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Suppositories for endometriosis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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With endometriosis, the suppository is used quite rarely, since this disease is always accompanied by abundant and prolonged irregular intermenstrual and menstrual bleeding. They simply wash out from the vagina of the suppository and they do not have time to give a positive result. But in some cases, doctors prescribe special rectal suppositories that have an analgesic effect.
Indications for use
As a rule, rectal suppositories in endometriosis are prescribed when it is necessary to achieve a good analgesic effect without using large doses of analgesics. Usually, for such purposes, suppositories are used, which include NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). For example, indomethacin and diclofenac are considered to be quite effective. They help to reduce severe pain.
The greatest efficacy of these suppositories is if the patient was diagnosed with retrocervical endometriosis. This disease affects not only the back of the cervix, but also passes to the rectum, affecting the nerve plexuses in this area. Therefore, a very severe pain syndrome occurs.
If the pain is spasmodic, which most often occurs with endometriosis of the intestine, these suppositories, which include papaverine or belladonna, will help.
Very often, patients with endometriosis develop spikes in a variety of organs. This process is most dangerous if the disease affects the uterus or ovaries, since this can lead to infertility. Some suppositories in this case will help to prevent the formation of adhesions or improve their resorption. For these purposes, doctors prescribe suppositories, which contain longidase (they are administered either rectally or vaginally).
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
Suppositories "Viferon" are almost always included in the complex therapy of endometriosis, so consider the pharmacodynamics of this drug.
The main active ingredient of the preparation is antiviral, immunomodulating, antiproliferative. Usually the drugs have a complex composition, which helps to achieve some additional effects. For example, if antioxidants are present in suppositories, then the antiviral activity of the main active substance is enhanced (especially in B- and T-lymphocytes).
Indomethacin is a very popular tool for the treatment of endometriosis, so we describe its pharmacokinetics.
The drug is absorbed very quickly. If administered rectally, then its bioavailability is 80-90%. 90% bound to proteins in the plasma. Metabolism means mainly in the liver. In the unchanged form, only 30% of the drug is excreted. At the same time, 70% of this amount falls on the kidneys and 30% on the gastrointestinal tract. Can penetrate into breast milk, so it is contraindicated in lactation.
Names of suppositories from endometriosis
Diclofenac. Suppositories with anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic effect. The drug is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent, a derivative of phenylacetic acid.
Suppositories are injected into the anal passage once a day. During pregnancy, it is used extremely rarely, only under the supervision of a specialist. The most common side effects of using the drug are: urge to vomit, constipation or diarrhea, ulcerative colitis, headaches and migraine attacks, insomnia, fatigue, depression, mental disorders, thrombocytopenia and anemic syndrome (extremely rare), impaired renal function, hair loss , itching, skin rashes, allergic reactions.
These suppositories are contraindicated in ulcers and erosions of the gastrointestinal tract, impaired hematopoiesis (if their etiology is unclear), intolerance of substances that are part of the remedy.
Indomethacin. The composition includes a substance derived from indoleacetic acid. It differs anti-inflammatory, antipyretic (small) and analgesic effect.
The main advantage in using precisely these drugs is the fact that they pass the liver and immediately act in the place of administration.
For the treatment of endometriosis, it is necessary to enter the suppository data vaginally three times a day. The therapy lasts a week. Pay attention, in spite of the fact that this remedy does not violate the vaginal microflora, sometimes it causes vague bleeding.
Dosage is prescribed individually, depending on the severity of the disease and symptoms. Note that the treatment should be continued for another four weeks after reaching positive results (the dose is sometimes left the same or is changed in the smaller direction).
The drug is contraindicated in a number of cases: in the first trimester of pregnancy, ulcers and erosion in the digestive tract, violations in the work of the liver and kidneys, hemopoiesis violation, early age (up to fourteen years), pancreatitis, proctitis. Side effects from the use of the drug are: vomiting, anorexia, nausea, headaches, depression, severe fatigue, emotional disorders, vertigo, allergy, itching, rash, vaginal bleeding, abscess development.
Remember that Indomethacin can appoint only a doctor and he must also monitor the patient's condition during treatment.
Anusole. Active active components of the drug are krasavka extract (in thick form), zinc sulfate, bismuth trimbumfenate. It differs spasmolytic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, astringent, antiseptic, drying effect.
One suppository is inserted into the anal passage once or twice a day. In a day, you can enter no more than seven suppositories.
The product is completely contraindicated for: closed angle glaucoma, atony intestines, tachyarrhythmia, myasthenia gravis, during childbearing and breastfeeding, heart failure. Its use can lead to such side effects: burning in the anus, allergy, constipation, feeling of dryness in the mouth, diarrhea of varying intensity, headaches and migraines, visual impairment, increased drowsiness.
Viferon. Immunomodulating agent, which differs antiviral effect. The active substance is interferon alpha-2b recombinant human.
The drug can be prescribed for the treatment of certain diseases in infancy. In the treatment of endometriosis is an additional drug in complex therapy, which increases the effectiveness of treatment and reduces the possibility of developing relapses. Dosage appoints a doctor, based on the complexity of the disease. It can be used starting from the fourteenth week of pregnancy.
Among the side effects, only allergic reactions are released, which are extremely rare. The drug is contraindicated only if its components are intolerant.
Suppositories with propolis
Suppositories with propolis differ in many positive responses among those who have treated endometriosis. This substance is used by bees in order to cover the slits that form in the hive. It is an excellent lubricant and building material in nature. After some studies have been carried out, scientists have noticed that propolis (or bee glue) also has excellent healing properties. Is he:
- Removes inflammation.
- Has antibacterial effect.
- Heals wounds.
- Regenerates tissues.
- It has a restoring effect.
- Lowers the heat.
- Stimulates immunity.
- Fights infections.
In the treatment of endometriosis, a suppository with propolis is used as part of complex therapy. They help to cope faster with this disease, thanks to an excellent anti-inflammatory effect.
Suppositories favorably affect the rectum and internal genital organs, which suffer from endometriosis. And antibacterial action helps to get rid of those pathogenic microorganisms that are in the vagina in endometriosis. Because of the good analgesic effect, patients do not feel any pain during treatment.
Method of application of suppositories from endometriosis and adhesions
Dosage is given depending on the severity and course of the disease. Also affects the way of use and the choice of medication. So, for example, if a doctor prescribes a "Viferon" suppository in complex therapy, then it is usually taken in two separate courses, which last five days (there is a ten to fourteen-day break between them). Suppositories are introduced into the anal passage twice a day (one candle). Between the introductions should be at least 12 hours.
To resolve the adhesions, a suppository based on lonidase is usually used. They are prescribed in this way: one suppository every other day. For the entire course of treatment you need ten candles. Sometimes the course of therapy is repeated after a while.
Use of suppositories from endometriosis during pregnancy
In pregnancy, most of the suppositories that are used to treat endometriosis are contraindicated for use. But in some cases, if the mother's health is more important, the doctor can prescribe drugs at his own discretion.
Contraindications for use
Like other suppositories, the suppository in endometriosis has its contraindications. Among the main ones we can distinguish:
- Pregnancy (usually the first trimester), breastfeeding.
- Myasthenia gravis.
- Disturbances of hemopoiesis of unknown etiology.
- Violation of the kidneys or liver.
- Atony.
- Heart failure.
- Tachycardia.
- Glaucoma (especially closed-angle).
- Intolerance of components.
Side effects
Among the most common side effects of candles, which are used to treat endometriosis, are:
- Allergies (itching, rash, burning, hives).
- Vertigo, which is accompanied by headaches.
- Convulsions.
- Mental disorders and depression.
- Constipation or diarrhea.
- Insomnia.
- Retention of urine.
- Fatigue or drowsiness.
In overdose, patients often develop nausea, headaches, cramps, severe vomiting, emotional arousal, hypertension. If you have such symptoms, stop taking the medication and consult a doctor.
Interactions with other drugs
Some suppositories from endometriosis, especially non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, can not be used simultaneously with other NSAIDs, as this can cause an overdose. Also, these drugs are not recommended for taking with diuretics, since they reduce their effectiveness. When used with drugs that contain paracetamol, it can cause nephrotoxicity. Corticotropins, glucocorticoids, colchicine and ethanol, together with suppositories from endometriosis, can cause bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.
Storage conditions and shelf life
Suppositories in endometriosis should be stored in a dry place, which is protected from direct sunlight. The air temperature should not be below +25 degrees. It is important that children do not have access to the place of storage of the drug.
Typically, these tools can be stored for up to five years. It is very important immediately after the purchase to check the expiration date, since after its expiration it is impossible to use the drug.
Remember that endometriosis is a serious disease, which is treated only after a thorough examination of a specialist.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Suppositories for endometriosis" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.