Pain in the abdomen during pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy is a sign not only of natural changes for pregnancy, but it can also have a connection with some pathological processes that require urgent medical attention.
These are completely acceptable sensations that are considered physiologically normal, although for future mothers any discomfort is an occasion for anxiety, and sometimes panic. Before exposing your nervous system to emotional testing, you should learn to differentiate the nature of the pain in the lower abdomen, determine where it gives (irradiates). Often painful feelings do not pose a threat to the health of mother and future baby, but there are also quite serious conditions, the signs of which need to be known in order to take the necessary measures in time.
Types of pain and possible causes:
- Painful sensations, discomfort, indicating a threat of miscarriage - aching pain that does not go away within 2-3 hours. If the pain in the lower abdomen is accompanied by secretions with blood, turns into a cramp, you should immediately call for emergency help. The threat of abortion is almost never manifested by irradiating pain, painful sensations are localized in the lumbar region. Factors provoking spontaneous interruption can be intense physical activity, severe stress, infectious diseases, trauma or intrauterine pathology developing in the fetus.
- Ectopic pregnancy is a strong, cramping pain localized in one side (where the ovum is attached to the peritoneum). Allocations may be minor, the main symptom is severe pain, loss of consciousness, a drop in blood pressure. Especially dangerous is the condition in which the uterine tube is ruptured (in the period from 8th to 10-12 weeks). If the tube bursts, the pain in the lower abdomen radiates into the leg or the anal area, and can also rise upwards - into the hypochondrium or the supraclavicular zone.
- Detachment of the placenta - one of the threatening conditions when carrying a child, is manifested by very strong painful sensations, a woman literally "folds" in half. The uterus and the abdomen are very tense, the pain is growing. This condition requires immediate medical attention, since intrauterine hypoxia of the fetus and its death are possible.
- The lower abdomen during pregnancy often hurts and as a result the upset of the gastrointestinal tract. Constipation or flatulence, provoked by an irrational diet, can cause nausea, painful sensations, heartburn. Of course, these conditions are most often supervised by diet, but regular disruption of the digestive system can threaten the process of bearing a child.
- Natural pain associated with the physiological stretching of the abdominal muscles. The uterus grows, so the load on the muscles and ligaments that support it increases. The enlarged uterus slightly displaces the organs, which also changing position, provoke some discomfort in the abdominal region.
- Acute condition, which is called "acute stomach", may occur in pregnant women. Acute appendectomy, an attack of pancreatitis or intestinal obstruction are threatening conditions requiring immediate surgical or outpatient care.
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Hypertension of the uterus
Uterine contractions are not a separate disease, they can only indicate the presence of pathologies that may pose a threat to the normal course of pregnancy. The unpleasant sensations arising during uterine contractions are similar to premenstrual pain or discomfort. If the uterus is in a tonus, it sometimes causes oxygen deficiency in the fetus, which poses a threat to its growth and development. This condition arises mainly due to hormonal imbalance, various kinds of inflammation, abortions, uterine myomas.
The main signs: the lower abdomen is tense, there are pulling painful sensations that can give to the lumbar region. The disease is diagnosed by ultrasound, tonusometry, and also on the basis of a doctor's examination. As a treatment, bed rest, full sleep and rest, sexual rest, plant-based sedatives (for example, sedasene), synthetic analogues of the hormone progesterone, intramuscularly prescribe antispasmodics. Also it should be remembered that during pregnancy it is necessary to be more often in the open air, less worrying, to minimize any stressful situations. All medicines are prescribed by the attending physician after a preliminary examination and consultation.
Such a disorder can cause uncomfortable sensations, accompanied by pricking, which is most likely due to increased production of hormones. Bloating in early pregnancy is not uncommon among pregnant women, it often occurs in the 2nd and 3rd trimester as a result of the fact that the uterus begins to exert pressure on the intestines, which leads to disturbances in its functioning. Bloating is often accompanied by a delay in stool, loss of appetite. In such cases, it is necessary to exclude soda, cabbage, black bread, bean products from the ration, as well as eliminate overeating, eat better often, but in small quantities. Sour-milk products with lactobacillus content will also help reduce gas production. From drugs, the use of espumizan is possible.
Constipation during pregnancy can appear as a result of hormonal fluctuations. In the rectum, there is sometimes a burning sensation, itching, along with pain in the abdomen, bloating and rumbling may be present. To eliminate constipation appoint special diets, which may include fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, beets, pumpkin, apples, sour-milk products, prunes, on an empty stomach you can drink 200 ml of chilled water. It is not recommended for constipation to drink tea, coffee, there is chocolate, flour products, it is forbidden to take laxatives and physiotherapy.
Natural hormonal and physiological changes in the body
The pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy is sometimes associated with the fact that the abdomen begins to grow, the center of its gravity shifts, the ligaments become softer. This phenomenon is more common in women who have had too painful critical days. Pain can give to the lumbar region, at a period of about 20 weeks usually passes.
Displacement of the intestine
Displacement of the intestine often causes pain in the abdomen during pregnancy, accompanied by painful sensations in the left side. Hormonal changes can have a relaxing effect not only on the uterus, but also on the intestines. To eliminate discomforting sensations, one should eat often and fractionally.
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Candidiasis may appear due to a decrease in the functions of the body's defenses, as a result of which the fungus multiplies and an inflammatory process occurs.
The main symptoms of candidiasis during pregnancy : itching in the genital organs, curdled discharge in white, having a characteristic acidic odor. Similar symptoms can be observed with other inflammatory diseases, differentiate symptoms and prescribe treatment can only be a specialist. The disease can become aggravated as a result of taking antibacterial drugs, immunosuppressants, corticosteroids.
Ectopic pregnancy
The pain in this pathology is localized from below the abdomen, mostly on the side of the fallopian tube, to which the egg is attached, has a pulling character, is accompanied by smearing discharge, bleeding. If the pain is sharp and piercing, the abdomen is excessively sensitive to touch, this is a very disturbing sign that may indicate an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages. This pathology requires immediate, urgent surgical care.
The threat of spontaneous abortion
If the pain in the lower abdomen is combined with drawing pains in the lumbar region, immediately seek help from a doctor. A very dangerous signal is spotting, the pain becomes frequent and sharp. When the threat of termination of pregnancy is necessary to minimize physical activity, more rest, recommended also sexual rest, bed rest.
Pain in the lower abdomen after childbirth
Such pains can disturb even those women who have had their birth safely, without breaks, without a strong stretching of the perineal tissue. If the baby was born on time, and the birth was successful, the pain in the lower abdomen passes after two or three days. If in the process of labor the tissues have undergone a strong stretching, seams have been applied to the tears, the pain sensations are the natural reaction of the body to recovery and healing. If the seams are also inflamed, the body temperature rises, then additional medical advice and the appointment of anti-inflammatory drugs are required, taking into account the possibility of breastfeeding the baby.
On average, successful suture healing takes place within a week. All other types of pain, such as pain in the coccyx, sacrum, are associated with the stretching of the muscles and ligaments during labor. In addition, during the delivery, the pelvic bones also move apart. Ideally, after 7-10 days, the pain should go away, if after the birth the abdominal pain hurts for two weeks, there are problems with urination, you need to turn to the gynecologist for additional diagnosis and identify the cause of the pain.
Also, after the birth the woman may have a lower abdomen in the pubic region, this phenomenon is associated with the injury of the cartilage that connects the pubic bone. They should disperse during labor activity painlessly, if the connective cartilage is elastic, if the cartilaginous tissue does not stretch well, it is injured, and the process of its recovery after childbirth can cause pain in the lower abdomen. In such cases, special exercises, exercises that help restore the previous position of the pubic bones.
If, in the first days after the birth, the pain in the lower abdomen becomes cramping, this indicates the contractile function of the uterus - it returns to its original size and position. In addition, the body begins to increase the level of oxytocin, especially if the baby is being breastfed. Oxytocin stimulates contractile activity, which in turn can cause pain in the lower abdomen. As a rule, such pain lasts 5-7 days, they do not require anesthesia.
If the lower abdomen hurts after childbirth, and besides the pain spreads to the back, without giving the opportunity to move normally, it is necessary to turn to the graft and make an X-ray of the spinal column. Perhaps during birth, intervertebral disks were injured, adequate treatment is necessary to restore them, preferably without medication. Physioprocedures, swimming or special exercises for the spine can come to the rescue.
If the pain remains after the delivery within two to three weeks, you need to again carefully monitored to identify a possible hidden pathology. While the baby is still very small, my mother has a little time to take care of her health and restore strength after giving birth.
Pain in the abdomen after abortion
This kind of pain is explained by both physiological causes, and psychological ones as well. Any surgical intervention is accompanied by painful sensations, and the abortive termination of pregnancy also has a moral underpinning. If, after abortion, the pain in the lower abdomen does not go away within 24 hours, you need to turn to the gynecologist to exclude the inflammatory process or even more threatening consequences - perforation of the uterine walls. The most common causes of pain after abortion are as follows:
- A natural process of contraction of the uterus after surgery.
- Detachment of the fetus from the mucous tissue of the uterus.
- Complications after abortive termination of pregnancy, possible infection, inflammation of the mucous tissue of the uterus, which can lead to endometritis.
- Incomplete removal of the fetus - the fetal egg, which leads to a violation of the contractile function of the uterus, can be bleeding. This condition requires urgent medical attention.
- The cause of pain after abortion can be sexual contact. It is believed that after surgery, any intimate relationships should be discontinued until the uterus is fully healed and contracted.
- Intensive physical activity, weight lifting can lead to the fact that the abdomen hurts after abortion.
If the pain after abortion persists for more than 24 hours and tends to increase, accompanied by excreta, which intensifies and becomes abundant, it is urgent to call an ambulance. Such conditions threaten not only the condition of the pelvic organs, but sometimes the life of a woman.
The pain in the lower abdomen can be different in intensity and duration, it can be short-lived, but if it lasts for more than a day, especially during the week, this is a certificate of a serious disease that develops and can result in surgical intervention.
What if I have pain in the abdomen during pregnancy?
It is always an occasion to seek advice from a gynecologist, since only a doctor based on the general condition and accompanying symptoms can deliver the only correct diagnosis and prescribe the right treatment. If you are pregnant, you need to register for a women's consultation and visit a gynecologist at least once every two weeks.