Atheroma of the breast and nipple
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Mammary glands contain a lot of holocrine, sebaceous glands, which can be a fertile soil for the formation of various subcutaneous tumors, including atheroma.
Atheroma of the breast develops asymptomatically in the initial stage and can manifest itself as clinical signs either at large sizes, when the cyst is difficult to miss, or when suppuration occurs, when redness, pain, and all signs of inflammation occur right up to the body temperature.
Unlike other neoplasms of the breast, atheroma belongs to the category of benign tumor-like cysts, but it should be removed surgically, as there is no truly effective conservative method for treating such formations. Atheroma is formed as a consequence of the accumulation of epithelial, sebaceous secretion in the sebaceous gland and subsequent blockage of its outflowing duct. The atheromatous cyst of the breast can develop to large sizes, undergoing mechanical friction, is capable of inflaming and inflaming.
Atheroma of the breast has such clinical signs:
- When palpation is defined as a seal that has clear boundaries, contours.
- The cyst is painless, partially soldered with skin.
- With suppuration, atheroma can cause pain, in the area of inflammation, the fluctuation is clearly felt (the mobility of the cyst capsule).
- When examined on a mammogram, atheroma is seen as a darkened zone, its density is comparable to the density of breast tissue. The contour of the cyst is quite clear.
- In ultrasound examination, atheroma manifests as an anechoic zone, less often a hypoechoic region with clear boundaries that fit closely to the tissues of the breast, splitting them into sheets.
Diagnosis of atheroma requires differentiation, its main indicator is preoperative puncture and tissue sampling for histological examination. Removal of atheroma of the breast is performed surgically, during the operation the cyst is removed along with the capsule and partially surrounding tissues in order to prevent relapses. The wound is sutured with cosmetic sutures. The small atheromas revealed at the initial stage of development are well removed by laser techniques - in several sessions. This method helps not only to achieve the desired result, but also to avoid secondary infection of the wound surface, as well as postoperative sutures. Despite the fact that the retention cyst of the sebaceous gland of the breast belongs to a benign neoplasm and is extremely rare (in 0.2% of all cases of neoplasms of this zone), it should be timely diagnosed and removed, since the mammary glands are considered a risk zone for the development of various oncological processes.
Atheroma on the nipple
Atheroma refers to retentional follicular cysts, in the areola area of the nipple there are also quite a few hair follicles that can become a soil for the formation of small atheromas, subcutaneous cysts. Such neoplasms in women appear as a consequence of plugging out of the duct during hormonal disorders, during lactation, in men, similar phenomena can also be associated with dysfunction of the hormonal system, a violation of metabolism. Rarer provoking factor may be pollution, non-compliance with personal hygiene or skin damage, inflammation in the nipple zone.
Atheroma on the nipple is extremely rare, the most common type of retention cyst is the galactocele, which is formed during breastfeeding as a blockage of the milky duct.
Atheroma refers to benign neoplasms, in the area of the nipple it is rarely suppressed and there is no large size. More often in this zone are formed multiple small cysts - atheromatosis. Visually, it is defined as a small seal, often with a white speck in the middle. Subcutaneous nipple cysts need differential diagnosis and possibly, in surgical treatment. The follicular nipple cyst can be removed by puncture on an outpatient basis, and a more extensive operation is performed less frequently if the atheroma reaches a size of more than 1 centimeter in diameter. Do not self-squeeze, open small formations in the chest, especially in the vulnerable area of the nipple. A doctor's consultation will help to determine whether atheroma is alarming, atheromatosis (a lot of small formations) in the initial stage is easily amenable to simple methods of treatment - hygienic procedures, rubbing alcohol, antiseptic solutions.
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