Attack of pancreatitis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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A pancreatitis attack is a peak condition in a disease in which all symptoms are exacerbated, and dysfunction itself requires intervention to stop pain and other ailments.
Pancreatitis is a disease characterized by inflammatory processes in the pancreas.
This dysfunction in the body can have acute and chronic forms. Acute manifestations of the disease proceed with strong and vivid symptoms. The chronic stage is characterized by long and languid ailments, against which background exacerbations of pathological processes are possible. Acute and chronic course of pancreatitis with the strongest signs of the disease is called bouts of the disease.
The attack of pancreatitis causes serious changes in the human body. And if the patient does not provide medical help on time and does not take off symptoms, then this person's condition can end in a deplorable and fatal outcome. Such acute manifestations of the disease are treated only in a stationary setting. Although, of course, adequate and feasible assistance to the patient should be provided in the place where the problem has become more active.
Causes of an attack of pancreatitis
Naturally, such a disease as inflammation of the pancreas does not arise by itself. A sharp state - even more so. The causes of an attack of pancreatitis are rather prosaic and include the following:
- Abuse of alcoholic beverages and household alcoholism.
- Presence of cholelithiasis (cholecystitis), which provoked inflammatory phenomena in the pancreas.
- Genetic predisposition to the disease.
- The presence in the diet of the patient a large number of unhealthy foods - fatty, fried and spicy dishes.
- Prolonged taking of some medicines.
To the causes of the disease itself pancreatitis can be attributed more than two hundred reasons. All of the above refers to the factors that cause the disease. But, besides this, we can point to:
- chronic infectious processes in the body,
- hormonal problems and failures,
- inflammatory processes that occur in the duodenum,
- abdominal trauma stupid nature,
- the passage of endoscopic manipulations,
- various strong or long stresses.
The attack of pancreatitis occurs against the background of diseases of the digestive system, and as an independent dysfunction of the body.
Also, acute forms of inflammatory processes in the pancreas can trigger the simultaneous pathological processes in the body in the gall bladder, in the liver and in the cardiovascular system.
The mechanism of an attack of pancreatitis is as follows. In the ordinary state of human health, pancreatic enzymes do not affect its condition and functioning. But because of the pathological factors, which were mentioned above, enzymes begin to affect the tissues of the pancreas, provoking in it the onset of inflammatory processes. At the same time, the body itself is experiencing a decrease and a lack of production of these very enzymes. Therefore, with the person there can be a surprise. The state of health and well-being, it would seem, are normal, and an attack of pancreatitis is obvious.
Symptoms of an attack of pancreatitis
Symptoms of an attack of pancreatitis have their own characteristics, which it is important to know for the patient and his relatives.
So, for the paroxysmal manifestation of the disease is characterized by:
- The presence of pain in the abdomen. And the pain is long and strong with cutting or blunt manifestations, which encircle the body in the place of localization of the pancreas. Sometimes pain can be given in the back, or in the subscapular region, or in the lumbar region.
In some cases, when the pain is so painful and strong, the patient may even lose consciousness from a painful shock.
It is known that the pancreas is permeated with a number of nerve endings, which, with inflammation of the organ, begin to be involved in the process.
Experts believe that if the sensations of pain do not stop with time, but become more intense, this means the development of acute pancreatitis and the onset of pancreatic destruction.
- Appearance of nausea.
- Multiple emetic manifestations.
- Lack of desire to eat and hunger.
- The appearance of bloating.
- The presence of diarrhea, which has a fetid odor. In feces there are remnants of food, which is not digested in the process of digestion.
- Hiccups are possible.
- Appearance of dryness in the oral cavity.
- The appearance of eructation.
- With the lying position of the patient may be an increase in the pain syndrome.
- Therefore, people suffering from attacks of pancreatitis, instinctively try to find in a sitting position with a lean forward.
- Increase in overall body temperature.
- Occurrence of chills.
- The emergence of shortness of breath.
- In the patient's language, a plaque with a whitish color appears.
- Skin and sclera of the eyeball acquire a yellowish hue.
- Decrease in the elasticity of the skin, which occurs one or two days after the onset of an attack.
- Reducing the weight of the patient.
- Appearance of symptoms of avitaminosis.
In parallel, an attack of pancreatitis may be accompanied by other nonspecific symptoms of the disease:
- The arterial pressure decreases or, on the contrary, rises.
- There is a general weakness of the body.
- The skin becomes grayish.
It is important to understand that manifestations of an attack of pancreatitis are very similar to other diseases that affect the human digestive system. Therefore, it is not recommended to engage in self-diagnosis and the same independent treatment, but to seek help from specialists.
The diagnosis of "inflammation of the pancreas" can be refuted or confirmed only as a result of a complex of laboratory tests and other diagnostic procedures. At the same time, it is important to exclude false symptoms that may lead to incorrect diagnosis, so that the findings of medical personnel are as accurate as possible.
How long does the attack of pancreatitis last?
Naturally, every person has any illness manifested only in the way that is inherent in this individual. Therefore, we can give only a generalized explanation, and how long the attack of pancreatitis lasts. In different people, the duration of the attack takes from several minutes to several days. At the same time, the patient suffers from severe pain, and other symptoms, indicated above in the article, also appear.
It is believed that with the cessation of acute manifestations of the attack itself, the pain sensations in the pancreas can last from one to seven days. In this case, they are stopped by the use of pain medications. Sometimes pains worsen at night, which does not please patients at all.
With an attack of pancreatitis, the correct behavior of the patient himself, as well as his close people, is important. After all, adequate actions in case of aggravation of the disease can shorten the time of attack, and non-professional ones can tighten the acute condition and worsen the patient's condition. It is necessary to carefully read the recommendations given in the article on how to remove an acute condition and adhere strictly to the recommendations given. In addition, the patient needs to know that it is mandatory to call the emergency team, because only specialists can correctly diagnose the cause of the attack and choose the best treatment.
Acute attack of pancreatitis
An acute attack of pancreatitis can occur in a person who has not even suspected that there are problems with his pancreas. This condition is characterized by all of the above symptoms, indicated a little earlier. But the most important indicator of this condition is that when the patient is tilted forward in a sitting position, pain sensations decrease.
It is not recommended to treat such a problem at home. At home, you just need to help the patient ease the attack and immediately call for emergency help. Because in such a situation, the likelihood of serious complications for the body or even a lethal outcome is high.
Attack of chronic pancreatitis
An attack of chronic pancreatitis happens, as an exacerbation of a long and persistent disease. The provoking factors in this case can be:
- The violation of the diet shown, the abuse of "deliciousness", which is prohibited in this disease.
- Constant overeating.
- The violation of the technology of preparing dishes for the disease, the reception of fried, spicy, fatty, smoked and canned food.
Also, attacks of the disease in chronic pancreatitis can be caused by background diseases and situations:
- epidemic parotitis or "mumps"
- viral hepatitis,
- infection with parasites - intestinal worms, liver flukes,
- stressful situations.
Chronic pancreatitis is caused by disorders in the digestive tract, namely inflammatory processes in the duodenum, chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer diseases of the stomach and duodenum, inflammation in the gallbladder and small intestine.
Chronic pancreatitis develops in the body not quickly and not only as a consequence of the above diseases. This disease is formed, most often, under the influence of the following factors:
- unsystematic and irregular nutrition,
- abuse of fatty and spicy dishes,
- predilection for alcoholic beverages,
- lack of vitamins in food,
- deficiency of protein food in the diet.
Under these conditions, the pancreas undergoes a self-digestion mechanism from the released enzymes that break down proteins and fats. This situation is typical of duodenitis. Dead cells are replaced by a connective tissue that has a wrinkled appearance and constricts the pancreas. In this case, a scar forms in the organ and sclerotization of the gland takes place. In this case, a sick woman begins regular diarrhea with the remains of unboiled food, which are stimulated by insufficient production of enzymes. There is a decrease in the body weight of the patient, in some cases, even significant. Due to a violation of the pancreas, there may be a lack of internal secretory functioning of the body, as well as the emergence of diabetes. Chronic pancreatitis with its attacks is often accompanied by parallel diseases - reactive hepatitis, inflammatory processes in the liver and gall bladder.
Who to contact?
Treatment of an attack of pancreatitis
After the first aid was given at home, treatment of an attack of pancreatitis begins. First it is carried out by an emergency team, and then by other medical personnel in a hospital setting.
The main task of physicians is to remove pain and normalize the arterial pressure of the patient. At the same time, antispasmodics and analgesics are used, and then they resort to inactivation of digestive enzymes. For these purposes it is important to resort to a complete starvation, which lasts from three days or more, if necessary. In this case, the patient receives liquid in the amount of one and a half liters per day. Water can be drunk, also aqueous solutions are administered intravenously in the form of a dropper. A large amount of fluid is important for the removal of symptoms of intoxication, which is typical for this patient's condition. If necessary, and according to the testimony, patients may be given anti- enzyme medicines.
Spasmolytic drugs that are used intravenously help in the recovery of outflow of gastric juice. In parallel, they use the drug Contrikal, which helps in the regeneration of the tissues of the pancreas.
In the future, under stationary conditions, doctors prescribe the use of antibacterial therapy, which blocks the spread of inflammation throughout the body, which can cause partial necrosis of pancreatic tissue.
At the beginning of therapy it is recommended to resort to intravenous administration of drugs, and then smoothly go to intramuscular injections and tablets.
The attack of pancreatitis is a very serious manifestation of the disease, in which one should not engage in self-medication, but immediately resort to the help of specialists in order to maintain health and improve the quality of one's life.