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Phytolysin for cystitis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Cystitis is an inflammatory reaction affecting bladder tissue. Inflammation occurs on the background of any infection: more often - bacterial, less often - fungal or viral. The treatment of such a disease is not always successful: relapses are often noted, and even complications develop. However, many patients have already found a solution to their problem, taking Fitolysin for cystitis. This herbal medicine is relatively new in the domestic pharmaceutical market. When and how to take this tool to achieve the most positive result?
Treatment of cystitis phytolysin
Does phytolysin help with cystitis? First of all, you need to understand that the independent appointment of medicines to get rid of cystitis is a dangerous occupation. At home, it will not be possible to find out the original cause of the disease, determine the form of the pathology and identify the pathogen. Cystitis can act as a separate uncomplicated pathology, however, it often becomes a consequence or a background malfunction with problems in the female genital area, with pyelonephritis, and genital infections.
An important condition for successful treatment of cystitis is an integrated approach to therapy. It is necessary to combine the intake of drugs that counteract the infection with antispasmodics, symptomatic and regenerating agents. Here is the vegetable phytolysin that is suitable as such a reducing agent.
Phytolysin, in fact, is a plant diuretic, whose action is based on the properties of its components. The drug helps to relieve the inflammatory reaction and eliminate spasm of smooth muscles.
Phytolysin components stimulate the dissolution of mineral compounds in the cavity of the bladder, preventing stone formation. And due to the fact that Fitolysin is a multicomponent drug, then its action is extensive and diverse. That is why the effect of the use of funds can be seen almost the next day after the start of treatment.
Indications Phytolysin
Fitolysin is used not only to eliminate the inflammatory process in the bladder, but also to treat other problems with the urinary tract:
- acute and chronic inflammatory-infectious diseases of the urinary tract (inflammation of the urethra or prostate, pyelonephritis);
- urolithiasis, if surgery is contraindicated or not indicated.
In addition, Phytolysin can be used to prevent cystitis, namely, to prevent the recurrence of the inflammatory process, or the formation of kidney stones, urinals or ureters.
Phytolysin at the first signs of cystitis acts almost instantly: visible improvements are already observed during the first days. Pain, discomfort and burning during urination disappear. Urging ceases to be painful and frequent, general well-being is normalized.
Fitolysin may be used for cystitis with blood in the urine. One of the components of the tool - the horsetail - successfully eliminates bleeding, and other components - for example, the bird mountaineer and herniation - stop the development of the inflammatory process, which is also important when blood appears at the end of urination.
It is allowed to take Fitolysin for acute cystitis, for the chronic form of the disease. In the latter case, the tool will help prevent recurrences. However, the duration of the course of taking Fitolysin in chronic cystitis should be 1-1.5 months.
Phytolysin for cervical cystitis (trigonite) can also be effective. However, to eliminate this type of disease, it is necessary to apply an integrated approach, where the drug will become only part of the overall treatment.
Fitolysin is appropriate for cystitis in women, men, and even children. Its use is safe, and the positive effect on the condition and functionality of the bladder is clinically proven.
Release form
The main form of release of Phytolysin is a paste: it has a dark greenish-brown color, a thick consistency and a specific aroma. The drug is packaged in 100 g of metal (aluminum) tubes.
Phytolysin paste from cystitis is quite convenient to use, unlike herbal infusions and decoctions: the paste is easy to dose, and the package itself does not take up much space, so you can easily take it with you to rest, work or travel.
Tablets for cystitis Fitolysin is an encapsulated form of the drug. Available in the form of soft capsules packed in blister plates and cardboard packaging. One pack contains 36 capsules. This dosage form is less common, and most often presented under the trade name Fitolysin Nefrokapsuly.
Other forms of the drug today does not exist. So, there is no information about drugs such as Fitolysin ointment for cystitis, or Fitolysin gel for cystitis.
The production of the drug is established in Poland.
Phytolysin refers to the combination of herbal remedies multi-action. The effectiveness of the drug in cystitis due to the presence in its composition of medicinal herbs and oils. In general, phytolysin has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, diuretic, analgesic, antispasmodic action. In addition, treatment contributes to the removal of the smallest stones from the urinary tract, and also prevents their further formation.
Fitolysin represented by aqueous extracts of such plants:
- onion bulb (husk) - has an antibacterial effect;
- wheatgrass rhizome - stabilizes metabolism, provides antibacterial action;
- parsley seed - improves bladder tone, has a diuretic effect;
- highlander bird - relieves inflammation;
- horsetail - increases daily diuresis, stops bleeding;
- birch leaves - prevent the appearance of edema and the formation of stones;
- Fenugreek seed - soothes, normalizes hormones;
- goldenrod - activates immune defense;
- Gryzhnik - stops the development of the inflammatory reaction;
- parsley leaves - soothe, disinfect;
- Lovage rhizome - disinfects.
The list of Phytolysin components also includes essential oils (sage, mint, orange, pine), as well as a number of additional substances (thickener agar-agar and wheat starch, vanillin flavoring agent, alcohol preservative, water).
The pharmacoinetic characteristics of Fitolysin for cystitis are unknown, since there are no clinical data on this.
- How quickly does phytolysin help with cystitis?
Patients mark the first signs of the effectiveness of Fitolysin already during the first days of use of the drug. Recovery from uncomplicated cystitis may occur within a few days of taking (3-7 days).
Dosing and administration
Fitolysin is taken in the form of a suspension, which is started to be prepared several minutes before taking. The required amount of paste is diluted in warm boiled water, which can be slightly sweetened with honey or syrup. Standard bred 1 tsp. Paste in 100 ml of water. The frequency of admission - 3-4 times a day.
It is optimal to take the drug in half an hour after eating food. The duration of treatment may be 14-45 days.
During the entire course of taking Fitolysin, smoked, sweet, salty products, food with preservatives, spices and vinegar, as well as alcohol and soda, are necessarily excluded from the diet. Smoking patients are advised to limit the number of cigarettes smoked. In addition, you need to monitor the amount of fluid consumed: the recommended daily volume of drinking water - 2 liters (if there are no medical contraindications).
If during the course of therapy, any undesirable additional symptoms appear, the treatment is suspended and its suspicions are communicated to the doctor.
Fitolysin with cystitis in children
The instructions to Fitolizin indicated that the agent was not tested for use in pediatric practice. However, many doctors still include the drug in the treatment regimen for the treatment of cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis in children. At the same time, Fitolysin is perfectly perceived by a child’s body at almost any age, and even during breastfeeding. The main thing is that the child does not suffer from allergies to herbal ingredients. There were no other health complications in patients receiving Fitolysin.
As a rule, doctors use the possibilities of Fitolysin at the recovery stage of therapy, after the completion of the intake of antibacterial agents. Pediatric dosage is determined by the doctor individually. In general, it may be prescribed to receive the drug in the amount of ¼ to ½ teaspoon three times a day. The specified amount is diluted in a small amount of warm boiled water (if you wish, you can add a little honey or sugar). The duration of the treatment course is determined by the doctor.
Use Phytolysin during pregnancy
Phytolysin is used often enough to cure cystitis in pregnant women.
During pregnancy in a woman's body there is a particular danger of an upward spread of infection from the bladder to the kidneys. Cystitis is diagnosed in about 28% of expectant mothers. To prevent the development of complications and to alleviate the condition of patients, it is very important to cure the disease in a timely and qualitative manner.
The manual does not contain information on the use of Fitolysin for cystitis in pregnant and lactating women. However, in practice, the drug is still used, and even quite successfully. To date, not a single case of negative effects of such treatment on the development of the fetus and on the course of pregnancy has been registered. Some doctors are advised to take Fitolysin and for preventive purposes.
However, despite the apparent safety of the drug, it cannot be used as a self-medication. First you need to consult with your doctor: he will consider all possible contraindications and determine the optimal dose.
Phytolysin is a plant-safe drug, but it also has a number of contraindications that must be taken into account before starting treatment:
- allergic mood of the patient's body to the components of phytolysin;
- acute nephritis (renal inflammation);
- glomerulonephritis;
- phosphate kidney stones;
- nephrosis of any etiology;
- renal failure;
- heart failure;
- acute stage of gastritis, stomach ulcers;
- gallstones;
- acute pancreatitis, hepatitis;
- renal, cardiac edema, cirrhosis of the liver.
Side effects Phytolysin
Patients rarely notice the appearance of adverse symptoms during treatment with Fitolysin. Sometimes allergic reactions occur, because Fitolysin is a multicomponent drug, and allergy to one of the components may well develop: skin rash, itching, redness, swelling, difficulty breathing appear. To protect yourself from allergies, the first dose of the drug should be done in small doses and with extreme caution, and even better - apply a small amount of money on the elbow bend, observing the skin reaction for a couple of hours. In the absence of redness and itching, you can begin treatment with Fitolysinom.
Other adverse symptoms are sporadic, but their appearance cannot be completely ruled out:
- nausea, upset stool;
- change in taste;
- increased sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.
Overdose cases of phytolysin have not been recorded to date. It is assumed that when taking an overestimated dose of the drug may be an increase in adverse symptoms.
In case of overdose, it is recommended to treat according to the clinical symptoms that have appeared.
Interactions with other drugs
Phytolysin has a pronounced diuretic effect, so it can affect the rate of elimination and the effectiveness of certain drugs, if taken at the same time.
Phytolysin potentiates the therapeutic effect:
- nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
- drugs to lower blood sugar levels;
- drugs to reduce blood clotting;
- agents that inhibit monoamine oxidase (we are talking about Nialamide, Pyrazidol, Fenelzine, Iproniazid, Bethhole, etc.).
Fitolysin is able to prolong the effect of Paracetamol, Pentobarbital.
Absorption of vitamin aids and cholesterol in the presence of Fitolysin in the small intestine may worsen somewhat.
Storage conditions
Phytolysin is allowed to remain under normal room conditions, if the temperature in the room does not exceed + 25 ° C. The place of storage of medicines should be protected from access of children, as well as from the thermal influence of heaters and direct sunlight.
Shelf life
Fitolizin can be saved up to 3 years.
Phytolysin Analogs for Cystitis
To get rid of cystitis, herbal remedies are often connected to general therapy. With uncomplicated disease of non-infectious origin, in the absence of background inflammatory processes, the use of such herbal remedies can indeed be successful. However, the majority of patients still have to prescribe along with Phytolysin and other drugs that have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.
If problems arise with the acquisition of Fitolysin, then, with the permission of the doctor, it can be replaced by other, similar in effect, herbal preparations.
- Cystone is a plant diuretic and nephrolitic, which has bactericidal capabilities and enhances the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy.
- Canephron is an agent that combines the extracts of wild rose, lovage, centaury and rosemary. Kanefron quickly relieves pain and cramps, has an antibacterial effect.
- Lingonberry leaves - are sold as dry raw materials, packaged in filter bags. The infusion of the drug has an antiseptic and antimicrobial effect, especially in relation to Staphylococcus aureus.
- Urolesan - herbal remedy in the form of drops, capsules, syrup. The basic components are fir, mint, wild carrot seeds, hop cones, oregano, etc. However, despite its bactericidal and diuretic effects, urolesin is more often prescribed not for cystitis, but for urolithiasis, pyelonephritis, cholecystitis. For more information, contact your doctor.
Many patients consider a drug such as monural to be classified as a herbal remedy for cystitis. Indeed, monural is used to treat acute bacterial cystitis, but it belongs to the category of broad spectrum antibiotics. Its action is due to the properties of fosfomycin - the active ingredient. But herbal remedy is a drug with a similar name - monurel. The effectiveness of monurel in cystitis is due to the cranberry extract contained in the preparation. Monurel is available in tablets and is suitable for long-term use. It is recommended for the treatment of cystitis, and for the prevention of recurrence of the disease.
Most patients respond well to the treatment of cystitis Fitolysinom. Rare complaints about the drug are mainly associated with a specific smell and taste, which not everyone likes. However, the fact that Fitolysin for cystitis is effective does not cause anyone the slightest doubt. The main thing is to remember that even after the completion of treatment, the state of the urogenital system cannot be released out of control in order to avoid the development of a repeated inflammatory process. It is highly desirable to additionally consult with your gynecologist and gastroenterologist, because it is often the problems in these areas that provoke the development of cystitis.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Phytolysin for cystitis" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.