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Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Belosalik is a combined medicine with a composition that helps the drug to provide the required complex effect on the body.
Indications Belosalik
The ointment form is indicated for the elimination of such diseases:
- urticaria or ichthyosis;
- limited or diffuse neurodermatitis;
- psoriasis;
- cutaneous pomfoliks;
- eczema in acute or chronic form;
- polymeric exudative erythema;
- limited pruritus accompanied by severe lichenification;
- atopic form of dermatitis, and in addition dermatitis, which are allergic;
- red lichen and its warty form;
- papulosquamous rash, which has an unspecified origin;
- keratosis in the soles and palms;
- caused by the disease dryness of the skin;
- acquired form of ichthyosis;
- accompanied by desquamation and hyperkeratosis of dermatosis.
Lotion is used in therapy in patients who have a fatty type of skin, and in addition to treating areas of skin where there is hair. Among the main indications:
- psoriasis (also on the head under the hair);
- neurodermatitis;
- seborrheic form of dermatitis (also under the scalp on the head);
- located under the scalp on the head, red lichen planus;
- eczematous, as well as ichthyotic damage to the skin under the hair.
Release form
Produced as a lotion or ointment. In this case, lotions are contained in vials, supplemented by droppers with a volume of 50 and 100 ml, as well as in vials, supplemented by nebulizers with a volume of 20, 50 or 100 ml. Ointment is contained in a tube with a volume of 30 g.
Betamethasone dramatically reduces the release rate of inflammatory neurotransmitters and interleukins, and in addition reduces the production of cytokines and prevents the active action of hyaluronidase and the accumulation of neutrophilic granulocytes.
Strengthening the processes of synthesis of lycoporin, the component indirectly promotes suppression of the phospholipase and the process of leukotriene synthesis, as well as stopping the cycle of activity of arachidonic acid. Thanks to these actions antiallergic and anti-inflammatory properties of drugs are manifested, as well as capillary permeability decreases.
Belosalik reduces the amount of exudate that occurs during the inflammatory process, and also reduces itching and inflammation. By suppressing the ability of macrophages to move, infiltration decreases, as well as granulation of the wound.
As a keratolytic agent, salicylic acid is used. Due to the softening of the epidermal surface, the penetration of the active component of the drug into the inflammation focus improves. Exfoliation also becomes more intensive, which allows to reduce the pathogenic cornification of tissues. The acid in the medicine creates microflora of fungi and bacteria unfavorable for the reproduction of the condition.
The drug can not be used as an antimycotic or antibacterial, because such an effect neutralizes the activity of betamethasone, suppressing local immunity.
GCS has vasoconstrictive properties, and also reduces the local tissue temperature. The ointment base is selected with the calculation for formation by the protection of the film on the skin, preventing the loss of internal moisture, and also providing a water repellent effect with respect to the incoming water from the outside.
Dosing and administration
Both forms of the drug are used externally. It should be rubbed into the skin with gentle movements. Applying the drug for hermetic bandages is possible only with the permission of the doctor. The procedure is carried out 1-3 times per day, and if the course is prolonged - treatment is allowed in a day. As a rule, the treatment course lasts no more than 3 weeks.
With the elimination of chronic forms of diseases, therapy is continued even after the disappearance of pathological manifestations. Treatment is prolonged to avoid the development of a relapse (the duration of the course is prescribed by a dermatologist).
To spray the lotion (when using a bottle with a nebulizer), you need to bring the tip of the nozzle to the damaged area of the skin beneath the hair, and then push the sprayer as far as it will go.
If the bottle with lotion has a dropper, you need to distribute the drug on the skin with a finger or a cotton swab.
Use Belosalik during pregnancy
Pregnant medicine is prescribed only after an assessment of the benefits to the mother and the risk of negative symptoms in the fetus. If it is impossible not to use the product, it is required to apply it only to small areas of the skin and to discard bandages.
Among the contraindications for the drug:
- pustular pathologies;
- syphilis;
- cutaneous tuberculosis;
- open wounds on the skin;
- infection with fungi (with actinomycosis, sporotrichosis, as well as blastomycosis);
- viral infections on the skin (such as chicken pox or herpes);
- trophic ulcers;
- rosacea;
- skin reactions after vaccination procedures;
- perioral form of dermatitis;
- malignant forms of skin diseases;
- high sensitivity to the elements contained in the drug;
- age younger than 1 year (ointment) or 6 months (lotion).
Side effects Belosalik
As a result of using drugs, such side effects are possible:
- burning or irritation on the skin, and besides itching along with dryness of the epidermis;
- local hypopigmentation;
- development of hypertrichosis;
- acne or folliculitis;
- the appearance on the skin of telangiectasias.
With the use of hermetically sealed dressings with ointment that enhance the passage of GCS under the epidermis, skin atrophy, the appearance of stretch marks, skin maceration, the development of a secondary infectious process, and also sweating are possible. Long-term use of drugs increases the risk of adverse reactions, and also exacerbates their manifestation. As a result of the application of the drug on a large area of the skin, systemic reactions are also possible:
- hypercortisy syndrome;
- increased intracranial pressure;
- confusion of consciousness;
- Hyperglycemia, hypokalemia or glycosuria;
- symptoms of asthenia;
- pallor of the skin;
- rapid breathing;
- dyspepsia;
- hearing disorders.
If side effects develop after ointment / lotion treatment, you should consult your doctor and stop (or completely) stop using the medicine.
Overdose, as a rule, develops due to prolonged use, or because of the application of the medicine to large areas of the skin. Symptoms are usual for GCS systemic effects - hypercorticoid syndrome and adrenal insufficiency.
In case of occurrence of any suspicious manifestations during the use of the drug - you should consult a doctor. Symptomatic therapy is performed to correct the abnormalities, and the use of drugs is necessarily abolished.
Interactions with other drugs
Combined use of Belosalik with other drugs does not give clinically meaningful interaction.
That there was no physical incompatibility with other external medicines, it is necessary to carry out treatment with a drug in different with them and any cosmetics intervals of time.
It has been proved clinically that, due to the combination of the drug with drugs that have drying properties (medical soap, and in addition alcohol-containing preparations, etc.), irritation may appear on the surface of the skin.
Storage conditions
It is required to keep the medicine in standard conditions for medicines. The temperature should not exceed 25 degrees.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Belosalik" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.