Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Oophoritis is an inflammatory process in the ovaries, which causes damage to the urogenital system of a woman. Consider the main causes of the disease, symptoms, methods of diagnosis, methods of treatment and prevention. Oophoritis is a very dangerous disease for the female reproductive system. Because of the inflammatory process in the ovary, inflammation of the fallopian tubes is possible. Pathology occurs both in one ovary, causing unilateral oophoritis, and in both (bilateral inflammation of the ovaries).
If the inflammatory process is common to the ovaries and appendages of the uterus, then this indicates the development of salpingoophoritis or adnexitis.
The disease can have a specific etiology and its cause are the causative agents of diseases such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, tuberculosis, trichomoniasis. In some cases, inflammation causes a nonspecific or conditionally pathogenic microflora, that is, streptococci, staphylococci, E. Coli or candida. To provoke the disease may be hypothermia, menstrual cycle, abortion, surgical manipulation on the genitals or use of an intrauterine device.
Often, inflammation of the ovaries has a secondary nature, that is, it develops due to the ascent of infection from the uterus, fallopian tubes or cervical canal. In rare cases, the causative agents of the oophorite penetrate the sex glands through the lymph and blood. Without timely treatment, the infection spreads to the fallopian tubes, causing their thickening. Pathological changes in the ovaries negatively affect periadenixitis, and the accumulated inflammatory exudate causes accumulation of pus and forms a piovar. Further spread of the infection extends beyond the ovary and is accompanied by pelpioperitonitis.
The causes of oophoritis are diverse, but in most cases, pathology is not an independent disease. This is due to the anatomical location of the ovaries, which prevents the primary infection from penetrating into them. Most often, the inflammation is transmitted through the fallopian tube. But there is another source of infection - it's appendicitis, which is in the abdominal cavity. In some cases, the disease occurs against the background of an infectious disease of the body.
The main factors contributing to the development of oophoritis:
- Chronic infections in the body.
- Diseases of the endocrine system.
- Disorders of the genitourinary system.
- Stressful situations and overfatigue (cause a decrease in the protective properties of immunity).
- Subcooling the body.
- Absence of a permanent sexual partner.
- Promiscuity.
- Unprotected sexual intercourse.
- Smoking (harmful and toxic substances penetrate the body, cardinally change the composition of mucus, which leads to the formation of cervical cork, which reduces the protective properties of the immune system and does not protect the body from infection of the genital organs).
Oophoritis can appear due to such pathogens as gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, tuberculosis, staphylococcus, streptococcus, E. Coli and other harmful microorganisms. Provoke an exacerbation of inflammation of the ovaries can banal hypothermia, the use of intrauterine spirals, abortion, menstruation, childbirth. In most cases, the disease is secondary, that is, the infection comes from other organs or through blood and lymph.
Symptoms of oophoritis
Symptoms of oophoritis depend on the stage of the pathological process. Palpation and ultrasound are used to determine the stage of the disease. With the help of diagnostics it is possible to establish puffiness, change of tissues and soreness of the ovaries. Pathology is acute, subacute and chronic. In this case, each stage has its own features of the flow and symptoms.
If the inflammation is acute, then there are symptoms:
- High fever, general weakness, chills.
- Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Muscle and headaches.
- Painful urination.
- Appearance of purulent discharge from the vagina.
- Uterine bleeding that provokes the development of ovarian dysfunction.
- The pains are intense in the lower abdomen, both unilateral and bilateral.
- Sharp pain during intercourse.
Acute oophoritis can be detected by gynecological examination. Ovary significantly enlarged due to inflammation and swelling, painful on palpation. Development of acute form requires immediate hospitalization with treatment in a hospital. With timely diagnosis and proper treatment, acute oophoritis can be completely cured.
If the disease takes a chronic form, then the following symptomatology arises:
- Violations of the menstrual cycle.
- Painful sensations in the lower abdomen during sexual intercourse.
- Regular relapse of the disease due to overwork, hypothermia or infectious diseases.
- Dull and aching pain in the groin and vagina, intensifying before menstruation and against a background of various diseases.
- Persistent discharge (leucorrhoea) of scanty character.
- Lack of pregnancy with regular attempts to conceive.
The chronic form is of a latent nature and is a neglected acute oophoritis. Diagnose pathology most often when searching for the cause of infertility or menstrual cycle disorders. When trying to palpate the appendages, painful sensations arise. The ovaries are substantially enlarged in size, dense in consistency, located behind the uterus.
Chronic oophoritis causes disturbances in the neuropsychological state of women: poor sleep, reduced performance, irritability, rapid fatigue. In some cases, this stage can develop without acute form. So, a number of diseases, sexually transmitted, are asymptomatic and cause inflammation of the ovaries, that is, oophoritis. If the pathology takes a protracted character, then this entails changes in the fallopian tubes, which leads to their obstruction. There is secondary functional infertility and adhesions around the ovaries.
Acute oophoritis
Acute oophoritis can be easily diagnosed by the symptomatology characteristic of this stage. There is a disease due to infection. Malignant microorganisms and bacteria can penetrate the body of the woman: staphylococci, streptococci, escherichia, mycobacterium tuberculosis and others.
Symptoms of acute oophoritis:
- Strong painful sensations in the lower abdomen (with one-sided and bilateral localization) and lower back.
- Painful and difficult urination.
- Dysfunction of the ovaries.
- Spitting and purulent discharge from the vagina.
- Increased temperature, insomnia, lethargy, irritability, general weakness.
- Discomfort and pain during sexual intercourse, which causes the disappearance of orgasm and the rejection of intimacy.
- Soreness and enlargement of appendages.
The course of the disease causes pathological changes in the structure of the uterine tube, which leads to its adhesion to the ovary and the formation of a single inflamed area. If the ovary tissue begins to melt, purulent masses are released from the uterine tube. The main danger of the disease in the intoxication of the body. If acute oophoritis has a one-sided nature, then the disease can quickly spread to a healthy ovary. In this case, we can talk about a bilateral defeat, which is quite difficult to treat. Another danger of inflammation is the development of infertility. Therefore, timely treatment of the disease is very important.
They treat an acute form of the disease in a hospital, since this form is dangerous. A patient is examined and antibiotics are prescribed. In the process of recovery, physiotherapeutic and balneological procedures are prescribed to prevent the disease. In addition, a woman needs to regularly take vitamin complexes and use vaginal suppositories to prevent the recurrence of the disease or its transition to a chronic form.
Subacute myophoritis
Subacute oophoritis is very rare. The disease occurs against the background of tuberculous or mycosis infectious damage to the body. For this form of pathology, the same symptoms are characteristic, as in acute inflammation, only with less severity.
Timely diagnosis and treatment lead to complete recovery. Otherwise, the disease is transformed into a chronic form, which is accompanied by constant remissions and exacerbations, has a long course and complex treatment.
Chronic oophoritis
Chronic oophoritis is a prolonged inflammatory process in the ovaries, which occurs against a weakened immune system. For a long time, the disease can not make itself felt, that is, proceed without an acute stage, but causing consequences that are dangerous for the female body - infertility and adhesions in the fallopian tubes. Very often pathology is diagnosed due to the fact that a woman turned to a doctor because of the inability to conceive or an irregular menstrual cycle.
Symptoms of chronic oophoritis:
- Irregular menstruation.
- Dull, aching pains in the groin and lower abdomen, which intensify before menstruation, after hypothermia or colds.
- There are regular, but not abundant leucorrhoea.
- Reduces or completely disappears sexual desire.
- At the sexual certificate or act there is a sharp pain.
- Feeling tired, irritable, insomnia.
- Lack of pregnancy.
Since the ovaries are a paired organ, the oophoritis can be left-sided, right-sided, and bilateral. The latter has blurred symptoms and is difficult to treat. Treatment of the chronic form of the disease is aimed at eliminating the inflammatory process and painful sensations, restoring the protective properties of the immune system and the lost functions of the female reproductive system. Before doctors there is a task to eliminate not only oophoritis, but also accompanying disorders (hormonal, nervous).
With exacerbations of the disease, immunomodulators are used to restore immunity. A special therapeutic effect has a mixture of medicament and alternative treatment. Alternative medicine suggests using herbal medicinal broths, making baths, syringes and tampons out of them. An important stage of treatment is the elimination of painful sensations. Long-term pains negatively affect the state of the cardiovascular and nervous system, provoke nerves, chronic fatigue and irritability. As for antibiotic treatment, they are used in the following cases: with exacerbation of inflammation, in subacute and acute stage of oophoritis.
Exacerbation of chronic oophoritis
Exacerbation of chronic oophoritis occurs very often and the main reason for this is a protracted inflammatory process and a weakened immune system. Treatment of exacerbations of chronic form does not differ from the therapy of acute form of the disease. Most often, the disease worsens before the planned menstruation. A woman complains of painful sensations in the lower abdomen, urination disorders, abundant mucous or purulent discharge from the vagina, irritability, general malaises.
Symptomatic exacerbation of the chronic form combines the signs of acute and subacute stage of the disease. The main symptoms of exacerbation of inflammation:
- Periodic disorders of the menstrual cycle.
- Severe pain during intercourse.
- Pain in the lower abdomen, in the groin and lower back.
- Increased fatigue, irritability, insomnia.
- Increased body temperature, chills, general ailments.
- Pathological discharge from the ovaries.
Treatment of exacerbations of the chronic form of the disease can be carried out both out-patient and in a hospital, depending on the severity of the inflammatory process. If a tumor process or foci of suppuration was detected with oophoritis, then surgical intervention is mandatory. A special place is taken by vitamin therapy, physiotherapeutic treatment and balneotherapy, that is, preventive methods.
Left-sided oophoritis
Left-sided oophoritis indicates the lesion of one ovary. The main cause of the pathology is infectious diseases of the genital organs, gynecological interventions, weakening of immunity, stresses, hypothermia. The disease causes severe pain in the lower abdomen. With left-sided oophoritis, the pain is localized on the left, the woman has a fever that is difficult to bring down, specific vaginal discharge comes from the vagina. In addition, menstruation can cause bleeding, which is accompanied by general weakness and increased fatigue.
- Left-sided ovarian inflammation in most cases has a specific nature. That is, the cause can be causative agents of chlamydia, tuberculosis, mycoplasmosis or nonspecific microorganisms that refer to the opportunistic microflora - E. Coli, staphylococci, streptococci, candida.
- Inflammation can have both acute, subacute or chronic form, each of which is characterized by symptomatology and flow peculiarities. With an acute left-sided oophoritis, the woman complains of aching pains in the lower abdomen, which are given to the sacrum and waist. There are rezi when urinating, there may be purulent and serous discharge from the genital tract. The chronic form of the disease is characterized by constant exacerbations and remissions.
- Diagnosis of left-sided lesion of the ovaries with the help of gynecological examination, laboratory tests and bacteriological examination. If the ovary is enlarged and painful sensation arises when the palpation occurs, the patient is assigned ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs, hystersalpingoscopy and laparoscopy with a visual inspection of the fallopian tubes, ovaries and uterus.
It is very important to identify the left-sided oophoritis in time and begin treatment. Since pathology can lead to serious complications, which will negatively affect the reproductive function of women and the body as a whole.
Right-sided oophoritis
Right-sided oophoritis is an inflammation of the right ovary, which led to a pathological change in the appendage. Often right-sided inflammation is confused with appendicitis, as both pathologies have similar symptoms. The woman begins sharp girdling pains in the lower abdomen, which are given in the lower back.
The disease occurs due to infection and harmful microorganisms that can affect the entire body. Thus, without timely medical assistance, inflammation can spread to a healthy ovary, affecting at the same time the digestive, endocrine and central nervous system. Prolonged course of the disease can provoke infertility.
- Inflammation of the right ovary occurs due to gynecological interventions, abortion, the introduction of an intrauterine device. Very often the weakened immune system becomes the cause of the oophoritis. Lack of personal hygiene, adherence to strict diets, frequent changes of sexual partners and alcohol consumption lead to inflammation of the appendages.
- Right-sided oophoritis is characterized by severe pain in the lower abdomen on the right side. A woman complains of high fever, excessive fatigue and weakness, abnormal vaginal discharge and bleeding. The disease causes disorders of the menstrual cycle, pain during intercourse.
- Treatment of an acute form of the disease takes place in a hospital, and chronic oophoritis is treated as an outpatient. The patient is prescribed vaginal suppositories, antibiotics, physiotherapy procedures. An indispensable condition for recovery is the observance of complete rest, the use of restorative drugs and an increase in the protective properties of the immune system.
Double-sided oophoritis
Two-sided oophoritis is an inflammation of both ovaries immediately. The causes of this pathology do not differ from the factors provoking one-sided lesion of the gonads. The main symptom is pain in the groin, lower abdomen and lower back, which are of an intense nature. In addition, from the vagina there are pathological discharge, there may be uterine bleeding in between menstruation, as well as insomnia, general weakness and urination disorders.
Distinguish acute, subacute and chronic form of bilateral inflammation of the ovaries. Pathologies differ in the severity of the clinical picture and the approach to treatment. Two-sided oophoritis develops from one-sided defeat of the ovary. In this case, pathogenic microorganisms pass from the fallopian tubes through the abdominal horses. If there is a simultaneous infection of the ovaries and the uterine cavity, the disease is called salpingoophoritis.
- The main cause of oophoritis is sexual infections or microorganisms that are part of normal microflora. In this case, the provoking factor for the exacerbation of the disease is unprotected sexual intercourse, hypothermia, a decrease in the protective properties of the immune system, infectious processes in the body, emotional and nervous shocks.
- Symptoms of bilateral inflammation are similar to that of one of the ovaries. If the disease takes a chronic form, then with exacerbations there are painful sensations in the lower part of the abdomen, which irradiate into the lower back and groin area. In addition, the woman has unusual discharge from the vagina and dysuric disorders. The disease causes violations of the menstrual cycle, pain after sex, physical activity and a decrease in sexual desire.
- In the process of diagnosis, bilateral oophoritis causes swelling of the ovaries and the appearance of an abscess, which is probed as a small seal. A woman is given laparoscopy to establish the pathology stage, as well as the localization of the inflammation focus. If necessary, puncture and administration of drugs.
- The treatment is aimed at eliminating the intoxication of the body and weakening the inflammatory process. If oophoritis at an acute stage, then antibiotic preparations of a wide spectrum of action are used for therapy. In addition, the patient is prescribed anesthetics, immunostimulants and vitamin complexes to fight infection. If the disease is chronic, the treatment is carried out with anti-inflammatory drugs and a set of physiotherapy procedures.
Obligatory is the prevention of inflammation, which involves the exclusion of unprotected sex, hypothermia and abortive actions. At the first signs of a cold, it is necessary to completely cure it, in order to avoid relapse of the defeat of the appendages.
Autoimmune oophoritis
Autoimmune oophoritis - a disease that occurs against the background of a weakened immune system of the body. According to medical data, this disease leads to primary-ovarian failure, which in 60% causes hypergonadotropic insufficiency and in 30% of normal ovarian inadrogenic insufficiency. The true pathogenesis of the disease is not fully understood, but it is well known that a pathological autoimmune process in the ovaries in 50% of cases causes concomitant damage to the body. The disease can cause the development of type 1 diabetes, autoimmune thyroiditis, anemia, systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis and so on.
Autoimmune oophoritis causes severe histological changes. During the study, tissue infiltration is revealed, which arises from the inflammatory process and is represented by plasmacids, lymphocytes and eosinophils. The presence of T cells in the inflammatory infiltrate indicates the destruction of the normal structure of the ovarian tissue. To diagnose the disease, not only histology, but also the immunohistological method is used. The final diagnosis is made after all possible studies, as a rule, take into account the results of three or more methods.
For the treatment of autoimmune oophoritis, medicinal agents are used: glucocorticosteroid and antiestrogenic drugs. If the disease is at an early stage, then combined estrogen is used for therapy, which reduces the growth of the dominant follicle and autoantigens stimulation. The treatment is long, therefore, the earlier the disease was revealed, the better.
Salpingitis and oophoritis
Salpingitis and oophoritis are two similarly symptomatic diseases. Often inflammation of the ovaries causes damage to the fallopian tubes, that is, salpingitis. The causative agents are various microorganisms that can be combined, which provokes their resistance to antibiotic drugs. Because of the changes that the inflammatory process entails, the fallopian tube is soldered to the ovary, forming a single inflammatory formation. Neoplasm begins to accumulate pus in the fallopian tube, which leads to the destruction of the ovarian tissue.
The main symptom of salpingitis and oophoritis is severe pain in the lower abdomen, in the right or left side. The degree of pain is completely dependent on the stage of the disease. Pain is acute, aching, pulsating, cutting, worse with physical exertion. A woman suffers from irregularities in the menstrual cycle, there is a regular increase in body temperature and general weakness. There are problems with urination, possible purulent discharge from the vagina. If pus from the ovaries and fallopian tubes enters the abdominal cavity, then this leads to pelvioperitonitis. The chronic form of diseases leads to the proliferation of connective tissues.
Diagnose oophoritis and salpingitis with ultrasound, laboratory tests, laparoscopy and other diagnostic methods. It is the results of the diagnosis that make up the treatment. Therapy depends on the pathogen. If the disease is in acute stages, then the patient is referred to a hospital. In the early days, complete rest and the imposition of ice and cold compresses on the abdomen are shown. After this, the patient is prescribed painkillers and antimicrobials. If the medication is not effective, then surgical intervention is performed.
Oophoritis in pregnancy
Oophoritis and pregnancy causes concern for many women suffering from ovarian inflammation. The thing is that this disease causes serious complications that pose a danger to the reproductive system. The woman begins to have impaired functions of the appendages, tube obstruction, adhesions. 70% of patients suffer from disorders of the menstrual cycle, sexual dysfunction, inflammatory processes in other organs: cystitis, pyelonephritis, colitis and others. Chronic inflammation of the ovaries can cause ectopic pregnancy, spontaneous miscarriage and other pathologies.
That is why timely detection and treatment of the disease is very important. Since without this it is impossible to restore the childbearing function. When planning pregnancy, you need to undergo a complete examination. Oophoritis complicates normal childbirth and childbirth due to ovarian involvement. If left-sided inflammation develops, then the functions of the right ovary are preserved and vice versa. With bilateral oophoritis, both ovaries are inflamed, so the onset of pregnancy is problematic. The presence of an infectious chag in the small pelvis can cause fetal infection of the fetus, which is fraught with sad consequences.
Functional disorders of the appendages reduce the production of hormones of estrogen and progesterone, which disrupts the normal course of pregnancy and causes miscarriages. To eliminate this pathology, a woman undergoes hormone replacement therapy. Let's consider the basic preventive methods which will help to avoid diseases of reproductive organs and oophoritis in particular.
- Eliminate sexual relations without using barrier methods of contraception. This will protect against sexually transmitted diseases, which means it will reduce the risk of developing the disease.
- Avoid hypothermia, stress, psycho-emotional stress. Refuse bad habits, smoking and alcohol reduce the protective properties of the immune system, which increases the possibility of infection with a nonspecific form of the disease.
- An obligatory condition for the prevention of oophoritis is the passage of preventive gynecological examinations. This will allow timely detection of inflammation of the ovaries and begin treatment, and therefore create all the conditions for a normal course of pregnancy.
Can I get pregnant with a chronic oophoritis?
Whether it is possible to become pregnant at a chronic oophoritis, the given question more often interests women with the given diagnosis. Let's say at once, the combination of chronic inflammation and pregnancy is very unfortunate. Dysfunction of the ovaries adversely affects the attempts to conceive a child, further pregnancy and childbirth. It is from the efficiency of the appendages that the development of the necessary amount of sex hormones necessary for maturation and release from the follicle of the oocyte depends. And this in turn determines the possibility of fertilization.
The disease occurs due to infectious agents, which for a long time may be at rest in the female body. But since pregnancy is an additional burden on the body and the immune system, the chronic form of the oophoritis can become aggravated during the period of gestation. In any case, with chronic inflammation it is very important to undergo a survey to reveal a hidden form of pathology. If you refuse medical care, it will lead to such complications as:
- Hormonal disorders that can lead to miscarriage.
- Very often the disease is accompanied by inflammation of the fallopian tubes, which causes the formation of adhesions. This leads to the fertilization of the egg not in the uterus, but in the fallopian tube, that is, to an ectopic pregnancy.
- Dysfunctions of the ovaries affect the full production of ovules and ovulation. A prolonged course of oophoritis causes infertility.
- Because of the focus of the infectious focus in the woman's body, intrauterine infection of the fetus is possible. Infection can be both during the period of gestation, and during childbirth, at the moment of passing the baby through the birth canal
Therapy of chronic oophoritis during pregnancy with the use of antibiotics is strictly prohibited. Therefore, it is extremely important to undergo a full course of examination and treatment at the time of pregnancy planning.
Where does it hurt?
Diagnosis of the oophoritis is a rather difficult task. This is because acute pains in the lower abdomen and other symptoms of pathology can occur with many diseases - cyst, ectopic pregnancy, appendicitis and others. Typically, the diagnosis occurs when the patient turns to the doctor with complaints of menstrual irregularities, infertility or regular pain in the lower abdomen. In order for the diagnosis to be reliable, it is necessary to conduct a series of surveys and, based on their results, draw conclusions.
- Gynecological examination and collection of anamnesis - the doctor examines the patient on the chair and palpates the ovaries. With oophoritis, the appendages are enlarged in size and cause painful sensations. Particular attention is paid to the presence or absence of vaginal discharge and the general condition of the body. When collecting anamnesis, various intrauterine procedures, possible abortions, complications after childbirth and previously transferred inflammatory diseases are taken into account.
- Laboratory tests - the patient takes blood and urine, which they study for the level of leukocytes. If it is elevated, it indicates inflammation. Obligatory swabs from the urethra and the vagina.
- Ultrasonic examination of pelvic organs.
- Hysterosalpingoscopy is a procedure that allows to reveal pathological changes in the structure of the fallopian tubes, the cause of which is chronic inflammation of the ovaries.
- Research for the presence of infectious pathogens - the patient is given ELISA, PCR and RIF diagnostics. If there was a purulent or tuberculous inflammation, then further studies are carried out.
- Laparoscopy is one of the most informative methods for diagnosing oophoritis. The examination allows you to inspect the uterine tubes, uterus, ovaries and differentiate the diagnosis. The main indication for laparoscopy is chronic pain in the lower abdomen, long infertility, inflammation of the ovaries of an unknown genesis. If the inflammation is chronic, then there are violations of passage of the fallopian tubes, adhesions, formation in the ovaries and fallopian tubes. The severity of pathologies depends on the duration of the inflammatory process and the frequency of relapses.
Ultrasound signs
Oophoritis on ultrasound allows you to orient in setting the final diagnosis and choosing a method of treatment. Ultrasound examination of ovarian inflammation refers to additional diagnostic methods. Therefore, after it is carried out in custody, it can be indicated - the presence of signs of oophoritis. A number of additional surveys are conducted to confirm them.
Suspected disease can be due to the close arrangement of the ovary along the rib of the uterus, as a rule, it is an innate pathology. If the patient has no complaints and ultrasound is not found to be pathological changes, then this indicates the absence of disease. In itself, ultrasound is not used to diagnose, since such a diagnosis is considered incomplete. On the monitor it is impossible to fully consider the inflammation of the appendages and the severity of the disease. Most often, ultrasound is performed with a suspicion of chronic oophoritis, but with an acute form of the disease, this method is not effective.
Echo signs of oophoritis
Echopriznaki oophoritis can determine the degree of inflammation. In the study, the ovaries are enlarged in size and painful when palpated. If the inflammation has spread to the fallopian tubes, then spikes and purulent foci with serous fluid are possible. With chronic inflammation, obstruction of the fallopian tubes and other pathological changes can be detected.
The results of ultrasound and echocardiogram of the disease are used in the formulation of the final diagnosis and the formulation of treatment tactics. With clearly expressed ehoporaznah oophoritis patient is hospitalized. If the disease has a chronic form, then the examination shows changes not only in the ovaries, but also the entire reproductive system.
What do need to examine?
How to examine?
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Treatment of oophoritis
Treatment of pathology is possible after complete differential diagnosis. Therapy depends on the stage of the disease (chronic, acute, subacute), the causes of the inflammatory process and the characteristic symptoms.
- An acute form of the disease is treated only in a hospital. Therapy begins with bed rest and applying cold compresses to the lower abdomen. The patient is prescribed desensitizing and anesthetizing agents, antibacterial, restorative medications.
- The subacute stage of the illness is treated as well as acute, but in addition physiotherapy procedures are prescribed.
- The chronic form of the oophoritis is treated long and rather difficult. Started inflammation can cause serious complications requiring surgical intervention. The patient is fully diagnosed and forms an individual course of treatment. Therapy consists of medical treatment and physiotherapy procedures.
As for physiotherapy, the patient can be prescribed electrophoresis, hirudotherapy, magnetotherapy, gynecological massage, laser therapy and other methods. Such treatment reduces the risk of adhesions and obstruction of the fallopian tubes. Pain control techniques, such as physiotherapy and acupuncture, reduce or completely eliminate pain that negatively affects the functioning of the body. If there are exacerbations of inflammation, then immunomodulating drugs are prescribed to maintain protective forces.
The main goal of the treatment is to provide anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect, restore the functions of the genital organs, enhance the immune system, eliminate deviations in the hormonal, nervous and vascular system of the body. Often resorted to an alternative method of treatment and herbal treatment, which are used in the prevention of oophoritis. The therapy is long, but it must be brought to an end. If the cause of the disease are sexually transmitted infections, the partner is prescribed a simultaneous course of treatment to avoid the development of infertility or prostatitis. Please note that during the treatment period, sexual activity is not recommended.
Treatment with antibiotics
Treatment of ooforitis with antibiotics is quite an urgent issue, so the rationality of using these drugs depends on the form of the disease. Medicines of this group are used for relapses of chronic inflammation and with the strengthening of pathological processes in the ovaries. Antibiotics help with exacerbation, as well as in combination with physiotherapy and general restorative therapy.
The causative agents of the disease may be bacteria such as E. Coli, chlamydia, ureaplasma, staphylococcus and streptococci and other microorganisms that are part of the normal microflora of the vagina. The choice of antibiotics depends on the sensitivity of the body to the drug. For this, bacteriological culture is carried out and the type of pathogen is determined. If the acute stage of the disease is not used antibiotics based on sulfonamide, then they can be used to eliminate chronic and recurrent inflammation. Consider popular drugs for the treatment of oophoritis.
Antibacterial agents:
- Azithromycin
- Sumamed
- Amoxiclav
- Hexamethylenetetramine
- Urotropin
- Gentamicin
- Doxycycline
- Yunidox Solutab
- Doksybeene
- Klindafer
- Dalacin
- Metronidazole
- Flagel
- Trichopol
- Nevigramon
- Ofloxacin
- Rulid
- Cefotaxime
- Ceftriaxone
- Cefaxon
- Ciprofloxacin
- Microflex
- Afenoxin
In addition to antibiotics, treatment involves the use of pain medications such as: Acetylsalicylic acid, Aspirin, Asalgin, Analgin, Nospaz, Smazmalgon and others. Therapy should include vitamin complexes, to maintain the immune system and restore the protective properties of the body: vitamin C (Celascon, Redoxon, UUPSA C), vitamin E and rutin.
Note that all antibiotic drugs are selected individually for each patient. To do this, the doctor conducts a bacteriological analysis of the smear from the vagina on the sensitivity of the pathogen to various drugs. Taking antibiotics without this analysis is prohibited, since such treatment will not only be useless, but also harm the body.
Treatment with candles
Suppositories with oophoritis are used in any form of this pathology. Treatment of ovarian inflammation is a long and complex process. A particular danger is chronic inflammation, which causes infertility. But thanks to the huge selection of medications and timely treatment, infertility can be avoided. Especially popular and effective are the vaginal and rectal suppositories from ovarian inflammation. But the use of certain suppositories will not help to completely eliminate the disease, since they only facilitate clinical symptoms and improve the effect of other drugs used in complex therapy.
Consider the most effective suppositories used for ovarian inflammation:
- Gexicon
Suppositories for intravaginal administration with the active substance antiseptic - chlorhexidine bigluconate. The drug is effective in gram-negative, gram-positive bacteria and protozoa. The active substance does not affect the normal microflora of the vagina. The drug is not active against viruses, acid-fast bacteria and fungi.
- The main indications for the use of the drug: preventive therapy in obstetrics and gynecology before abortion, surgical intervention or delivery. Suppositories are used for the prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted infections, acute, chronic vaginitis, oophoritis, exocervicitis and other diseases.
- Suppositories are intended for insertion deep into the vagina, 1 candle 1-2 times a day. The course of treatment from 7-12 days, with a complex infection can last 20 or more days.
- Hexicon can cause allergic reactions in the form of itching and burning in the genital area. But after the drug is discontinued, side effects disappear. Suppositories are contraindicated to use with individual intolerance of the components of the drug. Suppositories can be used during pregnancy and lactation to prevent ovarian inflammation, since the active substances have a low absorption.
- Betadine
Suppositories, whose active ingredient is iodine. The concentration of iodine in one candle is 0.1-1%. The drug has antiseptic effect, is active against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, fungi, protozoa, viruses and acid-fast microorganisms. The active substance has a harmful effect on the pathological microflora, since iodine has oxidative properties, that is, it destroys enzymes and bacterial walls.
- Betadine is used to treat oophoritis in combination with other drugs. Suppositories are effective for bacterial vaginosis, genital herpes, candidiasis, trichomoniasis. Very often, this drug is used in preoperative preparation, for example, before removing the abscess of the ovary or any other neoplasm.
- The doctor prescribes the dosage, but, as a rule, one suppository is applied 1-2 times a day. Duration of treatment from 7-14 days. Betadine has a water-soluble basis, so the suppository does not cause irritation of the vaginal mucosa.
- Long-term use of suppositories causes allergic reactions - itching, burning, reddening of the mucous membrane of the vagina and external genitalia. Betadine is contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation.
- Suppositories with indomethacin
The active substance of suppositories indomethacin, in each suppository contains 50-100 mg. Indomethacin is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that inhibits the formation of prostaglandins, that is, sources of pain. Suppositories have antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, anti-aggregation and analgesic effects. •
Introduce the suppository rectally, after the release of the intestine. The course of treatment is from 7-10 days. The drug is contraindicated to use with increased sensitivity to its components, with severe renal pathology, ulcer of the stomach or duodenum. Suppositories are contraindicated to use during pregnancy and lactation.
Before using any preparation, read the instructions carefully, this applies to suppositories when oophoritis. In some cases syringing is required before suppositories are used. For these purposes, a pharmacy chamomile or furatsilin. Use the suppository is best before going to bed, but do not forget to use a sanitary napkin, since the suppository can leak, or fall out, staining the bed and underwear. Even if the suppository is partially drained, it is impossible to set a new one, as this will lead to an overdose of the drug.
It is not recommended to use suppositories independently for inflammation of the ovaries. The thing is that this pathology is easily masked for other gynecological problems with similar symptoms. Therefore, consult a doctor, go for a complete examination and apply only those drugs that the doctor appointed.
Alternative treatment
Alternative treatment of oophoritis means treatment of the disease with the help of medicinal herbs and other means that are safe for the female body. Despite the fact that oophoritis is a serious disease, it can be cured without antibiotics or drugs with side effects. But alternative therapy is only suitable for patients who have been diagnosed with chronic inflammation, both unilateral and bilateral.
Special efficiency alternative treatment has at the initial stages of the disease. For therapy, medicinal herbs are used, from which solutions for syringing, baths or decoctions for oral administration are made.
- Therapeutic infusion of lime and chamomile flowers will help relieve the symptoms of ovarian inflammation. To make the infusion mix the flowers of plants in a proportion of 2: 3. Pour the mixture with cold water, bring to a boil and let it brew for 30-40 minutes. Cool the infusion of strain, and use for syringing or baths. The course of treatment is 10-14 days.
- Decoction of oak and linden is also effective in this disease. Mix the plants in a proportion of 2: 3, pour water and insist on a water bath for 30-40 minutes. Once the broth has cooled, it must be filtered and used for douching in the morning and at bedtime.
- With chronic bilateral oophoritis will help the next herbal remedy. Take the flowers of the immortelle, leaves of birch and strawberries (2 parts each), mint and millennia, nettle leaves, turns, hawthorn or dog-rose (3 parts) and rowan (1 part). All components are chopped, pour boiling water and insist for 10-12 hours. After this, the solution must be filtered and take ½ cup three times a day.
- Antiseptic, improving blood circulation in the ovaries and desensitizing action has an infusion of the following herbs. Take the licorice root, the turn, the root of the aralia, the flowers of the immortelle, the root of elecampane (1 part each), the horsetail of the field (2 parts) and the rose hips (3 parts). All the ingredients must be crushed, pour boiling water, boil and infuse for 10-12 hours. Obtain the infusion through a double gauze swab and take ¼ cup three times a day after meals for 1-2 months.
- Medicinal properties have fresh juice Kalanchoe. Wash and cut the plant leaves thoroughly, grind with a blender or in a mortar to a mushy condition. Get the gruel thoroughly through gauze. The medicine is taken by a teaspoon inside or diluted with boiled water. From Kalanchoe, you can make baths and tampons. The juice of the plant should be stored no longer than 7 days at a temperature of +8, but not below 0 degrees.
Herbal Treatment
Treatment of oophoritis with herbs is based on the medicinal properties of plants. From the herbs make infusions, decoctions, baths and syringing. Consider a few recipes from herbs to eliminate inflammation of the ovaries.
- This recipe is effective for the treatment of chronic disease. Mix in equal parts a centipedes, a mother-and-stepmother and a sweet clover. Pour the herbs with an equal amount of boiling water, close the lid, wrap it and let it brew for 3-4 hours. Infusion should be filtered and drunk in 1/3 cup 4-6 times a day, the duration of treatment is 2-3 weeks.
- Take 10 grams of cornflower petals, dry corn stigmas, herb grass, 15 g elderberry root, bearberry grass, birch buds and 5 grams of horsetail. Mix the whole mixture thoroughly, pour a liter of boiling water, and leave to infuse for the night. In the morning, infuse the boil on a small fire, cool and strain. The whole amount of medicine should be drunk in a single day in small portions. The course of treatment is 1.5 -2 months.
- Pour boiling water 2 tablespoons of herbs and leave to infuse for 1-2 hours. Strain through the cheesecloth, squeeze well, dilute with boiled water and take ¼ cup every morning before eating.
- For syringing, the following folk recipe is suitable: mix in equal proportions the bark of oak, grass mistletoe, nettle and daisy leaves. Add to the herbal collection 10 g of dry shepherd's bag and water pepper, mix thoroughly. Pour the mixture with boiling water, and let it brew for 2-3 hours. Strain and use a warm infusion as a douche remedy. The procedure can be carried out 3-4 times a day.
Before you start treatment with oophorite herbs, be sure to consult a doctor. This will avoid contraindications and side effects.
More information of the treatment
Prophylaxis of oophoritis presents a number of recommendations, observance of which will help to prevent ovarian inflammation and a number of other diseases. Consider the main preventive methods that reduce the risk of development of the disease.
- Use barrier contraception from the first sexual intercourse and in all cases when conception is not planned. This will protect against a number of diseases and infections, sexually transmitted infections.
- Watch your diet. Eat more vitamins, vegetables and fruits. Give preference to healthy eating.
- Regularly carry out the prevention of chronic inflammation of the uterine appendages: salpingitis, adnexitis, salpingo-oophoritis. Do not forget that timely preventive measures will protect you from the formation and progression of the adhesive process. And this will protect against infertility, disability and antibiotic therapy.
- In time, treat any diseases, especially genital and extragenital infections. Do not forget about regular examinations at the gynecologist.
- Do not share a bath with a water temperature above 38 ° C. Do not abuse sunbathing and solarium services, avoid overcooling.
- Keep track of your psycho-emotional health, do not subject the body to severe physical and nervous stress. Since this will negatively affect the overall health.
The prognosis of the oophoritis depends on the stage of the disease, the age of the patient and the individual characteristics of the organism. Complications of pathology can be very different, but most often the inflammation of the ovaries becomes the cause of such ailments as:
- Disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive system.
- Diseases of the urinary tract.
- Violation of the menstrual cycle and the appearance of pathological discharge.
- Various endocrine disorders and worsening of the CNS.
- The appearance of a purulent tumor, which leads to the removal of the fallopian tube and ovaries.
- Development of an adhesion process, which causes obstruction of the fallopian tubes and malfunction of the ovaries.
- Ectopic pregnancy, infertility, impaired hormone production.
Oophoritis, regardless of the stage, is treatable. Complete recovery, a favorable prognosis and a minimum of complications are possible only with the timely application of medical care. Even the chronic form of the disease can be treated, although the therapy will be long and complicated. Inflammation of the ovaries with proper treatment is not a threat to maternity. Regular preventive examinations at the gynecologist and a healthy lifestyle are a guarantee of women's health.