Temperature for allergies
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Can there be a temperature for allergies? And if it can, then what is the reason for the increase in temperature indicators, because allergy is not an infectious inflammation, but an immune reaction of the body.
Within the immune response to a particular trigger antigen, this reaction is due to the accumulation of IgE antibodies on the membranes of sensitized mast cells and basophils and increased release of the immunostimulatory nitrogen compound, a histamine tissue mediator that binds to the histamine H1 receptor G protein.
Causes of the temperature for allergies
Researchers came to the conclusion that the causes of temperature for allergies are covered in histamine.
Although the key role of this biogenic amine is the mediator of prurit (skin itch), in fact it is present in all cells of the body and takes part in more than two dozen different physiological functions, including, in the inflammatory reaction. Increasing the permeability of capillaries for leukocytes and phagocytes, histamine gives them the opportunity to get into the inflammatory focus and to deal with the neutralization of pathogenic bacteria in infected tissues.
Risk factors
The main risk factors for fever with allergies are the attachment of infection of any location and the parallel development of an infectious inflammatory process. Especially often because of this, there is a fever in allergies in children. Therefore, attention should be paid to the simultaneously appearing symptoms, uncharacteristic for allergic diseases: possible nausea, abdominal pain below the navel or in the hypochondrium, dry mouth, dizziness, etc. It should also be borne in mind that in young children, a rise in body temperature can cause an allergy to insect bites, the introduction of vaccines in the provision of preventive vaccinations.
According to allergists, often the fever for allergies in adults is associated with food intake (food allergy, including products with sodium glutamate and food colors) or the use of certain drugs that inhibit the activity of enzymes that provide cyclic biotransformation of histamine. The fact is that in a healthy person histamine is continuously cleaved by diaminoxidase enzymes and histamine-N-methyltransferase. Diaminoxidase is synthesized by cells of the intestinal mucosa, and if bowel functions are disturbed by the administration of some medicine, histamine metabolism by oxidative deamination is disrupted. In particular, an increase in temperature due to an increase in the amount of uncleaved histamine can give an allergy to aspirin, acetylcysteine, ambroxol, beta-lactam antibiotics of the cephalosporin group, diazepam (valium), verapamil, naproxen, radiocontrast agents,
The pathogenesis of fever in allergies is explained by the fact that histamine also acts as a neurotransmitter of the central nervous system, and neurons containing histamine are concentrated in the tuberammillary nuclei of the hypothalamus. Thus, histamine is involved in the sleep-wake cycle (it is responsible for wakefulness), regulation of nociceptive sensitivity (physical pain) and appetite, endocrine homeostasis and body temperature (through hypothalamic thermoregulation centers).
Symptoms caused by an increase in the level of histamine depend on where it is released and with which receptors it binds. Thus, histamine promotes increased capillary permeability, which causes tissues to be supersaturated with liquid and swollen. A histamine-associated sensory stimulation of the nerve endings of the mucous membranes leads to classic symptoms of an allergic reaction - sneezing, runny nose and lacrimation. So that the subfebrile temperature for allergies can appear briefly with pollinosis, that is hay fever or seasonal allergy. Most often, the temperature changes in the upward direction occurs in the midst of allergy to poplar fluff or blooming ambrosia.
Low temperature for allergies
It is also possible to lower the temperature for allergies. The release of histamine by endothelial cells (internal coating of vessels) during allergy leads to an increase in the content of nitric oxide, hyperpolarization of endothelial cell membranes and vasodilation - relaxation of the muscle fibers of the vascular walls and dilatation of the blood vessels. As a result, the blood pressure drops sharply (30% below the standard values), and this may be the first signs of developing anaphylactic shock, which also includes symptoms such as rapid or delayed heartbeat, dyspnea (result of bronchospasm), wheezing and stridor (breathing with whistling), swelling of the tongue and throat, pallor of the skin (with cyanosis), cold sweat, dizziness, loss of consciousness.
Who to contact?
Diagnostics of the temperature for allergies
If the patient is allergic, the temperature diagnosis for allergies should be performed by his or her treating allergist. If a person doubts the presence of allergies, it is still necessary to go to an allergist.
See details of how the Allergy Diagnosis is conducted , and - How to pass allergy tests
Differential diagnosis
It is difficult to overestimate the responsibility of a physician who conducts differential temperature diagnostics for an allergic reaction of the body and temperature, the increase of which is associated with an inflammatory process of bacterial etiology. Therefore, an additional examination of the patient with involvement of specialists in infectious diseases, an otolaryngologist, a phthisiatrist, a gastroenterologist, and instrumental diagnostics (X-ray, ultrasound, etc.) may be required.
Treatment of the temperature for allergies
Once again, we emphasize that any treatment, including treatment of temperature for allergies is prescribed by a doctor.
Given that the allergic reaction is due to the activity of histamine, most often prescribed drugs are antihistamines that block the binding of histamine to H1 receptors.
Loratadine (Claritin, Clargotil, Lotharen and other trade names) acts quickly, and its therapeutic effect lasts for a day. Therefore, the dose for adults and children aged 12 and older is 10 mg once a day (that is, one tablet), and children under this age with a weight of less than 30 kg should be given half a tablet a day. A child of up to two years is better to give the drug in the form of a syrup.
Side effects include dry mouth and rarely vomiting. Pregnant to use antihistamines is undesirable, and in the first trimester - it is contraindicated.
Hifenadine (Fenkarol) in tablets of 25 mg adults appoint one or two tablets three times a day; children after 12 years - one tablet up to three times a day; children 7-12 years - half a tablet, 3-7 years - 20 mg per day (divided into two doses). Side effects and contraindications are identical to Loratadin.
Cetirizine (Cetrin, Zirtek) is available in tablets (10 mg each) for adults and children 12 years of age or older. You can take once a day, one tablet or 1/2 tablet twice a day (with an interval of 8-9 hours). For children 2-6 years, there are drops that are taken once a day (10 drops each). In addition to dryness in the oral cavity, there may be side effects in the form of headache, dizziness, increased drowsiness or excitability. In addition to pregnancy, in the list of contra-indications of Cetirizine, renal failure is indicated.
Levocetirizine (Glencet, Tsetrilev, Aleron) - tablets of 10 mg - the same as Loratadine, should be taken once during the day (one tablet). This medicine is not prescribed for children under six years old, with problems with the kidneys and during the period of gestation and breastfeeding of the child. The use of this drug can lead to nausea and vomiting, dry mouth and itching of the skin, increased appetite and pain in the abdomen.
In cases where inflammation of an infectious nature is diagnosed (causing a fever with allergies in patients), treatment is performed by the appropriate specialist with the prescription of the necessary drugs.
Complications and consequences
Anaphylactic shock associated with allergies (code T78.2 for ICD-10), a rapid-type systemic reaction to stings of bees, wasps, triatomic bugs, or idiopathic anaphylactic shock is a life-threatening condition with serious consequences and complications. Anaphylaxis requires emergency medical care right up to the application of resuscitation measures. The lifetime risk of recurrence of such an organism reaction is 0.05-2%. To an anemia the anaphylaxis, caused by pharmacological preparations more often results.
The prognosis (if you do not take into account the threat of anaphylactic shock development) will depend on the timely detection of allergies, its proper therapy and exclusion of the allergen effect on the body.