
Information about doctor

Bella Koifman is one of the leading cardiologists and cardio diagnostics of Israel. Doctor of Medicine with a total clinical medical experience - more than 30 years. The head of the cardiological rehabilitation center. He has extensive experience in the early diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The doctor’s specialization includes the following areas:

  • Diagnosis of heart disease.
  • Rehabilitation of patients in the postoperative period.
  • Coronary stenting.
  • Echocardiography.
  • Transposition of great vessels and more.

Bella Koifman recognized as a world-class expert in cardiology. She is approached by patients from all over the world for help and advice.

Innovative, safe and highly effective methods are used for the diagnosis and treatment of pathologies of the heart and cardiovascular system. The doctor conducts minimally invasive cardiac surgery in patients of all ages, including newborns.

Koifman teaches at the Department of Cardiology at the University of Tel Aviv. Included in international research groups. Conducts clinical research in the field of cardiology by the methods of early diagnosis and elimination of heart defects. Took part in 40 scientific conferences. Author of more than 30 scientific works on cardiological diseases in adults and children.

Education and work experience

  • She graduated from the Medical Institute in Moldova, Kishenev.
  • She specialized in congenital heart disease in adults at the Royal Brompton Hospital in London, United Kingdom.
  • She specializes in internal medicine and cardiology at Ichilov Hospital, Tel Aviv, Israel.

Membership in international organizations

  • Israeli Medical Association
  • Israel Heart Association
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