Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The state of perspiration, burning, dryness with a painful sensation in the throat, associated with loss of voice in medicine is called inflammatory disease of the laryngeal mucosa or laryngitis. The process proceeds with an increase in temperature, "barking" cough and pain when swallowing. In case of illness, there is an increase in ligaments, swelling of the mucous throat, a hoarse and coarse voice.
In the course of the disease, accompanied by a dry and severe cough, the infection spreads through microcracks in the mucous membrane, causing inflammation. The appearance of the disease is associated with poor ecology, the effect of excessively hot, cold, dry air flow, the effect on the throat of chemical vapors or carbon monoxide, the use of alcohol. Often, laryngitis is an occupational disease of singers, teachers, broadcasters and in other areas of activity, where there are large loads on the vocal cords. The disease occurs as a consequence of the transferred angina, acute respiratory viral infection, influenza, pertussis, etc. There are cases of illness in heavy smokers.
Laryngitis: ICD-10
In the International Classification of Diseases (IBC) of the tenth revision, an encoding for types of diseases has been introduced. According to this classifier laryngitis ICD-10 is included in the fifth group (respiratory diseases), where the code J04 corresponds to laryngitis and tracheitis of acute form, J05 - acute course of obstructive laryngitis (croup) and epiglottitis. To identify the infectious agent, the additional encoding B95-B98 is used. And under the acute course of the disease is understood as a puffy, ulcerative, purulent process that develops below the folds of the glottis.
The disease of chronic type is encoded by J37.0, and for the chronic laryngotracheitis the code J37.1 is used.
Is laryngitis contagious?
The appearance of laryngitis is due to:
- infection (viruses, bacteria);
- professional sphere of activity (singers, lecturers, etc.);
- pernicious habits (smoking, drinking alcohol in large quantities);
- mechanical causes (damage, excessive load);
- aggressive environments (poisons, chemistry, etc.).
Based on the above classification of the causes of the disease of the throat, we can conclude - whether laryngitis is contagious or not. If the inflammatory processes in the larynx are associated with infection as a result of the disease - influenza, SARS, whooping cough and others, then the viruses can be transmitted by airborne droplets. Other factors, including laryngeal cancer, do not cause concern for others about infection.
Causes of laryngitis
Laryngitis is of two forms - acute and chronic.
Acute process is preceded by respiratory diseases of a chronic type - influenza, scarlet fever, whooping cough. Overvoltage of the vocal cords due to professional affiliation, loud talk or hypothermia of the larynx, poisoning by poisoning couples - frequent causes of laryngitis.
The mucous throat, internal muscles, submucosal tissues are involved in the chronic form. Chronic disease is the result of systematically recurring acute laryngitis, inflammation of the throat or nose. The chronic course of the disease is observed in smokers, alcohol lovers. Patients with allergies are also at risk.
Infectious laryngitis
Primary or secondary diseases of the larynx of an infectious nature arise due to respiratory viral infection of the nasopharynx.
Infectious laryngitis is divided into the following forms:
- influenza - in this case abscesses are often observed, phlegmon mainly in the epiglottis or cherpalodnagortan fold. In the role of pathogen are streptococci. The disease of local symptomatology differs little from the course of laryngitis. The general condition of the patient is expressed by headache, weakness, tenderness of joints and muscular structures, temperature;
- diphtheria (laryngeal croup) - occurs in children under five years old on the background of frequent infections, beriberi, etc. Inflammatory reaction begins as standard. However, later on the laryngeal mucosa ulcerative elements appear, covered with yellowish-green films and containing the pathogen-diphtheria bacillus. The disease begins as an ordinary cold, which makes it difficult to diagnose it.
Viral laryngitis
The defeat of the upper and lower respiratory tract by a viral infection provokes viral laryngitis, as a special case of larynx disease.
Laryngitis develops due to the following diseases:
- measles - along with a characteristic skin rash, the virus spreads to the mucosa in the form of disseminated spots, leaving behind a surface erosion. In addition to the plaque, patients note hoarseness of voice, pain with a barking cough and the appearance of mucopurulent sputum;
- chicken pox - rashes on the skin rarely spread to the larynx, but if this occurs, then sores are formed accompanied by a swelling of the throat;
- scarlet fever - against her background, the appearance of laryngitis often goes unnoticed;
- whooping cough - a dangerous viral condition, which is characterized by bouts of coughing spasmodic appearance and changes in the laryngeal tissues. The disease occurs with oxygen deficiency, a heavy load on the vocal folds, a violation of blood circulation in the throat.
Diseases are diagnosed on the basis of a specific bacteriological study by isolating the pathogen from a droplet of mucus taken from the laryngeal wall.
Bacterial laryngitis
Viral and bacterial laryngitis is referred to as an infectious process. It is necessary to allocate especially dangerous forms of the disease:
- anthrax is the causative agent of the wand of you. Anthracis, which affects animals and people in various countries of the world. In this form of the disease, the puffiness of the mucous larynx and pharynx predominates, the phenomena of a septic character;
- as a result of sap - the disease is observed in animals as well as in humans with manifestations on the skin, mucous membranes. Provocateur is - Pseudomonas mallei. The main carrier of the wand is considered to be domestic animals (horse, camel, donkey), in which the presence of the disease is detected by festering ulcers on the nasal mucosa. A person can get infected by ingestion of animal slime on the respiratory tract, through skin wounds. Transmission of infection from person to person is unlikely.
Treatment of sap brings results only at an early stage of the disease. Effective antibiotics against this pathological process has not yet been invented.
How long does the laryngitis last?
The disease is not classified as dangerous or severe. With appropriate treatment, the duration of the disease does not exceed a week. How long does laryngitis last with a larynx tumor? Recovering occurs, usually in two weeks. However, the process can lead to serious consequences.
In babies, laryngitis occurs in a heavier form with a dry cough and a worse state by night. Small patients pale, the area of the nasolabial triangle becomes a blue hue. The mucous membrane of the larynx swells so much that it restricts the flow of air into the lungs. The risk of false croup formation is great. As a result of puffiness, oxygen starvation occurs, which can cause someone. This situation requires immediate call of emergency medical care.
Symptoms of laryngitis
The acute form of the disease manifests itself in the bright red color of the mucous larynx, swelling, a noticeable increase in the vocal cords. Laryngitis can cover the entire surface of the larynx or develop in isolated areas. The process is characterized by a change in the voice or its loss, temperature, it becomes more difficult to breathe, a dry cough appears. Separation of sputum is observed later. Symptoms of laryngitis in the acute stage are described as dryness, pershenia, scratching in the throat. The chronic process is characterized by hoarseness, hoarseness, a feeling of perspiration and fast fatigue during conversation, as well as constant coughing.
The results of a laboratory blood test show an increase in leukocytes, acceleration of the ESR, which corresponds to the inflammatory process. Often there is discomfort when swallowing. Patients report respiratory problems due to laryngeal edema, narrowing of the glottis due to spasm.
The first signs of laryngitis
Coryza, dry cough, backed with hoarseness of voice or lack of voice - the first signs of laryngitis.
Cough with laryngitis
Affecting the mucous membrane, laryngitis in the clinical picture has a feeling of perspiration, burning, discomfort in the throat, pain when swallowing and is characterized by a change or a complete loss of voice.
Depending on the form of the disease, cough with laryngitis, more often resembling barking, can be of different colors. For example, the inflammation of the throat with diphtheria is accompanied by a hissing voice, and coughing and breathing are noisy. On the onset of cereal can be learned from the stridor breathing.
Dry cough with influenza laryngitis can cause soreness behind the sternum, which indicates a tracheal injury.
Seizures of a convulsive cough, suddenness or after a sensation of perspiration in the throat / pressure in the chest, are characteristic of laryngitis in whooping cough. Cramps are followed by a deep, wheezing breath.
Sputum with laryngitis
The development of the disease causes the appearance of a detachable, the nature of which can be used to judge the stage of the disease and the ongoing processes. So yellow or green sputum with laryngitis indicates a bacterial infection, a clear and liquid discharge indicates the presence of the virus. The change in sputum during treatment from a dense greenish hue to light and liquid shows the attenuation of the painful process.
To identify the cause of laryngitis, a smear from the larynx wall and sputum is taken. Based on the results of the analysis, you can accurately determine the nature of the lesion and prescribe adequate treatment.
Attack of laryngitis
Often, an attack of laryngitis occurs spontaneously, even without previous symptoms. By the nature of manifestation, the disease is often confused with the common cold: a runny nose, a hoarse voice. A sharp deterioration of the condition is characterized by dry cough, a state of shortage of air. Especially severe attacks with wheezing rales last for several hours, exacerbation occurs more often at night.
It should be remembered that laryngitis can be caused by an allergic reaction, which is manifested by an eerie cough on the verge of suffocation.
Strangely enough, all these conditions with a timely call to the doctor are easily amenable to treatment.
Acute laryngitis
Acute laryngitis accompanies a viral infection, but can manifest itself as an independent disease with vocal cord strain, inhalation of dust, harmful substances, smoking and alcohol abuse.
The pathogen is often caused by streptococci, staphylococci, and the like. Influence on the sudden development of acute laryngitis has hypothermia, ulcerous manifestations on the vocal cords, the presence of polyps.
An acute disease begins with a dry cough, a scratch of the throat and pain when swallowing. Sputum production is observed later. The voice coarsens, becomes silent and completely disappears. When the disease often rises in temperature and there is a headache.
The most dangerous is laryngitis as a result of acute inflammation of the subglottic space with severe stenosis. The larynx swells, which is fraught with asphyxiation. This condition is called a false cereal. A distinctive feature of false croup from the true will be the presence of film formation on the vocal cords. The true croup is a consequence of diphtheria.
Chronic laryngitis
A hoarse voice, a cough due to a cold, problems with the stomach and esophagus, overstrain of the vocal cords, the impact of adverse environmental factors on the larynx are all causes of chronic laryngitis.
Under the influence of cigarette smoke, containing a lot of harmful substances, with alcohol abuse develops a chronic form of the disease.
Hot or otherwise cold drink, harmful substances also have an irritating effect on the mucosa of the throat. Frequent or untreated catarrhal diseases, chronic foci in the upper respiratory tract are a favorable background for the development of dystrophic changes in the larynx.
The chronic form of the disease is divided into:
- catarrhal, in which the primary factor is a violation of the local circulation;
- hypertrophic - characterized by the presence of nodules, a change in the mucosa. Disturbance of glandular function is detected by viscous mucus in the larynx region;
- atrophic - a sensation in the throat of a foreign body. Mucous is rough, covered with a viscous type of a substance that forms dry, hard-to-break cakes. Thinning of the mucosa is observed.
Allergic laryngitis
The effects of a variety of industrial allergens (chemicals, gases, dyes) or natural origin (dust, microbes) on the human body cause mucosal edema. Painful manifestation begins with difficulty in swallowing, breathing and leads to a state of suffocation, a hoarse voice. Food, medication is also capable of causing an attack.
Allergic laryngitis distinguish between acute and chronic course. Acute process - more often out of the box, develops with a dry cough of "barking" type and shortness of breath. Attacks gradually subside and stop, but they can remind themselves in a few months.
Allergic chronic diseases develop mainly in schoolchildren against a background of chronic sinusitis. Such laryngitis are catarrhal and polyposic. In the first variant, the disease focuses on the vocal cords, in the second - the polyps are distinguished from the medial side. The clinical manifestation does not differ from the acute process.
Diagnosis is based on laryngoscopy and allergotesting.
Catarrhal laryngitis
To acute inflammation of the larynx is catarrhal laryngitis, in which the activation of pathogenic microflora is caused by endogenous factors:
- decreased response of the immune system;
- allergic manifestations;
- diseases of the digestive tract;
- the period of puberty (breaking the voice);
- atrophic processes in the mucosa under the influence of age-related changes.
Laryngitis of the catarrhal type is manifested against a common infection of the body with streptococci, coronavirus, parainfluenza, fungal flora, rhinoviruses. There is also a mixture of flora.
For acute catarrhal process are characteristic - hoarseness, discomfort in the throat, the temperature rises rarely. Dry cough turns into a coughing up phlegm. Violations of the voice are expressed in varying degrees, which is due to the nature of the puffiness of the larynx.
Hyperplastic laryngitis
Chronic throat disease is the result of untreated acute processes or features of the structure of an individual human body (changes in the bronchi, lungs, pharynx and nose). Chronic hyperplastic laryngitis develops against the backdrop of harmful habits - smoking, regular use of alcohol. Problems in the kidneys, liver, metabolic disorders, the work of the heart and the gastrointestinal tract also affect the occurrence of this type of disease.
Children are susceptible to hyperplastic form of laryngitis due to transferred scarlet fever, pertussis, measles. Diseases of gynecological nature, reflex-vascular causes often provoke this type of laryngitis.
The process is accompanied by continuous vascular stagnation, clogging of the mucous glands and irreversible changes in the epithelium of the larynx. Diseases are often exposed to men of mature age. The disease is classified as a precancerous condition.
In the clinical picture, inflammation and congestion in the throat are observed, the mucous is edematous and a loss of voice occurs. The vocal cords have a bumpy and uneven surface due to a sharp increase and a violation of their clamping function.
Atrophic laryngitis
The most severe form of chronic inflammation of the larynx is atrophic laryngitis, which leads to progressive sclerosis of the mucosa. Sputum becomes viscous, difficult to separate, forming dense crusts upon drying. It is these dry formations that cause terrible discomfort to the patient and the sensation of a foreign body in the throat.
Symptomatic manifestations on the mucous dryness, gloss, through it are allocated blood vessels and granules of the lymphoid type. The condition is due to the decrease / disappearance of pharyngeal reflexes, which is associated with the defeat of nerve endings.
The disease can be caused by a violation of the digestive tract. For example, chronic colitis is a provocateur of atrophic processes in the nasopharynx. Therefore, treatment of the digestive system will favorably affect the state of the throat without local effects.
Chronic hyperplastic laryngitis
As a result of a long pathological process, chronic hyperplastic laryngitis occurs, which is a consequence of acute laryngitis or developing independently.
Stenosing laryngitis
The syndrome of false croup is an inflammatory process that encompasses the trachea and bronchi, called stenosing laryngitis. The disease affects young children in the initial stage of ARVI or its complications, when the bacterial factor is attached.
Croup is observed in children with allergic diathesis and is characterized by wave-like attacks. Difficulty breathing, spasms are caused by narrowing of the larynx lumen as a result of its puffiness.
The stenosing form reveals itself sharply, mainly at night. Often the attack is preceded by the usual symptoms of laryngitis - dry cough, hoarseness, wheezing, throat swelling.
The severity of the disease is assessed by four degrees of stenosis:
- not prolonged or mild difficulty in breathing, seizures are rare, breathing with noise, hoarse voice, coughing of "barking" kind. There is no respiratory insufficiency;
- cough is worse, there are bouts of suffocation of a wave-like type. Breathing is heard from a distance. Pallor, general condition deterioration, cyanosis of the lips / extremities;
- persistent problems with breathing, sweating, symptoms of cardiovascular failure. Due to lack of oxygen, adynamia develops, the pallor of the skin is developing;
- characterized by suffocation.
Hypertrophic laryngitis
Complaints of patients who have a history of hyperplasia of the epithelium with submucosal structures, as well as infiltration inside the muscular layer of the larynx, describe hypertrophic laryngitis. The vocal cords thicken evenly along the entire length, the edge can be rounded or represent individual nodules / tubercles. On the back wall of the throat, a grayish surface is found, sometimes reddish areas appear.
The clinical manifestation of the disease has a similar symptomatology with the usual laryngitis. Vocal changes range from weak hoarseness, mainly after awakening, to uninterrupted hoarseness.
To affect the aggravation of the process can: weather conditions, endocrine factors, inflammation, stress, in women - the presence of menstruation, menopause, pregnancy.
Chronic hypertrophic laryngitis
Separate phenomenon or consequence of catarrhal inflammation of the mucous throat - chronic hypertrophic laryngitis has a pronounced edema of the vocal cords in the clinical picture.
Obstructive laryngitis
False croup or obstructive laryngitis is characterized by inflammation of the laryngeal mucosa, narrowing of the laryngeal lumen, "barking" cough, dyspnea.
The disease can be caused by physiological features of the structure of the pharynx in children or by the defeat of the upper respiratory tract by the influenza virus, measles, etc.
The weakness of the respiratory muscles, the laryngeal edema causes laryngospasm. Problems with breathing begin in the middle of the night due to changes in lymph and blood circulation of the throat, which affect the decrease in drainage activity of the respiratory system. Breathing ranges from noisy to hoarse, bubbling sound. It should be noted that an increase in stenosis provokes a decrease in noise during breathing as a result of a decrease in the respiratory volume.
Purulent laryngitis
Phlegmonous form of laryngitis corresponds to purulent inflammation of the submucosa. The course of the disease is determined by pain in the throat of a sharp character (especially when swallowing), a violation of breathing. There is a dry cough that grows into a mucus expectoration, and then into a purulent discharge.
Purulent laryngitis is a rare disease, the causative agents of which are infections on the background of weakening of the body's defenses. Carriers of the pathogenic virus penetrate into the mucosa in damage to its integrity more often as a result of respiratory disease. Often the process is accompanied by a temperature and reaction from the side of the lymph nodes, which increase and become inflamed.
Phlegmonous laryngitis
The phlegmonous laryngitis caused by streptococcal, staphylococcal, pneumococcal microflora extends to the submucosal layer, muscles, laryngeal ligaments, and sometimes penetrates into the perichondrium / cartilage. A purulent process occurs among middle-aged men and children, as a complication after scarlet fever or measles.
Among the causes are mechanical factors (burn, foreign body), viral factors (typhus, diphtheria, sepsis, blood diseases, etc.). The phlegmonous form can develop as a result of a laryngeal sore throat. Purulent laryngitis accompanies tuberculosis, syphilis, laryngeal cancer.
Severe sore throat, dry coughing of "barking" nature, shortness of breath - all these are signs of a phlegmonous course of the disease. A distinctive feature of the disease is the scarlet color of the mucosa with grayish-dirty areas and thick purulent discharge. The course of the disease occurs with inflammation of the lymph nodes and swelling of the larynx.
Tuberculous laryngitis
The infection of the mucous membrane of the throat from the lungs causes tuberculous laryngitis, characterized by tuberculous nodular thickening in the tissues of the larynx. The disease can affect the epiglottis and laryngeal cartilage. Secondary lesion of the larynx can lead to the destruction of cartilaginous structures.
Patients observe sputum with an admixture of blood and an incessant cough. The state is described by a general weakness.
Laryngitis and pharyngitis
Complications of the flu can be laryngitis and pharyngitis. A common symptom of these pathological processes is a sore throat. Inflammation of the pharynx (closer to the digestive tract) is commonly called pharyngitis, and the larynx (closer to the respiratory organs) is called laryngitis. These diseases can occur simultaneously.
Pharyngitis is characterized, like perspiration, dryness of the throat, and laryngitis is manifested by voice changes - hoarseness, hoarseness, coarsening, and also causes laryngeal edema. With laryngitis, a state of suffocation may occur due to the narrowing of the glottis as a result of the inflammatory process.
Differentiate the disease and prescribe appropriate treatment should the ENT.
Laryngitis and bronchitis
Exacerbation of dry, coarse cough during bronchitis occurs at night, with the development of the disease, sputum appears and cough becomes moist. Bronchitis is characterized by a hard breathing with buzzing, wheezing dry wheezing.
Similarity of laryngitis and bronchitis are not only in the end, but also in a paroxysmal cough with a possible loss of voice. The infection that caused inflammation of the larynx mucosa descends lower and affects the bronchi. The cold season increases the risk of the disease.
The nature of the sputum will indicate the stage of the disease. The green or yellow color of the discharge determines the presence of a bacterial infection in the bronchi, a clear or light color of liquid sputum will indicate a virus attack or an allergic manifestation. Presence of clots of an unpleasant smell reminding cottage cheese mass, can be result of a fungal infection.
Dyspnea and respiration with whistles of a non-transmitted type against the background of a general weak state indicate the transition of bronchitis to an infectious-allergic form.
Laryngitis and tonsillitis
Tonsillitis is an inflammatory disease of the tonsils, often palatine. Disease processes in the upper respiratory tract are caused by pathogenic microflora and decreased immunity. Often recurring diseases become chronic and restructuring of mucosal tissues. The aggravation of the painful changes leads to a violation of the very purifying capacity of the tonsils and the accumulation of deleted particles of the epithelium and leukocytes in them, which is an excellent medium for the propagation of viruses.
The cause of the disease lies in the pathogens - bacteria, viruses, fungi. The most interesting is that laryngitis and tonsillitis on the background of dysbiosis can indicate the presence of helminths in the body. The simplest "travel" along with the bloodstream, choosing the most secluded places. Larvae of parasites perfectly settle on the lungs, are introduced into the lymph nodes of the nasopharynx and accessory sinuses, provoking purulent inflammation.
In turn, the defeat of palatine tonsils affects the development of violations from the cardiovascular, endocrine system, kidneys and connective tissues.
Lining laryngitis
False groats are acute laryngitis with a focus in the subglottic region. Friability of the fiber in this zone in young children is particularly susceptible to infection. The process is provoked by the larynx, which is narrowed due to edema, labile nervous and vascular reflexes. In the horizontal position, there is an increase in swelling, so seizures occur at night.
Lumbar laryngitis at the initial stage is characterized by inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, runny nose, cough and temperature around 37 ° C. In the afternoon, the patient's condition is satisfactory, and at night, attacks of suffocation with "barking" cough and cyanosis of the skin are resumed. The duration of exacerbation from a few minutes to thirty minutes, after which the cough recedes, there is a strong sweating. The resumption of an attack is possible in a few days.
Nasal laryngitis
The condition of constant hoarseness, which is amplified during the period of the voice load, is differentiated as a nodal laryngitis.
The appearance of nodules of the vocal cords in children and adults is due, first of all, to the overstrain of the vocal apparatus - a strong cry, an incorrect manner of singing, squealing, singing in annoying mucous conditions, etc. The presence of nodules is found in the majority of people with voice-speech professions: singers, speakers, lecturers, guides.
Working under conditions of increased stress, the vessels of the vocal cord region are exposed to the liquid component of plasma and proteins. The latter outside the vascular tissue coagulate, forming a homogeneous semitransparent compaction, which causes hoarseness of the voice and a narrowing of the glottis.
This kind of laryngitis is easily diagnosed and treatable.
Ointment laryngitis
Otorhinal laryngitis is divided into primary (idiopathic type) and secondary. Idiopathic condition (often causeless) develops against the background of allergic reactions when medications, food or as a result of angioedema (Quincke's edema). Secondary swelling of the larynx is inflammatory and non-inflammatory.
Swelling of non-inflammatory nature is found in metabolic disorders, allergies, diseases of internal organs. The disease also causes kidney dysfunction, cardiovascular problems, difficulty in lymph flow. Non-inflammatory swelling is expressed by swelling, smoothing the outline of the larynx.
Ophthalmic laryngitis of the inflammatory type in adults affects the vestibule of the larynx, in children - lining space. The main cause of the disease is infection or weakening of immunity in diabetes, uremia, vitamin deficiency, etc. The edema covers a loose submucosal layer of the epiglottis, a lining space.
Where does it hurt?
Forms of laryngitis
The acute course of laryngitis is caused by infectious disease, and a chronic disease occurs as a result of repeated repeated infection.
There are following forms of laryngitis:
- acute catarrhal - inflammatory focus extends to the mucosa, submucosa and muscles of the larynx;
- acute phlegmonous - purulent disease penetrates into muscular structures, ligaments, sometimes into the periochlear zone and cartilage;
- chronic - the process covers the mucosa, submucosa and intramuscular structures. There are catarrhal, atrophic and hypertrophic types.
The catarrhal process proceeds with hoarseness, throat swelling and periodic coughing. It is considered an easy form of the disease.
The hypertrophic state is described by a strong hoarse voice, a cough and discomfort in the throat. Small neoplasms, similar to nodules, appear on the ligaments.
Atrophic species of laryngitis is associated with thinning of the mucosa, which causes dry mouth, a painful cough and a hoarse voice. Often there is an exfoliation of crusts with blood veins. Experts associate this form of the disease with the reception of spicy, spicy food, which harms not only the larynx, but also the back wall of the throat.
Physicians allocate in a separate group of laryngitis, conditioned by professional affiliation. Bundles of teachers, announcers often suffer from excessive overload.
Diphtheria manifestation of the disease develops as a result of infection by infection, which has descended from the tonsils.
Tuberculosis of the lungs often leads to tuberculate thickenings in the tissues of the larynx, as well as cartilage damage.
Laryngitis can be a kind of complication of syphilis, often contributes to incurable hoarseness.
Complications of laryngitis
The danger of laryngitis is an edema that narrows the vocal cavity and is capable of causing suffocation.
Stenosis with pronounced puffiness, abscess formation (attachment of secondary infection) epiglottis and infiltration are the main complications of laryngitis. Untimely treatment leads to the emergence of chronic processes.
Representatives of professions associated with speech tension should be extremely careful after the disease. For them, it is important to observe the voice mode, use special medications that reduce discomfort.
Consequences of laryngitis
The effects of laryngitis are a prolonged absence of voice, a lack of air, and even asphyxia. Chronic form of the disease disrupts innervation, circulation and secretion in the tissues of the larynx. This pathology can lead to the transformation of inflamed cells of the mucosa into a cancerous tumor.
The chronic course of laryngitis until recently was found mainly in men, especially those who abuse smoking and alcohol. The new style of life and the deterioration of the ecology increased the number of women with chronic laryngitis.
Confirm the diagnosis is possible only with the help of modern methods of examination. Many patients get used to the constant hoarse voice and do not rush to seek medical help, which results in serious consequences of laryngitis in the form of cancer.
Diagnosis of laryngitis
During the medical examination, the condition of the patient's vocal cords is checked, dysphonia (weakness, hoarseness of the voice) is evaluated, and symptomatology is specified. The doctor examines the vocal cords with the help of mirrors, a reflector or a frontal lantern, making a conclusion about the nature of inflammation and puffiness. The presence of a hemorrhage on the mucosa (red dots) indicates a hemorrhagic form of laryngitis.
Diagnosis of laryngitis includes the detection of inflammation from the side of the lymph nodes, nose, mouth and throat, which allows to establish the relationship between laryngitis and other pathological processes.
For additional research use:
- laryngoscopy - the larynx is examined in detail by means of a flexible endoscope. Take a tissue sample for a biopsy to exclude cancer;
- video laryngostroscopy - a test for the movement of the vocal cords.
What do need to examine?
What is the difference between pharyngitis and laryngitis?
Laryngitis is a condition of inflammation of the laryngeal mucosa due to infection or voice overexertion.
Pharyngitis is a lesion of the posterior pharyngeal wall when the virus is shed from the nasopharynx as a result of acute respiratory viral infection.
Localization of the pathological process, symptomatology - this is what distinguishes pharyngitis from laryngitis. Firstly, the location of the laryngitis is the larynx, and the pharyngitis is the pharynx. Secondly, with laryngitis there is a change or loss of voice, a "barking" cough, a small temperature. Thirdly, pharyngitis is described by dryness, scratching, sore throat, pain when swallowing and fever.
Treatment of diseases will be different: in the case of laryngitis, it is recommended not to strain the vocal cords, warm drinking, warming up, compresses, inhalations; with pharyngitis - irreplaceable gargling with eucalyptus or salt with iodine, inhalation, avoid discomfort due to dryness will help instill in the nose of vegetable oils.
Who to contact?
Treatment of laryngitis
The acute course of laryngitis requires the elimination of the underlying cause of the disease. The patient must observe silence, do not use spicy, spicy, food-irritating mucous membranes. Excluded: smoking and alcohol. It shows: warm drink, compress on the throat, inhalation and rinsing. When crusts are formed, vegetable oil helps in the form of instillations of one gram per week.
According to the prescription of the doctor, laryngitis can be treated with antibiotics of the penicillin group to relieve inflammation. It is better to use medicines as a spray, inhaler.
To alleviate the condition of a child with a false croup will help a mustard on the chest / neck, hot foot baths, a plentiful drink of milk (in a warm form), as well as thrombo-stimulating drugs (eg, mukaltin). It is important to promptly call for emergency medical attention. Before arrival, ensure that the room is well ventilated and that there is sufficient humidity.
Treatment of laryngitis in chronic form is a time-consuming and time-consuming process, based on the use of alkaline and oily solutions for inhalation. In some cases, surgical intervention is indicated to eliminate foci of hyperplasia, which helps reduce the risk of cancers.
In parallel, the therapeutic effect on the sinuses of the nose is performed to ensure free breathing.
More information of the treatment
Prophylaxis of laryngitis
Methods of gradual hardening are the best prevention of laryngitis. Save the protective properties of the body will help stop smoking and drinking alcohol. It is useful to carry out systematic cleaning of the mucous membrane of the throat and nose from accumulated dirt, dust, chemical particles. To this end, you can buy a pharmacy inhaler.
Avoid infection allow standard rules for personal hyenas - washing hands with soap, the use of wet wipes or cleaning solutions. Do not touch with dirty hands the area of the nose and mouth, while in public places. Strengthen immunity regular walks, exercise and full sleep.
In the cold season, keep your feet warm, and do not talk in the cold. Clean the living area from accumulation of dust.
If your work is related to harmful substances, dust - use a respirator. People with professional loads on the vocal cords are recommended to adhere to the voice mode, do not overstrain, use emollients (can be oils).
When it was not possible to prevent laryngitis, you should immediately seek medical help in order to avoid complications and unpleasant consequences.