What is possible from a cough during pregnancy?
Last reviewed: 19.10.2021

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What is possible from a cough during pregnancy? This issue worries a lot of women, because respiratory organs are affected quite often because of their barrier function, especially in pregnant women. Therefore, this question is worth it because of its importance, because mother worries in the first place for her child. Use medicamentous and alternative means, but the priority is the question, so as not to harm the baby with such treatment.
Means for coughing during pregnancy
Pregnancy is the period when another woman's life develops in the female body and at this time one should take a very careful attitude to the nutrition and reception of any pharmacological preparations. Fetus is an agent alien to the body of a woman, in fact 50% of the information it contains from the pope. The immune system of a woman perceives it as an antibody to some extent, therefore, until the formation of its placenta with an individual barrier and blood flow, a state of relative immunosuppression develops. The state of relative immunosuppression of the pregnant woman's body contributes to the fact that the chances of getting any respiratory disease increase many times, so pregnant women who have not previously complained of frequent incidence suffer from a respiratory system pathology.
Cough is one of the symptoms of respiratory diseases and it can be called a "watchdog" on the way to the lungs. It is important because it is the protective mechanism of our body. To treat a cough you need to know some of its features - dry or wet, when it appears, persistent or symptomatic. The main causes that can cause cough are as follows:
- pneumonia;
- acute or chronic bronchitis;
- bronchial asthma;
- pulmonary tuberculosis;
- tracheitis;
- laryngitis;
- pharyngitis;
- otitis.
In any case, this is just one of the symptoms of the pathology, so do not seriously treat the symptom, but you need to treat the disease, and cough - in a comprehensive therapy.
For pregnant women, the choice of medication is very important, because along with the effectiveness it should have minimal impact on the child.
Dr. IOM is a medicament for coughing that doctors allow during pregnancy. This product of plant origin and contains many medicinal herbs. It includes: menthol, ginger, aloe, nightshade, licorice, elecampane, basil. This product has an expectorant and bronchodilating effect due to the rich plant composition. Also, the drug removes the mucosal edema, reduces the severity of the inflammatory reaction, and thus sputum is better left, transforming the dry cough into a wet cough with the fastest resolution of the situation. The preparation has various forms - lozenges for resorption with different flavors, cough syrup, ointment, which is spread on the chest. Apply syrup for one teaspoon three times a day, lozenges - three times a day. In pregnancy, such a drug is allowed because of its minimal harm according to the plant composition.
Stoathal is a homeopathic remedy with a combined composition that has herbal components - Pulsatilla, Ipecacuana, Spongia, Rumex, Bryonia. This composition makes it possible to use carelessness during pregnancy. But you should clearly limit the dose, because the composition includes alcohol. Substances that make up the drug have an expectorant and bronchodilating effect, and they also make the cough softer and dilute sputum. Stoddal has an effect on the cough center and reduces the severity of coughing when it is dry and unproductive. Also, the drug has spasmolytic activity in relation to the muscle fibers of the bronchi, which further reduces their spasm. The drug is available in the form of a syrup and is applied to fifteen milliliters three times a day. In pregnancy, such a drug is allowed because of its minimal harm according to the plant composition.
Herbion is a herbal remedy for cough, which is also recommended during pregnancy due to its composition. Two main types of this drug should be distinguished, since they have different indications. HERBION Ivy syrup is shown with a damp cough, because due to the composition it dilutes sputum and improves its excretion. The drug helps to reduce the level of calcium in the muscle cells of the bronchial tree and activates beta-adrenoreceptors, which in turn expands the bronchi and improves the outflow of mucus. Also, the drug activates the work of alveolocytes of the second order and this increases the synthesis of the surfactant, which improves the protective mechanisms of the alveoli. The drug is produced in syrup and taken at five milliliters twice a day. HERBION syrup of plantain has activity in dry cough. This is due to the fact that the preparation has in its composition biologically active substances and vitamin C. These substances bind to specific receptors in the gastrointestinal tract and they stimulate the secretion of bronchial glands, which increases the moisture of the cough. Also, the drug has an immunomodulatory effect, which increases the synthesis of interferons and shows its antibacterial effect. Vitamin C, which is part of its composition, has an antioxidant effect and increases the vascular resistance to the action of cytokines. It is used in the same way. In the studies, Herbion had no teratogenic effect on the fetus, so during pregnancy it is allowed.
Dr. Theiss is an antitussive drug that has an effect similar to Gerbion with an extract of plantain. This drug has an expectorant and mucolytic effect due to the action on the gland of the bronchial tree and the reduction of the secretion of mucus. The main component is also a plantain, but it has a slightly different mechanism of action, so it is recommended for dry and moist unproductive cough. The drug is produced in syrup and is applied on a tablespoon, that is, fifteen milliliters three times a day. Also there is Dr. Theiss with an extract of Echinacea. The given preparation is issued in the form of tablets and tablets for resorption. Such a drug has no significant effect on cough, and to a greater extent it is an immunomodulator, so with this purpose in complex therapy can be used. In pregnancy, such a drug is allowed because of its minimal harm according to the plant composition.
Mukaltin is an expectorant, the main component of which is the althea medicinal plant. This drug is recommended for a more dry cough, as it enhances the bronchodilator effect and promotes the advancement and better excretion of sputum from the lower respiratory tract. The drug also has an anti-inflammatory effect and envelops the bronchial wall, which reduces the irritating effect of viruses and bacteria and speeds up recovery. The drug is available in the form of tablets of 50 milligrams, as well as in the form of a syrup called the main active ingredient - Alteika. Use one tablet three or four times a day. In pregnancy, such a drug is allowed because of its minimal harm according to the plant composition.
Lisobakt - a drug that is often used in the pathology of the respiratory system. In the treatment of cough, it is not applied, because it has a slightly different effect. The composition of the drug includes lysozyme and pyridoxine. Lysozyme is a natural substance that is contained in human saliva and has a bactericidal effect. Therefore, the main effect of the drug is antiviral and bactericidal. It increases the local defenses and thanks to vitamin B 6 in its composition, the drug has a protective property with respect to fungi. It is used in complex therapy for the treatment of respiratory diseases as tablets for resorption of one tablet three times a day. When pregnancy is used because of the composition of the drug.
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Other remedies for coughing during pregnancy
There are also other medications that can be used during pregnancy. These funds also have testimonies in accordance with the nature of the cough and the characteristics of the drugs.
An asterisk from a cough during pregnancy is a frequent remedy used by women with various pathologies of the respiratory system. Thanks to a huge number of strong substances - aromatic oils, eucalyptus and menthol - the preparation has a pronounced stimulating effect on the receptors of the nasal cavity and this narrows the vessels. This effect is very useful in severe rhinitis. Also, the drug has a bactericidal property, so it is used by lubricating a small area of skin near the nostrils. To treat a cough, you need to inhale with a drop of such a solution. It is very important to observe precautions in the form of avoiding excessive rubbing in the skin and using a large dose, as this can cause a burn of bronchial mucosa.
Iodine mesh can also be used in pregnancy as a cough remedy. For this, you need only take iodine, which has not expired. You need to apply on the chest area, but you should avoid the heart area. The effect of this treatment is the bactericidal property of iodine that penetrates the skin. Also, iodine has a warming effect due to the expansion of capillaries, which stimulates blood circulation and improves sputum discharge and reduces cough. In pregnancy, this drug is safe in case of treatment once a day, with a preliminary test with iodine for sensitivity.
Cough medicines during pregnancy that are safe for the child are the above drugs - Dr. IOM, Althea syrup, Herbion, Stoathal, Dr. Theiss, and also other medicines - Bronchicum, Solodki syrup, Lincas. These drugs are allowed during pregnancy precisely because of their plant composition.
Bronchicum is a herbal preparation based on thyme, which has an antispasmodic and bronchodilator effect, as well as an anti-inflammatory and expectorant property. The drug for coughing is used as an elixir and take one teaspoon five to six times a day.
Linkas is a multicomponent cough drug that has an expectorant, mucolytic and bronchodilating effect. The drug is not recommended for concomitant diabetes. It is used in syrup for ten milliliters three times a day.
Compresses from cough during pregnancy are also widespread due to their availability and good effect. In the case of moist, low-productivity cough, such compresses improve sputum discharge and facilitate breathing.
Compress of honey can be used twice a day. Honey has a pronounced immunomodulatory effect, and also improves local blood circulation, which improves the outflow of sputum. For such a compress it is necessary to take honey, heat it to a liquid state, spread the skin with this solution and put a piece of woolen cloth on top, then roll and lie down for about twenty minutes.
The potato compress also improves local blood circulation, enhances the expansion of the bronchial tubes and sputum easily moves along the respiratory tract. Such a compress is better done at night, but one should be careful with the temperature of the potato to avoid a burn. For such a compress, it is necessary to weld the potatoes in the shell, then to shred and roll them into the cotton fabric. It is necessary to put on the chest, preferably on some clothes, and then cover it with a woolen shawl. Keep such a compress until it cools.
Cough lozenges and lollies during pregnancy are also often used because of their local effects. But here one should be more cautious, because such candies can be absorbed and the risk of bad influence is greater than when using other means. The lozenges that can be coughing during pregnancy are Dr. IOM, Lizobakt, Pharingosept, Tantum Verde.
Pharyngocept is a drug that has a local bacteriostatic property in the coccal flora and fungus. The drug acts only locally, does not affect the intestinal biocenosis of a pregnant woman, so it can be used during pregnancy. In the treatment of cough, the drug moistens the nasopharyngeal cavity and increases the amount of saliva, which improves the rheological properties of phlegm. Therefore, the drug is used to treat a cough one tablet three times a day.
Tantum - Verde is a drug approved for the treatment of cough in pregnant women from the group of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. This drug has a local anti-inflammatory and analgesic property, which is especially effective when coughing caused by inflammation of the upper respiratory tract or their traumatization. The drug is taken one tablet three times a day until they are completely dissolved.
Tablets from cough during pregnancy as a systemic use are not recommended, because they have a pronounced effect on the fetus. Especially it concerns derivatives of codeine - Kodterpin, Stopptussin, Antitussin. Antibiotics in the tablet form should be taken only on strict indications and prescriptions of the doctor, as their harm may be greater than the expected result.
Remedies for dry cough during pregnancy - it can be Herbion syrup with plantain extract. It has activity with a dry cough due to increased secretion of bronchial glands by sputum, which increases the moisture of the cough. Tablets with a central mechanism of action from a dry cough are prohibited during pregnancy.
Sprays from cough during pregnancy also have a local effect, so they are very effective.
Miramistin is a solution that can be used as a spray for the throat. It has an antiseptic effect on many bacteria and fungi. Also, the drug has a reparative effect on the bronchial mucosa, which strengthens their walls and reduces the severity of cough.
Givalex is an effective effective drug that is used in the complex therapy of respiratory diseases. It has antibacterial effect, antiseptic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory. The drug is used with caution during pregnancy.
Alternative means for coughing during pregnancy
Alternative means for coughing during pregnancy are of priority importance, as phytopreparations and other useful substances have no harm for the unborn child. They use a lot of means - fats, oils, physiotherapeutic and physical methods of treatment.
Massage during pregnancy is an effective remedy to improve sputum discharge. This physical effect improves local blood circulation, the outflow of lymph and sputum becomes more fluid. After the massage, a draining position is recommended, which can completely drain the bronchial tree and cough becomes less pronounced. Banks during pregnancy from cough can use together with massage or individually. To do this, use special massage jars that have a suction effect and improve lymphatic flow and circulation. Then the lavage of sputum improves on the bronchial tree, and the cough becomes more productive and clears throat better. This remedy is very effective against cough and during pregnancy can be used, since it is not a harmful method.
A cake for cough during pregnancy is an effective remedy, because it can be considered a kind of compress. For the preparation of such cakes use one tablespoon of honey, dried mustard and a teaspoon of olive oil. These ingredients are mixed and make a compress, which is put on the chest and covered with cellophane film, and then with a woolen scarf. This cake improves blood circulation, sputum discharge and facilitates breathing.
Cocoa butter, like other aromatics, stimulates the secretion of bronchial glands and improves the rheological properties of sputum. For coughing, steam inhalations with cocoa butter are used, using a nebulizer or simple home inhalation. To do this, you need to boil water, add two or three drops of cocoa butter, cover yourself with a towel and breathe for twenty minutes. After such procedures, cough will become more productive.
Burnt sugar from cough is an old alternative, which is often used to treat pregnant women because of their minimal harm. The effect of this prescription is to treat dry cough and increase its productivity due to the altered properties of sugar. To prepare such a recipe you need to take five tablespoons of sugar, pour it into enameled dishes and heat on the stove, stirring constantly. In this case, the sugar should dissolve and slightly darken to the color of the caramel, but do not warm it to black because it is harmful. Next, you need to pour the sugar caramel into molds and form candies. Such candies should be sucked at least three times a day, then the dry cough becomes more viscous.
Soda from cough during pregnancy is also widely used because of its alkaline properties. It is able to make the sputum more fluid and coughing easier because the alkaline base liquefies the polysaccharide sputum complexes. You can use not only a solution of soda, but also make steam inhalations. To make a medicinal drink from soda you need to warm up the milk to a hot state, add a teaspoon of soda and stir it. You can also add honey and a little butter to make it softer for the throat. Such a solution should be drunk three times a day for a glass, besides the benefits, it is also pleasant to the taste.
You can also do inhalation from soda. To do this at home, you need to add two tablespoons of soda to a liter of hot water and mix it, you need to breathe such a solution for up to twenty minutes a day. Even for pregnant women such inhalations are allowed and they can be used up to five times a day.
Honey from cough during pregnancy is used very often as compresses, teas, infusions and other recipes. It has a mild effect and many properties of immunomodulating, which not only cures cough, but also prevents the development of complications in the form of a prolonged dry cough after the disease.
There are many recipes for the use of honey from cough. One of them is the use of honey and aloe. Honey is a rich natural product, which is often used in different branches of alternative medicine. The aloe plant also contains a huge amount of vitamins B, C, A, E; amino acids; carotenoids; phytoncids; tannins; flavonoids; calcium, phosphorus, chlorine, magnesium, zinc, bromine, iodine. For a medical solution of honey and aloe, take two tablespoons of honey and ten drops of fresh aloe juice per half liter of boiled hot water. Such a solution should be taken on a tablespoon three to four times a day during the week.
Honey is also combined with other substances. Onions with honey have an effect not only on cough, but it also has a bactericidal property and inhibits the synthesis of bacterial wall components. You can use two basic recipes. Juice from grated onions should be mixed with liquid honey in a ratio of one to one and take a teaspoon every four hours in an acute period. You can also mix the grated onion with honey and take such a gruel according to the same scheme.
You can also use cabbage with honey in the form of compresses. To do this, take cabbage, dip it into boiling water for a couple of seconds, so that the leaves become soft, then spread a leaf of cabbage with honey and apply this side to the chest, and not in the heart. From above, as well as any compress should be wrapped with cellophane film and woolen cloth. You can make such a compress at night. At the same time there is an improvement in breathing and coughing is better because of the removal of the edema of mucous membranes.
As compresses are often used and other substances, in particular borosuchiy and mutton fat. This fat can be bought in a pharmacy in a glass jar. Very good effect it gives in connection with improvement of local blood circulation, due to what the swelling of bronchial mucosa decreases and cough becomes more mild and productive. For this effect, it is best to do compresses at night by lubricating the area of the chest, with the exception of the heart, and then covering with warm woolen cloth.
Propolis is also a product of beekeeping, therefore it has an immunostimulating, antibacterial, antioxidant effect. To treat cough use propolis tincture, but with pregnancy alcohol is not recommended, so you need to make another solution. In a water bath, propolis and butter must be melted, stirred to a homogeneous consistency, and then take one spoonful of such a mass three times a day.
Recipes for cough during pregnancy with milk are very common because of its pronounced effect and pleasant taste, in addition, and minimal harm. Milk can be taken in a hot form, while you need to add honey and soda. Such milk with honey and soda is very useful and it helps to change the cough from dry to wet. Milk and mineral water are also used. This is best suited to Borjomi, because it is alkaline water, which helps to thin the sputum with a low-yield cough. To do this, in a glass of warm milk you need to add half a glass of mineral water, then drink in a warm form at least three times a day. You can also drink milk with onions, for this in warm milk you need to add a few drops of onion juice and drink such milk warm. Milk with figs has a stabilizing and bronchodilating effect, which is also used to treat a cough during pregnancy.
Herbs for coughing during pregnancy
Phytotherapy is widely used for coughing during pregnancy, since many herbs have a pronounced tropism to the respiratory system and at the same time they are harmless to the unborn child. Many medicinal syrups are produced on the basis of herbs, so you can use these herbs with the same efficiency, preparing infusions at home.
Thermopsis is a plant that is widely used to treat cough. It contains many useful biologically active substances, saponins, essential oils, which have a good expectorant effect.
Mother-and-stepmother is a natural plant that is included in various breastfeeds because of the pronounced effect in diseases of the respiratory system. It contains a mucous secret that protects the epithelial ball of the bronchi and prevents its irritation with dry cough. Also, due to the content of saponins and organic acids, the mother-and-stepmother is used for dry cough and promotes its liquefaction.
Plantain is a plant that has many beneficial properties and is more active with dry cough. This is due to the fact that the plantain has in its composition biologically active substances that bind to specific receptors and stimulate the secretion of bronchial glands, which increases the moisture of the cough.
Chamomile has many useful fatty acids that are able to react with polysaccharides of sputum and split them, making the cough softer, more productive, and quickly passes all the symptoms.
Fig is a fruit plant that contains many vitamins of group B, PP, C, as well as potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, tannins and essential oils. All these components have an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect, as well as an expectorant and a diuretic property. All these effects are supplemented with a sweating action, which improves the course of not only respiratory infections, but also coughing.
Ginger and its fruits are widely used in medicine, especially in the treatment of respiratory diseases in pregnant women. For the treatment of cough, it is used as an expectorant and anesthetic, which is especially important when irritating the bronchial mucosa with a dry cough. Ginger is also known for its high immunomodulatory effect.
Licorice is used to treat a cough during pregnancy in the form of a root. This plant has an expectorant effect and a pronounced softening effect.
Sage - a medicinal plant that can increase the secretion of bronchial glands and pronounced dry cough becomes more mild, and there is also a pronounced antimicrobial effect.
Lime and viburnum has long been considered a good cure for cough and any manifestations of viral infections, given their diaphoretic and detoxification properties.
Frozen berries are medicinal berries that regulate permeability through the wall of the capillary and improve the saturation of the alveoli with oxygen, which improves the condition of a woman with severe symptoms of cough and other pathology of the respiratory system.
Ledum is a plant that suppresses a cough and has in the composition of vitamin C, which affects the immunity of a pregnant woman.
Eucalyptus contains a huge amount of vitamins B, C; amino acids; phytoncids; tannins; flavonoids; calcium, phosphorus, chlorine, magnesium, iodine, which contributes to its widespread use in coughing in pregnant women, because it has an anti-edematous effect and improves the outflow of sputum along the airways.
Thymus and calendula are primarily characterized by antibacterial properties, so they dissolve purulent sputum and improve its outflow and respiration.
Radish is also often used to treat cough in pregnant women because of its pronounced mucolytic effect in combination with various substances. To do this, use black radish. It can be mixed with honey and with aloe juice, which also has a good effect on the severity of dry cough.
These herbs should be used as herbal infusions by brewing in hot water, and take instead of tea with a pronounced cough at least five times a day. Mixtures of such herbs in the form of breast-feeding in various combinations of components are also very useful.
Also use other broths from a cough during pregnancy from dry fruits of a raspberry, a bilberry, a guelder-rose.
Rubbing from a cough during pregnancy with oils and fats is beneficial for improving blood circulation and removing the swelling from the bronchial mucosa.
Inhalation is a good way to deliver a medicine or plant to the lower respiratory tract. Nebulizer is a good professional inhalation means, which can be successfully used with a pronounced low-yield cough. But you can also use a simple pan with water as an "inhaler".
Antibiotics from cough during pregnancy are not used, if it is only treatment of the cough itself. If the cough is caused by pneumonia, then it is reasonable to take an antibiotic. Then the drug should be selected, to which the suspected pathogen is most sensitive and which is the most safe for the fetus.
Bioparox from cough during pregnancy is often used as a local antibacterial agent that has activity against many microorganisms. This is a spray that contains an antibiotic, and there is no data on the clinical trials of this drug during pregnancy. Therefore, the drug can be used as a local remedy, but only on the advice of a doctor.
An effective remedy for coughing during pregnancy is certainly one that will well cure the symptom and not harm the future baby. It is better to give preference in this case to medicinal plants and alternative means.
What can you do from a cough during pregnancy is very difficult to answer right away, but after summarizing all the preparations, you should give preference to those that are derivatives of plants with differentiation of the nature of the cough and the corresponding drug. There are also many alternative cough treatments that should be used as a priority because of their simplicity and accessibility.