Dizziness with menopause in women: signs of what to do, alternative remedies
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Every woman has the idea of what a climax is: speaking in ordinary words, this is a natural sign of the aging of the female body, which is associated with changes in sexual function. Climax can be manifested by a change in the condition of the skin and hair, deterioration of the elasticity of the vessels, known "hot flashes" and sleep disturbances. No less often there is such a symptom as dizziness in menopause - this condition gives a lot of discomfort to women and therefore requires special attention.
Causes of the dizziness with menopause
Dizziness in menopause may disturb a woman right up to the onset of postmenopause: in addition, signs such as anxiety, nervousness, depression may be present.
The main reason for this condition experts believe is an increasing change in the hormonal background, which consists, first of all, in reducing the production of hormones by the ovaries.
The pathogenesis of dizziness is simple. The acute shortage of estrogens leads to changes in the vessels:
- to a decrease or increase in vascular clearance;
- to sudden changes in blood pressure;
- to an increase in the load on the heart, which can be manifested by tachycardia or a disturbance of the heart rhythm;
- to malfunctions in the autonomic nervous system;
- to a disorder of thermoregulation.
The above processes secondary lead to a lack of oxygen in some organs and body systems. So, dizziness, first of all, arises from the oxygen starvation of the brain.
Risk factors
Dizziness can be more pronounced if a woman has secondary causes, or factors:
- changes in the inner ear;
- Meniere's disease;
- disturbances of the vestibular apparatus;
- disorders of cerebral circulation;
- osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
- tumor processes in the brain;
- traumatic injuries of the spine or head;
- migraine;
- anemia.
Symptoms of the dizziness with menopause
Dizziness with menopause may occur in three versions:
- Vertigo-like vertigo, which is the illusion of the movements of one's body in space, or the environment around her body. Such dizziness can be accompanied by the appearance of a veil before the eyes, blurred vision (especially against the background of sharp turns of the head). Sometimes, myasthenia gravis, nausea, intolerance of bright light and noise can be observed.
- Vestibular dizziness is accompanied by motor coordination disorders: it becomes difficult for a woman to perform certain movements - for example, walking.
- Pre-mental dizziness is one of the most dangerous conditions in menopause. Such dizziness appears abruptly: suddenly it fades in the eyes, tachycardia begins, nausea sets in. If at this time to try to make any sharp movements, then you can aggravate the condition until fainting.
First signs
The first signs of dizziness in menopause can be considered such symptoms:
- an illusory displacement of space, especially when the position of the body changes;
- double image;
- the difficulty in maintaining equilibrium;
- general discomfort and severe weakness;
- growing nausea;
- sudden sweating;
- slight increase in temperature;
- sensation of ringing in the ears, deterioration of hearing and vision.
Sometimes the dizziness may be preceded by periods of severe headache, mood swings, depression.
Dizziness and nausea in menopause can be caused not only by the climax itself, but also by other diseases, and this must be taken into account. Although with climax this condition is considered physiological and does not require medical correction.
It is necessary to be careful, if there is a strong rise in temperature, speech and spatial coordination, paresis and paresthesia, severe vomiting (debilitating, with blood veins complicated by diarrhea) against dizziness and nausea.
With dizziness and nausea, it is necessary to exclude such diseases and conditions as stroke, acute intoxication, digestive system pathologies, brain tumors.
Complications and consequences
Negative consequences can develop if you do not help a person with dizziness. For example, during an attack a woman can fall and get injured - the head or other parts of the body. To prevent this, at the first signs of dizziness a woman should lie down, or at least sit down on a chair or chair with a back.
Complications of dizziness in menopause occur rarely and are a consequence of not the fact of dizziness, but its causes. For example, among such complications one can single out an enduring decrease in hearing - the result of damaging processes in the inner ear.
Diagnostics of the dizziness with menopause
In order to make sure that dizziness is a consequence of menopause, the doctor can use a variety of studies.
- Blood tests to assess the level of FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone), estradiol, LH (luteinizing hormone). The level of these hormones indicates the degree of efficiency of the ovaries.
- Instrumental diagnostics:
- audiographic research;
- examination of the fundus with evaluation of the optic nerve;
- CT of the brain, angiography;
- ultrasound dopplerography;
- radiography of the skull and vertebral column.
- Consultations of a cardiologist, neuropathologist, vascular surgeon, vertebrologist.
Differential diagnosis
Differential diagnosis of vertigo in menopause is performed with impaired cerebral circulation, with anemia, with hypotension, intoxication states, and tumor processes in the brain.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the dizziness with menopause
You can get rid of dizziness with menopause. To do this, it is necessary to apply an integrated approach, using several therapeutic measures simultaneously.
- Hormonal treatment of dizziness is prescribed only after the delivery of tests to determine the content of hormones in the blood. If necessary, the doctor can prescribe medicines such as Proginova, Estrogele, Estriol, etc.
- Sometimes, when there is no need for hormonal treatment, conventional medications with a calming effect help: Andaxin, Seduxen, and also Sedistress, Antistress, Novo-Passit.
- With severe nausea, preparations Cerucal, Metoclopramide, mint tablets will help.
- Vitamin funds for dizziness in menopause are prescribed for anemia, malnutrition, hypovitaminosis and weak immunity. Among such preparations, the following are considered to be particularly effective:
- Complicant "Ca D³" is rich in calcium and vitamin D³, prevents the development of osteoporosis and normalizes the functions of the nervous and muscular systems.
- Femikaps is a Finnish preparation with vitamins of group B, magnesium and tocopherol, and also with useful plant components.
- Alphabet 50 plus - contains a large number of vitamins and microelements necessary to prevent early age changes in the body.
- Menopace is an English preparation with a high content of minerals, with an extract of passionflowers and other plant components. It effectively removes the negative manifestations of menopause, including dizziness.
Alternative treatment
To stabilize the mood, get rid of dizziness and discomfort, you can drink teas with the addition of mint leaves and marigold, as well as broths with hawthorn, melissa, fennel, sage, rhizome of valerian.
A good effect is provided by a contrast shower, cool douches - such procedures lead to tonus of the cardiovascular system and facilitate "hot flashes", dizziness in menopause and headache. Contraindication to such procedures is hypertension.
In addition, it is useful to eat berries - especially raspberries, vegetables and fruits of red and yellow, greens.
Tea based on raspberry leaves, lemon balm, calendula berries, chamomile and clover colors can be drunk daily throughout the entire period of menopause. At night, it is advisable to drink a decoction of valerian root or tincture of motherwort and peony. This will help normalize sleep, the absence of which can also cause dizziness.
Herbal Treatment
- Tincture of a red brush (25 g of raw material per 500 ml of vodka, to insist a week) is taken three times a day for 30 minutes before eating 1 tablespoon.
- Tincture of hop cones (25 grams of raw material per 100 grams of vodka, to insist a week) is taken in the morning and at night for 10 drops.
- Herbal infusion of 10 g of hips, 10 g cones of hops, 10 grams of mint leaves, 30 g cuffs in 500 ml of boiling water is insisted for an hour and drink 1 tbsp. L. Three times a day for 20-30 minutes before the main meals.
- Infusion of 20 grams of motherwort, 10 g of hawthorn berries, 30 g of blackberry leaves pour 600 ml of boiling water, insist 1 hour. Drink 1 tbsp. L. 3-5 times a day.
Homeopathic remedies are more often than other medications for dizziness associated with menopause. These drugs are safe, do not cause addiction and dependence, have no side effects and eliminate negative symptoms gently and qualitatively.
The most popular among women use these preparations of homeopathy:
- Remens prescribed 1 tablet or 10 drops three times a day for 90 days. After a month's break, the course can be repeated.
- Climadinone take 1 tablet or 30 drops twice a day for at least 3 months.
- Inoklim take 1-2 capsules daily for 3 months.
- Climakt-heel drink 1 tablet three times a day for half an hour before a meal. The tablet is placed under the tongue and held until completely absorbed. Continue treatment for 4-8 weeks.
- Climacoplane appoint at dizziness and "tides" 1-2 tablets three times a day, under the tongue.
Homeopathy is a wonderful and safe alternative to hormonal drugs, therefore both doctors and women themselves often choose homeopathic remedies to relieve the symptoms of menopause.
Operative treatment
Surgery for dizziness in menopause can be prescribed only when diagnosing tumor processes in the brain. The decision on the operation is made by the doctor, based on the results of diagnostic studies, taking into account the age of the patient and the severity of the disease.
More information of the treatment
To prevent the development of dizziness in menopause it is possible, and there is nothing complicated in this: it is enough to adhere to such recommendations of specialists:
- try not to drink coffee and strong tea - these drinks overly excite and worsen the absorption of many trace elements;
- Reduce the amount of salt in the dishes - this will help to avoid fluid retention in the tissues and excessive excretion of calcium from the body;
- it is undesirable to eat more carbohydrates and fatty foods - this negatively affects not only the figure, but also the vessels;
- make a diet mainly on the basis of vegetables and fruits, cereals, legumes, seafood, soybeans;
- do not forget about physical activity, breathe fresh air in any weather, do morning exercises - this will bring blood vessels to tone and improve blood circulation;
- qualitatively rest, do not exhaust yourself with physical and mental labor: they have worked well - well and relax;
- useful for preventing dizziness in climacteric yoga, breathing exercises.
Vertigo in menopause is usually eliminated simultaneously with the stabilization of the hormonal background in the female body. The difficulty can be only that with age, dizziness is usually combined with other concomitant chronic diseases, which can prolong the recovery. However, if you take timely tests, monitor your health and take the necessary measures, you can avoid dizziness, or quickly get rid of it.