Treatment of atheroma
Last reviewed: 19.11.2021

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Treatment for atheroma involves one, a truly effective method is the removal of the cyst by the traditional method with the help of a scalpel or removal using laser, radio wave technology.
Other options for treating atheromas, such as the use of external medicines, prescriptions for alternative medicine, are ineffective and do not give the desired result. Such measures can only help as ancillary methods in healing the postoperative suture or as a way to accelerate the spontaneous dissection of purulent atheroma in order to subsequently remove it in the planned regime.
Atheroma is a retentional or congenital cyst of the sebaceous gland. The neoplasm is considered benign, develops very slowly, but is prone to inflammation, including purulent. Atheroma can be formed almost on any part of the body, excluding the palms and feet - in these areas there are no alveolar glands producing a sebaceous secret.
Treatment of atheroma in the home
How to treat atheroma? This question is asked by those who accidentally find on their body an atypical densification. It is quite natural that such a neoplasm causes not only surprise, but also anxiety. It is believed that atheroma is treated only by removal, this is a proven, confirmed statistic, an indisputable fact. Other methods, such as self-extrusion of the "wen", attempts to dissolve it with the help of external ointments, recipes of alternative medicine, just do not work. The sebaceous gland cyst is not able to resolve by definition, its structure is specific and does not respond to both synthetic drugs and the medicinal properties of plants.
Treatment of atheroma at home assumes only such situations:
- The cyst has become inflamed and begins to swim. In these cases, it is better to consult a doctor for recommendations, since the use of many ointments that the patient relies on (Vishnevsky's balm, ichthyol ointment, etc.) not only does not contribute to the rapid breakthrough of the abscess, but also "pushes" it deep. Atheroma, unlike the lipoma, always has an exit blocked by a greasy secretion, getting on it, ointment provokes an internal subcutaneous abscess and even phlegmon
- Purulent cyst is opened in outpatient conditions, treatment of such an atheroma in the home involves the care of the wound surface. These can be compresses with antiseptics, healing remedies. But in any case, after the symptoms of inflammation subside, the cyst should be removed, since it is prone to recurrence
- Atheroma has already been removed and there is a need to care for postoperative scar. Such treatment of atheroma in the home may include applying resorbable external agents
All other options, when the patient uses unverified information, are fraught with complications in the form of subcutaneous deep purulent processes. Especially dangerous are inflamed atheromas in the head, face, armpits, groin. Cases of a cyst of a sebaceous gland without surgery can be considered an unspecified or incorrect diagnosis when atheroma is taken either by a lipoma or fibroma. It should be noted that atheromatous neoplasms never malignitize, that is, they do not degenerate into a malignant process, and lipomas and fibromas tend to transform into atypical tumors, albeit in rare cases. Therefore, if a person notices on the body "cone," zhirovik ", the most reasonable act will be an appeal to a doctor - a dermatologist, a cosmetologist, a surgeon. Enucleation of the cyst is performed on an outpatient basis, most often under local anesthesia, the whole procedure lasts no more than 30-40 minutes, depending on the size and condition of the atheroma. Only in this way, with the help of surgery, it is possible to avoid relapses, complications in the form of suppuration, phlegmon and more serious consequences.
Treatment of atheroma without surgery
Indeed, in the media, on the Internet, there are proposals for completely painless and simple ways to neutralize the so-called "zhirovikov."
Most often under such seals, neoplasms are meant lipomas or fibromas, they are sometimes able to dissolve under the influence of ointments, lotions or compresses. However, one should also know real facts:
- Treatment of atheroma without surgery is a myth. All advertisements concerning such methods are at least unprofessional, as a maximum - they can be considered fashionable as real wrecking. Failure timely cyst of the sebaceous gland can become inflamed, suppurated and develop into a subcutaneous, deep abscess that somehow or other will still have to operate.
- If you believe in the so-called "folk" recipes and try to treat "zhirovik", you can skip the precious time and create all the conditions for the malignancy of the lipoma, which unlike atheroma is prone to malignant degeneration. It is difficult to distinguish similar neoplasms from external signs independently, this is under the power of an experienced physician, who must decide how to treat a wen.
- There are often cases when a small atheroma is similar to a simple subcutaneous pimple. Many try to squeeze it out themselves, which leads to traumatization of the cyst capsules and inflammation of the atheroma, down to its suppuration. In addition, even after seeming neutralization of the compaction, there is a risk of forming a new cyst, next to a seemingly remote one. This is how atheromatosis develops - multiple small subcutaneous cysts.
- Spontaneous opening of the cyst or self-expiration of its contents after the advice of "steaming" and the use of other recipes can really occur. But isolated detritus does not mean getting rid of the inner capsule of atheroma, which remains in the narrowed sebaceous gland. Gradually, a sebaceous secret again begins to accumulate in the capsule, thus, the cyst recurs.
- Theoretically, compresses from the film of raw eggs, lubrication of the surface of atheroma by Vishnevsky balm and other, more exotic recipes can somewhat reduce the size of the cyst. However, such methods also contribute to the development of inflammation or suppuration, since they completely clog the already sealed orifice of the sebaceous gland. The result is a complication in the form of a subcutaneous rupture of the capsule and the expiration of pus in the subcutaneous tissue.
Consequently, the treatment of atheroma without surgery is simply impossible, no such case is confirmed by doctors and has no scientific justification. At present, the only reliable option for getting rid of retention or congenital atheroma is the total removal of the neoplasm. The earlier the operation is performed, the less chance for inflammation and complications. In addition, timely enucleation of atheroma is a completely painless and rather simple surgical procedure that does not leave a noticeable postoperative scar.
Treatment of atheroma by alternative means
Despite the fact that the sebaceous cyst does not respond to treatment with medicinal plants or other methods at home, many still decide on experiments and try to make "potions" on their own.
In this regard, we have chosen the most secure advice from all that offer websites and media. At least, the use of such decoctions, ointments or compresses can not provoke an inflammation or a purulent process, to which atheroma is so located.
Treatment of atheroma by alternative means:
- Application of leaves of mother-and-stepmother in the form of natural compresses. Tussilago farfara-this plant used even Hippocrates, believing that it has the property of "open, soften and heal." Most often mother-and-stepmother is used in the treatment of colds, including diseases of the throat, bronchi, lungs. Due to the content of organic acids, mucus and saponins, the plant actually has an effect on the upper respiratory tract, facilitating coughing. However, sterols, tannins and carotenoids can serve as an anti-inflammatory agent, so Tussilago farfara is applied externally. The plant works well with furunculosis, restores tissue with burns, reducing swelling, flushing and inflammation. To treat atheroma, fresh, clean leaves of mother-and-stepmother are needed, which can be applied to the densification, fixing them with a bandage or plaster. Such compresses should be performed within 3 to 5 days. Considering the ability of the healing gift of nature to "pull out" various abscesses, it is possible to spontaneously uncover a suppurated cyst. Nevertheless, after the expiration of the purulent contents, the atheroma should be shown to the doctor and the question of its radical removal should be resolved.
- Plantago - or all known plantain. This plant is also known since ancient times, as an effective way of treating various wounds and suppuration. Plantain used his patients Avicenna, arguing that for healing ulcers the best means does not exist. In fact, the leaves of plantain contains a large number of tannins, phytoncides, glycosides, which can stop bleeding, remove inflammation, regenerate tissues. Externally, plantain is effective in staphylococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Treatment of atheroma with alternative means involves the imposition of a kind of compresses from fresh, clean leaves of the plant. Change the leaves should be daily, better - every 12 hours. The course of treatment of a small atheroma should not exceed 10 days, if the cyst does not decrease after this period, it is necessary to consult a doctor.
- Brassica is a cabbage that can be used as an external absorbent. Cabbage contains many vitamins, thiocyanates, sulfur elements, glycosides, acids, phytoncides and lysozyme, which have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect as an external substance. In the treatment of inflamed atheroma, a freshly washed cabbage leaf is used, which is applied over the cysts and fixed in any convenient way. Before use, the sheet should be slightly discouraged so that it lets the juice out, and during the day it should be changed several times as it dries. Such a remedy can be tried to reduce the symptoms of inflammation of the sebaceous gland cyst, but in case of suppuration, neither cabbage, plantain, nor mother-and-stepmother will help - you should immediately consult a doctor to avoid complications in the form of a deep subcutaneous abscess
Other methods of alternative medicine, for example, such as baked onions, silver objects or a film of raw eggs, are at least extravagant in our century, equipped with a variety of modern and effective medical technologies and preparations. In addition, the use of questionable methods can contribute to the attachment of secondary infection to the inflamed zhirovik, especially this is dangerous when localizing atheroma on the head, in the front, in the armpit and groin.
Ointment from atheroma
External medicinal products can be used in the treatment of the sebaceous gland cyst only as an auxiliary method after an operative removal. Less often ointment from atheroma is used in the treatment of the inflammatory process, when it is necessary to provoke a rapid outflow of pus. In such cases, the doctors, as a rule, open the cyst, drain, then sanitize the internal cavity, the capsule and only then the total excision of the atheroma is carried out. Other options, when the skin is applied gel or ointment, in the hope that the neoplasm will resolve, are ineffective.
Ointment from atheroma can be used in such situations:
- The cyst was inflamed, festered, and it was opened. After drainage, an anti-inflammatory ointment may be prescribed, for example, Levosin, Levomikol, Solcoseryl, Iruksol, Vishnevsky ointment, Eplan, propolis ointment.
- After the operation there is a scar, the resorption of which must be accelerated. In such cases, the following drugs are effective (the choice is made by the doctor depending on the localization of the cyst):
- Troxevasin.
- Heparin.
- Lyoton.
- Strataderm.
- Kontratubeks.
- Fodder Forte.
- Dermatrix.
- Zeraderm Ultra.
- Kelofibraza.
- Mederma.
- Dermatoprotectors containing retinoid. These ointments contribute to better nutrition of the skin, increase metabolism in tissues, regulate the process of replacing epithelial cells. Thus, such drugs reduce the risk of hyperkeratosis, hence the risk of rapid growth of atheroma. In this capacity, such external preparations can be prescribed:
- Differin.
- Baziron.
- Effegel gel.
- Clenzite gel.
- Isotrexin Gel.
- Adolen Gel.
- Let's see the ointment.
- Adapalene gel.
There are also recipes for home ointments made from plants, fats, but such products can not be considered effective, moreover, the process of their preparation is not sterile, hence the ointment will be unsafe. It is much more reasonable and reasonable to use ready-made chemist's drugs, which the attending physician will appoint strictly in accordance with the indications, with the magnitude and condition of the atheroma.
Vishnevsky ointment with athere
The authorship of this remedy with a characteristic odor belongs to the famous surgeon of the last century - A.V. Vishnevsky. In the distant 1927 the doctor applied a new method of treatment of purulent wounds, he combined xerobes, birch tar and castor oil, resulting in an amazing drug that saved many from complications and even from amputation. In the treatment of the sebaceous gland cyst this balm is used for inflammation, as well as for suppuration.
How does Vishnevsky's ointment work with atheroma?
- Tar contributes to the active blood flow, respectively, improves the nutrition of tissues, their trophic.
- Castor oil is the base - the carrier of active components of balsam, it penetrates into the subcutaneous tissue, transporting the antiseptic and irritating substances of the tar.
- Xeroform is an effective antiseptic substance that destroys pathogens and relieves the symptoms of inflammation.
Strictly speaking, Vishnevsky's ointment is not quite correct definition, rather it is liniment, balm, more liquid in consistency and much more quickly absorbed.
In this regard, Vishnevsky's ointment with atheroma can be used as an effective tool for treating an already uncovered cyst. As a rule, a neoplasm with signs of inflammation does not remove, it tries to open, remove purulent contents, sanitize the capsule and remove all the symptoms of the pathological process. This comes to the aid of liniment balsamic, which within 3-5 days effectively fights against inflammation, but is not able to completely dissolve the cyst itself, its capsule.
How is Vishnevsky used in the treatment of purulent atheroma?
- On the wound wound surface, a bandage impregnated with liniment is applied.
- The dressing is not removed within 12 hours, after this period it is changed.
- The course of treatment with ointment depends on the size of the atheroma and wound surface (incision), but should not exceed 7 days.
- On the cyst, which is not yet released from the pus, Vishnevsky's balm is applied on the edges of the incision.
- On a simple atheroma without signs of inflammation or suppuration ointment can not be imposed. This is due to its composition, which can contribute to an even greater occlusion of the sealed duct and create a risk of subcutaneous abscess formation.
- It should take into account the possibility of an allergic reaction to the components of the ointment, so initially it is applied in small amounts or a skin test is performed.
Levomekol with athere
Levomecol is an active combined agent with a pronounced antimicrobial effect. Levomekol with atheroma can be appointed as a drug for the following actions:
- Anti-inflammatory effect in the treatment of purulent atheroma.
- Dehydratant - decrease in swelling with inflammation of atheroma.
- Antimicrobial effect when secondary infection is associated with atheroma (the drug is effective against Staphylococci Pseudomonas aeruginosa) •
- Levomekol activates the regeneration of tissues in the post-operation period, heals wounds.
How is levomecol used in atheroma?
- After removing the cyst, a sterile napkin is applied to the incision. The napkin is changed every 6-8 hours for 3-4 days, depending on the size and depth of the incision. As a rule, levomecol is prescribed for the treatment of drained purulent atheroma and after its surgical excision.
- If the atheroma is large and its enucleation is accompanied by a rather deep incision of the tissues, the soaked napkin is often placed directly inside, in place of the remote tissue sector.
- It is often used and the introduction of a slightly warmed-up remedy (levomecol) with a syringe directly into the purulent cavity - through the drainage, the catheter. Such procedures are performed every day until the cysts are completely cleared of purulent contents.
Independent use of Levomechol in the treatment of the sebaceous cyst is inappropriate, since ointment has specific contraindications and can cause an allergic reaction.
Treatment of inflammation of atheroma
Before discussing the treatment of atheroma inflammation, it should be mentioned that timely removal of the sebaceous gland cyst is the absence of risk of the inflammatory process and its consequences. What complications can be caused by inflammation?
- Abscess.
- Phlegmon.
- Recurrent development of the cyst in place of a spontaneous opening of the abscess.
- Accession of secondary infection and formation of nearby abscesses.
- Infection of the scar after self-exposure of inflamed atheroma.
How does the inflammation of atheroma occur?
- Small cysts with signs of the inflammatory process are treated with external anti-inflammatory drugs. Such atheromas are removed only after the symptoms of the process subsided.
- A purulent cyst, especially of large size, is opened in an outpatient setting under local anesthesia. A drainage tube is inserted into the incision to ensure proper outflow of the contents. In parallel, the cavity of atheroma is sanitized with an antiseptic. After complete evacuation of pus, atheroma is excised in total within healthy tissues.
- Independent treatment of the inflammatory process is not only not expedient, but also risky. This can lead to melting of the atheroma capsule, its rupture and the expiration of purulent detritus into the subcutaneous tissue. At best, a subcutaneous abscess is formed, at worst - a vast phlegmon.
- Treatment after the surgical incision of the abscess is similar to the treatment standards for purulent wounds - the imposition of dressings, napkins impregnated with anti-inflammatory ointments, liniments, sprays (Vishnevsky balm, Levomekol, Oflokain, Olazol - in the form of an aerosol).
- Antibiotics in the treatment of inflammation of atheroma are not used because the tissues of the skin in these cases are often necrotic and immune to the action of drugs of this type.
The treatment of atheroma is its removal, timely measures not only allow to avoid complications in the form of abscesses, but also reduce the risk of visible postoperative scars. Thus, to neutralize atheroma, given the achievements of medicine - laser or radio wave method, it is quite simple, you just need to seek help from a doctor in time.