Cervical Omission
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Omission of the cervix in gynecological practice is called prolapse genital, this pathological state of the female genitalia is associated with the displacement of the uterus as a result of weakening of the pelvic floor muscles that support the uterus. When lowering, a woman has a feeling of discomfort in the lower abdomen, pain, difficulty with urination, excretion.
Often, the pathology of the cervix is associated with an abnormal arrangement of the genital organs. When the uterus descends, the cervix moves downward, at the initial stage the cervix is not visible from the vagina, but eventually, in the absence of treatment, the uterus and other genital organs may fall out of the genital cleft, which poses an immediate threat to the life of the woman. Often, the cervix is diagnosed in women who give birth, since the muscles that support the uterus become weaker after pregnancy and childbirth.
Often, omission is observed in women older than 40 years, however, recently this pathology has become more common among young girls.
The development of the disease is relatively slow and often the symptoms do not serve as an excuse to call a specialist and identify the causes.
Pregnancy and childbirth when omitted cause a lot of problems, but in this case much depends on the degree of uterine omission. At the initial stage of the disease for a normal course of pregnancy and childbirth it will be enough to perform some exercises that strengthen the muscles of the press.
In some cases, young specialists postpartum omission is confused with uterine cancer, so it is important to undergo a complete examination and consult with several specialists.
Causes of cervical ovulation
Omission of the cervix can be diagnosed in both young girls and older women, however, the more likely a woman becomes with age.
The causes of omission are weakened muscles supporting the uterus, often the disease is accompanied by a displacement of the bladder or rectum. Often, when omitted, the work of internal organs is disrupted.
The initial stage of omission may begin in youth, given the slow course of the disease, with age signs of the disease become more pronounced - there is discomfort, soreness, which can lead to loss of efficiency.
One of the main causes of omission is the abnormal structure of internal organs, which leads to damage to muscle fibers.
Increase the risk of developing severe labor, operations on the genitals, damage to the perineum, hormonal failures during menopause, improper development of connective tissue.
Experts point out some of the risk factors that can provoke the disease: heavy physical labor and weight lifting, frequent childbirth, heredity, age, excess weight, severe cough, increased pressure in the inner part of the peritoneum, in some cases a strong cough can also lead to omission. Often, the disease occurs with a combination of several risk factors that weaken the muscle fibers in the small pelvis.
Symptoms of cervical ovulation
The omission of the cervix first proceeds with a feeling of heaviness and a foreign body in the vagina, drawing pains in the lower abdomen, in the sacrum, in the lower back. During sex, a woman may have blood discharge, the sexual act becomes painful. Often the character of menstruation changes - the allocation becomes meager, or on the contrary abundant. When the cervix is lowered at a young age, it is extremely difficult to get pregnant, but you can not completely exclude such possibility.
With the progression of the disease there are problems in the work of the urinary system (approximately in 50% of cases), it is also possible to stretch the walls of the ureter, kidneys, enuresis.
Every third patient has abnormalities of the intestine: constipation, incontinence of gases, feces, colitis.
Omission of the cervix in later stages is often diagnosed by the woman herself - the main symptom is the appearance of vaginal education. The part of the uterus that protrudes from the genital cracks is matte with cracks, itchy. When walking as a result of rubbing, the dropping part of the uterus becomes covered with sores, bleeds, which increases the risk of infection.
With omission, blood circulation in the pelvic organs is impaired, stasis, edema of adjacent tissues, cyanosis.
The disease does not allow a woman to live a full sexual life.
Where does it hurt?
Omission of the walls of the cervix
The omission of the cervix is caused by the displacement of the whole organ or one wall downward. Physicians identify several stages of cervical ovulation:
- 1 - the outer neck of the neck is lowered relative to the normal position
- 2 - cervix falls out of the vagina
- 3 - from the genital slit the whole uterus
The disease is characterized by a slow flow. Often, when omitted, the progression of the disease leads to a complete prolapse of the organ, which is an extremely difficult condition. Also, falling out can provoke heavy physical work or old age. The prolapse of the uterus also leads to the loss of other internal organs.
With a regular fallout of the body, the walls of the vagina are damaged, the elasticity is lost. All this causes swelling, bedsores, bleeding ulcers and cracks. Infection often leads to severe inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system.
Omission of the cervix in pregnancy
Omission of the cervix complicates childbirth, because in such a situation, timely treatment is extremely important. During pregnancy, this pathology is also a danger, diagnosing omission is possible on ultrasound and on the gynecologist's chair.
The omission can be triggered by various causes: congenital anomalies of internal organs, neoplasms, inflammations and adhesions in the small pelvis, weakened muscles, severe previous births, improper treatment of internal ruptures.
Usually omission develops after 40 years, but with weak or broken muscles of the abdominal cavity, the omission may develop during pregnancy. When the ligaments are stretched, the muscles are not able to hold the growing uterus. The pressure of the uterus on the internal organs leads to the fact that they gradually descend. Omitting leads to a violation of blood circulation in the small pelvis, there is swelling, inflammation, constipation, hemorrhoids.
If omission of the cervix does not threaten the child, then treatment is not carried out. As a rule, in such a situation, a woman is recommended maximum rest, no physical exertion, in order not to aggravate the condition.
At the initial stage of omission, Kegel exercises (for intimate muscles) are very helpful, at the second stage - orthopedic methods of treatment are prescribed, on the third stage - surgical intervention.
To prevent omission after giving birth, it is important for a woman to do gymnastics or, at the very least, independently pump the muscles of the press.
Omission of the cervix after delivery
Omission of the cervix after childbirth is often developed because of a violation of the integrity of the pelvic muscles. The pathological condition can manifest as characteristic symptoms immediately after the birth of the child or only after a few years.
Increase the likelihood of omission of heavy and frequent labor. With minor injuries of the muscles, if a woman gives birth once, does not raise the severity, then the symptoms of pusting are expressed only by the drawing pains that a woman can attribute to rapid menstruation, a cold, etc. At this stage, special exercises for intimate muscles can help, which will help to strengthen the weakened ligaments.
Diagnosis of cervical ovulation
Diagnosis of the descent of the cervix is not difficult, but the doctor must establish the degree of change that led to the pathology. To establish the diagnosis, a biopsy, colposcopy, etc., which will help assess the condition of the genitourinary system. However, some conditions require special urological studies. When the cervix is lowered, the examination of the intestine, heart, vessels, nervous, endocrine system is mandatory. Only after receiving a complete picture of the disease the doctor can prescribe an effective treatment.
Omission of the cervix is diagnosed first of all on examination with a gynecologist. At a strain the doctor can define or determine at the woman degree of a ptosis of internal organs.
After the examination, the doctor prescribes calposcopy (examination of the inner walls of the vagina, the uterus using a special device - the colposcope). If necessary, other methods of examination may be prescribed: ultrasound, smear, bacterial urine culture, computed tomography, excretory urography (urinary tract x-ray), hysterosalpingography (ultrasound of the uterus and patency of the uterine tubes).
When the neck is lowered, the woman is sent to other specialists (urologist, proctologist), which determine the presence of the bowel or vagina. Also, a specialist prescribes a study that will help assess the extent of damage to the sphincter of the rectum, urinary incontinence, and urine incontinence.
If all problems are identified, the degree of descent of the cervix, the doctor prescribes the necessary treatment.
What do need to examine?
Who to contact?
Treatment of cervical ovulation
The omission of the cervix is of three stages, depending on which stage is diagnosed, the doctor prescribes treatment.
With a similar pathology treatment can be conservative or operative.
Conservative treatment is prescribed at the initial stages of omission. As a rule, at this stage, general restorative therapy is prescribed, which increases the tone of the abdominal muscles and ligaments. Also the treatment is supplemented by therapeutic physical training and water procedures.
Special exercises with a slight lowering of the cervix include a standard complex for strengthening the buttocks. Elements from oriental dances or Kegel exercises are also used, which have recently become increasingly popular.
When lowering the walls of the vagina, the prolapse of the uterus from the genital slit is assigned surgical intervention.
During the recovery period or in the elderly, when there is no possibility of surgical intervention on medical parameters, the doctor can apply a ring-shaped pessary that will protect the uterus from falling out (provided that the uterus is in the vagina). Pessary is a plastic ring, which is placed in the vagina and holds the uterus. This method of treatment after a while leads to the formation of bedsores and stretching of the pelvic muscles. Wearing a pessary must be done under regular medical supervision, except for this, it is necessary to douche every day.
Operative treatment is used in the last stages of the disease. During surgery, the surgeon sutures the uterus closer to the base of the muscles, which must hold it. In most cases, such an operation is effective, but after that the woman has a recovery period, during which you should be careful: do not lift the gravity, avoid physical exertion.
Surgery to lower the cervix
Cervical oculence can be eliminated by the operative method. The operation is prescribed when conservative treatment did not lead to positive dynamics. The greatest effectiveness in the treatment of this pathology is shown by a combined operation that ensures the fixation of the uterus in a normal position, the plastic of the vagina, and the strengthening of the muscles.
Simple operations that involve only tightening the weakened muscles, often lead to the development of relapse, especially before pregnancy. Elderly or give birth to women can be performed an operation to completely remove the uterus.
Exercises for the lowering of the cervix
Omission of the cervix is caused by weakened muscles of the abdominal cavity, therefore special exercises are used to prevent the loss of the organ, which help to strengthen the muscles. The most effective exercises are Kegel exercises, which help get rid of a number of female diseases of internal organs, in particular, from urinary incontinence and incontinence, provoked by pathology.
Exercises are quite simple and you can master them at home:
- Prolonged contraction of the vaginal muscles (10-15 seconds) for 5 minutes
- Rhythmic contractions of the vaginal muscles (for 5 seconds - compression / relaxation) for 2 minutes.
It is recommended that Kegel exercises regularly during pregnancy and after childbirth, in order to prevent the organ from falling down.
The founder of the intimate complex of exercises was Arnold Kegel, a gynecologist who, in the course of his work, was able to establish that the urological problems, the descent of the internal organs, the decrease in sexual desire are provoked by the poorly developed and weakened intimate muscles of a woman.
The doctor noted that after performing the recommended exercises, the condition of his patients improved significantly. Especially effective are these exercises in the early stages of the cervix and urinary incontinence, which is triggered by a pathological condition.
Gymnastics at the lowering of the cervix
The omission of the cervix in the initial stage helps prevent gymnastics. The complex of exercises is aimed at developing abdominal muscles and improving blood circulation in the small pelvis:
- Exercise "bike" (it is recommended to perform twice a day - in the morning and in the evening).
- Lie on your back, hands along the body, knees bent. Raise the pelvis 10-20 cm from the surface (the feet and shoulders are pressed against the floor).
- Lie on the floor, hands along the body, trying not to tear off the heels from the floor, raise the upper part of the trunk and sit down (perform 10-15 times).
- Lie on the floor, hands to put under the buttocks, knees bent. Tilt your knees alternately in the sides (the back does not come off the floor). Run 7-10 slopes in each direction.
- Exercise "Candle" for 45s.
- Lie on your stomach, place a rolled towel or roll on your stomach, pull your arms up. Raise the upper part of the trunk with your hands above the floor and stay in this position for 20-25 seconds.
- Get on your knees, lean your hands on the floor, bend your back up and down alternately, perform 7 bends.
- Get on your knees, lean your hands on the floor, lift one leg to the maximum possible height (leg straight), lower, then repeat the exercise for the other leg.
- Standing to perform flops with legs (10 times for each leg).
- Standing to keep your foot to the side and perform a rotation for 30s from the beginning to one, then to the other side (repeat the exercise for the other leg).
- Exercise "Swallow for 45s.
Exercise is recommended daily. If the exercises are difficult to perform, you can reduce the number of repetitions in the beginning, but with time it is necessary to increase the load.
More information of the treatment
Prevention of cervical ovulation
Omission of the cervix is quite a serious and widespread disease, so to prevent the development of pathology it is important to follow certain preventive measures, especially for women at risk (over 40, often giving birth, etc.).
Prevent the development of omission will help regular exercise, especially aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles.
During pregnancy and after childbirth it is important to pay attention to a special set of exercises that will help strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the peritoneum.
After childbirth, it is not recommended to make sharp movements, try to avoid heavy physical exertion, do not lift weights (such recommendations are suitable not only after childbirth, but also during the rest of the time).
Prognosis of cervical ovulation
Omission of the cervix is a very dangerous condition that can endanger life. The disease is easier to treat if it could be diagnosed at the initial stage of the pathological process. In this case, one can manage conservative treatment without resorting to surgery. Over time, the disease progresses, despite the fact that the omission takes place rather slowly, the condition of the woman worsens, which in the end can lead to the fact that the uterus will fall out of the vagina. In this case, surgical intervention remains practically the only way to help a woman.
Omission of the cervix is the most common diagnosis in gynecological practice. Often, the disease is diagnosed in a neglected stage, when the woman's condition is critical.
In general, the disease is rather slow, but there were cases when the omission developed at a rapid pace, and for a fairly short period the cervix dropped into the vagina, which affected the quality of the woman's sexual life. However, medicine knows cases when women with cervical ovulation are living for several years without even knowing about their pathology.