Depression in men
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Depression in men, according to psychologists and psychiatrists, happens much less often than in women. Obviously, this is due to the fact that the process of thinking of men and women, as well as their psyche, have significant differences that are conditioned functionally and laid by Nature in the mechanism of psychological sexual dimorphism.
The brain of a man - despite the ability to abstract spatial thinking and rationality - works asymmetrically, at the expense of the right hemisphere.
It has long been recognized that men have less intuition, more limited emotional perception of information, life goals are specific, and the way to achieve them is straightforward and does not take into account many details.
And although the masculine principle presupposes the presence of a higher ability to adapt quickly to the changing external factors, in general, the male part of mankind, like the female one, is subject to mood disorders. And the question - is there depression in men? - the answer is unequivocal: it happens, moreover, in severe forms.
Causes of depression in men
The most frequent causes of depression in men occur when an unfavorable for the person confluence of external circumstances or stressful situations that cause dissatisfaction with the social, psychological or biological realities of everyday life. Depression is the response of the body to psychological trauma, as well as to some extreme or tragic event in life, drastically changing its habitual way of life.
In many cases, stress is the cause of depression in men, since any stressful situation is associated with psychophysical and emotional overstrain and a deterioration in overall well-being. And in men, the experience of stress can occur with a minimal external expression of emotions, but takes so much energy that often leads to their complete decline, including attempts to "solve all problems" by voluntary withdrawal from life ... And this is nothing less than depression - anxious, anesthetic, adynamic, apathetic, neurotic, psychotic, etc.
Among the most common causes of this mental disorder, there are: lack of professional success and social achievements, problems with work or business, conflicts at work or in the family, loss of workplace, financial difficulties, family troubles, failure in personal life (including divorce), withdrawal from the life of close people, lived through violent actions, change of social status in connection with retirement, etc.
If from external psycho-emotional causes of depression in men switch to their hormonal pathogenesis, then this may be a disruption of the hypothalamus (in which the centers of the autonomic nervous system are located); insufficient synthesis of thyroid hormones (hypothyroidism); excess of the adrenal cortisol (a hormone that takes part in the development of stress reactions). Depression can cause a decrease in the content of the main male sex hormone - testosterone. And deep depression in men after 50 years very often has a hormonal etiology, that is, it is caused by a gradual decrease in the production of testosterone.
Causes of depression in men can be associated with a pathological focus in the temporal lobes of the brain. If there was a trauma or a tumor appeared in the temporal lobe on the right - the classic vital (dreary) depression is diagnosed; and with a lesion of the temporal lobe on the left, depression is disturbing.
Depression, including in men, is part of a complex of symptoms of neuroses, cerebral vascular pathologies (and cerebral circulation disorders), Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes mellitus, cancer of various locations, HIV, and chronic alcoholism and drug addiction.
Psychoemotional factors that cause depression in men
With all the diversity of psychoemotional factors that give impetus to the development of this disease, let us dwell on the most typical cases.
Depression in men after a divorce has several options. Some, once again finding themselves in bachelors, embark on "the search for adventure", changing sexual partners, leaning on alcohol and unhealthy food. Others come to a state of perplexity, bordering on the stupor: one way or another, the settled life is over, and what will happen next is unknown ... And the man is left alone with his problems, gradually realizing that no one now will take care of him and support him. Oppression and anxiety lead to loss of energy, loss of appetite, decreased potency, sleep disorders, headaches and memory impairment.
Depression in a man of 40 years coincides with a crisis of middle age, when a man begins to sum up the first results of his past and, as is often the case, loses the sense of the significance of his achievements. At the same time, there may be a feeling of complete dissatisfaction with what the man managed to achieve. In family men, depression occurs against the background of responsibility for the spouse and children, and if the family climate is far from ideal, then the depressive state can take the most radical forms, down to the loss of the meaning of life and the abuse of alcohol.
With the severance of relationships and the loss of a beloved woman, there is often a love depression in men. Undivided love a man can perceive as collapse, non-recognition of his virtues, betrayal ... He loses the ability to analyze the situation objectively, embittered, dreams of revenge and thereby launches a self-destruction mechanism. Many in this situation are looking for "comfort" in casual sexual contacts and alcohol. However, psychologists say, this has never been of use to anyone. In order to perceive a failed novel as an experience and switch to positive, it is necessary for a man to preserve his self-esteem, heal from an emotional trauma and live on.
Postpartum depression in men is due to the fact that after the birth of the child, the lion's share of the attention of the wife, who became a mother, is paid to the baby, and the husband, as it were, is "second plan". Not all men respond adequately to changes in the family, especially since in the first time after childbirth, the intimate relationships of the spouses can be problematic. And it is this factor that often becomes the starting point of postpartum depression in men. It is expressed in the man's anger, his constant discontent with all surrounding and unmotivated irritability, as well as in reducing appetite, insomnia and rapid fatigue.
Symptoms of depression in men
Some of the symptoms of depression in men have already been mentioned above. But if the majority of women become depressed, crying and feel defective, most men are characterized by sharp mood changes, aggression (with attacks of unreasonable anger), nervousness, impulsiveness and irritability.
In addition, such manifestations as apathy and a sense of melancholy can be observed; decrease in efficiency and loss of interest in any active activity; diffuse attention; pain in the chest, in the stomach or in the back; headache; sweet taste in the mouth without consuming sweet foods or drinks; increased blood pressure; feeling of emptiness, guilt and despair; decreased libido and problems with potency; loss of ability to make decisions; obsessive thoughts about suicide.
Depending on the severity of the depressive state, the combination and severity of the symptoms may be different. But, based on the clinical experience of the last 15-20 years, psychotherapists say that the key symptom for diagnosing depression is hypothyroidism - a state of the human psyche, in which there is an unstable mood, a decreased psychoemotional background, apathy and a sense of oppression.
How long does the depression last for men? According to statistics, in 80-85% of cases the average duration of manifestation of depressive symptoms ranges from six months to 9-10 months, the rest of patients may be in a depressed state for up to two years or more.
Diagnosis of depression in men
According to many experts, the diagnosis of depression in men is of no particular difficulty. Nevertheless, when referring to doctors who do not specialize in psychotherapy, the correct diagnosis is determined in no more than 4.5-5% of cases.
Typically, to diagnose depression, psychotherapists conduct patient interviews using specially designed structured clinical interviews: The Zung self-rating depression scale, the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression, or the Beck Depression Inventory.
According to the accepted diagnostic criteria, the diagnosis of "depression" can be considered correct if, for two or more weeks, the patient has at least five symptoms of this disease. In this case, the manifestations of the disease must be systematic, that is, daily.
Diagnosis of depression in men is based on the study of bioelectric activity of the brain, for which patients make an electroencephalogram (EEG). With the help of electroencephalography, doctors determine the tone of the sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system and make an appropriate conclusion. A study is also made of the structure of sleep - the cyclicity and duration of its stages.
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Treatment of depression in men
Adequate treatment of depression in men allows, in eight cases out of ten, to completely overcome this morbid condition. Many types of psychotherapy (psychoanalysis, cognitive behavioral therapy, gestalt therapy, etc.), respiratory-relaxation training, light therapy, sleep deprivation (deprivation), electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) are suitable for this. It should be noted that ECT is used only for the treatment of people with severe depression and high risk of suicide or in patients who have not been helped by other methods of treatment, in particular, medicamentous.
The most appropriate and effective medications for treating depressive conditions are antidepressants (groups of selective inhibitors of serotonin reuptake by neurons of the brain) in combination with antipsychotic drugs (neuroleptics).
With depressions and persistent worsening of mood, the administration of such a drug as Fluvoxamine (synonyms - Fevarin, Avoxin, Floksifral) is prescribed. Dosage is determined individually, with a minimum daily dose of 1 tablet (0.1 g) once a day (taken in the evening). The drug can give side effects: nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, dyspepsia, drowsiness, tremors, feelings of anxiety and anxiety. Fluvoxamine is contraindicated in case of epilepsy, violations of liver and kidney function, diabetes mellitus.
Antidepressant Sertraline (synonyms - Aleval, Ascentra, Depresfolt, Zalox, Emoton, Serrane, Stimuloton, Torin) in tablets (25, 50 and 100 mg) does not cause addictions, is taken in the amount of 25-50 mg - once a day, regardless from eating (morning or evening). During the treatment, the dosage can be adjusted. Among the side effects of this drug are: allergic reactions, headache, dizziness, impaired coordination, diarrhea, constipation, dry mouth, indigestion, flatulence, nausea, vomiting, stomach and stomach cramps, convulsions, decreased appetite, heart palpitations, swelling. Sertraline is contraindicated in epilepsy.
The drug Citalopram (synonyms - Oprah, Pram, Sedopram, Siozam, Tsipramil, Citalift, Citalon, etc.) belongs to the same group of antidepressants. Assigned inside - 20 mg (2 tablets of 10 mg) once a day, regardless of food intake. The maximum daily dose is 60 mg. The drug may cause dizziness, nausea, insomnia (or drowsiness), constipation of the heart, pain in the back, as well as impaired urination. The antidepressant effect of citalopram occurs 2-4 weeks after the start of treatment.
The drug Azafen (synonyms - Azaxazin, Distaphene, Pipofezin) belongs to the group of tricyclic antidepressants. Produced in the form of tablets of 25 mg. It acts as a sedative (sedative) and timoleptic (mood-improving) remedy and is especially recommended by doctors for mild and moderate forms of depression, as well as with alcoholic depression with anxiety and inhibition. The standard daily dose is 1-2 tablets (after meals), the dose can be adjusted to a daily maximum of 0.4 g. There are almost no side effects of this drug, occasionally there may be dizziness, nausea and vomiting.
Neuroleptic Tiaprid (in tablets of 100 mg) is prescribed for depression in men against alcoholism with psychomotor agitation. One tablet is taken three times a day. After improvement, one tablet a day. Taking this medication can cause drowsiness.
Hypericin (generics - Deprim, Turinairin, Negrustin, Neuroplant) is a drug based on a medicinal plant of St. John's wort (in tablets, capsules and dragees). Biologically active substances of St. John's wort have a modulating and stabilizing effect on the neurotransmitter processes of the vegetative and central nervous system, help to eliminate feelings of depression, remove such symptoms of depression in men as apathy, weakness, decreased appetite, sleep disorders. The recommended daily dose is 3 pills - one per day. As a possible side effect of Hypericin, a skin reaction resembling a sunburn (photosensitization) is noted.
A certain therapeutic effect is given by vitamins from depression for men. Experts recommend taking vitamins of group B, especially vitamins B6 and B12, which take part in the regulation of the nervous system. The vitamin complex Neurovitan contains vitamins B1, B2, B6 and B12. It is taken 1-4 tablets a day for a month. Acceptance of this drug is incompatible with the use of alcohol.
How to get out of depression man?
Professional advice on how to get out of depression to a man can be found by contacting a psychotherapist. What can he recommend?
First, admit to yourself that the problem exists. Secondly, to set a clear goal - to get out of a depressed state, otherwise ...
Begins to fight the depression with the removal of the "emotional shell". To do this, it is best to retire from extraneous views and start doing "incredible things": jumping, screaming, dancing to loud music, singing, boxing with an invisible opponent, somersaulting, pushing up on the bar, chopping wood ... In general, relieve emotional stress.
Then it's good to take a shower and relax. For example, how to get enough sleep. And when you get enough sleep and feel that you are hungry, do not eat fast food, but fry a piece of meat and prepare a salad of fresh vegetables.
With friends, do not gather at the table with alcohol and snacks, and on the bank of the river - on a fishing trip. In the evenings, do not sit by the TV or at the computer, and walk the streets or do it with the children on the playground.
Change the style of clothes, buy a good cologne or toilet water, watch your appearance and do not forget to look in the mirror. But, standing in front of him, you need to spread your back and shoulders, lift your head down and ... Smile to yourself and stay in that position for 15 seconds. And only after that you can go on business. Smile to neighbors, colleagues, close people. At first it will be difficult, but day by day this emotional self-loading starts to act.
Strengthen it can and should be. How? This is in the next section.
Prevention of depression in men
So, prevention of depression in men is in the hands of men themselves. Rather, in moderate physical exertion and the change in the sedentary-lying lifestyle to the active-motor.
One hour per day is sufficient for this.
Everything will do for everything: running in the morning, regular charging, cycling, visiting the gym or swimming pool. If you have children, be sure to involve them in physical education.
In the diet should be more vegetables and fruits, which will replenish the body with the necessary vitamins and trace elements. Do not forget about sea fish, especially greasy: it contains phosphorus and iodine, Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. One of them, docosahexaenoic acid, is part of the gray matter of the human brain. With its deficiency, inhibition of the process of transmission of nerve impulses, reduction of cognitive abilities and deterioration of memory occurs.
In addition, you need to get enough sleep, At least seven hours of night sleep will help the brain cells, and the entire body to work without failures.
Prognosis of depression in men
We are forced to note that in the case of ignoring this pathological condition, the prognosis of depression in men is far from optimistic. The same clinical statistics state that self-healing recovery of prolonged depression does not exceed 10 cases out of 100.
The consequences of men's depression are a significant deterioration in the quality of life and a direct threat of repeated attacks of the disease, because depression takes almost 20% of the lives of those who have suffered a depressive episode. In addition, according to a recent study, it was concluded that depression in men significantly increases the risk of stroke.