factors provoking hormonal changes in the body.
Healthy lifestyle, nutrition, refusal of alcoholic beverages and smoking significantly strengthen immunity and contribute to the confrontation of defensive forces in the origin of the pathological process.
Periodic self-examination of the mammary glands, conducted approximately from the sixth to the twelfth day of the cycle, allows timely detection of pathology and timely treatment. Particular attention during examination should be paid to the symmetry of the glands, changes in the shape of the breast, the color of the skin, the presence of enlarged lymph nodes in the axillary region. If suspicious seals or secretory secretions from the nipple are found, it is necessary to do a follow-up examination with a qualified gynecologist or mammologist.
The prognosis of fibrous mastopathy of the mammary gland under the condition of timely treatment is mostly favorable, although repeated recurrences of the disease, including after the operative removal of cystic formations, are not ruled out. Having a history of mastopathy requires a periodic examination of a mammologist in the future to avoid the re-development of pathology.
For the life of the patient, the manifestations of the disease are not dangerous, but the untreated, long-standing mastopathy poses the danger of the degeneration of the pathological focus into malignant formation, which is why timely adequate treatment is an extremely important link in a successful prognosis.
In addition, it should be noted that the treatment of fibrotic mastopathy in the early stages of development is much easier and more effective than the same treatment of neglected form of the disease.
The mammary gland is a very delicate and vulnerable organ, requiring a caring and attentive attitude. Careful prevention and adherence to medical recommendations, regular independent examinations and medical consultations will save women from such an unpleasant pathology as fibrocystic mastitis of the mammary glands.