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The β-adrenoreceptor blocker, Talliton, contains the active ingredient carvedilol, a drug that has a direct effect on the cardiovascular system.
Indications Tallite
Drug Talliton usually prescribed:
- with essential hypertension (as an independent medical preparation, or in combination with diuretics);
- in case of chronic heart failure, in combination with diuretic medications, cardiac glycosides (Digoxin), or with ACE inhibitors;
- with stable angina.
Release form
Talliton is a tablet form of carvedilol-based medication, it may contain 6.25 mg, 12.5 mg, or 25 mg of the active ingredient.
The tablets have a flattened shape, a notch for dosing and the inscription E341, E342 or E343, depending on the dosage of the drug.
Tablets are packed in glass dark bottles, on 20 or 30 pieces. Each bottle has a protection on the plastic cap, which prevents accidental opening of the package.
Possible release of blister plates, 14 pieces of tablets each. A cardboard box contains 1-2 plates and an annotation to the use of the drug.
The names of the drug analogues Talliton
In accordance with the active ingredient, the pharmaceutical industry produces a number of drugs with a similar effect, which can be used as a replacement for Talliton tablets (following the recommendation of the attending doctor):
- Aram - Czech drug;
- Dilator is a medicinal product of a Canadian manufacturer;
- Carvedigamma (Cardiostat) - a medicine made in Germany;
- Carvedilol (Orion, Sandoz, Grindeks, Zentiva, KVZ, Lugal) - similar drugs from different pharmaceutical companies;
- Karvetrend is a medicinal product of a Polish-Israeli joint venture;
- Karvid (Karvidex, Cardivax, Cardilol, Cardoz) - Indian drugs;
- Karvium - Romanian pills;
- Corvazan - domestic drug (ILC);
- Coriol is a drug manufactured in Slovenia;
- Protekard is an Israeli drug;
- Medocardil - the tableted preparation of production Cyprus.
Talliton is a β-blocker drug with a vasodilating effect, which has, in addition, the secondary properties of an antioxidant.
The vasodilating effect of the drug is manifested in a decrease in the peripheral resistance of the vascular walls, and the property of the β-adrenergic blocker is in the inhibition of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. The active ingredient of the drug deactivates renin in serum. For this reason, swelling is extremely rare during treatment with this drug.
The inotropic, chronotropic, dromotropic and bathmotropic properties of Talliton are known. The drug inhibits the conductive function of the atrioventricular node, has membrane-stabilizing ability.
Properties Talliton can manifest such clinical signs:
- slowing of the contractions of the heart against the background of unchanged renal perfusion function;
- no changes in peripheral blood flow;
- the development of a rapid hypotensive effect (for 2-3 hours after a single dose of the medication);
- elimination of ischemia and pain in the heart;
- lowering the load on the heart muscle;
- improvement of hemodynamic processes, functional ability of the left ventricle;
- with OCH, the final-systolic and final-diastolic volumes decrease;
- decreases the resistance of the vascular walls (peripheral and pulmonary vessels);
- with dysfunction of the left ventricle, dilation of the vessels (mainly arteries) occurs.
When using the drug Talliton in complex treatment, the mortality rate decreases, the disease becomes controlled, and the patient's overall well-being improves.
After oral administration, Talliton is qualitatively absorbed by the digestive system. Metabolism is read when the initial passage in the liver, while its bioavailability may be about 25%. The maximum level of the drug in serum is observed 60 minutes after oral administration of the pill.
The kinetic properties of Talliton are considered to be linear, that is, the total amount of the drug in the bloodstream depends on its quantity used. The presence of food masses in the stomach does not affect the quality of the bioavailability of the drug, but may delay the onset of the period of maximum concentration in the bloodstream.
The active ingredient Tallitona is considered a lipophilic substance, its connection with plasma proteins is about 98%. Values of the probable volume of distribution are determined about 2 l / kg. This indicator may be increased in severe liver disease.
Metabolic processes take place in the liver, with the formation of glucuronides. The resulting metabolites have less pronounced vasodilating properties, but their antioxidant activity is much higher.
The average half-life is 6 to 10 hours, and plasma clearance is about 590 ml per minute.
The elimination of the active ingredient Talliton occurs mainly with bile. Metabolism products, as well as the main component of the drug, are able to cross the placenta, and are found in breast milk.
Hemodialysis is not effective in relation to the active ingredient of the drug.
Dosing and administration
Tablets Talliton taken orally, without grinding and not chewing, with water or other liquid.
- For the treatment of essential hypertension, Talliton is prescribed in the amount of 12.5 mg per day at a time, for a minimum of 2 days.
If the obtained effect is insufficient, then on the 14th day of treatment the dosage is increased to 50 mg (25 mg from the morning and the same for the night).
The maximum daily amount of the drug is 50 mg, and one-time - 25 mg.
- For the treatment of chronic course of stable angina Talliton is prescribed at 12.5 mg in the morning and at night. Two days later, go on a maintenance dosage: 25 mg in the morning and the same for the night.
In case of inefficiency, they switch to receiving 50 mg of the drug twice a day.
- For the treatment of chronic course of heart failure, the dosage is selected for each patient separately. It is recommended to begin treatment with 3.125 mg twice a day for 2 weeks. If necessary, the dosage is doubled, or more, depending on the decision of the doctor.
During therapy with Talliton, it is necessary to monitor the well-being of patients, since an increase in the amount of the drug being taken may worsen the course of heart failure. Possible accumulation of fluid in the tissues, lower blood pressure, apathy. In case of edema, diuretics are also prescribed.
Use Tallite during pregnancy
Talliton is not recommended for use by pregnant and lactating patients, as at the moment, studies have shown insufficient information about the safety of this drug. If there is a question about the use of Talliton during the lactation period, then at the time of treatment from breastfeeding it is better to refuse.
Talliton should not be prescribed for the following pathological conditions:
- with a high probability of allergy to the drug;
- with decompensated heart failure;
- in case of arrhythmia associated with synotrial or atrioventricular block, or with a weakened sinus node syndrome;
- with significant bradycardia (heart rate less than 50 beats / min);
- with low blood pressure (below 85 mm Hg. Art.);
- patients in a state of cardiogenic shock;
- with diagnosed asthma;
- liver dysfunction;
- during gestation and breastfeeding;
- patients with metabolic acidosis;
- patients under 18 years of age.
In the following situations, the reception of Talliton is possible, but only under the constant control of the patient's condition:
- with chronic pulmonary obstruction;
- with variant angina;
- diabetes;
- patients with hypoglycemia, thyrotoxic goiter;
- with pheochromocytoma;
- patients with peripheral vascular occlusion;
- with atrioventricular block;
- patients with unstable angina;
- with psoriasis;
- in disorders of renal function;
- depressed patients;
- with myasthenia gravis;
- with the combined reception of alpha-blockers and alpha-adrenergic mimetics.
Side effects Tallite
Standard dosage Talliton rarely cause adverse events, but sometimes their appearance is still possible. The following side effects may occur:
- headache, dizziness, worsening of mood, insomnia, disturbances in the sensitivity of the extremities;
- a sharp drop in blood pressure, slowing of the heart rhythm, paroxysmal angina, cooling of the extremities, increase in heart failure;
- difficulty breathing, symptoms of bronchospasm, a feeling of congestion in the nose;
- thirst, diarrhea, nausea, epigastric pain;
- allergies, skin rashes;
- conjunctivitis, urination disturbance, false "cold".
In addition, the condition of patients with diabetes may be aggravated.
Reception of excessive dosage of the drug Talliton can be manifested by a sharp decrease in blood pressure, slowing of the heart rhythm, symptoms of heart failure, cardiogenic shock, up to a cessation of cardiac activity.
To eliminate the signs of overdose, gastric lavage is performed, laxatives and vomiting medications are prescribed.
The antidote drug is Orziprenalin or Isoprenaline 0.5-1 mg by intravenous injection. It is also possible the introduction of Glucagon in an amount of from 1 to 5 mg (maximum - 10 g).
With a significant decrease in blood pressure, parenterally injected fluids and adrenaline (drip) in an amount of 5-10 μg.
When slowing the heart rate, atropine is used at a dosage of 0.5 to 2 mg. To stimulate cardiac function, Glucagon is prescribed in an amount of from 1 to 10 mg by intravenous injection, followed by intravenous infusion (from 2 to 5 mg per hour).
With excessive expansion of peripheral vessels, norepinephrine is used in the amount of 5-10 μg (with a drip infusion - 5 μg per minute).
When bronchospasm resorted to the appointment of Aminophylline in the form of intravenous injection.
For seizures, Diazepam or Clonazepam is administered.
Interactions with other drugs
The following combinations of Talliton and other specific drugs require a special approach:
- combination with drugs that affect the accumulation of catecholamines in the body (Reserpine, MAO inhibitor drugs) - can lead to bradycardia and lower blood pressure;
- combination with verapamil or diltiazem, as well as antiarrhythmic drugs - can lead to heart failure and hypotension;
- combination with adrenomimetic drugs - can cause arrhythmia, increased blood pressure;
- combined use with clonidine - can lower blood pressure and slow down the heart rate;
- simultaneous reception of Digoxin - can slow down atrioventricular conductivity;
- combination with hypoglycemic agents and insulin - can hide signs of hypoglycemia;
- combination with antihypertensive drugs - can lead to a sharp drop in blood pressure;
- combined use of substances for anesthesia - can lower blood pressure, has an inotropic effect;
- simultaneous use of drugs that affect the central nervous system - can unpredictably enhance the effects of each other;
- combination with NSAIDs - may reduce the hypotensive effect of Talliton;
- combination with Ergotamine, which narrows the vessels;
- simultaneous treatment with xanthines - reduces the beta-adrenoceptor blocking effect.
In addition, combinations of Talliton with Rifampicin, hypnotic drugs, Cimetidine, Digoxin, Cyclosporine are undesirable.
Storage conditions
Talliton is stored in room conditions, with temperature indicators from + 15 ° C to + 25 ° C, in a dark and dry room. Do not allow children to places of storage of medical drugs.
Shelf life
Talliton retain:
- in bottles - up to 5 years;
- in blister plates - up to 3 years.
You can not use Talliton, if its expiration date has expired.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Tallite" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.