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Pills for acne
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Pills for acne are a topical topic, because it is so unpleasant when on the skin, especially on the face, inflamed bumps of various sizes appear, which in some cases do not succumb to any ointments and creams.
Dermatologists state that if acne does not help with external acne, you need to look for the cause and act on it from the inside.
Antibacterial drugs for the treatment of acne
Antibiotics give a positive therapeutic effect, when in sealed sebaceous ducts, bacteria begin to multiply and inflammatory infiltrates are formed. The main thing is that the drugs for these bacteria act.
Tablets Tetracycline against acne, active against a large number of bacteria, can be used for pustular and large conglobata rashes, as well as for folliculitis. The standard daily dosage of this drug for acne is 10-15 mg (2-3 times); Tetracycline may also be used every other day for 21 days.
Tablets from acne Doxycycline (Doxacin, Vibramycin, Novacyclin, Junidox, etc.) belong to the tetracycline group and are used for various infectious and inflammatory pathologies, including purulent skin and soft tissue lesions in severe forms of acne. The daily dose of this drug prescribed by dermatologists is 0.5 g; Tablets should be taken once a day after meals, washed down with a glass of water.
Erythromycin from acne tablets (synonyms - Adimycin, Ilozone, Sinarit, Eomycin, Eryderm, etc.) refers to macrolides and in dermatological practice is used in the same extreme cases as all other antibiotics. For adults, the standard single dose of the drug is 0.25 g (with a maximum allowable daily dose of 2 g).
The use of levomycetin tablets against acne can be explained by the wide spectrum of its antimicrobial action (from pneumonia and dysentery to purulent otitis and peritonitis), but still it is not taken into skin infections, since its side effects are dermatitis. Although levomycetin in a mixture with an alcohol solution of salicylic and boric acid is a part of popular in the people's suspension for lubricating acne.
Metronidazole pills for acne and its synonym - pills Trichopol from acne - have the same active ingredient - the derivative of nitroimidazole (generics based on it - Metroseptol, Metrovit, Trikaside, Rosex, Flagil). This remedy is against protozoa (trichomonads, lamblia) and anaerobic bacteria (Bacteroides spp., Fusobacterium spp.). It is prescribed for the development of abscesses of the lungs, brain and abdominal organs, with general sepsis. The oral administration of these drugs in case of treatment of acne is not prescribed by the instruction, however there are forms for external use - gel Metrogil, cream Rosamet, etc.
Side effects of pills from acne with antibacterial properties are numerous and are expressed in dyspeptic phenomena, changes in the composition of the obligate intestinal microflora (dysbacteriosis), a decrease in the number of erythrocytes and platelets in the blood, violations of liver functions, various neuropathic and allergic reactions, and the development of superinfections. And an overdose can lead to irreversible liver dysfunction and hearing loss.
Which pills help with acne?
Before you begin to list the names of pills for acne, it should be noted that, firstly, among the organotropic drugs affecting the skin, you will not find this category, and rather, it will be funds for the treatment of acne (acne).
Secondly, non-inflamed comedones require exceptionally external treatment and proper skin care. But with the purulent form of acne, inflamed papular, pustular and large conglobata (very dense) acne, with ostiofolikulite or sycosis (caused by staphylococci), complex therapy with oral medications must be performed, which the dermatologist should determine after etiology pimples. And the main indications for the use of pills from acne are the appearance of acne due to hormonal imbalance in adults, problems with the intestines, and the presence of foci of bacterial infection. So help with acne remedies aimed at eliminating the causes of their appearance.
Regarding the violations of hormone production in the body, it should be clarified that hormones (progesterone in women, testosterone in men) largely determine the functioning of the sebaceous glands and the volume of sebum they synthesize. And the pimple pops up just in the place where the surpluses of the lipid secretion of the sebaceous gland accumulated and did not come out to the surface as expected to perform their functions - to increase the acidity of the skin and protect it from germs.
With regard to bacterial infection, the appearance of acne (acne vulgaris, acne conglobata, etc.) involved Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus aureus and Propionibacterium acnes.
It should be recalled that the use of pills from acne during pregnancy is completely unacceptable.
Hormonal pills for acne
Hormonal pills for acne on the face can be used only by women (and girls after the onset of menarche), and the so-called physiological (youthful) acne is not treated under any conditions with the help of hormones.
With increased synthesis of testosterone by the ovaries and adrenal cortex of the androgen hormone, acne can appear in women of childbearing age, and because of the deficiency of estradiol this problem occurs either with ovarian cysts or during the menopause, when the production of this hormone gradually decreases. In addition, the hormonal reasons for the appearance of acne specialists include adrenal pathology, leading to increased synthesis of cortisol (hypercorticism).
Hormonal pills for acne Ciprotheron (Androkur) have an antiandrogenic effect, that is, lower testosterone levels, which leads to a temporary (for the period of taking the drug) decrease in sebum production and to the cessation of pathological hair loss in women (hirsutism). Also, the drug is designed to treat malignant neoplasia of the prostate gland in men. Cyproterone has many side effects, in particular, dryness and peeling of the skin (xerosis), pain in the abdominal cavity, attacks of nausea, swelling, impaired liver function, fatigue and increased absent-mindedness.
Hormonal pills for acne on the back Drospirenone are used to improve the condition of women during menopause. Taking these tablets helps to get rid of acne and oily seborrhea, but can lead to such undesirable consequences as thrombophlebitis and vascular thrombosis, increased blood pressure and heart rate, cholecystitis, soft tissue swelling, vision impairment, pain and mammary gland formation, seizures , sleep disturbances.
In addition, Drospirenone is part of oral hormonal contraception - in combination with estradiol (or a synthetic analogue of estrogen ethinyl estradiol). But birth control pills for acne can be prescribed only if a woman - based on a biochemical blood test - has an excessive content of testosterone. These drugs include Jess pills for acne, pills Angelica, Diane-35, Yarina, Zhanin, Midiana, etc. The way of application and dose of such drugs are described in detail in the attached instructions, since their reception occurs according to the scheme depending on the woman's monthly cycle.
Contraindications to the use of pills based on sex hormones include varicose veins, a tendency to form blood clots, diabetes, cerebral vascular pathology, hepatic and renal insufficiency, gynecological neoplasms, etc.
Roaccutane from acne
Acne tablets Roaccutane (Isotretinoin, Aknekutan, Dermoretin, Sotret, Isotroin, Amnesteem, Claravis, Absorica) refer to systemic retinoids that act on tissue metabolism. According to dermatologists, for today it is the best pills for acne and the last achievement in the treatment of acne, especially with severe cystic acne and acne that does not respond to other drugs.
The active substance of the drug, 13-cis retinoic acid, is a metabolite of retinol (vitamin A) and acts as it is expected by binding to the retinoid receptor (RXR). Pharmacodynamics retinoidov finally not clarified, but the result of their impact is the inhibition of the production of sebaceous glands skin secretions. In addition, gland ducts and follicles are not clogged with dead keratocytes, since retinoids block the proliferation and desquamation of cells, that is, interfere with the development of follicular retention hyperkeratosis. Thus, all factors for the formation of comedones and acne are eliminated.
The daily dose of Roaccutane is determined from the calculation of 0.5 mg per kilogram of body weight, tablets are taken once a day (with food). As a pill against acne on the back and other parts of the body, Roaccutane is recommended to take in a higher dosage. Usually the course lasts 8-10 months. In cases of hormonal etiology of acne (in women aged 20-30 years), the course of treatment with systemic retinoids can greatly improve the skin condition without the need for constant use of hormones.
Side effects of tablets from Acne Roaccutane: dermatitis, dry lips (cheilitis), xerosis, blepharitis, dry keratoconjunctivitis, dry nose and nosebleeds, nasopharyngitis, pain in muscles and joints, anemia, thrombocytopenia, increased hepatic transmissions, ulcerative colitis, increased levels cholesterol and glucose in the blood, osteoporosis (in adolescents there may be a violation of the growth of skeletal bones).
Roaccutane has a teratogenic effect, so women of childbearing age should use the most reliable contraceptive methods, not only during the taking of these tablets, but also within a month after the completion of treatment. According to the FDA, from 1982 to 2003 in the United States more than 2 thousand women became pregnant during the course of treatment with this drug: most pregnancies ended in miscarriage, about 160 children were born with congenital defects.
Tablets for the intestines from acne
Tablets for the intestines from acne are intended, on the one hand, for the normalization of the intestinal microflora, and on the other - for the adsorption and elimination of all metabolic products and, in the first place, excess cholesterol. And also to reduce the absorption of fats by binding and removing free bile acids from the body. In this way enterosorbents (adsorbing intestinal preparations) can help in the fight against acne.
Most often, doctors recommend such adsorptive pills for the stomach from acne, as Carbopect (activated carbon, pectin, microcrystalline cellulose), Lactrofiltrum (hydrolytic lignin with lactulose) or Filtrum-STI (based on hydrolytic lignin).
Dosage and administration: inside, 2-3 tablets (they can be grinded beforehand) - three times a day, one hour and a half before meals, washing down with 150-180 ml of water. Enterosorbents are not used for exacerbation of chronic pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and intestinal atony. Overdose can cause constipation and pain in the abdominal cavity.
Beer yeast from acne
Applying pills Beer yeast from acne, you support your body with thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (B2), pyridoxine (B6), cyanocobalamin and, very importantly, biotin (vitamin B7).
What does it give for the treatment of acne? First, it helps to strengthen immunity. Secondly, vitamins brewing yeast participate in the synthesis of bactericidal protein enzyme lysozyme, which not only protects cells from damage and speeds up the healing process, but also creates conditions for normal lipid-carbohydrate metabolism in the body.
Thirdly, biotin, a coenzyme of fatty acid metabolism, regulates the sebum secretion, and leucine, contained in yeast, provides regeneration of skin cells. In addition, the bacteria of the brewer's yeast Saccharomyces boulardii restore and normalize the intestinal biocenosis, and then the synthesis of endogenous biotin is resumed and, accordingly, the exchange of fats is established.
Brewer's yeast in tablets dermatologists recommend taking two tablets three times a day (after eating), children 5-12 years - one tablet once a day.
Tablets with zinc from acne
Zinc is associated with the production of somatotropin (growth hormone), somatomedine (insulin-like growth factor) and the main male sex hormone testosterone. So, when the body lacks this trace element, the level of carbohydrate metabolizing cortisol decreases, but, most importantly, the synthesis of testosterone drops. And this not only negatively affects the male sexual sphere (in the sense of erection), but also leads to acne. For this reason, acne pills for men are drugs that have zinc compounds in their composition.
Tablets for resorption Zincovitol is recommended to take two tablets once a day (after eating). Effervescent tablets Zincite must be dissolved in water and taken in the morning before breakfast - once a day, for at least 30-40 days.
Zincthal or Zinc sulphate (in tablets of 1.24 g) is prescribed 1-2 tablets twice a day (one hour before a meal); children 10-14 years - on a pill per day. Duration of treatment - up to two months. Side effects of pills from acne with zinc are manifested by nausea, diarrhea, heartburn, metal taste in the mouth, sore throat, fever.
Instead of the listed medicines, dermatologists can give a recommendation to take vitamins with zinc for men.
Acyclovir and Traumeel from acne
Those who believe that Acyclovir - pills for acne, are mistaken. This antiviral drug from Herpes simplex - herpes simplex virus (HSV-1 and HSV-2). And those "pimples with a yellowish liquid inside" on the lips or in the area of nasolabial folds are not pimples, but vesicles (vesicles) with serous fluid.
So Atsklovir with acne is useless. But with herpes rashes without it can not do, because this drug stops replicating the DNA of the virus and thereby suppresses the appearance on the skin of new vesicles - very contagious.
Acyclovir is taken for five days - 20 mg (one tablet) five times a day, preferably every 4-4.5 hours. Tablet the tax to swallow whole and how it should be washed down with water. This drug is also available under the trade names Gerpevir and Zovirax.
Traumeel - a preparation homotoxic (homeopathic), vegetable-mineral composition; in respect of soft tissue damage of various etiologies, it exhibits anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and regenerating properties, relieves puffiness and pain. Among the indications for use are such dermatological diseases as furunculosis, hydradenitis, eczema, intertrigo. Furuncle is a purulent inflammatory focus in the hair follicle and sebaceous gland, so, most likely, for simple acne, Traumeel is also suitable. The method of its use is sublingual (under the tongue), the dose is one tablet three times a day.
Masks from pills for acne
Among the remedies for acne are masks from pills from acne. For their preparation, aspirin pills are used against acne combined with cosmetic clay, natural honey, kefir and aloe juice.
It is enough to crush a couple of acetylsalicylic acid tablets and mix them with clay powder (1: 1), and then dilute it with boiled water to the state of gruel, adding a few drops of chamomile essential oil, geranium or lavender. This mask of acne is kept on the skin for 15 minutes.
Another composition: powdered aspirin tablets are mixed with honey and aloe juice, and in the third variant it is necessary to prepare a homogeneous mixture of aspirin and kefir.
Mummy from pimples in tablets can also be used for a therapeutic mask. For example, one tablet of mummy should be diluted in slightly warm boiled water (two tablespoons), and then add this liquid to a mixture of ingredients such as steamed oat flakes or oatmeal, potato starch or grated fresh cucumber.
To sustain on the face of a mask from tablets from spots follows no more than a quarter of an hour, and to wash off is better than an infusion of chemist's chamomile of a room temperature.
On different people, the same medications can act in different ways. That is, someone helped, but someone does not. Therefore, reviews about pills from acne are very diverse. The only thing that unites them is the full certainty that it's almost impossible to cope with acne ...
But do not forget the most important thing: you should look for the cause and act on it not only from the outside, but also from the inside, using acne pills recommended by your doctor.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Pills for acne" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.