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Clay of the Dead Sea
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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When you hear about the usefulness of the Dead Sea clay, your interlocutor assumes inaccuracy: it is a question of the benefits of Dead Sea mud.
After all, clay and therapeutic muds (peloids) are not the same, although the Greek word pelos means mud and clay ...
Any clay is a sedimentary rock that contains layered hydrates of aluminum silicates. The main one is kaolinite - it consists of silicon and aluminum oxides. In most cases clay on the bottom of the lake or the sea appeared as a sediment from the water of those rivers and streams that flow into the pond.
Therapeutic muds (peloids) also belong to sedimentary deposits, but they are not a rock. By origin, peloids are sulphide silt, peat, sapropelic, or coexisting. Called some Dead Sea clay is sulphide silt mud, which is formed on the bottom of water bodies that have salt water. In this case, the Dead Sea mud is not sea mud (we remind that this is a salt lake without a drain), and the continental lake.
Indications for the use of Dead Sea Clay
It should be noted that indications for the use of Dead Sea clay include an extremely wide range of diseases.
These are diseases of the musculoskeletal system and the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, polyarthritis, arthrosis, osteitis, myositis, etc.); dermatological diseases (eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, seborrhea, scleroderma, etc.); diseases of the peripheral and central nervous system (radiculitis, neuritis, etc.); pathology of respiratory organs (chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, cystic fibrosis, chronic obstruction of the lungs, etc.); diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcer of the stomach and duodenum outside exacerbation, chronic colitis).
Useful properties of the Dead Sea Clay
Useful properties of clay of the Dead Sea lie in its high salinity (salt content). As is known, the composition of therapeutic mud is similar to the composition of water. And in the water of the Dead Sea there are more than three dozen mineral salts, including sulfates, sulfides, chlorides and bromides of potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus, silicon, zinc, copper, iron.
Salts of magnesium and sodium stimulate intracellular metabolism and the synthesis of amino acids; manganese compounds improve local blood circulation; calcium ions reduce the permeability of cell membranes and the sensitivity of nociceptors of the skin; bromine and zinc ions have antimicrobial properties.
Among the main useful properties of the Dead Sea clay (i.e., mud sulphide muds), experts note their bactericidal effect, which manifests itself in the ability of humic substances (formed during the lasting millennia of chemical and microbiological processes) to bind ions of various inorganic substances, as well as cells of pathogenic microorganisms. This leads to neutralization of toxins and death of microbes and pathogenic bacteria.
And although sulphide mud - the black clay of the Dead Sea - does not have a high content of organic substances, the color says about participation in its formation of microorganisms. This mud acquired a black color as a result of the fact that during the metabolism of sulfide anaerobic bacteria all the sulfuric acid compounds (sulfates) are converted to hydrogen sulphide. And hydrogen sulphide interacts with many metals, including iron, under conditions of high concentration. The final product of this reaction is aqueous iron sulphide - hydrotroilite, due to which the Dead Sea mud is so black.
Clay treatment of the Dead Sea
Treatment with clay of the Dead Sea - peloidotherapy - is possible due to its unique chemical composition and biologically active components.
In this case, therapeutic mud acts both locally and systemically. For example, popular with many diseases of mud application affect the body by affecting the receptors of the skin, due to which there is a reflex response of the body to the neuroendocrine and neurovascular levels. And this stimulates not only intracellular metabolism, but activates the functional mechanisms of internal organs and even systemic biochemical processes in the body.
Moreover, studies in the field of peloidotherapy have shown that the active substances that make up the finely dispersed mud of the Dead Sea can penetrate the skin, and from it into the blood, speeding up many biochemical processes. What, as a result, and gives a therapeutic effect: analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant.
Dead sea clay for face
Clay of the Dead Sea for the face (curative mud) is widely used in cosmetology, most often in the form of masks. Mask made of Dead Sea clay of Israeli manufacture (cosmetic companies Dead Sea Minerals, Ahava ,, Care & Beauty, etc.), and also produced in Jordan (trademarks of Dead Sea FORTUNE, La Cure, Rivage, C Products, BLOOM Dead Sea Life) does not cause the slightest doubt, because this is their national product, exported to many countries.
This mask of clay of the Dead Sea (which is recommended to do not more often than once in 7-10 days) helps to cleanse the skin and preserve moisture, increase elasticity and reduce the expression of wrinkles. In addition, such masks are especially useful in oily skin and acne.
But the clay of the Dead Sea Phytocosmetics is produced in Russia (LLC "Phytocosmetic"). On the package it is indicated that it is a medical-cosmetic black Dead Sea clay for face and body with silver ions. And that it stimulates blood circulation, relieves muscle tension, facilitates joint and muscle pain. It is not entirely clear why - with such a rich composition of natural sulphide silt mud of the Dead Sea - this mask needed silver ions, which, as is known, have an antimicrobial effect.
And many reviews of Dead Sea Clay Phytocosmetics are repeated on the package label with this remedy. But there are real reviews, according to which the "creamy consistency recommended for the preparation of the mask is not exactly sour creamy." It resembles "mud with small-fine grains" ...
The explanatory dictionary of V. Dal gives an explanation; "Dirt - this is soaked soil, the land with water; slush or moss on the ground; uncleanness, adhering to things; dust, evil spirits. " So those who call the curative mud of the Dead Sea - the clay of the Dead Sea, probably do not want to "offend" this unique substance, given to us by nature.
Contraindications to the use of Dead Sea Clay
Contraindications to the use of clay of the Dead Sea and any peloid therapy concern all oncological diseases; benign tumors of the uterus and mammary glands, as well as gynecological diseases with an elevated level of estrogens; tuberculosis; acute inflammatory diseases and chronic diseases in the stage of exacerbation; diseases accompanied by bleeding.
Doctors do not recommend the treatment of Dead Sea clay with progressive polyarthritis (with irreversible pathology of the joints), with nephritis or nephrosis, as well as with problems with the heart and thyroid.
Categorically contraindicated mud treatment during pregnancy.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Clay of the Dead Sea" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.