Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Atheroma, atheroma is a benign neoplasm that develops as a consequence of blockage of glandulae sebacea - the sebaceous glands of the skin. Atheroma is often called a wen, and in the medical vocabulary it has a synonym - steatoma (from stear - fat). Atheroma can be detected in children and even newborns, but most often it is diagnosed as a retinal cyst of the sebaceous gland in adult patients.
ICD-10 code
Atheroma is a benign subcutaneous tissue cyst, the neoplasm belongs to the category of epithelial tumors and is divided into histological structure into epidermoid cysts, dermoids, steacistomas, trichylemal tumors. All types of atheros virtually do not differ in clinical signs and are included in the International Classification of Diseases of the Last Revision (ICD-10) as diseases of the appendages of the skin.
In the ICD, atheroma is defined as follows:
- Class L00-L99, class XII - diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue.
- Block L60-L75 disease of the appendages of the skin.
Code of the disease |
Name of the disease |
L72 |
Follicular cysts of skin and subcutaneous tissue |
L72.0 |
The epidermoid cyst |
L72.1 |
Trichodermal cyst |
L72.2 |
Steacistoma, including stacystoma multiple |
L72.8 |
Other follicular cysts of skin and subcutaneous tissue |
L72.9 |
Follicular cyst of skin and subcutaneous tissue of the BDU (unspecified) |
In general, the nosological group of tumors L72.1 includes such diseases of the sebaceous glands, which are the same in clinical signs and methods of treatment:
- Atheroma.
- Cyst of the sebaceous gland.
- Atheromatosis.
- Steatom.
Etiology, the causes of atheroma are caused by a violation of patency of the duct of the sebaceous gland. In turn, the sebaceous glands are truly a unique structural unit of the human body. Sebaceous glands are located literally throughout the body, they secrete a lipid substance, designed to moisturize, protect the skin and hair. Glandulae sebacea (sebaceous glands), unlike its "fellow" - sweat glands are located much closer to the upper layers of the skin - they are located in the papillary and reticular layer, in the terminal part are associated with the zones in which atheromas are formed:
- The duct is open on the surface of the skin - the external auditory meatus, eyelids, lips, penis, anus, foreskin, nipples.
- The duct is open in the hair follicles (almost all over the body).
The preferential arrangement of Glandulae sebacea is a face, further descending follows neck, back, scalp, chest, pubic area, abdomen, then shoulders, forearms and lower legs follow.
Sebaceous glands are capable of producing up to 20 grams of lipid secretions daily, if the ducts are clogged with cells of sebocytes, keratin, too much secretion of fatty secretion occurs, the gland overflows, and so-called "fats" - cystic-tumor growth.
The causes of atheroma are determined by its location and the characteristics of the content of the cystic capsule. At the present time, such species are well studied and are quickly determined by the athere:
- Retinal follicular cysts, which are usually referred to as secondary tumors formed as a result of blockage of the duct glandulae sebacea (sebaceous gland). Secondary atheromas are most often localized on the face, neck, back and can be a typical complication of acne, acne.
- Epidermoids - benign neoplasms, congenital etiology, often hereditary. Such cysts are formed directly from the epidermis. Hereditary, congenital atheromas are often defined as multiple and mainly localized in those areas where there are hair follicles - head, groin (pubis, scrotum).
The causes of atheroma are also caused by such factors:
- The disturbance of metabolism and, in connection with this, a change in the consistency of the secretion of the sebaceous glands.
- Defeat of the hair follicle (often inflammation) and delayed outflow of secretion, blockage of the bulb.
- Inflammation of the upper layer of skin and damage to the sebaceous glands.
- Congenital malformations of the sebaceous glands.
- Acne, acne and traumatism of the skin when self-removed.
- Hyperhidrosis.
- Hormonal dysfunction.
- Illiterate use of cosmetics, preparations, including decorative cosmetics.
- Violation of the rules of personal hygiene.
- Rare genetic diseases.
Like most neoplasm of sebaceous glands of atheroma does not show pronounced clinical signs, the only signal, a visual indicator is its increase and detection on the body of an atypical, dense in structure "zhirovik." The preferred location of the retention cyst is the hairy parts of the body - the skin of the head, the lower part of the face, the ear region, the neck and back, the inguinal zone.
There are following symptoms of atheroma:
- Education on the surface of the skin.
- Tight-elastic structure.
- Clear contours of the cyst.
- Mobility of the subcutaneous capsule.
- In the middle, in the center of the atheroma there can be a visible excretory duct.
- With inflammation of atheroma, suppuration - hyperemia of the skin in the boundaries of education, painful sensations during palpation, slight puffiness, a purge of the purulent contents is possible outward.
If you imagine a blockage of the sebaceous gland in the form of a structural chart, you will get the following list:
- Actually skin integuments (upper layers).
- Subcutaneous tissue.
- The cavity of atheroma with detritus (contents from lipid elements, keratinized parts of the epidermis, fat and cholesterol crystals).
- Capsule cysts.
- The opening of the duct of the sebaceous gland.
In medical practice most often there are secondary atheromas - retention cysts of sebaceous glands. These neoplasms are typical for people with a specific type of skin (oily, porous skin), suffering from hyperhidrosis, seborrhea. Also, atheroma often develops in those whose skin is covered with acne, acne, in such cases, the cyst is very dense, quite painful and reaches a large size (up to 3-4 centimeters).
Thus, the symptoms of atheroma are purely visual signs that are determined quickly enough, a more accurate primary diagnosis is performed by a dermatologist or a cosmetologist with the help of examination and palpation.
What does an atheroma look like?
External signs of atheroma are its clinical manifestations, with which such neoplasms are in principle extremely poor. Atheroma is not manifested by pain, discomfort, the only inconvenience is a cosmetic defect that is visible with a developed large size cyst. Also, atheroma can cause inconvenience if it forms in the zone with which a piece of clothing regularly comes into contact, for example an atheroma on the head can become inflamed when wearing a headdress.
Atheroma is a tumor-like cyst that resembles a common wen, protruding above the skin in the form of a painless compaction. Skin over the cyst do not change, they have the usual color and structure. Inflamed atheroma is more manifested in the clinical sense, it often hurts, it can get nagged. Skin over the cyst is hyperemic, palpation of the neoplasm reveals a distinct fluctuation.
The atheroma always has a fairly sharp contour, in its middle one can see the center of the outflowing duct, which is considered a differential sign, which makes it possible to distinguish the cyst from the similarly symptomatic lipomas, fibromas and hemangiomas.
The dimensions of the atheroma range from small (from 1 centimeter) to large (the size of a walnut). A cyst that develops for a long time and is constantly irritated can be inflated and transformed into a subcutaneous abscess with pain and increased body temperature. Quite often purulent atheroma is opened independently, in such cases the inflammatory secret, thick consistency with a characteristic odor of the purulent process, flows outward.
What is the difference between atheroma and lipoma?
Differential diagnosis of atheroma is very important, since this cyst is very similar in appearance to the lipoma, and it can also be confused with fibroma or hygroma in symptomatology. What distinguishes atheroma from lipoma - the most common disease of subcutaneous tissue?
- Atheroma on clinical external manifestations is really similar to a lipoma, but it is formed in the duct of a blocked sebaceous gland. In addition, atheroma is not a true tumor formation, as its structure refers to typical cysts. The etiology of atheromatous cysts is quite well studied - it is the closure of the outflow duct with a thick, fat secret, which gradually accumulates in the capsule of the cyst. Atheroma can inflame and swim, its main distinguishing feature is the distinctly visible point of the exit of the sebaceous gland outside, on the skin. The retention cyst has a very characteristic consistency, dense, elastic, the formation is mobile and partially soldered to the skin. Favorite areas of localization are athere - all the hairy parts of the body, especially the head, groin, armpit area.
- Lipoma - a classic example of the so-called "zhirovik", which is formed under the skin in fatty tissue. The etiology of lyme is not yet specified, it is believed that they arise as a consequence of metabolic disorders, and doctors do not deny the influence of the hereditary factor. By the consistency of the lipoma is much softer, more plastic than atheroma, lipoma can form on any part of the body, regardless of the presence of hair on it. Favorite location of the lipoma - thigh, shoulders, less often the head, abdominal zone. Weners do not shift at palpation and are not soldered to the skin, they grow very slowly, for many years, practically without disturbing the person. A characteristic feature of the lipoma is its ability to germinate into the deep layers of the dermis, up to the muscles and periosteum. The livers are removed in the same way as atheroma, surgically.
Summarizing, it can be noted that the lipoma is a benign dense tumor without a cavity, atheroma is a benign cyst that has a capsule and contents (detritus). It is difficult to find out independently, it is much more sensible to entrust this task to a specialist - surgeon, dermatologist, cosmetician, who has both knowledge and experience in solving such diagnostic problems.
Recurrent atheroma
During the operation, atheroma is excised in total, that is completely. Recurrence of atheroma is possible only if it is not completely removed, when the cyst tissue remains in the duct of the sebaceous gland, a capsule is formed, which is subsequently filled with a sebaceous, epithelial secret and is sealed by the outflowing duct. Atheroma should be excised completely, sometimes together with infiltrated nearby tissues in case of suppuration and melting of the capsule. The cause that can provoke a relapse of atheroma can also be associated not with the remaining particles of the capsule, but directly with the outflow duct, when the new cyst is formed very closely, next to the postoperative scar. In addition, the recurrence of the cyst is often a diagnostic error when atheroma is taken to a dermoid cyst or lipoma, these types of neoplasms are also treated operatively, but the technique of the operation may be specific, different from excising the atheroma.
The recurrence of atheroma in statistics is about 15%, more than 10% of them are the consequences of dissection of the abscessing cyst, when the capsule is excavated, the cavity is extremely difficult due to its filling with purulent contents. Such cysts are supposed to sanitize, treat inflammation, and after 2-3 weeks to remove. Effectively remove atheroma in the so-called "cold" period, when the cyst has just started to form, or does not show signs of inflammation, suppuration.
It should be noted that recurrence of atheroma can be associated with the very cause of cyst formation - hyperhidrosis, a hereditary predisposition to seizure of the sebaceous glands. In such cases, atheromas are formed not in the place of operation, but near, in the nearby gland ducts, especially such processes are characteristic for the scalp, the groin area.
Repeated atheroma
Atheroma can really recur, it happens in such cases:
- Incomplete removal of the cyst (poor-quality excision, excision).
- Opening of the abscess in case of suppuration of atheroma, but not the removal of all the constituent cysts.
- Application of ineffective methods of conservative treatment.
- Self-medication on the part of the patient, when the purulent atheroma opens itself, subsides and again recurs.
Many doctors believe that repeated atheroma is either a surgeon's mistake or the need for complex treatment, which includes the observation and recommendations of a dermatologist, immunologist and other specialists, depending on the revealed etiology of atheroma. This is because the function of the surgeon is to open the abscess or excise the cyst, and the treatment and prevention, that is, the solution of the problem, so that the repeated atheroma is not formed again, is the work of a dermatologist, immunologist and other specialists.
In addition, in surgical practice, it is believed that repeated atheroma can develop if it is attempted to remove during inflammation, thus, at the stage of suppuration, atheroma is not recommended for removal - the risk of poor excision and recurrence of the cyst is very high. Abscess, an abscess is usually opened, drained, inflammation treated and only then the capsule is removed. If the operation is performed carefully and atheroma is excised in total, relapse is almost impossible, since there is simply nowhere to resume the process.
Multiple atheromas
Multiple atheromas are called atheromatosis. A theromatosis is essentially an atherosclerotic process with the formation of a typical dentritic plaque in a narrow outlet channel, as well as in classical atherosclerosis and occlusion of blood vessels with cholesterol plaques.
Atheromatosis or multiple atheromas are most often detected in vulnerable areas of the body - in the axillary region, in the inguinal zone - on the genitals, in the perineum, on the scrotum, the penis. In addition, small atheromas are characteristic of the scalp, where the cysts initially form as eruptions, gradually increasing and reaching large sizes (up to 3-5 centimeters in diameter).
Causes of atheromatosis:
- Damage to the hair (follicle) by mechanical factors.
- Increased sweating and blockage of the outflowing duct by the decay products of the secretory fluid of the sweat glands.
- Incorrect depilation.
- Non-compliance with hygiene rules.
- Overheating or overcooling.
- Endocrine, hormonal disorders.
- The pubertal period or menopause.
- The impact of chemical, synthetic substances (antiperspirants, cosmetics).
- Dysfunction of the diet, beriberi.
- Skin diseases.
- Allergy.
- Hereditary factor (Gardner's syndrome).
Multiple atheromas should be differentiated from similar skin and subcutaneous tissue diseases - lipomas, papillomas, white whales, kamedons, fibromatosis. Unlike single atheroma, atheromatosis can be treated without surgery, sometimes with regular cleaning procedures, taking baths, local antiseptic treatment. Multiple subcutaneous cysts, delivering unpleasant sensations or representing a cosmetic defect, are removed using a laser or by electrocoagulation.
Is atheroma dangerous?
Neoplasms in the subcutaneous tissue are mostly considered benign, so the question of whether atheroma is dangerous, can be answered unambiguously - no, atheroma poses no danger. All information about the seemingly rare cases of malignization by atheroma should be classified as misconceptions or misdiagnosed diagnoses. The only possible complication of blockage of the sebaceous gland is a purulent process, when the cyst is formed for a long time and does not undergo treatment. It should also be noted that atheroma is not able to dissolve on its own, most often it is removed, and the so-called alternative methods can only slow down the growth of the cyst, but not neutralize it completely. Independent attempts to squeeze out, cut a fatty is an unsafe practice that can cause really serious complications, up to sepsis, but such a method is unlikely to be used by an intelligent person, who cares about his health.
There is also the risk of misdiagnosed diagnosis, especially if the neoplasm is localized in the area of the skull, in this part, hemangioma or a hernia of the cerebral membrane can be erroneously mistaken for atheroma - fundamentally other formations, both in etiology and in histology. It is for this reason that any, even the safest, painless and small-looking tumor should be entrusted to a specialist who can conduct differential diagnostics and prescribe adequate, effective treatment. Only then is the anxiety about the danger of atheroma completely eliminated, as well as the risk of suppuration or inflammation of this tumor.
What is dangerous atheroma, and what can be the consequences of the formed subcutaneous cyst?
There are following consequences of atheroma:
- Risk of inflammation and suppuration.
- The risk of transformation into a vast abscess or phlegmon.
- The risk of recurrence in the case of spontaneous dissection or poor-quality surgery to remove the cyst.
- Postoperative scars, which can be in case of removal of a purulent atheroma of a large size.
- Inflammation in the site of the scar after surgery.
- Inadequate differential diagnosis and risk of complication of the course of the disease.
It should be noted that the consequences of atheroma are not as alarming as it might seem at first glance. Argument to that can serve such facts:
- Atheroma is considered a rare disease - only 7-10% of people on the planet suffer from this type of neoplasm.
- Despite the fact that atheroma is not manifested clinically, it is always visible to the naked eye, so it is most often diagnosed in time.
- Atheroma is successfully treated on an outpatient basis. The operation belongs to the category of small surgery and does not require in-patient treatment.
- Atheroma is not a tumor, it is a benign cyst that is never malignant.
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Atheroma, as a rule, develops painlessly and does not manifest itself with specific clinical symptoms. Complications of atheroma are inflammation and suppuration, as well as their effects in the form of abscesses.
Complications after removal of atheroma can not be called classic postoperative consequences, since excision of the retention cyst is performed under local anesthesia, rather quickly, usually on an outpatient basis. Such operations are classified as minor surgery and do not present difficulties for an experienced surgeon.
However, for objectivity and prevention of possible risks, it is necessary to describe the possible consequences, complications and conditions after removal of atheroma:
- The accumulation of tissue fluid in the cavity after removal of the cyst and the risk of secondary infection of the wound. To prevent this phenomenon, drainage and a pressure bandage are shown.
- A slight increase in body temperature if an operation is performed to remove a large atheroma or inflamed, purulent atheroma.
- Swelling in the area of excision of atheroma.
- Some time after excision of the cyst in the place of the operation, cosmetic sutures and minor scars remain. As a rule, scar tissue dissolves after six months. Purulent atheromas of large size can not be removed without large incisions, so that visible rough scars can remain after them. But this is a less serious complication than a possible recurrence of the cyst in the case of a substandard, shallow operation
In general, complications of atheroma are rare, the main thing is to diagnose the subcutaneous cyst in time, when it is not yet inflamed and does not contain purulent exudate. Timely detection of atheroma, adequate surgical treatment guarantees almost 100% cure and absence of side effects, complications.
Inflammation of atheroma
Atheroma differs from other benign neoplasms of the skin in that it is a classic cyst, with a cavity, capsule, contents and characteristic trait - a small, visible outlet, most often a lipidized, fatty secret. It is this property that can provoke atheroma inflammation, because pathogenic microorganisms can enter the skin layers through the outlet of the duct of the sebaceous gland. In addition, infection can be triggered by trauma, a mechanical factor, when the retention follicular cyst is located in the so-called collar or "trouser" zone (neck, shoulders, groin).
Atheroma is also specific for its frequent suppuration, which can be considered a consequence of the inflammatory process. Purulent cyst manifests itself with all the characteristic symptoms characteristic of the abscess - skin hyperemia in the atheroma zone, swelling, local temperature increase. Quite often purulent retention cyst disappears on its own, while through the opened passage the exudate of a salo-like consistency, with an unpleasant odor, expires. Infection can develop in nearby tissues and spread quite widely, in such cases it is a phlegmon as a complication of atheroma.
Inflammation of atheroma requires conservative treatment, suppuration - an emergency opening and draining, after the symptoms of inflammation subsiding cyst are completely excised together with the capsule and the contents. In cases where the inflammatory process is acute, with an increase in body temperature and symptoms of intoxication, the therapeutic plan includes the appointment of broad-spectrum antibiotics, both in the external and in the injectable or tablet form.
Malignant atheroma
The question of whether the atheroma is prone to malignancy in medicine is considered unreasonable and is only allowed from the lips of patients, but not by fellow doctors. Malignant atheroma is the nonsense or unprofessionalism of a doctor who mistakenly mistakes another, similar symptomatic, but more serious disease for the retinal cyst of the sebaceous gland.
Atheroma is a benign cyst of the subcutaneous tissue, which is formed exclusively in the ducts of the sebaceous glands. Such cysts are a consequence of the gradual accumulation of lipid secretion, fat, and also the obturation of the gland duct. Atheroma is not a tumor and, like any other cyst, is successfully treated with the help of total excision.
The atheromatous cyst can be congenital (true) and secondary, retentive, however, both these species are not capable of transforming into oncoprocess and provoking cancer. The only possible complications of atheroma can be considered inflammation, suppuration, rarely the cyst as a result of secondary infection is transformed into a vast abscess.
In spite of the fact that malignant atheroma is an erroneous concept, such cysts should be diagnosed and removed in a timely manner, both in the planned mode, and possibly in emergency, in case of active inflammation or suppuration of atheroma.
Diagnosis of atheroma is a primary examination, when the cyst is determined visually, then it is palpated to determine density and mobility. It is also important to identify the presence of an outflow duct, which is a leading differential feature in the diagnosis of the formation of subcutaneous tissue and skin. If there is an urgent indication for the removal of the cyst, during the procedure the contents of the capsule, its tissue is taken for histological examination.
Atheroma differentiation is important, as the sebaceous gland cysts in clinical manifestations are very similar to hygroma, fibroma, hygroma, hemangioma, lipoma, especially for tumors of the scalp, inguinal zone and underarm area, that is, places where any education is considered potentially It is dangerous in connection with the possibility of malignization. In addition, there are still similar in appearance to the appearance of neoplasms, for example, syphilitic gum, which is formed in the forehead, on the shins. In the genital area, in addition to atheroma, bartholinitis may form, and, according to the symptomatology of the sebaceous gland cyst, lymphadenitis in the initial stage may be similar. A differentiation of the subcutaneous tissue and sebaceous glands is facilitated by a histological study that yields specific results that help to clarify the nature of the disease and the need for further therapy.
As a rule, the diagnosis of atheroma is not difficult for an experienced surgeon or dermatologist, and the possible minimal risk of incorrect differentiation is in any case eliminated by the only reliable method of treatment - the surgical removal of the neoplasm.
Who to contact?
Atheroma is incapable of resolving itself, so the only reliable way to eliminate it is to remove it operatively. Treatment for atheroma is carried out by excision under local anesthesia in such ways:
- Dissection of the skin in the atheroma zone, opening the incision and culling out the cyst with pressure.
- Dissection in the most prominent zone of the cyst, extrusion of the contents, capture of the capsule of the atheroma by clamps, its removal and scraping of the cavity.
- Large atheromas are removed by double skin incision (bordering incisions), then cyst extrusion and suturing.
What else can be the treatment? Atheroma of small size is well removed by laser technology or radio wave method. Standard removal with a scalpel is effective in cases of suppuration of the cyst, when the operation is performed in an emergency. In any case, atheroma treatment refers to a minor surgery, it is painless enough, if cosmetic sutures are applied, they are removed or resolved 10-12 days after the procedure.
What to do with an athere?
If you already have a diagnosis - atheroma, what to do with it is decided by the doctor. Unconditional and the only reliable method of treatment is the removal of atheroma by any accessible and adequate state of the patient method.
If the atheroma is defined as shallow, forming, one way or another, it is recommended to operate. Surgical removal of subcutaneous retention cysts of sebaceous glands is possible at any stage of neoplasm development. Treatment with alternative methods can only slow down the increase in fat gain, but not completely and permanently. In addition, there is a risk of inflammation and suppuration, this is due to the diagnostic difference between atheroma from lipoma and other benign tumors in skin structures. Athere there is always a so-called exit - a hole in the outflowing duct of the sebaceous gland, which can be clogged. If bacteria get into it, inflammation and suppuration are possible, it is precisely these reasons that are decisive in the appointment of an early surgical removal of the cyst. In addition, atheroma is not capable of self-resolving due to its specific structure and the presence of a characteristic secret, which consists of keratinized epidermal cells, fat, cholesterol crystals. Therefore, if a diagnosis is made - atheroma, the question - what to do has one answer - to delete and as soon as possible. The operations are carried out both with the help of traditional methods - excision of the cyst with a scalpel under local anesthesia, and laser, radio wave method, these technologies assume an absolutely safe extraction of both the capsule and the contents of the atheroma. Relapses with the use of these technologies are minimized, the guarantee of the result is 99.9%.
Plots from atheroma
Immediately make a reservation and agree - atheroma conspiracy is not treated. It is possible that inspired individuals willingly believe in such methods and assume that they also use various occult methods to treat various diseases. In the case of lipomami such methods in principle do not pose a serious danger, plots from atheroma are not able to damage exactly the same way as cure the sebaceous cyst.
However, the neglected condition of the neoplasm, its inflammation and possible suppuration require normal, adequate treatment, rather than exotic texts. In the psychological sense, atheroma is more cosmetic discomfort than a threat to health, nevertheless, its treatment from the point of view of common sense is, first of all, a timely appeal to a dermatologist or beautician, and not to grandmothers who talk diseases.
In order not to be unfounded, in the proof we give one of the examples of the text and the list of actions supposed in the treatment of atheroma with the help of conspiracies:
- You need to take a blue thread, preferably cotton or wool.
- The thread is held opposite to the wen, gradually knotting nine knots on it.
- In the process of tying knots read the text: "Shish blue - kysh. From the body take off, knot at the knot. In the fire you burn, on the body - do not get sick. "
- The thread should be burned immediately.
- Tie knots and read the conspiracy needed for three days on the waning moon.
Immediately a question arises about how effective is the blue color of the thread, how it works without touching the skin. Of course, there are other, longer, complex conspiracies and rituals, but they are unlikely to have a really effective impact on the fats and other subcutaneous tissue.
Agree that thread banding, putting silver objects or rolling out a chicken egg, plots from atheroma, burning branches, sprinkling cysts with ashes and other so-called alternative methods are not only archaic, outdated methods, but also outright ignorance in our enlightened age of new modern and effective medical technologies.
More information of the treatment
To prevent the formation of atheroma as well as other skin and subcutaneous tissue malignancies, first of all it is necessary to observe basic rules of personal hygiene. Most common in medical practice are secondary cysts of the sebaceous glands, which are formed due to blockage of the outflow ducts, thus regular skin care, its purification can become a reliable way to prevent the development of a variety of diseases in this zone.
In addition, the prevention of atheroma includes such recommendations:
- Observance of a rational diet. Avitaminosis, a deficiency of trace elements, as well as an excess of sweets, fatty foods rich in cholesterol, can lead to disruption of the functions of the sebaceous glands, respectively, and to their blockage. Restricting the use of alcohol, cocoa products, coffee, salty and spicy foods can minimize the risk of atheroma and other tumors in the subcutaneous tissue.
- If a person has a specific type of skin - a fatty type, you should visit a dermatologist, a cosmetologist, get advice on the proper care of skin and carry out a systematic cleaning of the most vulnerable areas - face, neck, back, groin, hair.
- Any formation on the skin, especially on the face, in the groin and in the underarm zone, is potentially dangerous in the sense of inflammation. Therefore, it is not allowed to remove it yourself, to squeeze out a wenrock to avoid suppuration.
Atheroma is considered a benign sebaceous gland cyst, a neoplasm that is never malignant and successful enough, is quickly treated by removal. Modern dermatology, cosmetology has a whole arsenal of methods, methods of painless and effective technologies that can permanently rid a person of such a cosmetic defect as atheroma.