Monthly in early pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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One of the most frequent questions of women in the situation is: "Can there be monthly in the early stages of pregnancy?". To answer this question, we will try first to talk about the physiology of menstrual flow.
The menstrual cycle in each woman is individual and can be a length of 19 to 45 days and this is all a relative norm. We will consider the onset of pregnancy in the "classical" version, with a cycle duration of 28 days. The first day of menstruation is the first day of bloody discharge from the vagina. When they end, then the female body begins to produce estrogens, which affect the growth of the inner wall of the vagina - the endometrium. This process lasts about half a cycle and at its peak occurs ovulation (the release of the egg from the ovarian follicle). After ovulation, the second phase of the menstrual cycle, called the luteal phase, begins. This phase is ruled by a female hormone - progesterone, which prepares the endometrium to attach the fetal egg, while loosening it. If fertilization has occurred, the egg plunges into the soft walls of the inner layer of the uterus and begins to actively develop. If the fusion of the egg and sperm did not take place, then the female body begins to prepare reproductive organs for a new cycle. The inner layers of the uterus begin to tear off, while small capillaries are torn and, together with the old endometrium, bloody discharge comes out, which is called menstruation.
Proceeding from the physiology of menstruation, the logical conclusion is that the pregnancy of menstrual discharge can not occur at the onset of pregnancy. Is it really? Also what to do or make, if have gone or have taken place monthly on early terms of pregnancy? Below we will answer your questions.
Causes of menses in early pregnancy
In the people there is such a thing as "washing the fruit." Thus it is affirmed, that monthly on early terms of pregnancy can be. This is true, but it is rather an exception to the rules than the rule, so below we list the most common causes of the onset of menstruation in the early stages of pregnancy.
The main and most frequent reason for the appearance of menstruation in the early stages of pregnancy is a violation of the hormonal background. Most often there is a deficiency of progesterone - a pregnancy hormone responsible for the growth and development of the endometrium. A more rare case is an increased amount of androgens - male hormones. And in the first and second case, the cause is easy to find out, and the level of hormones can be adjusted just as easily with the help of special preparations.
Ectopic pregnancy is also the cause of menstruation in the early stages of pregnancy. This often causes pain in the area of the uterus and the fallopian tubes. Ectopic pregnancy is very dangerous, and it can be detected only by ultrasound examination. Most often with ectopic pregnancy the fetus is attached to the fallopian tube and, developing, can cause its rupture.
Preposition of the placenta can also cause bleeding. If the placenta is attached low and partially or completely covers the uterine cavity, then the probability of bleeding after physical exertion is high. The place of attachment of the placenta can also be determined by ultrasound examination.
Strong physical exertion or stress can also cause a menses in the early stages of pregnancy. With physical exertion, the appearance of the tone of the uterus, which can lead to a detachment of the placenta. With stress, there may be a violation of the hormonal background, which can also lead to a pregnancy breakdown.
Endometriosis or myomatosis is the proliferation of the walls of the endometrium, resulting in areas that are poorly supplied with blood. If the fetus is attached in the area of the focus of endometriosis or on the myomatous node, then its spontaneous rejection may occur.
Frozen pregnancy. There are cases when due to genetic disorders of the fetus or other abnormalities the pregnancy stops. Then a spontaneous miscarriage occurs, which usually begins with bloody discharge similar to the monthly ones.
Who to contact?
What should I do if I have a period of early pregnancy?
The most important thing to remember is that the monthly on the early stages of pregnancy is not the norm. The main part of gynecologists spotting is called the threat of miscarriage. Therefore, if you find them in yourself, then you need to urgently go to the treating gynecologist or call an ambulance. The doctor will do ultrasound and then decide whether to lay down for preservation and what medicines should be taken.
With hormonal disorders on the part of insufficient progesterone production, preparations containing this hormone are prescribed. The most common of these are DUFASTON and CHRISTMASH. Dosage is selected individually by the attending physician. If you cancel progesterone containing drugs, you need to remember that the dosage should be reduced gradually, since a sudden withdrawal of the drug can lead to a miscarriage.
With hyperandrogenism, a drug blocking the production of androgens is used. These drugs include methylpred and dexamethasone. Dosage is also selected individually after evaluating the result of the analysis for hormones.
With ectopic pregnancy, unfortunately, there is only one way out - an interruption, since a growing fetus outside the uterus can lead to the death of the mother. The operation is usually done under general anesthesia by laparoscopic or abdominal surgery. In this case, the fallopian tube can both be removed and retained (if possible).
With the presentation of the placenta prescribed complete sexual rest and the absence of any physical exertion. If the situation requires hospitalization, the pregnant woman is sent to stay in the hospital. Usually, the low location of the placenta is not a verdict. When the fetus grows, the placenta has a property to ascend.
At monthly on early terms of pregnancy owing to stresses and physical activities send in a hospital for preservation of pregnancy. To do this, appoint haemostatic drugs (for example, traneksam), spasmolytics (no-shpu, papaverine) and sedatives (valerian, motherwort).
With the spontaneous miscarriage that began, as a result of a stiff pregnancy, nothing is needed. Unfortunately, the pregnancy did not take place.
What can you do with a period in the early stages of pregnancy before an ambulance arrives? The very first thing is to lie down, not to strain. If there is aching pain in the lower abdomen, then you need to insert a candle of papaverine into the rectum and drink one no-shpa tablet. In the hospital you need to take with you an exchange card of a pregnant woman.