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Antibiotics for laryngitis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Laryngitis - this name covers the disease of the larynx, which has an inflammatory basis, but the causes provoking its appearance and development may be different. And no one does not have a question, is it worth treating laryngitis - certainly worth it? Of course, it is, but what? Do I need to take antibiotics with laryngitis? We will try to answer this question in this article.
Do you need antibiotics for laryngitis?
Pharmacology does not stand still, offering more and more new medicines that have higher therapeutic characteristics. Innovative preparations of antibacterial orientation can easily cope with those tasks that until recently were solved only with the help of antibiotics. Therefore, there is a legitimate question, do you need antibiotics for laryngitis? Moreover, not only pathogenic microflora can cause progressive laryngitis.
If a dilemma emerges about the need to prescribe drugs, you first need to determine the source of the problem, because the use of antibiotics, in some cases, will not lead to any positive progress.
What are the primary sources provoking this disease, do not treat antibiotics:
- Pathology, provoked by allergies (allergic laryngitis).
- Professional predisposition:
- Book dust of libraries.
- Increased load on the ligaments of the singer, teacher.
- Burns with gastric juice, due to periodic eructations (problems with the gastrointestinal tract).
- Autoimmune causes of the disease, reducing the body's defenses. That is, laryngitis, as a result of violations of the mechanisms of immune defense.
- Pathology caused by a fungal infection. People with a history of immunodeficiency or who have undergone a long course of antibiotic therapy suffer predominantly.
Proceeding from the above, the conclusion is one - whether or not to prescribe antibiotics for laryngitis, should only be a specialist. Only a qualified doctor, based on the examination and the results of the survey, can correctly diagnose and find the cause of the pathology.
To correctly choose the therapy and schedule the schedule and dosage of the drug, it is necessary to first examine the smear (research material - mucus from the larynx). This will make it possible to determine the pathogen and check the level of its sensitivity to this or that antibiotic.
Without this test, in the process of treatment, one can not achieve the desired result, and even get complications while undergoing a course of treatment, it would seem, an expensive and strong antibiotic, while a cheaper one shows an excellent result. And here the situation is not that the first drug is worse than the second one. The reason for the different results in the pathogen and its sensitivity to this or that active substance, which forms the basis of the drug. Therefore, the results of a targeted examination are a guarantee of adequate treatment and a quick positive result.
Treatment of laryngitis with antibiotics
If the cause of the disease is established and the treatment of laryngitis with antibiotics is inevitable, it is necessary to follow certain recommendations in the appointment of this group of drugs:
- Take a swab from the throat and conduct a study to establish a provoker of the disease. Establish its sensitivity to a particular group of drugs. An antibioticogram is performed.
- If a specific antibiotic was taken within three days, and no positive dynamics are observed (the fever keeps up and the general condition of the patient does not get better, there is another symptomatology), the doctor, most likely, will replace the drug with another drug of a similar action, but with another active substance in the composition. It may be necessary to revise the very cause of provocation of the disease.
- After prolonged therapy with antibiotics, approximately after the expiration of seven to ten days of admission, it is mandatory to drink antifungal medicines. This approach to treatment makes it possible to avoid many fungal diseases, including laryngitis of this genesis.
Advantageously, when diagnosing this disease and ascertaining the pathogen, the patient is prescribed an antibiotic of a wide range of effects that belong to the b-lactam group. It includes drugs that are directed to penicillins, macrolides, cephalosporins or lincosamides. Drugs of this group have antibacterial characteristics, the mechanism of their action is to stop the formation of the bacterial cell wall (cell synthesis of the parasite), directly affecting the ribosome of the microorganism. The drug of this group is highly therapeutic.
The standard scheme of taking the medicine:
- Therapy is carried out for a week.
- Medication is used once or twice during the day.
- The amount of a single-dose drug administered is strictly individual.
Modern pharmacology has developed and produces drugs in convenient form and concentration. Innovative drugs, for example, such as extensillin and retarpen, can maintain clinical efficacy to three to four weeks, but for this there is absolutely no need to take these medications frequently.
Extensillin is injected into the patient's body only intramuscularly (intravenous injections are categorically unacceptable). If the doctor's prescription requires two injections throughout the day, the injections are carried in two different buttocks. For children younger than 12 years, the dosage of the drug is 0.6 million units. The medication is administered every day or once every three days. The schedule of admission is indicated depending on the severity of the disease. The attending physician may decide to enter and 1.2 million units, but with an interval of two to four weeks.
The dose of an adult patient is twice as high and is 1.2 million ED, one - twice a day. The medicine is injected once a week.
It is not recommended to prescribe extensillin with increased sensitivity of the patient's body to its components, as well as if there is bronchial asthma or hay fever in the patient's anamnesis.
Semisynthetic chemical compounds cephalosporins perfectly dispersed in cells and work fine in tandem with penicillins. Cephalosporins have a high penetrating ability, which makes it possible to overcome the blood-brain barrier without special effort. Medicines of this group are administered with the patient's body both intramuscularly and intravenously, distributing the prescribed daily dosage for two doses. Cephalosporins include cefepime, cefoperazone, ceftriaxone, medocef, ceftazidime, cefotaxime.
If the patient does not tolerate drugs related to the ß-lactam group of antibiotics, he will be prescribed a drug belonging to macrolides. These drugs are a product of the development of various special bacteria or lower fungi, which are united by the same name actinomycetes. As a result, we obtain antimicrobial drugs with an extended spectrum of effects.
The most familiar drug from this group is erythromycin.
Antibiotic erythromycin is administered orally in the form of tablets or capsules. For an adult, a dosage of 0.25 g is prescribed for a single dose, in difficult cases the dosage may be doubled. The medication is administered at intervals of four to six hours, preferably an hour and a half before the expected meal. The maximum single dose of the drug is 0.5 g, the daily dosage is 2 g.
For children who have not yet reached the age of 14, the daily dosage is calculated based on 20 to 40 mg per kilogram of the weight of the baby, divided into four daily doses.
The human body is individual and has a different sensitivity to different substances and chemical compounds. There are also those who do not tolerate drugs of antimicrobial groups of b-lactams and macrolides. If this is the case, the patient is assigned second-level medicines related to lincosamides (natural products), or their half synthetic analogues - clindamycins.
Lincosamides perfectly react streptococci and staphylococci. This group includes: lincomycin, vagicin, dalacin, dalacin C, clindamycin, clindacin.
Linkomycin is recommended for taking half an hour - an hour before meals or two hours after the end. Capsules or tablets do not divide, but swallow whole together with a significant volume of water.
Children age from six to 14 years, and whose body weight exceeds 25 kg, daily dosage is prescribed at the rate of 30 mg per kilogram of the weight of a small patient. The result is spread over several steps, maintaining the same interval. In case of severe pathology, the dosage of the drug can be doubled.
The starting dose of an adult patient is 0.5 g three times throughout the day. If a severe degree of pathology is diagnosed, the therapy scheme changes slightly: 0.5 g four times a day at equal intervals. Duration of treatment from one week to three.
If the patient suffers from renal insufficiency, a quantitative correction of lincomycin is mandatory.
The drug is contraindicated in the case of hypersensitivity to the component composition of the drug, as well as severe violations in the liver and / or kidneys, children under the age of 6 years.
Clindamycin quickly and completely absorbed by the gastric mucosa, while taking the drug does not depend on the time of nutrition. A single dose for an adult patient is 0.15 g, taken every six hours, in the case of a severe stage of the disease, the dosage is increased to the figures from 0.3 to 0.45 g. The daily amount of clindamycin for small patients is from 8 to 25 mg calculated for kilogram of the weight of the baby, divided into three to four receptions.
It is not recommended to use in cases of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, newborns up to a month. With special care is introduced during pregnancy and feeding the baby breast milk, with a history of ulcerative colitis, myasthenia gravis, liver and / or kidney dysfunction, bronchial asthma.
With drug therapy of laryngitis there is no consensual panacea. In each individual case, it is necessary to select exactly the drug that will be most optimal. Essential to the final result is a well-defined dosage, and a schedule for taking the medicine, and the method of its administration. Effectively combine all these factors only a qualified specialist. After all, the "wrong" drug can not only reduce the quality of the expected result, but it can also bring significant harm to the health of the patient. Prolonged self-treatment can lead to a stable non-perception pathogens of certain antibiotics, which can significantly complicate the subsequent therapy, as well as provoke the development of dysbacteriosis in the intestine.
To date, local antibiotics have appeared in the form of aerosols, which are effective, easy to use, and, due to local effects, do not lead to negative changes in other organs and systems of the patient's body. One of these medicines is bioparox.
A nozzle of the inhaler bioparox is injected into the oral cavity and four clicks are applied to the cap (four doses) - this is the amount usually prescribed for adults and adolescents who have already reached the age of 12 years. For children older than 2.5 years, but not yet reached 14, spray with laryngitis one or two doses. To achieve maximum effect, after the introduction of the drug, preferably 20 minutes nothing to eat or drink. The duration of treatment is seven days.
Contraindicated bioparoks for use, if the patient has an increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug, if he has a tendency to allergic reactions. In case of accidentally spraying the medicine into the eye, it is necessary to rinse the eye organically in a large amount of clean water, then come to the ophthalmologist for an examination.
Treatment of chronic laryngitis with antibiotics
Only complex therapy, including not only medical treatment, but also physiotherapeutic procedures aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease, restoring and activating the body's defenses, can cure a slow-witted laryngitis. The complex therapy includes the treatment of chronic laryngitis with antibiotics, which are represented on the modern pharmacological market by a wide range, various forms of release. During the treatment period, irrigation of the laryngeal mucosa is also used with anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antibacterial solutions. Used antibiotics on an oil and alcohol basis, which, lubricating, disinfect the mucous throat. In the role of maintenance therapy, inhalations have proved themselves well.
Very effective in cases of hypertrophic type of chronic leak, aerosol formulations of drugs on a steroid basis in combination with antibiotics have shown themselves. Against the backdrop of such treatment, well-proven physiotherapeutic procedures are not superfluous: an ultrasonic method for treating throat diseases and ultraphonophoresis, which is performed with the use of corticosteroid chemical compounds. Only after the inflammation has been eliminated, the further care for the patient, after the otolaryngologist, is taken by the phonopaedist - the teacher by speech and vocals, since after a long illness the patients will not have to take a course of gymnastics for the ligaments.
Therapy of laryngitis is aimed at eliminating inflammation, which is what the antibiotic does. In parallel, the activation of blood flow in the problem area, the normalization of metabolic processes in the tissues of the larynx. To do this, UHF-inductothermy and the technique of therapy with impulse currents can be prescribed, or as doctors call it-darsonvalization. Well proven and mud applications of the throat area (temperature 40o C). The therapeutic course of mud therapy includes at least ten sessions of ten minutes each.
When diagnosing a diffuse form of chronic laryngitis, therapeutic therapy is performed in a hospital setting. With a certain pattern of the disease, there is a need for surgical intervention, with excision of the area of hyperplasia. Surgery is performed under a special microscope. Such a patient must undergo a full examination twice a year, as this form of the disease is a precancerous condition.
Antibiotics for tracheitis and laryngitis
Antibiotics for tracheitis and laryngitis are prescribed by a doctor only if pathogenic pathogens are pathogenic strains of bacteria. Primarily, local effects are attributed. Such a drug can be called a new generation medicine, produced in the form of an aerosol - bioparox. The bottle is easy to use, and does not require any additional knowledge. Irrigation is carried out as an oral cavity, so, if necessary, and nasal passages.
The attending physician may prescribe antibiotics in the case of a long-term current pathology, when there is an exacerbation or other diseases, for example, sinusitis, tonsillitis or otitis. In such a situation, azithromycin is suitable, which is allowed for use even in infants, as well as other drugs of the macrolide group.
Azithromycin is administered orally once a day for an hour - one and a half before meals or two hours after a meal. The starting dosage of an adult is 0.5 g, the next four days - 0.25 g. The course dose is 1.5 g.
Contraindications to azithromycin include increased sensitivity to macrolide antibiotics. With particular caution, this drug should be prescribed in case of severe form of liver and kidney dysfunction, with a tendency to allergic reactions, during pregnancy and lactation.
Antibiotics for acute laryngitis
Often, SARS, with inadequate treatment, can develop into an acute form of laryngitis. This course of the disease requires emergency medication and bed rest for the patient. Therapeutic therapy includes antibiotics for acute laryngitis, minimization of speech activity: it is preferable to remain silent at all, and if there is an obvious need to speak quietly, without tension, on exhalation.
During the illness period, exclude their diet of acute food, do not take very hot or excessively cold meals and drinks. Do not consume alcohol and nicotine.
High efficiency of treatment in acute form of laryngitis can be obtained only through complex treatment:
- To dilute very thick sputum, the doctor usually prescribes such drugs as tussin, ACTS-long, mucaltin, solvine, stoptussin, flumucil, bromhexine. The starting schedule for taking is one tablet a day.
- To soften and remove the dryness of the laryngeal mucosa, it will be very good to drink alkaline mineral water, for example, Borjomi. Vodichku drink room temperature, you can dilute 1: 1 with milk.
- Help and alcohol applications on the larynx (alcohol diluted 1: 1 with water to prevent skin surface burn).
- Effective will be and mustard plasters placed on the chest and calf muscles.
- Inhalations with flavored oils.
- Hot foot baths with mustard.
Do not do with such a picture of the disease and without antibiotics. In this situation, medicines are prescribed for both local and systemic action.
Topical preparations are mainly attributed in the form of aerosols, for example, bioparox. Advantage of this form of application: the drug, sprayed, finely dispersed drops evenly covers the entire affected surface, direct direct contact of the active substance and the causative agent of the disease is obtained, deep penetration into the tissue is observed. Local application of modern antibiotics allows to avoid the emergence of resistance of pathogenic microflora to a medicinal preparation, as well as the development of intestinal dysbiosis.
Drugs of systemic action are assigned to different forms of release: these can be tablets administered orally, as well as solutions for intramuscular and intravenous injections. Used drugs, mainly penicillin and cephalosporin group.
If antibiotics of systemic action were used in the protocol of acute laryngitis treatment, after completion of treatment, it is necessary to drink drugs that allow restoring the balance of the intestinal microflora that was disturbed by the action of the active substance of the drug. Against this background, antibiotics of local action significantly benefit. But only the specialist is able, after receiving a general picture of the pathology, to designate the "right" medicine and make a decision about the need for local or systemic application.
What is the antibiotic for laryngitis?
The causes of laryngitis are diverse, but only if the cause of the disease is an infectious disease of the body (for example, diphtheria, syphilis, tuberculosis), the attending physician makes medicinal products related to antibiotics in the protocol of therapy. These drugs are the basis of treatment. So what antibiotic with laryngitis? After all, the introduction of such drugs should be treated with extreme caution, especially since only knowing the causative agent of the disease, you can prescribe an adequate drug.
Patients often wonder why, after drinking an expensive strong antibiotic, the desired result was not obtained, and the corrected inexpensive medicine proved to be effective. So what's the reason? Inefficiency in the first case was obtained not because the expensive drug is "bad", but simply, it is, most likely, designed to "fight" with another pathogen. There is an incorrect choice of a medicine.
Today bioparox or imudone is widely used today. These drugs can be used in conjunction with other antibiotics (for example, systemic action).
Imudon is a resorption tablet that is prescribed to patients older than three years of age. Allowed to take up to eight tablets a day at intervals of two to three hours. Duration of treatment - ten days.
To remove the pain symptoms, the otolaryngologist can assign the rinsing of hexoral to the patient. And also other antibiotic agents can be used in complex therapy:
- Drugs penicillin group: ampicillin, oxacillin, ticarcillin, piperacillin, carbenicillin, amoxicillin, azlocillin.
- Preparations of cephalosporin group: ceftriaxone, cefpir, aksetin, cefotaxime, cefpodoxime, cefepime, cefixime, zinacef, cefoperazone, ceftibuten, ceftazidime, cefodizim, ceftetamet.
- Preparations of the fluoroquinolone group: levoflaxacin, sparfloxacin, ofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, moxifloxacin.
- Preparations of the macrolitic group: sumamed, erythromycin, azithromycin, clarithromycin.
Correctly pick up the treatment can only the doctor, since antibiotics are appointed strictly individually, depending on the "provoker" of the disease and the severity of the pathology.
Antibiotics for laryngitis in children
Catarrhal diseases affect children often enough and correctly diagnosed, along with adequate treatment, is a pledge not only for the quick recovery of a small patient, but also for the state of his health in the future. It's not a secret that, often, treating one disease, there is an attack on all the systems and organs of the baby's body. Strong antibiotics of systemic action "beat" the work of the liver, pancreas and so on. Therefore, after curing a catarrhal disease, further it is necessary to introduce maintenance therapy, for example, a liver. Therefore, it is necessary to observe special care in taking any medications, including antibiotics.
It is not necessary to expose the life and health of a little man to the risk by prescribing such medications himself. Antibiotics for laryngitis in children should be attributed only to a pediatrician, and only after examination and examination of the baby. When prescribing drugs, the following is taken into account: both urinalysis, the degree of intoxication of the organism, the duration of the illness and the presence of other diseases in the child's anamnesis.
If the causative agent of the disease is a virus, then antibiotics are not used in therapeutic therapy - they are not effective, antiviral drugs are suitable here. If the aggressor is a pathogenic bacterium, this is work for antibiotics.
These antibiotics are especially used in children with laryngitis: augmentin, amoxiclav (penicillins), syrups and tablet form of reception - cefadox and cefix, injections - fortum, ceftriaxone, cefotaxime (cephalosporins), as well as clarithromycin, sumamed, macropen, azitro sandoz (macrolides ).
Correctly prescribed treatment will bring relief to the baby the next day, and a noticeable result can be observed after two to three days.
Do not ignore the "catarrhal disease", waiting for the body to cope on its own. For a baby, this can be dangerous. There is a real threat of suffocation, which can actually lead to the death of a little man.
Antibiotics for laryngitis in adults
The period of dampness and cold - at such a time it is quite difficult to "slip" without picking up the disease. And often SARS, "transferred to the feet," is reborn in other diseases of the upper respiratory tract, often diagnosed and laryngitis. Primarily, it passes in acute form, and gradually, if the disease has not been fully treated or the patient has received not quite the right therapy, the pathology turns into a chronic disease.
Antibiotics for laryngitis in adults are prescribed by a doctor - an otolaryngologist on the same principle as small patients. Primarily it is necessary to diagnose pathology and to find out the root cause of its appearance. Only having established a source, it is possible to talk about treatment: to prescribe or not to prescribe antibiotics. If the cause of the disease in the virus - the course of antibiotics will not do anything, antiviral therapy can be of real help here. If the culprit is one of the strains of bacteria, antibiotic drugs are the number one medicine in therapy.
Modern pharmacology has a fairly extensive arsenal of medicines that can effectively cope with the pathogenic flora. At the same time, acting locally, their use allows you to evenly cover the entire area of the lesion, penetrating into the deep layers of the larynx region, acting directly on the "aggressor". Such a mechanism of work of new generation drugs not only gives a wonderful therapeutic result, but also allows not to have a significant effect on other systems of the patient's body, it makes it possible to avoid dysbacteriosis and the emergence of bacteria resistance to antibiotics.
Some medicines related to antibiotics have already been mentioned above, which effectively work on stopping laryngitis. Recall some of the most popular with the appointment: spray bioparox (active substance fusafugin), sumamed (azithromycin), amoxiclav, ceftriaxone, fluimucil antibiotic it.
Everything can start with a small cold and many people think that it's enough to get your feet, drink hot tea and everything will pass. In the case of wet feet and a slight hypothermia - this really is enough. But if we are talking about a disease caused by strains of bacteria, then everything is much more complicated. Do not pull with the reference to a qualified specialist. Laryngeal edema can lead to suffocation and oxygen starvation of brain cells. Without emergency medical care the patient can expect a fatal outcome. Do not tempt fate. Only a specialist who prescribes "correct" antibiotics with laryngitis will help to maintain health, and sometimes even life.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Antibiotics for laryngitis" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.