Microinfarction in women and men, transferred on legs: how to determine the consequences
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The diagnosis of a microinfarction seems to many patients to be very comforting and reassuring, if only because the size of the lesion, in their opinion, is insignificant, microscopic. However, in practice it turns out that everything is so simple. There is no reason for joy and tranquility. Of course, there is no need to panic either. But we must take this disease seriously, because it represents a serious defeat of the heart muscle. Despite the name, in the heart muscle there is a severe pathological process, up to the development of foci of necrosis.
It is necessary to understand that such a medical diagnosis, as a microinfarction, does not exist in principle. In medical institutions, this disease is called small-focal myocardial infarction. In its essence and origin, the microinfarction is no different from the infarction of the ordinary, except the size of the lesion of the tissue. Often occurs asymptomatically, and patients may not even feel it when they have experienced an attack. Many for the first time learn about their disease at a routine examination. Careful treatment, observance of the prescribed lifestyle, and full rehabilitation are necessary. Then the outcome can be favorable for the patient. In the absence of treatment and rehabilitation, there may be relapses, since all the favorable conditions for this have been created.
Infarctions and microinfarctions most often affect men aged 35 to 65 years. Previously, this disease was generally considered masculine. Women are subjected to a heart attack at a later age. A young infarct in a woman is rare, due to the fact that her body has a rejuvenating effect of estrogen hormones. At the same time, female mortality from heart diseases, including heart attacks and microinfarctions, is 200-300 deaths per day.
Contrary to popular belief that the microinfarction does not entail serious consequences, 35% of the cases die annually, only in Russia. The number of cases of a microinfarction and a heart attack is approximately the same, being in the ratio 50/50. Asymptomically, about 15-20% occur. According to medical estimates, every fifth person with coronary heart disease has had a microinfarction, and does not even suspect it.
Causes of the microinfarction
A microinfarction, similar to a heart attack, is a consequence of a vascular lesion of atherosclerotic deposits. First of all, damage is reflected in the coronary and coronary vessels, which provide cardiac circulation. In the shell of the vessel there is a plaque formation, which can come off, clog the vessel, and cause damage to the heart area, for the blood supply of which it responds.
The cause may be morphological and functional changes in the vessel itself, metabolic disorders, in particular, such as hypercholesterolemia and diabetes mellitus. To provoke the disease may increased adhesion and platelet aggregation in the blood cells, high blood pressure. Also, alcohol abuse, smoking, heavy physical work, prolonged mental stress. As a result, the heart increasingly needs oxygen, its needs are not fully met, the heart is spasmodic. The consequence is the development of a heart attack.
All etiological factors are closely interrelated, interact with each other, and exacerbate the condition.
Risk factors
People who suffer from ischemia, or have this pathology in a family history, are at risk. The risk increases with atherosclerosis, blood clotting disorders, concomitant diseases. Infringement of a metabolism, especially adiposity, a diabetes mellitis negatively affects a condition of a cardiac muscle. With high blood pressure, high cholesterol in the blood, the risk of the disease is significantly increased. If a person has had one heart attack, the risk of recurrence and a large heart attack increases substantially.
People who have a low pain threshold, as well as people suffering from alcohol and drug (pharmaceutical) addiction, people with diabetes, former fighters, boxers are at risk of missing the infarction. All these categories of people have a low pain threshold. If the nervous system is affected, or there are mental disorders, a person may also not notice a microinfarction.
The pathogenesis is based on functional disorders of circulation of blood in the body. The process triggers a prolonged ischemia, then the lumen of the cardiac artery becomes excessively narrow. Necrotizing lesions develop. Fabrics undergo serious irreversible changes. Gradually, the cells die. As a result, a scar tissue forms at the site of injury.
Symptoms of the microinfarction
A microinfarction can manifest as an attack. But the danger is that it can be asymptomatic. In this case, a person can feel only a mild weakness, not associating it with the probability of an infarction.
A pain can be indicated on a microinfarction. The localization and intensity of pain varies considerably from weak to intense, piercing. In some cases, it can also occur in a painless form. Acute, piercing pain sensations that are comparable to a knife wound accurately indicate a microinfarction. Pain can crush, burn, give to different areas, even scapula and stomach. Sometimes the pain is felt in the hands, legs, neck. Often the pain affects the face, while the main pain sensations are localized in the area of the lower jaw.
Often when pain occurs, people suffering from heart disease resolve the nitroglycerin pill. If the tablet is ineffective - you can not doubt that a microinfarction happened. Cold sweat, severe weakness throughout the body are the right signs of a microinfarction. Later, these feelings are replaced by a sense of fear, panic, anxiety. Often there is a fear of death, which has the nature of a panic attack. At later periods, the temperature rises, which may indicate necrotic processes in the heart area.
First signs
Usually the earliest signs are pain in the sternum, numbness of the hands, feet, spread of pain in the neck, face, hands. Dizziness, sweating, trembling in the body, and a sense of fear certainly indicates a microinfarction. Any pain in the area of the heart should be guarded, as the microinfarction can pass asymptomatically.
Sensations with a microinfarction
As for physical sensations, there is a feeling of pain, burning in the chest, pressure and shortness of breath. Feels like the pain spreads from the heart area to the sternum, affects the neck, hands, face. The pain is localized in the area of the lower jaw. If such an attack lasts more than 20 minutes, irreversible tissue damage already occurs in the heart.
Traditionally, pain of any character and intensity, lasting more than 20 minutes, is already an occasion for immediate treatment in the "first aid". But this is very rare among the "conscious" citizens, so often the microinfarct is transferred to the feet. Even if the development of the microinfarction does not occur, similar symptoms already indicate a prolonged attack of angina pectoris, which is a "pre-infarction" condition. Sometimes, with a microinfarction, there are no sensations, so a person may not even know about the transferred disease.
Especially carefully you need to monitor your health to people with a reduced pain threshold, as well as people suffering from diabetes, because they also do not fully feel the pain.
If we consider the psychological sensations, it is worth noting that there is a sense of panic and fear. In most cases, there is a fear of death, despair, inability to take any action.
Microinfarction in women
Women are much easier not to notice a heart attack than men. It is because of this that most women suffer from a heart attack on their legs. Women tend to write off the manifestations of a microinfarction on an unstable emotional state, nervous overstrain, the consequences of a nervous breakdown or hormonal disorders.
Therefore, you need to pay close attention to your condition. The slightest pain and unpleasant sensations in the area of the heart muscle should become a cause for concern, since they may indicate a microinfarction. In women, heart attack is most often accompanied by freezing and numbness of the fingers (a consequence of a circulatory disorder). There may be swelling, which is especially intense on the limbs. Joints are broken, all this is accompanied by anxiety, fear. The sweating is markedly increased.
Anatomical and morphological features of the female body contribute to the occurrence of pain in the stomach. This is due to a higher location of the diaphragm, which contributes to the irradiation of pain. Constant migraines against the background of high blood pressure can also be an indirect indication.
Microinfarction in men
The male part of the population is harder not to notice the microinfarction, since it is accompanied by severe pain in the heart. In addition, there is chest pain, spreading to other internal organs. There may be symptoms that are often confused with catarrhal diseases: general malaise, headache, aches in the joints, weakness, profuse sweating. The duration of the attack lasts at least 45 minutes.
There is a sudden burning pain in the heart, most often on the left side. Pain gives into the area of scapula, shoulder or jaw. Lips turn blue, a tremor appears in the nasolabial triangle. There is shortness of breath, dizziness, and even loss of consciousness. There is also an asymptomatic course of the disease.
Pressure at a microinfarction
At a microinfarction the arterial pressure can be both in norm or rate, and it is broken. On average, there is a decrease or increase in indicators by 20 units below or above the norm. It all depends on the type of microinfarction.
Where does it hurt?
In the development of myocardial infarction, 4 stages are distinguished.
The first stage is called ischemia, represents the most acute period, during which the blood vessel is clogged, the supply of cardiac tissue to oxygen is disturbed. The lumen is narrowed by about 70% or more. This stage develops for quite a long time. Has reversible consequences.
The second - the stage of necrobiosis, represents an acute period of myocardial infarction. In this case, cells of the heart tissue are damaged. The duration of this stage is 4-8 hours.
The third stage is a subacute period, during which a site that has undergone necrosis dies. At this time, the temperature can rise. Usually at this stage there are pains, if they were not there before.
In the fourth stage, dead cells are replaced by a connective tissue, a scar is formed. Gradual recovery of myocardial workability begins. The formation of the scar takes 1-2 months.
In addition to the traditional form of the microinfarction, at which there are signs of a heart attack, it can have other forms. There are the following main types of microinfarction:
- asthmatic microinfarction - a form in which there is shortness of breath, sometimes there are signs of suffocation. Heart palpitations are increasing, and pulmonary edema develops. This form is most often painless, typical of the elderly, develops against the background of other cardiac pathologies. They are often confused with asthma, pulmonary insufficiency, since the main sign is suffocation;
- abdominal, or gastralgic form is most often observed in women and causes pain in the heart, behind the breastbone. There is a spread of pain in the stomach, which is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, dyspeptic disorders. They are often confused with the symptoms of an "acute abdomen". The mistake can cost a lot: they begin to carry out emergency measures for the treatment of the stomach, spend washing, cleaning, the patient is prepared for surgery, and often even operates, not subsequently discovering pathology;
- The arrhythmic microinfarction is accompanied by arrhythmias, which often forces the patient to turn to the cardiologist;
- Cerebral form is associated with impaired circulation of blood in the brain. All this is accompanied by a migraine, a disorder of the main reflexes. The sensitivity is also disturbed, and mnemonic anomalies are observed.
There are many atypical forms of infarction, in which there is pain syndrome, which is located, for example, in the region of the back, limbs.
Microinfarction transferred on legs
Microinfarction, especially if it occurs without symptoms, you can not notice. Very many patients learn about the disease when going through an electrocardiogram, and before that they did not even suspect it. Even if symptoms are observed, they are usually associated with other diseases or malaise. Often there is a sharp pain in the heart, or it is completely absent. Nausea, a feeling of pressure, a general malaise is often associated with a mild poisoning, a gastrointestinal disorder, than with a microinfarction. Women often suffer a heart attack on their legs, because they feel less pain. The condition can stabilize on its own, and complications may arise.
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Microinfarction of the brain
The main cause is a sharp violation of blood circulation and oxygen starvation of the brain, which is accompanied by damage to the blood vessels. This causes a lack of nutrients, poisoning with metabolites. As a result, the vessels undergo morphological and functional disorders, and atherosclerotic vascular lesions are observed. The basic properties of blood change, hemodynamic disorders as a whole occur.
On the microinfarction of the brain indicates a strong headache, dizziness, heavy sweating, tinnitus, weakness and tremor in the hands and feet. A consequence of a microinfarct can be a violation of vision, speech. A person loses the ability to clearly formulate his thought, words are often misused, speech can be illegible and incomprehensible to others. Memory can be abruptly broken, a person loses the ability to navigate in space and time.
The nature of the pathology may depend on which part of the brain is affected. The most severe symptoms are observed with damage to the brainstem, resulting in the development of conditions that pose a threat to life. There is paralysis of respiratory muscles, collapse, temperature reaction.
The basis of treatment is the principles of neuroprotection, in which therapy is aimed at restoring the impaired blood circulation of the brain and suppressing the local inflammatory process.
Myocardial microinfarction
Despite the fact that only a single heart site is damaged, the microinfarction is a serious pathology that requires long-term treatment and rehabilitation. Approximately 36% of deaths are microinfarctions. Can pass with symptoms, pain, and maybe without symptoms. People who are between 36 and 65 years of age are most susceptible to the disease. In the absence of treatment, there may be relapses, or there may be a vast heart attack, and even sudden death.
Microinfarction of the posterior wall of the left ventricle
Characterized by necrosis of cells and tissues of the posterior ventricle. Occurs when blood circulation is disturbed for more than 20-30 minutes. Often occurs as a result of deposition on the back wall of substances of protein nature (fibrins). The greatest risk of development of this pathology falls on citizens aged 45 to 50 years, since they are characterized by the formation of natural deposits on various internal organs. The main cause is the formation of cholesterol in the blood, resulting in a blockage of blood vessels and circulatory disorders.
The diagnosis of this pathology is based on an electrocardiogram. But usually it only indicates the presence of angina pectoris. Therefore, during the examination, it is very important to question the patient, to collect his subjective sensations. An important diagnostic sign is the reaction to nitroglycerin. With a microinfarction, nitroglycerin does not stop the pain.
Treatment is also quite complicated. First of all, it is etiologic, that is, it is aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease. Then the pain is relieved and the symptoms of the disease are removed. Often measures are applied to improve hemodynamics, increase the lumen of blood vessels, lysis of blood clots and prevent their further formation. They use anticoagulants, thrombolytics. An important aspect is ensuring oxygen saturation of the body. To this end, oxygen therapy is used.
This type of infarction is dangerous complications. The most dangerous type of complication is heart rupture, which occurs immediately after the defeat in the absence of scar tissue. The rupture occurs as a result of necrosis of the entire posterior wall of the heart. The gap ends in an instant death. Thromboembolism is also dangerous, in which a thrombus penetrates from the heart into the bloodstream and can cause blockage of any vessel, and a further heart attack or stroke.
The prognosis depends on the degree and depth of the lesion of the posterior wall, as well as on how quickly the measures were taken. The lack of treatment and rehabilitation is fraught with recurrence of the disease and complications. Prevention is reduced to a healthy lifestyle and the rejection of bad habits. It is important to undergo preventive examinations in a timely manner and visit a cardiologist.
Micro-infarct of kidney
The main cause of the micro-infarction of the kidney is a sharp violation of blood circulation, a thrombus, which clogs the lumen of the vessel. It manifests itself in the form of sharp, cutting pain. For treatment, use drugs that reduce pressure, vasodilators. Important drugs that allow you to maintain a balance of salt in the body. Also, antibiotics are needed, since the necrotic process in the kidneys is accompanied by inflammation and an infectious process. Babies are undergoing hemodialysis.
Microinfarction in a dream
Seizures often happen in a dream. There is a sharp pain in the heart. After this, a person usually wakes up, feels the numbness of the hands, legs, can not move for a long time. After this, you may experience a feeling of panic, fear, heart palpitations, a severe headache. There may be a feeling of lack of air, suffocation. Can be accompanied by a cold sweat, trembling, fear of death. In addition, often this is preceded by a dream in which one dreams that someone is stabbing a knife in the heart, or making a shot in the heart. As a result, there is a lot of pain, from which a person wakes up. Especially often this happens with angina pectoris, around 4-5 in the morning.
Complications and consequences
The more time passes after the transferred microinfarction, the greater the consequences and complications develop. In the initial stages, the pressure decreases, the blood flow slows down. This contributes to the occurrence of headaches, nausea, provokes spasms. To the early consequences include pulmonary edema, spasmodic phenomena. There is a violation of the rhythm of the heart, there is a thrombosis and blood circulation is disturbed. As a result, myocardiosclerosis occurs, the heart valves are deformed, the myocardium walls become thinner and protrude. If you already have any kind of heart disease, they become worse.
A microinfarction, if the correct treatment is provided, can end favorably, the tissue will fully recover. And in the absence of necessary treatment, complications can occur, for example: sudden death, pulmonary edema, heart rupture, thromboembolism, which often have a lethal outcome.
Approximately after the expiration of the monthly period, complications such as cardiosclerosis, heart failure, aneurysm, embolism, arrhythmia can manifest themselves.
What is dangerous microinfarction?
Microinfarction is dangerous because necrotic lesions of the heart tissue occur, in which cells, damaged areas die. This can result in heart failure. The most dangerous microinfarction is that if the tissue does not recover, a heart break can occur, which is accompanied by a sudden death. There can also be many other, no less dangerous complications. The risk of developing an extensive heart attack, relapse is increasing.
How many microinfarctions can there be?
Microinfarctions can be many, as long as the heart has undamaged patches of cardiac tissue. Usually, after 4-5 microinfarctions, there is an extensive heart attack. The consequences are unpredictable.
Repeated microinfarction
Happen quite often, because the previously transferred microinfarction forms a fertile ground for all subsequent. Symptoms and causes are similar to the primary. Mandatory treatment and rehabilitation is required.
Diagnostics of the microinfarction
In order to make a diagnosis, you need to contact a cardiologist, who will prescribe the necessary laboratory tests, will appoint an instrumental examination.
How to recognize the microinfarction itself?
It is quite difficult to recognize the disease itself. Sometimes even doctors can not deliver the right diagnosis right away, because the electrocardiogram data can be very contradictory. In such cases, additional research is required. A cardiogram may not even indicate the presence of a microinfarction if the lesion is insignificant.
The main laboratory analysis is a biochemical blood test, which shows an increase in the level of myoglobin. There is also increased activity of creatinine phosphokinase, lactate dehydrogenase and troponin. Inflammation is indicated by an increase in ESR.
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Instrumental diagnostics
For the diagnosis is necessary results of an electrocardiogram, an echocardiogram, blood tests. Also daily monitoring of electrocardiogram parameters is carried out. Often used ultrasound of the heart, which makes it possible to explore the contractility of the heart. On ultrasound, you can visualize an area in which the contractions are weakened or absent completely. This indicates a partial defeat of the heart tissue, or complete necrosis.
Microinfarction on ECG
In most cases, changes in the electrocardiogram do not directly indicate a microinfarction. But they point to the ischemic processes in the cardiac tissue, which makes it possible to suspect a microinfarction and conduct a further refining examination. The ECG can reflect a large heart attack - in the form of a change in the Q wave, which is intensively expanding.
What do need to examine?
How to examine?
Differential diagnosis
The microinfarction is differentiated from metabolic disorders, hypokalemia and pancreatitis. For this, a potassium sample serves. The bottom line is that the patient is given potassium chloride. Before the patient drinks the remedy, an electrocardiogram is performed. After he drank, a repeated electrocardiogram is performed. Indications S - T vary only if there is ischemia, which indicates a heart attack. In other cases, no change occurs.
What is the difference between a heart attack and a microinfarction?
Microinfarction in its pathogenesis and mechanism of development is the same heart attack, but only the area of damage to the heart tissue is significantly lower. If the time of the microinfarct is insignificant, it is possible to restore the structure and function of the heart tissue, which is extremely rare with a large heart attack.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the microinfarction
Treatment of a microinfarct is identical to the treatment of a heart attack. In many ways, treatment depends on whether the person has observed the necessary regimen, or suffered a heart attack on his legs. The tactics of treatment is chosen by the doctor, depending on the results of the analyzes and instrumental studies. The method of treatment is largely determined by the age of the patient, the localization of the necrotic process, concomitant diseases.
In acute period, treatment can be carried out in the intensive care unit. First of all, stop pain, then normalize blood pressure and stabilize the rhythm of the heart. Surgical methods are also used. After treatment, a long rehabilitation is carried out. First, in stationary conditions, then beyond. Positively affects the oxygenation of the heart muscle.
Self-medication in any case can not be done, because with the slightest non-observance of the principles of treatment, you can get a second microinfarction. The patient should understand that after the transferred microinfarction, he will have to take preparations for the rest of his life, such as anticoagulants, antiaggregants. If necessary, take statins, antiarrhythmics, antihypertensives. The patient should know that when heart pain occurs, you need to take nitroglycerin, or other means that stop pain. It is necessary to minimize the movements and call an "ambulance" as soon as possible. Usually, in such cases, a person is hospitalized, even if the microinfarction does not develop.
In case of a heart attack, the following medicines are prescribed:
- tenecteplase - a drug that is administered intravenously, for 5-10 seconds. The dose depends on the body weight, but should not exceed 50 mg of the active ingredient. It is used to treat circulatory disorders of the brain and heart. To increase the effectiveness of used in conjunction with heparin;
- To prevent thrombosis, heparin is injected. The drug is administered for at least a day. Dosage also depends on body weight. At a weight above 65, about 4000 units of the drug are administered. The infusion rate is 50-75 seconds;
- for dilution of blood and prevention of blood clots, apply ASA. The initial dosage is 150-300 mg, if necessary, may increase.
- Propranolol is prescribed in case of a heart attack, with a violation of heart rhythm and ischemia. Start with 20 mg three times a day. Gradually, the dosage can be increased to 120 mg per day. The duration of treatment is 3-5 days.
First aid with a microinfarction
The first help is to immobilize the patient, which will help localize the focus of damage. It is important that there is access to fresh air, and there is no restraining clothing. It is necessary to stop pain, by taking nitroglycerin. In order not to aggravate the situation, you must first measure blood pressure, because under reduced pressure, nitroglycerin can not be consumed. If there is no way to measure the pressure, you need only one tablet. As soon as possible to call an ambulance, while notifying the dispatcher that the victim has a heart attack. In this case, a specialized brigade will come to call for the provision of cardiac care.
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During recovery and rehabilitation, the patient is shown vitamins, which can significantly increase the body's defenses, mobilize internal reserves to restore the body. It is recommended to take vitamins in the following daily dosage:
- Vitamin PP - 60 mg
- Vitamin H - 150 mg
- Vitamin C - 500-1000 mg
- Vitamin E is 25 mg.
Physiotherapeutic treatment
Various procedures are used for recovery. For example, electrophoresis, which affects the body microcurrents. With the help of electrophoresis, drugs are injected. This allows the drug to penetrate more deeply into the tissue, in a shorter period. Accordingly, a much lower dosage of the drug is required.
Alternative treatment
Alternative agents can have a positive effect on the heart muscle, accelerate the recovery process. It is recommended to be used as part of complex therapy.
- Infusion of Adonis
With angina pectoris, heart attacks, arrhythmias, it is recommended to take an infusion of Adonis grass. For cooking, it is necessary to chop the grass finely, lay it on the bottom of a half liter jar. Pour over the vodka. Infuse in a dark place. Take 8 drops three times a day.
- Nutritional collection
For cooking it is recommended to take apricot, raisins, prunes and walnuts in approximately equal amounts. Stir, then rub in a meat grinder. In the resulting mixture add honey, aloe juice. Infuse 3 days, then you can take a tablespoon daily. Saturates the body with vitamins, fills with vitality, accelerates the recovery processes in the body.
- Mixture of vitaminized
Kalina, strawberries and blueberries are mixed in equal parts. Rinse through a meat grinder, pour honey. Add the juice of half a lemon, 15 grams of cinnamon, grated ginger. Insist 3 days. Then use 1 tablespoon per day. Accelerates the recovery, cleanses the blood, restores the heart rhythm.
Herbal Treatment
A teaspoon of may lily of the valley pour a glass of steep boiling water, insist for about an hour. After that, strain, drink 1 tablespoon several times a day. Helps to restore the heart rhythm, helps to eliminate shortness of breath, pain.
Take the root of the medicinal valerian, pour a glass of boiling water. After the broth is used, take 2-3 tablespoons a day with headache, fear, anxiety, dyspnea, symptoms of heart failure.
With pain in the heart, increased anxiety, a bad dream, you can use tea from mint leaves, raspberry branches and willow-tea. The grass is mixed approximately in equal parts, after which it is brewed in a brewer. You can drink during the day as tea, in unlimited quantities.
Homeopathic remedies have fewer side effects than medications. Side effects usually make themselves felt with excessive use or incorrect combination of drugs. It should be remembered that many homeopathic remedies have a cumulative effect, that is, they have an effect only after the completion of the course of treatment. It is important to observe precautions: consult a doctor before starting therapy. It is necessary to include in the complex therapy.
- Collect cardiac
Take ephedra, European chop and chamomile, mix in a ratio of 1: 1: 2, brew in half a liter of boiling water. Insist, then use half the glass twice a day. Relieves shortness of breath, eliminates pain and constriction in the heart, sternum.
- Mixture strengthening
Take 100 grams of butter, 50 grams of nutria fat, sugar, cocoa, cream - half cup, 8 egg yolks. Melt butter and fats of nutria, add there, slowly stirring all other ingredients, except yolks. Stir until completely dissolved. Remove from heat, drive in yolks. Put in a cold place to freeze. Take a piece three times a day for heart disease, for the prevention of heart attacks.
- Mixture restoring
Take 200 ml of badger fat, mix with 50 ml of echinacea extract and 50 ml of Eleutherococcus extract. Drink 1 tablespoon three times a day for recovery after inflammatory heart diseases, heart attack, microinfarction.
- Cleaning mixture
Take 200 grams of oats and 5 shells from eggs. Grains of oats grind in a mortar, or grind in a meat grinder. Spoil the shell. To mix. Drink 1 teaspoonful, pouring a light solution of citric acid. Eat in the morning. Promotes the purification of vessels, the removal of toxins.
Surgical treatment involves the establishment of a stent, which will prevent the narrowing of the lumen in the vessels. The stent can be characterized as an iron ring, which is placed in the lumen of the coronary vessels. The additional catheter does not allow the lumen to narrow, as a result of which the blood supply remains at a stable level. This is the most reliable way to prevent further heart attacks, since blood circulation can not be disturbed in principle. But this method of treatment can not always be applied, because many elderly people can not transfer the operation to the heart because of a large number of accompanying pathologies. This operation is suitable for young people who can easily recover from surgery, and who have enough health to move it.
Also, in case of a heart attack, an aortocoronary shunting is performed, in which an additional blood path is artificially created, which bypasses the clotted blood vessel.
Treatment of a microinfarct at home
Self-medication in any case should not be engaged, as it is possible only to do much harm to itself. Home treatment is limited to strict implementation of the doctor's recommendations and a serious approach to rehabilitation. It is necessary to observe combination therapy. Alternative drugs can be used only in combination with traditional therapy, sometimes with physiotherapy. It is important to engage in exercise therapy and perform those exercises that the doctor advised.
Recovery and rehabilitation after a microinfarction
Rehabilitation is aimed at restoring the heart muscle and returning to the ordinary way of life. The goal is also the return of work capacity. It is necessary to strictly follow all the recommendations of the doctor, attend classes in physiotherapy exercises. Physical exercises should be carried out in strict accordance with the instructions of the instructor. It is important to observe the required tempo, rhythm, number of repetitions. The program of physical rehabilitation is developed individually. Depends on the characteristics of the disease, its shape, severity, as well as the current state of the patient. At the same time, heart rate, pulse, respiratory rate, and pressure are monitored. Dosing load increases gradually, starting with the minimum. Exercises must first be performed strictly under the supervision of the instructor, then you can perform at home yourself. Rehabilitation may include physiotherapy, massage, exercises in the pool. Swimming or an exercise bike are effective means of recovery.
The rehabilitation includes walks in the fresh air. Especially shows walks in the coniferous forest, during which the body is saturated with oxygen, which positively affects the heart muscle. You should stop smoking, drinking alcohol. It is important to ensure that the pressure and weight are always within the normal range. Any increase or decrease in these indicators is a stress for the body and creates an additional burden on the heart. It is necessary to control the level of cholesterol. For this, there are special drugs. At work, you can return in about six months, but heavy physical exertion should be avoided.
Life after a microinfarction
Life after a heart attack continues if you take timely measures, complete treatment, undergo rehabilitation. Usually, due to the fact that the area of the lesion is insignificant, the body can compensate for a long time the lost functions, due to which a person can maintain a high activity, in which the quality of life will not be affected at all. After a microinfarct, people are forced to drink medicines, keep to a diet, maintain a healthy lifestyle for many years, and sometimes all their lives. Often it is not possible to completely eliminate arrhythmia, heart failure may develop.
Tablets after microinfarction
After a microinfarct, prolonged therapy with drugs may be required. The patient should be prepared to take drugs for a long time, and sometimes even for the rest of his life. The most commonly prescribed statins. Their application is aimed at inhibiting the enzyme, which stimulates the formation of cholesterol. Accordingly, the level of cholesterol in the body decreases. There are statins of the fourth generation, which are directed directly at maintaining the heart muscle after a heart attack, with ischemia. Thrombolytic drugs are also prescribed, which prevent the formation of a thrombus, and resolve the already existing ones. It is recommended to take anticoagulants, which dilute blood.
Nutrition and diet with a microinfarction
Food should be balanced, but dietary. You need to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. Grains, coarse pasta, rye bread or bran are recommended. Meat and fish should be low-fat.
In moderation, dairy products should be included in the diet. In this case, the products should not be fat. Fat content should not exceed 5%. Do not consume oil, fat, cream. Margarine is allowed because it does not contain cholesterol. Mayonnaise, sour cream should be completely excluded. Instead, it is better to eat vegetable or olive oil. When infarcting it is useful to drink dry red wine, previously diluted with water. Food should not be too salty, as the moth retains moisture in the body. As a result, the load on the heart increases, the pressure rises.
The diet implies the exclusion from the diet of foods that contain large amounts of cholesterol. It is recommended the use of products of coarse grinding, pasta, unrefined rice. You need to include more fresh fruits and vegetables. You can use low-fat varieties of meat, fish, seafood. For refueling use vegetable oils. At the same time, fatty, smoked products, marinades, pickles are excluded. The use of potatoes should be minimized.
Prevention is primarily in the timely diagnosis of the disease. For this, it is necessary to undergo regular preventive examinations, in time to treat the revealed pathologies. You need to adhere to proper nutrition, exclude bad habits. Important kardionagruzki, walking in the fresh air. Positive influence is exercised by yoga, pilates. It is important to learn the techniques of proper breathing, relaxation, self-regulation. At the age of over 40 years it is recommended to constantly take medications that help maintain the normal functional state of the heart muscle. If necessary, you need to take drugs that lower cholesterol. The body should receive the necessary amount of vitamins, oxygen.
With the recommendations of a doctor, treatment, rehabilitation, the forecast is favorable. Cardiac tissue can fully recover and fully compensate for lost functions. If the seizure has passed unnoticed, and was detected only by examination, it can be assumed that the cardiac tissue has recovered. In this case, you can make a favorable forecast. The first attack can end safely, but the second almost always has complications. In the absence of rehabilitation and proper treatment, the forecast is extremely unfavorable. An extensive heart attack may occur. In many cases, repeated microinfarctions result in death.
How many live after a microinfarction?
Microinfarction is a disease with which one can live for many years. But provided timely treatment and recovery. After the microinfarction, you need to take all preventive measures aimed at restoring the heart muscle and preventing repeated infarctions. Because a repeated microinfarction can turn into a vast heart attack and result in a fatal outcome.