Pain in the abdomen and diarrhea: when there is reason to worry?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Such popular symptoms as abdominal pain and diarrhea that occur in the complex or singly, can indicate a variety of different diseases. But how can a person understand when to hurry with these symptoms to a doctor, and when you just have to wait time, calm down and everything will turn right by itself, as it happens during or before the months before birth, with digestive disorders caused by stressful situations?
It must be understood that the symptoms under consideration almost never appear in isolation. If you carefully listen to your feelings and look at the external manifestations, you can (even if not 100%) to understand what is associated with such a malaise.
Causes of the abdominal pain with diarrhea
Considering abdominal pain and diarrhea as a symptom of the disease, you can see that they arise mostly together (sooner or later) with other symptoms. This is the clinical picture of the disease, according to which the doctors prescribe a preliminary diagnosis. Diarrhea and epigastric pain alone can not say anything about the cause of the appearance, but in combination with other symptoms they will tell much more, and the circle of "suspects" will noticeably narrow.
If a person has a stomach ache, diarrhea has developed and fever has been raised, this indicates that there is an acute inflammatory process in his digestive system. It can be caused by food poisoning, viral, bacterial or parasitic infections caught in the gastrointestinal tract (microbial food poisoning, acute intoxication, viruses, intestinal infections).
Less pain in the abdomen, diarrhea and chills occur with inflammatory diseases of the digestive system (inflammation of the gastric mucosa or gastritis, ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum, pancreatitis, colitis, appendicitis, etc.). The temperature of 37.5 degrees and above appears usually if the pathology is acute. So with acute appendicitis, it can reach 40-41 degrees. A rise in temperature suggests that the immune system has thrown all its energy into the fight against inflammation and infection.
With a chronic course of the disease, the temperature jump can be insignificant (sometimes it is even lower than normal). Chills can occur at times of exacerbation of the disease.
And poisoning, and intestinal infections, and inflammatory pathologies of the digestive system are also characterized by other symptoms: nausea, vomiting, headaches, weakness, worsening appetite. Sometimes there is weight loss, hyperhidrosis. If the stomach hurts and diarrhea lasts several days, there is a danger of dehydration of the body and disturbance of the water-electrolyte balance (dryness of the tongue and mucous membranes, thirst, decrease in urine output, pressure decrease).
Symptomatic diseases of such a plan depends on the causative agent of the disease. If the cause of inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract is not infection, the disease will occur against a background of subfebrile temperature. But the simultaneous appearance of diarrhea, abdominal pain and high fever speaks more about the bacterial nature of the infection or the development of acute appendicitis. With rotavirus infection, within a day can rise to 39-40 degrees and keep it for 4-5 days (knock it down very hard). But in addition to fever, chills, diarrhea (a loose stool with an unpleasant odor) and abdominal pain, vomiting, decreased appetite and activity of the baby (adults develop in an erased form).
With enterovirus infection of the gastrointestinal type, patients complain of bloating, reverse throwing of stomach contents into the esophagus (reflux), nausea, epigastric pain. Diarrhea or constipation may also occur. There are also more serious symptoms: heart rhythm failures (tachy- or bradycardia), weight loss, numbness in the extremities, musculoskeletal pain, visual impairment, lymphadenopathy (increase in the size of the lymph nodes), herpetic eruptions of various locations (on the skin and mucous membranes).
If diarrhea and diarrhea in themselves do not always indicate a pathology, then a rise in temperature already indicates that the body is not doing everything right and medical care may be required.
If a person has a stomach ache, he suffers diarrhea, but there is no temperature, it can be an easy poisoning or stomach upset, which can be handled at home, inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract, reactions of intolerance to certain foods (enteropathies), cystic fibrosis, Adison's disease. Perhaps this is the day before the menses or in the last days of pregnancy.
But with poisoning, along with diarrhea and pain in the abdomen, there is often increased gassing, belching (often rotten eggs ), nausea and attacks of vomiting. The pain can be concentrated both in the area of the stomach and in the lower abdomen (here they appear periodically as spasms before defecation). With digestive disorders, the pain can only be in the lower abdomen and not strongly expressed.
Diseases of the digestive system depending on the localization of inflammation can have their own symptoms. So, with gastritis, abdominal pain can have a different intensity, after eating unsuitable food, there is a heaviness in the stomach, increased gas production, heartburn, belching, diarrhea appears periodically, more often patients experience constipation. With stomach and duodenal ulcer symptoms may be identical, but the pain in the stomach area will be acute and strong, with exacerbation, bloody vomiting and the appearance of blood in the feces.
With pancreatitis and cholecystitis, pains are also observed at the junction of the upper and lower abdomen, but they are more pressing, blunt, rendered into the scapula or are shingles (with exacerbation of pancreatitis). A couple of hours after eating, a person can feel a heaviness in the stomach, there is a belch and nausea.
In the acute course of the disease, the pains are very strong, causing the person to shrink into a ball and an increase in temperature is observed.
Periodically, diarrhea can occur, accompanied by the release of a large number of feces, spasmodic pain in the lower abdomen, severe weakness, hyperhidrosis, cyanosis, dizziness.
With enteropathy, diarrhea is chronic; appears always after eating foods to which there is intolerance. The feces are of a foamy character, and there are undigested remains of food in it, possibly a large amount of mucus. Attacks of diarrhea are very frequent 5-15 times a day. With non-granulomatous idiopathic enteropathy without obvious causes of the disease, there is also a decrease in appetite and body weight, the feces become fat, the temperature can rise.
Symptoms of oncological pathologies, and in particular of colon cancer are as follows: the stool becomes darker, the epigastric pains are strong, cramping, there is intolerance of individual foods and a copper taste in the mouth, nausea, vomiting, bitterness in the mouth are additionally noted. When enteropathy, developing against the background of T-cell lymphoma, there is also edematous syndrome.
Addison's disease, in addition to gastrointestinal symptoms associated with the development of gastritis, stomach ulcers, etc., has a lot of other manifestations: dry skin, lowering blood pressure, disrupting the heart and nervous system, lowering the sexual desire, stopping menstruation and growing pubic hair and armpits in young women. There is also a decrease in reflexes, a violation of the sensitivity of tissues and skin pigmentation.
If the stomach hurts like with diarrhea, but there is no diarrhea, you can suspect various pathologies. If the pain and discomfort in the intestine appears during or immediately after eating, the cause may be intolerance of the products. Such symptoms may be the first signs of functional impairment of the pylorus's musculature. In this case, nausea appears (severe vomiting is added in severe cases), the urine becomes more concentrated (dark with an unpleasant odor), in the lower abdomen, colic and heaviness are felt simultaneously.
Cutting pains in the epigastrium after an hour and a half after eating are characteristic of peptic ulcer. But sometimes the attack resembles cramping urges to defecate, but gradually calms down, not ending with the emptying of the intestine. In addition, there are dyspeptic phenomena: nausea, burning sensation behind the sternum, eructations (often sour), flatulence, constipation.
Spasmodic or acute pain in the abdomen can also be with appendicitis. In most cases, diarrhea does not appear.
Torsion in the abdomen without the subsequent evacuation of the intestine can also torment pregnant women due to the growth and placement of the fetus in the womb or the excessive production of progesterone during this period. But also intolerance of products is possible.
Pain in the abdomen without diarrhea and vomiting can also occur due to a spasm of smooth muscles of the stomach with gastritis. The cause can be both the use of unsuitable food, and hypothermia, stress, intense excitement.
In women, the compressive pain in the lower abdomen is observed during menstruation. In this case, the appearance of diarrhea is not necessary.
Abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting in the vast majority of cases speak of food poisoning or infection. If it is a question of food poisoning by poor-quality food, then it is usually noted at once at several people sitting at one table, is connected with the use of concrete products, development of a malaise a sudden. In this case, there are spasmodic pains and heaviness in the abdomen, nausea and vomiting, hyperhidrosis, diarrhea, lethargy and weakness appear, the temperature may rise.
When infectious infection with the development of colitis and enteritis, dysentery, salmonellosis, cholera, rotavirus infection, etc. Feces appear unusual (green or black) color and strong, nasty smell. In feces you can also detect foam, mucus, blood, purulent discharge, pieces of food. Often the body temperature rises, the person is sick.
This same symptom complex may indicate an exacerbation of gastritis or stomach ulcers (but the pain will predominantly be in the upper abdomen, burping will appear in the tongue, the body temperature may rise and blood in the stool and vomit will be detected). We can not exclude such pathologies as pancreatitis, appendicitis, enteropathy, intestinal dysbacteriosis. In some cases, abdominal pain, diarrhea and nausea (sometimes with vomiting) are noted in diseases of the heart, kidneys, pneumonia, with the development of ectopic pregnancy.
Abdominal pain and diarrhea after eating are characteristic of food poisoning, food intolerance and gastritis. With a stomach ulcer and pancreatitis, unpleasant sensations usually appear after 1.5-2 hours.
Diarrhea with water and abdominal pain can talk about secretory diarrhea, the cause of which is a severe impairment of water absorption in the intestine. Risk factors for the occurrence of such a violation can be considered:
- taking certain medicines (laxatives, diuretics, drugs for the treatment of asthma and thyroid gland, drugs with cholinergic action),
- intoxication (poisoning with fungi, arsenic, phosphorus compounds, alcohol, etc.),
- some infections of a bacterial and viral nature (such a symptom is provoked by pathogens of cholera, iersiniosis, strains of E. Coli and staphylococci synthesizing enterotoxins);
- some gynecological pathologies (sodium diarrhea and chloridorrhea),
- tumor processes (medullary thyroid cancer, Werner-Morrison syndrome, gastrinoma, mastocytosis with gastrointestinal lesions, etc.),
- Crohn's disease,
- consequences of resection of a large ileum.
Pain in the abdomen and diarrhea with blood - a rather dangerous symptomatology, usually indicating a serious problem. If the feces darkened and blood clots were found, then it was a pathology with localization in the upper intestine. This may be gastric bleeding due to gastric and duodenal ulcer. A small amount of blood in the feces and abdominal pain may appear against the background of hemorrhagic or erosive gastritis. It is impossible to exclude and tumor processes in the gastrointestinal tract and cirrhosis of the liver.
The appearance of superficial veins of blood on the liquid feces and small scarlet clots may indicate hemorrhoids or fissures of the anus. In this case, pain in the abdomen usually does not appear, but they are in time for defecation (pain is felt in the area of the anal opening).
With a pathology such as diverticulitis, characterized by an inflammatory process in the intestine associated with the formation of protrusions (diverticula) in its walls, traces of blood can be found in the stool. In this case, the formation of erosions and ulcers on the walls of the intestine. Patients also complain of pain in the lower abdomen on the left, increasing with any strain and tension of the abdominal muscles, fever, nausea and vomiting, and a worsening of appetite. Diarrhea alternates with constipation.
Diarrhea with blood and abdominal pain can be symptoms of Crohn's disease, ulcerative bowel disease, dysbiosis. If this also increases the temperature, you can suspect an infectious disease. Thus, dysentery, salmonellosis and other intestinal infections often remind themselves of themselves, as well as the presence of parasites in the intestine.
If abdominal pain and diarrhea occur in a person in the morning and are not associated with food intake, then it is hardly worth talking about food poisoning. Such a symptomatology may appear only because of a late dense dinner with heavily digested foods or taking a laxative for the night. But the regular appearance of this symptom complex can talk about:
- chronic inflammatory and infectious diseases of the stomach and intestines,
- allergic reactions (with pain uninformed, and diarrhea accompanied by nausea),
- diseases of the pancreas (there is nausea and often there is bitter vomiting),
- parasites in the intestine,
- violations of the metabolism of carbohydrates and cellulose (there are also various dyspeptic phenomena),
- a dysbacteriosis.
Diarrhea and abdominal pain in women can occur with a delay in menstruation. By itself, the symptom complex in this period is not dangerous and passes without consequences. But the reasons for the delay of menstruation may have different causes and consequences. For example, discomfort in the abdomen and diarrhea on the background of a delay in menstruation sometimes indicate a pregnancy or serious hormonal failures.
Abdominal pain associated with premenstrual syndrome, and arising on the eve of menstruation or during it, diarrhea is not considered a pathology. The cause of this state of affairs is the increased production of the hormone prostaglandin before the monthly (it relaxes the musculature of the intestine). The hormonal background stimulates the cleansing and renewal of the body, but it can also cause exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases. The bowel is under great strain because of the high blood flow to the pelvic organs. All this contributes to the appearance of diarrhea, and pain is usually associated with spasms of smooth muscles caused by menstrual bleeding.
If a woman has too much of a period of time, during the course of time, there is a loose stool, and the pain is very severe, it can be about the bending of the uterus and algodismenore.
For more information on the causes of abdominal pain with diarrhea, see this article.
Diagnostics of the abdominal pain with diarrhea
Above we gave information on how the nature and localization of symptoms can be guided in the possible causes of their occurrence. But even in the presence of other manifestations of the disease, we could not say exactly what specific violation is involved. And all because the clinical picture of many diseases is similar to each other. Differentiate one disease from another, relying only on the described symptoms, can not always even an experienced doctor, not to mention ordinary patients.
Our task is to help the doctor to make an accurate diagnosis, because it is in our interests that he prescribes treatment correctly and on time. Diagnosis of the disease that caused abdominal pain and diarrhea begins as soon as the doctor and patient meet (whether an ambulance, a district therapist or a family doctor). An external examination will help the specialist assess the patient's condition and some external symptoms (for example, pale complexion or icteric skin and mucous membranes). The last symptom allows even without tests to suspect liver problems.
Even more information necessary for the doctor, suggesting which direction to conduct further diagnosis, can give the patient's story about the symptoms of malaise. At the same time, it is not enough to say: "My stomach and diarrhea hurts," it is necessary to clearly describe such moments as:
- the time of onset of symptoms,
- their relationship with food intake,
- nature of food, its purity and freshness,
- characteristics of stool (color, odor, volume, consistency, the presence of undigested food and foreign inclusions), as well as the frequency of bowel movements, the time of diarrhea, whether constipation,
- the power of pain (you need to mention even barely perceptible pain, because in the future they can intensify)
- localization of painful sensations (this will greatly help the doctor to narrow down the range of possible diagnoses in order to prescribe further studies)
- character of pain (dull or acute, persistent or intermittent, rub or cramps),
- the duration of the symptoms (how many days or hours there is a malaise, perhaps the symptoms appear regularly, but only at certain times of the day, and then subsiding)
- presence of other symptoms and moments that allow differentiating diseases with a similar clinical picture (nausea, vomiting, fever, chills, dizziness, coughing, headaches, dryness, bitterness, acid in the mouth, etc.).
Tell the doctor about all the symptoms that appear and the conditions for their occurrence. Even those that seem insignificant at first glance. For example, the time of pain. With gastritis and gastric ulcer (inflammation of the gastric mucosa and the appearance of wounds on it), pain can appear even with eating or within an hour after it. A pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas, the increased work of which begins when food moves to the initial parts of the intestine) reminds oneself usually after 1.5-2 hours after eating.
Communication with the patient, physical examination and collection of anamnesis give the doctor information that allows you to suspect with certainty the cause of the onset of symptoms. Further time comes to appoint the necessary laboratory studies. In any case, you need to pass a general analysis of blood and urine, which will tell you about a possible inflammation in the body, help detect a bacterial infection or suggest an oncology. These same tests will, based on the working capacity of the body, prescribe an effective and safe treatment.
If a suspected infectious nature of the disease is carried out a blood test for the pathogen, blood biochemistry. With intestinal infections and helminths, the feces are analyzed and a smear is taken from the anus.
If the doctor suspects a viral infection or intolerance of the products, they take blood for antibodies. If you suspect a hormonal failure, you can assign an analysis to hormones. If the cause of pain is the pancreas, its functionality is checked by analyzing feces, conducting diastasis, determining the level of pancreatic enzymes in urine and saliva and some other tests.
When there is a reason to suspect an oncological disease, the blood test for oncomarkers will help clarify the situation, but the final diagnosis is possible only after a biopsy and histological examination.
In women, abdominal pain and diarrhea can be a consequence of gynecological pathologies, so you will need to see a gynecologist and take a smear on the microflora. If necessary, perform cytological studies.
With regard to instrumental diagnosis, the patient may be assigned various studies that will help to refute or confirm a preliminary diagnosis. Such a diagnosis is not carried out for all pathologies. Stomach upset, poisoning, food intolerance usually do not require instrumental diagnosis.
But with painful periods and suspicion of pathology of the pelvic organs, ultrasound (ultrasound) of the corresponding zone may already be necessary. Diagnosis of colitis can include irrigo, rectomano and colonoscopy, if suspected of ischemic processes in the intestine, selective mesenteric angiography is performed.
When suspected of irritable bowel syndrome, doctors often prescribe sigmoidoscopy. Patients over 50 years of age will additionally have to undergo an irrigo- and colonoscopy examination, which allows to examine the entire intestine. This is necessary because older people have a higher risk of developing bowel cancer.
With this pathology, often carry out also esophagogastroduodenoscopy, known to many as the FGDS, or probe. This same study is considered mandatory for suspected gastric and pancreatic diseases.
If suspicion of pancreatitis can be prescribed ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, X-ray examination, computed tomography, endo- and laparoscopy. The latter is carried out only in severe cases, and often together with an operation to remove the pancreas.
If it is a matter of cholecystitis, ultrasound of the gallbladder, fractional duodenal sounding with bile extraction for examination, cholecystocholangiography can be prescribed. Doubtful cases help diagnose scintigraphy of the hepatobiliary system, EGDS, computed tomography of the gallbladder, laparoscopic diagnosis.
When there is pain in the right side of the abdomen, suspicion first of all falls on appendicitis. The doctor pays attention to the patient's behavior (indicative is the desire to take a forced posture, supposedly facilitating the condition) and a reaction to the tension of the abdominal muscles (laughter and cough increase pain). Be sure to perform accurate palpation of the abdomen (tests Rovsinga and Shchetkina-Blumberg show an increase in pain with a brief tap on the appendix area).
Women may additionally be prescribed a gynecological examination. All patients showed a digital rectal examination.
Differential diagnosis
Instrumental research methods are selected in such a way that they, along with laboratory results, facilitate differential diagnosis, which is very difficult because of the similarity of the symptoms of various pathologies of the digestive system.
For example, appendicitis will have to be differentiated from perforated gastric ulcer, exacerbations of pancreatitis, food poisoning, diverticulitis, acute adnexitis and ectopic pregnancy in women. Similar symptoms may have even right-sided pneumonia and myocardial infarction.
In childhood, the symptoms of appendicitis are similar to ARVI, infections of younger age, pathologies of the urinary system.
As we see, the unique symptoms of appendicitis can not always be called. Therefore, in controversial cases, both traditional studies and additional ones are conducted: X-ray of the lungs and abdominal cavity, ultrasound of the pelvic organs, ECG, irrigoscopy, x-ray with contrast, colonoscopy, gynecologist examination (relevant for the weaker sex) and gastroenterologist.
Complications and consequences
As you can see, it is not easier to understand the causes of abdominal pain and diarrhea in small children than to conduct self-diagnosis of malaise in adults. Even specialists often require the results of various studies to make a final diagnosis and begin treatment.
But diarrhea and abdominal pain can be a symptom of dangerous diseases that require urgent measures. And while we indulge in self-diagnosis, time will run mercilessly, and the situation will become more complicated.
It can not be said that all diseases characterized by the described symptom-complex should be considered potentially dangerous. Stomach and light poisoning often do not even require qualified care and go without consequences.
Alas, this can not be said about appendicitis and exacerbation of stomach ulcers. If you do not recognize the symptoms of appendicitis in time and do not call for an ambulance, the appendix can simply burst and its contents will pour into the abdominal cavity, causing an inflammatory process in it (peritonitis). Treatment of peritonitis is very difficult and must be carried out without delay, since a person in just a few minutes can simply die.
As for the stomach ulcer, you can live with it for a long time without putting your life in danger. But with this pathology complications such as gastric bleeding and perforation of the ulcers may occur. And they are already considered deadly situations that require immediate assistance from specialists.
Dysbacteriosis at first glance does not seem a situation, because of which it is worth worrying a lot. But the violation of the intestinal microflora is fraught with a strong decrease in immunity, as a result of which the organism of a child or adult begins to attack intensively the pathogens. Time after time, emerging infectious diseases of a viral, bacterial or fungal nature significantly weaken the body, which becomes increasingly difficult to cope with diseases. The person begins to decrease efficiency, reduced interest in life, depression occurs. Is this not a reason to treat the disease, until it leads to such unattractive consequences.
Any diseases accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting, conceal the danger of dehydration - a condition that negatively affects the performance of many organs and systems, because our body mostly consists of water. Losing water and microelements necessary for vital activity, it simply can not function as before, and a person begins to suffer from a violation of the functions of different organs. Moreover, severe dehydration can lead to death of the patient.
As for the intolerance of certain substances, it is also better to know about it, at least in order to avoid the use of potentially dangerous products. This will help to avoid the development of anaphylactic reactions and deficient conditions, developing against a background of poor assimilation of nutrients.
Not as safe as it seems, there may be a pathology such as colitis. In the absence of treatment or incorrect treatment, the disease takes a protracted character. Chronic colitis is usually characterized by a progressive course, necrotic foci can form at the site of inflammation, which can cause peritonitis, or develop acute bleeding. There is also a narrowing of the inflamed part of the intestine, which violates its patency and causes intoxication of the body.
It is possible to talk for a long time about the consequences that can occur if you do not treat such diseases as gastritis, pancreatitis (especially acute, although chronic is not as careless as it can provoke the development of diabetes), cholecystitis, intestinal infections, helminthiases, e. But what about this, if we are not able to determine by eye what disease the stomach pain and diarrhea are associated with. Only a qualified doctor can make a correct diagnosis, and he will certainly tell about all the unpleasant consequences that can occur if the symptoms of the illness are ignored.
As you can see, symptoms that are not dangerous at first glance can cause serious health problems. But can there be any way to prevent their appearance?
It is clear that with congenital pathologies that simply put parents before the fact of the existence of a digestive disorder, it is possible to fight before their appearance only to the future mother of the child, who must monitor her health, receive adequate food, live in an ecologically clean area. Alas, not always it is possible to adhere to these requirements, and the child all the same can suffer from intolerance of some food stuffs.
The best that parents can do is to protect the baby from such products. The same can be advised to people with acquired intolerance.
But to prevent food poisoning, intestinal infections, IBS, inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract is much easier. It is necessary only in your life to be guided by the following rules:
- Take food regularly (if possible at the same time), preferring home dishes, and not fast food and half-finished products.
- The food should be full and balanced. It should contain a sufficient amount of cereals, vegetables and fruits. Replacing the main meal with a snack, we thereby provoke such diseases as gastritis, stomach ulcer, colitis, etc.
- It is better to abandon such harmful habits as smoking and alcohol abuse, because the substances contained in alcohol and nicotine have an irritating effect on the stomach and intestines.
- While dining in dubious cafes and canteens, one should remember the risk of poisoning due to violations of the technology of cooking and hygienic conditions. For the same reasons, you should not buy ready-made food on the streets (even if the product was originally clean, along with dust and dirty hands, it will get a noticeable share of microbes).
- Stomach disorders and specific infections can also be detected in the lovers of traveling to exotic countries and admirers of overseas delicacies.
- Raw fish and not roasted meat are the main sources of pathogens of intestinal infections. It is better to avoid such culinary delights, giving preference to products that have undergone sufficient heat treatment. To cut fish and meat, you need to have a separate cutting board.
- Raw water from a tap or other source is not the best way to saturate the body with life-giving moisture. Especially if you take into account the fact that such a drink can contain pathogenic bacteria, which will later start to multiply actively in the intestines, causing disruptions in the digestive tract.
- Vegetables, fruits and, if possible, berries before consumption should be washed under running water.
- Perhaps, it's worth recalling once again that eating should be done with clean hands (and you need to wash them with soap). The same requirement applies to cooking food especially dishes that will not be subjected to further heat treatment.
- What else can disturb our digestion? Of course, the stress that most of us are exposed to. It is necessary to learn to treat correctly and calmly to psycho-traumatic situations, at least for the sake of one's health.
- If nevertheless, the appearance of suspicious symptoms could not be avoided, it is not worthwhile to think of yourself as a great doctor and make a diagnosis that can be false and even lead to a fatal outcome. The diagnosis should be made by a doctor. He will also prescribe treatment.
After reading the list of requirements for a healthy lifestyle, many of the readers may feel deceived, because they were promised simple rules. For someone, all of the above will be the complete opposite of the way of life that the person led up to that time. But I must say that you can get used to everything if you put health and life on the line, and if you get used to the good, you will hardly want to return to your former existence.
Some will find that abdominal pain and diarrhea are not good reasons to change something in their lives. But if these symptoms recur regularly and entail other dangerous manifestations of the disease, the attitude towards them will become completely different. And the man himself will understand that it was better to prevent the disease, than to now suffer from the consequences of his carelessness.
Abdominal pain and diarrhea are symptoms that can accompany many different diseases, the prognosis of which depends on the timeliness of seeking help and the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment. The worst prognosis with late treatment for perforated stomach ulcers, oncological pathologies or appendicitis.
The problem of tumor processes in the gastrointestinal tract is complicated by the fact that pain and diarrhea usually appear in advanced stages of cancer, when the treatment helps only to alleviate the patient's condition and to support his life for a short time.
Urgent skilled care for the patient is required if diarrhea is accompanied by fever, severe pain, dizziness and other alarming symptoms. The danger is also presented by persistent diarrhea and vomiting for a long time.